m THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON '" i:si..h m l(l vaom TWO inn. V rV i i. ; Eii KP !S ir. ALtUm Amxw'GEM km mW" ' .B m kjmmw W TH E 8a M FRIENDLY fc F J TOBACCO Vfl 1 r Thar's two things can't idy fee imitated youthful K iE charm and mellow old R I jr u m r If I - - Klamath ounty News ammwmmmwmmwwmmmwmmmmm 'Mellow old age" in good Kentucky Burlev Tobacco is reached after it has cured for two years. We put millions of pounds in ware houses every year, to ripen for two years. It is a slow, expensive method. But it makes Velvet as good a pipe tobacco as hioncy can buy. IS U i i 9 or aW sBs - MT. I.AM. . There lro atii'ii tit'' at the Ml l.tiKI oliuroli Irtitl !' ' ' I - ..Mr ii.tlt- milliliter 111 lit' I n tery tilde speaker unit li.i.it Mil .attention f Hi" wlti'l" iitiil""-1 " , u. I) I'rlMlo Mini ftt'i'il M'-'i'v ! Sunday iiUurniHin with II l1 U-wi .noil and family Ml Myrtle Hulled in lit" "l"K ' Hal till week. ' tlforKo tltliilo and titmilv and Rev. Vlk.in in mli' it l rip i "'" ' ! Acetify Tliumdn) whfnt Air lirlMln jluul some work in put up In iti' '" , etery. ' The farmers nr very lmy plmii I llIK ptitltlHr. Mm Murphey of Kiueue i y1HIiik her daughter. Mm U-rl Letter til" a sNter from llrlllsh CnlumlilM There will be it plrnK- dinner til ' Mr liven ISrltfllh home next Sun , dav nflor which there will prea. h llIK. Mitt Ituth Patten railed I'D Ml . Myrtle llutler Thursday ASHLAND'S FOURTH ANNUAL GRAND CELEBRATION AND Rv Roundup It makes Velvet mel low and friendly cool and long-burning. Get that charm of Velvet's mellow age in your pipe today. ' Mllll-WI' 1 v Mr. and Mm. Ham Wtiodard I ' eiidlUK a few tiny ill the J l Ho ' lilouii home i Mr. anil Mm J. H llnotier Krtve n ilinti'p In honor of their ni ullu mill 1m lloopor. Inut SnltirO.tt n.ah! JIU Vt'iU I'otuir pi'iii Minultiv . with Mm. t:. li. PiivU ' Mr l.tirviu tif Kl.tiiuilli F'ull iiir- vijyfil atiinn lanil lor Victor ti.ifMc Sumltiy. Mr. iiml Mm John Urpuv !r ami Mm. Win Tliifilny. Ml IU Hmjwr ulut Mm Auallii lliitiptT ttt-r Klm it) ValU rUUom Tuwilnt July 3-4-5 BIGGER AND BETTER THE GREATEST SHOW THAN EVER IN THE WEST Everybody Is Going "L. -U K1?i z fer timjMLU'JT-ryrrmmsie fjupje&'fJntfeM.JctoccoCa Roll a VELVET Cigarette TOBACCO LM4CTTC. rVlM TDHACCb CO." A .. .sI'ltl.NU UKi: IHtllTIM.o. 4 v - - - Mm V. E Culmim vlnlttl mi Mm. Frank Hinwurt in itny ht week. ' M.U Mnuil'i Schrflnor pinl.ii-' u lew iUii wliii Mm. Wnnl Utilitn i Mm Krnnk Slfwnrt ami Mr V K. Kolsum vlitlU'il wllli Mm I'lMd ' Miiuk 1'rlil.ty afternoon Mr nml Mm A. II. c'heyn. Mr iimil Mrn. riiux. Mark, Mr atitt Mr.. Win. Cleyni Mr anil Mr. Witrtl Dolan. Mr. nml Mm. Klmrr .Mnr'ln. nml Mr. ami Mm SchrWnnr inrt county neat lltor Stttunlay : ! White Pelican Hotel I Dining Room NOV OPEN FOR SEASON 1919 The Place to Entertain Your Friends Dinner Dancing PHONE NO. 5 AND MAKE RESERVATIONS IMI.YANZ.I MM'.U... OPERA HOUSE TUESDAY WED. JUNE 10-11 PRICES: CHILDREN 50c; ADULTS $1.00 R. M. HARVEY Presents BANKERS OF STATE I m B W A mm. mm "1 II I I "1 ' 1 "I ('ell Di'ul, it noldlcr In tht Avia tion corpn. rnturiicil to liU him in l.aiiKi'll