Tt si U.!. paei: six THE EVENING HERALD, I'LAIM A I S. OKI-CON mm "See here," . , i jj flf j'jj (j j( I want to remind you about that small chew of this good tobacco. It tastes better because it's good tobacco. Its quality saves you part of your tobacco money. It goes further and lasts longer. THE REAL TOBACCO CHEW Put up in two styles RIGHT GUT is a short-cut tobacco W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco Sl'OKANK. Wash June IP I mler ,th ni.inagoir.eitt of ih.' SpoKiiiu I Automobile Chamber of Ooinmoiro 'imipOSOll of mi to MUlll 111' doitlots ot this city a stioteh of toad near Iti'te that hH bothered motorists foi mini seasons because of t tint Is being Iiii prmed. Members of tho chumhor i" saving tho waste oil trim tlioir war ages, mid already 25 barrels of U hat been ncettniplntod for sprinkling on tho road. J Tho chamber bus art tinged to haul Mho oil to tho road and apply It so that tho property owners will bo P' to no expense whatever for tho lin prou'iuont. THESE KIDS WILL GET PLENTY OF SUNDAY SCHOOL SPOKANF.. Wash . Jimo 10 Ootng to "Sunday" school every day for :j month Is to be tho experience of sev eral hundred children of this city, WH V NOT TRY THIS SCII flIGHTHERE? during the coming summer Tho an-( nual vacation Bible school fo the In-, lami Kmplre association, with ses sions flv days a week, is to be held i during July and August. I The dally program will Include; GREAT FALLS. Mont . Juno 10 music, verse finding, story tolling. In an effort to eradicate tho dunde moving pictures and swimming. It is to be held un-jbf the proposed enforcment of a cltv j. v. Kan tea show oil that Mend's popu der the direction of K C. Knapp. sec- ordinance which provides a fine of latlou exreod it.tiou people tt l retary of tho association No fees or, $r,o for eory property owner who understood thit olhor towns In fire BEND ELKS GET i CHAPTER SOON I I'KND. Juno :. Willi Ho- now :n I instituting n Mend ohap'o- .f il.t 1 Hone volent ant' I'rotectlx UtVer ol , r. k lr. M I Touey. d .) i .' exalted ruler, will arrive In llontl dtir lug the latter part of this uion'li, ttc rordlug to W (.. Cooper of Hon I w'io has boon actively engaged i'i l-ti'ii? Ing a It. P. O K. chapter In fii:t-j Oregon. The principal olM-irl-' h.-h has stood in tho way of Heed's ''!' ing a chapter was tho belle tint! Hend did not hao the reo..!.-. 'o tuition are charged. I PUT OLD ENEMY TO UTTER ROUT ! Tells how to lift off that touchy corn without hurting one particle fall to remoxo tho weeks from hl'gon having chanter of Klk an- fiv promises. The ordinance likewise ornMo to tbp Institution of a lodge provides that eery It hours which here the dandelions are permitted to row , - unhampered constitutes .i now of-, "TWO CENT STAMP ,fT , ,., ' BACK JULY FIRST t In case tho owner ot tho property. after notification by tho city street lluslness house i. largo users ..' the j commissioner. falH to remove tho malls, soon will .. rtile to . weeds, or In case the owner cannot ; 8,antll amount In their stamp out ,be located, the street commission ih ROt for on juy j ,1,,, 2.ct.nt stamp required to hire them destroyed.; again will be on the Job and ever IThe expense is lo be charged as n one-ounce ot tlrst class malt ran he Hospital records show that every SDt'c,al ,ax aRInt the property. This. s,.nt rK,t along to any part of the time you cut a corn you Invite lick- tles are a,so Included In tho provls-' rnlted States nntl Its possessions for Jaw- or blood poison, which Is needless,' ,ons oi tne ordinance, but It Is m bo 2 pennies. Souvenir potcird nter sajs a Cincinnati authority, who tells Invoked particularly agalnt i'ie den- chants ought to enjoy a boom, 'no you that a quarter ounce of a drug delfons. I for the time-honored, green-hued I- called freezone can be obtained at lit tle cost from the drug store, but Is cent stump will give Ihe 2 center tho , fti tt mil tt ft t I it I v I f u'ii ltil i -it rufficlent to rid one's feet of exeryi"UKfc. KUOr b ARE cnn ,e j,ent anywhere In tho I' h hard or soft corn or callus. WANTED ON BORDER' at the cost 1if tine now. Tho Increase You simply apply a few drops of. , In postal rates has now been In ef- this freezone on a tender, aching corn i WASHINGTON', June 10. Addl-'fect "Inc November 2. .1917. when and the Foreness Is Instantly relieved, j .onai troops protection along the ' lnp war-lime measure was passed by Shortly the entire corn can be lifted i MeXCan i)oriier has been asked U- congress. out. root and a I. without nam. This drug is sticky, but dries at once day of the war department by Goxer- nor W. 1 Hobby of Texas. auu J3 ca.meu io jusi 8ure. up au, , Thfi Rovernor ur(.e,, tha, lhf. ,,nl com wunoui innaming or even irniai ing the surounding tissue or skin. If your wife wears high heels she "vill be glad to know of this. Adv. PUT STHCH IN rw rnnniTinm rim iiiiiiiii i iiiii' I and second regiments of tho Texas 'guard, organized during the wnr, be I mustered Into federal service Immed iately and stationed nt strnte';lcnl , points along the border. Hobby, In a telegram to Secretary I I tiaker, copies of which were seit to . i Congressmen Gardner, Ilee mid I Hudipeth, stated that the action was necessary to assure adequate protcc-' tion of life and property In Texas from any ralMs of the Mexican sec-' lions. sins, .vrou avi i:gi.ish 1,(11111, VOTI'lt Sl'OltTSMAV. WHO WKI) IIKK l l.u'UO SAV.S l.llr.STIO ItIt'LTS FKO.M AX K.VCKSS OK HV- J)ltOCiriX)KIC ACID. LOCAL MEN HEAD BODY OF BANKERS I'ndlgeMed food delayed In the stomach decays, or rather, ferments the same as food left In the open air, tays a noted authority. He also tells us that Indigestion Is caused by Hy- per-acldlty, meaning, there la an ex- cess of hydrochloric acid in the stom ach which prevents complete diges tion and starts food fermentation. Thus everything eaten sours In the btomach much like garbage sours In a can, forming acrid fluid and gases which inflate tho stomach like a toy balloon. Then we feel a heavy, lumpy misery in the chest, we belch up gas, we eructate sour food or have heartburn, flatulence, water-brash or nausea, - He tails us to lay aside all diges tive aids and InatoUd,' get from any pharmacy four ounce of Jad Salts and take a tablespoonful In a glass of water before breakfast and drink -while it Is effervescing and further more, to continue this for a week. While relief follows the first dose, it Js important to neutralize the acidity, remove the gas-making mass, start tho liver, stimulate the kidneys and -ibus promote a free flow of pure di gestive juices, Jad Baits Is inexpensive and ! made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with llthla and sodium phosphate. This harm 'Jess salts is used by thousands of people for stomach trouble with ex cellent resiilta. AUv, MKDFOKD, June 'J. The annual meeting of Southern Oregon bankers closed here with the election of the following officers Chairman, Leslie Rogers, Klamath Falls; vice-president ' George Lundburg. Grants I'ass, se cretary antl treasurer, A. B. Epper son, Klamath Falls. i . , OAItltAGK. ' Those desiring Garbage hauled,, can 37(J. ku. Hunter, City Scaven Ker. o.(5 CAN I BE CURED?" SAYS THE SUFFERER How oftm hsve you beard tbit d cry from the victims of distiar. Per haps the dUordrr bis tone too far for help, but oftru'r It Is juat In its first (tine and tb pains and adits are only nature's firat cries for help,' Do not Ueipalr. Find out the cauae aud glre nature all the help you can aod aha will repay you with health. Look after the kidneya. The kidneys are the moat overworked organa of the human body, and when they fail In their work of lilterioc and throwing off the poiaon that constantly accumulates In the aya tem, everything goea wrong, GOLD MKDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules will give almoat immediate relief from kid ney and bladder troublea and their kin dred allrarnti. They will free your IsMly from pain in abort order. But be tire to get GOLD MEDAL. Look for l!ie name on every box. In three alzea, seilH parkacM. Money refunded If "i-r do not belp jim, bbW j .aigjggttd!C 1 K I aiiiiiiiiKt !l a V ' tjLLLLf 1 1 ,'CjB, . Mgar S M if saV sallfi va fsgKgSKSKaKCiaVg9HLH f 1 j aBBHrflMI II iaaiaaaaaaafcWjaaaaaaaBSSssssssaw--.. MggJit7,xaMfJJajf 7V. W k JaHBBBSasVaSaSaHaSaSav '"riiAi ICaavSaiiHk 0 " Cable despatcliea atatu thut h'ry. Ava Wllllnx Aitor, rflst wlfo -.f J-'don-el John Jacob Astor and for innny years leader In American rocietv, tvim married quietly In London to Lord Ulbblestlale, fumous as a sportrfimi'i AMELS meet your fondost cigarette mn- i cics in so ninny now u'is thoy nro so tpusunl in flavor, so refreshinK', so metlow- tnild, yet so full-bodied that you quickly realize their superior quality, and, become n Camel enthusiast ! Cmel arc unlike any other cigarette you ever Ihoktd. Their expert blend of choice Turkish and jtholc Domestic tobaccos gives you so many delights. It not only assures that wonderful smoothness mid tefrsshing taste but it eliminates bite and harshness I And, you smoke Camels without any unpleasant ciga fstty aftertaste or unpleasant cigaretty odor I No matter how fond you become of Camels t Smoke 4htm liberally! Tiey riaver will tin your tattel Tho blend takes care of that I Compart Camels with any cigaratta in the world at ny price I It J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO COMPANY WlaaUB-StUaa, N. C Z Jr-"j,'. population A recent city census r i, gymnasium work Hon pest here, notice has been glen ducted under the direction of M.i r atj(JSgHgJglt?5'I fffityi iiirv'ma MiiUfctgBgWsf f lfJP f t !LSg 1 18c a package igarettes MANY ArrtoFMy HAPPEN IN MAY JtA l.i'M. 'u.f to W t'l ' ' " cli'ents r-nt ' ' ' ' 'trial ncrldent comm'xslnn fur Mv. this month. Hikes u the secuttl 'llgbest iti 'he blto-v of the riontri metit August 1W. IHilK Mrsl will total Hf 2 10 t ucclttciits reported c -Idents are npproxlmalely lit u . ly. iiccortllng to flKtirea available (of -' punt seMir-! wreVts Of the .".; i-'dl."s ? i "n. rnmtnlsHinn ! ti eV eti'l nt timn T I'ifee " "- " " " t'.'F. Frlco. electrlclnn. Moslor, H. K, t-'ntrlrkoti. pii'nted. Pertland: limn "chaffer. H'O'V ! "- '" ton. Five hundred nnd fifty-six of the veek's nrrlden's were siililert In l''e 'irovlslttns of !'" rnio",t,'Oi 'It Wf"" frnnl'flrlllS ""d eo-n--liie thnt have rejected the provllo'i of ii'o net. nntl 1 1 wore from public mil. 'tv rorerirnlloei " ' subject to lh'5 provisions of the net. SWAT T,-'c "OOTCR AND SAVE THE EGG Itoostors mil tueded ns breeders -diiiiilit bo put In tho Hiitue class its flics when It routes to mviittlnir. It l estlinnted by lite l.'nlti-d States do 'lartttteitt of ngri'-iilttire that Jl.'.ono. 000 worth of okks spoil yearly iliup ly beriiUKi) thoy are fertile, Fertile eggd. when sllbje-totl lo high summer temperature, bonlti to Hatch Just lot when pliictl In tin In cubator or under it lieu. "Utl evott though the prncess roiltlllties bill it short time tho egg becomes unfit for food This Hpollngo of eggs cnn b entirely uHinltiated by awaiting or tllsposlng of tho rooster nft'T Hie breeding season Is over. Tim cam paign for the production of Infertile eggs" has boon waged several years liv I'nlteil tHates tlopiirtment of itgrlcul. lure poultry HPffliillstH nntl Is being taken up with renewed vigor In states where summer temperatures uro highest und losses are greatest, Weeks have been designated 'flwnt the Itooster' for thn sale or stirpltis uiiilit birds, Knormous rtiuntltleu of roosters, not needed nnd being foil needlessly, have, been marketed tltir-, lug such weeks. It Is much more gen. orally understood that hens will lay Just as well without n mnto In the flock. MiitK w n.u it is niyritiiu 11 it in itn. lun- I" Fortv eirlouds of V ur has be-lt dlstrtliul'tl III !( th mertciin relief intitml'xditi following evncttatlon of that rlt In Ihe llotshetlki under procure of Lell'tll nntl Gerinntl Vldllllleert - .ll tiitch to Horlierl Hoover tin been re port! d E TP PIMFN vof 'n itiiiNt; Mini mi,oit imi i -'iti ivnii -.i:i: ti:, ,M -ll.l'IM'lt Wben yon ilitrkon voiir bnlr !th Ti-.i Ait. I rtiilphur. no one tun tell, 'it'fto.'o If, done ml tiiiltirnll . ao .eiil I'reimritig t ltt-4 mixture, iliotigh, nt honte I mtiiiay and trouble. .me For .".ft cenla you cell bu M mi) rilug tore the rndv.ti.tin prep. ni-4tln, itnproied by the mblltloii of .ill er lllglndlelllt. -lllli-d U'jetli'a'Satte ml Sultiliiir t'otiiiioiliid " Von Jutt d.ititiien .1 sponge or soft brush lth It ii in I dm thlt through jour hair, nildiu one itinll sirnnd at n time. Ity li.r.i'ilui nil grar bnlr dliappeara, niidl nfter ntiothi-r uppllrntloii or two, your bnlr buroiiies beautifully darkened, gloomy and luxtirlunt. drii, fnl"il hair, thotigh no din gr.'iru, U a sign of old age, mid an o nil deilro a yonthftil and attractive iilipe.trftnce, set busy at once with Wjoth's Sage and Sulphur Compound and loon H-ar younger Glass of Hot Water Before Breakfast a Splendid Habit Opan slulcea of tha system Men morning and wnh away U polaonout, stagnant mattir, I .... ... ..nlnn.jj l.i tf-l dull and Iomv) hrn we art, splitting lirndarhe, lufty from a toU foul '-ingue, iiiy bietb, add tom- It. lallie hark. can. Instead, both look .lliJ feel tle.U J U tlly bjr WUb- itg tlie iMiiKons nnd loilnn from U .m tt plio-pbated Iml water a oi irulnic We should drink. iM-fme bfcallfut. gl of fel ho' os'er llh ", sp -.itiriil of lutiesiiiiie ihopiite la It to fnitii me siotiiuch, llr, iM-lu-v.. und ten rd of bowel the pre tnm day's Itiills-stlbln wte. Mf bile and pulMuiou toilus tbu clfta lug, .Kcrtenlng nd purifying the o- Hie all titan tr.ic( b-forn PUlUif- iitiite food Into the (.tollmen The in turn of littiivtimc phoipbll uti.l hot i'er mi mi empty mmachU wimderfiilh liivlg'ir.iilttK It cleans oat nil the sour fermentation". unit iicblliy Mini K'vr 0I1 J al.lrn.IHil PPelH- ft brrakfMl " II ,B .m.l io be but a Utile sHt U ....- In ID Ilie roues b'-Klll lo til'l"' " cheeks A .lunrhT lund ot no- -phosphn.o lll cost icry llltl. drug s.oro. but is aiimelMit to tfM ainotte who 1. b.-re.l wlnMJ" pes., ronstlpn.llo... "'...Hitch IronbHW rl,eu......lsm a real .-nil.uls-t ' subject of internal .nllalh. W and oU nro nssureu iui j - bettor and feel heller la "r ww liil'llv - Ailv ,Mi;i)l-OItI) HCIX IIUSI.VIStJU()VS. .M;-'0FOItI). June ft -Tn.i .InHnuii company has mldtv' six lux hi.ikoif. to its force, mtikliiK i men employed by the compin. Tin,' com. pany lias ono ordor for .OiiO.i"!! i.pplti boxes nnd 45,000 tun boxes from a California firm, to bo used In hand ling tho fruit crap In the Iloi'tio Illvi r vulley. I" Motor Trucks For Sale Heavy Units for Road Work Alio Light Trucks Greatly Reduced Prices Address SPRUCE PRODUCTION CORPORATION Vancouver Barracks Vancouver, Wash. ' " T ,