Valley Hut unlay from train- MEET AT PORTLAND) " "" ' Mm Mnry r.nnttnlilnn unil hnr mil 1 I In-law, Chorion llyritn. from Wall Wnlla, vhtltfil hr nlcctt, Mm. J. O. Homakor, In Ilnnnnzn a low dnyit Tim lnduntrlal club tnnt June ltd to talk ovtr thflr work nml plan I.ouIho Con, who U vlnltlnR Ilonan za frlcmlH won honcirril by a ur prliio party Momlay nlxhl. A nlo.w ant -vnlnK wan iipont by all kihwU. Many farmvm urouml llonanza ro riort thflr ryo Injured by front and freezing. nmfjBi Clark Ilmnakcr wan In from ihn PORTLAND. Juno 10 Quits it Bala affair will be thu convcntlo-i of the Oregon State Hankum anoclu Hon, which in scheduled to hold In annual assembly In Portland Friday and Saturday with tho routlnn buM ness of the nciiiilon pleasantly Hand wlched with social events. J 1,. Hartman, secretary of iho As sociation, estimates that at l'uint ITS members will attend, from the I ffiplmiu tinnllnv ntitnra (if flln fttuli. and counts upon tho Rose rV.iiv.il ""maker -mlll this week on .ui.l- ,, ., ... I nes. attractions to Impel! them to tirliiK i , their wives nnil families. The proKramme of entertainment ,not only Includes the final day of !' 4.444...4--4- - t, TttttJ You Don t Need a Tool Box WHEN YOU CO TO FORT KLAMATH The Fort Klamath Garage will do your work and do it right at reasonable prices. We carry a full line of Accessories, Gas and Oils. Cars for Hire FORT KLAMATH GARAGE . i POSTAL TKL :iu.PH TO ItKIU'Ci: KATKH. And Creole Beauty Chorus THE LARGEST AND HIGHEST CLASS MINSTREL ORGANIZATION EN ROUTE. A GUARANTEED ATTRACTION 40 MINSTREL KINGS AND QUEENS Including Famous Ballad Singers, Entrancing Danc ers, Novelty Entertainers, Expert Comedians, Instru mental and Vocal Soloists. A, 20-Piece Band, Every Man a Soloist. 10 VAUDEVILLE ACTS 10 WATCH FOR THE PARADE!! H ERALD WANT ADS Bring home the Bacon Every Time. Try 'em festival, but Is replete with theatar parties and other social event. On Buturday afternoon tho visiting bank era will bo taken for a cruise about the harbor and that evening, ut the hotel Multnomah, will bo spread tne annual banquet of tho association. Sessions of the association nro to be held In the ballroom ot thu Mult nomah, and the programme Includes the following addresses by prominent eastern bankers and member, of the state association. PiASO TUNING. Mr. R. 8. Pell, tbe expert piano tuner Is now bore. Order can bo phoned to Metropolitan hotel. 4-6 .."W.'H. Morgan .expert Piano Tuner, will make 'heatjqaarter at fHwpherd Piaao uepot, aext ooor to ronorrice. PboaeMV. 9-3 . The area popularity of the Travel. em IjOWCOHT oaaraateea urn pol icies to reaected;ia the fact that dar. lac'lMS tala aroftTeattT company I. ted aBore.Uiaa fllS.000,000 ef,ew Ufa basiaaM. Ak Oblleota 9mllk aooat tae nsww jwjw.uftci. -n . Van's nhone number is the ame as always 298-W. 2tt NKW YORK. June 10 Postal Telegraph company has announced that its rates will he reduced 20 per cent as soon as government wire con trol Is completely removed. AHIILAM) COMMKRCK ci.tm IH rutOWINt). ASHLAND, Juno ""D. Elghty-flve new names wero added to tho Com mercial club at tho seml-annuul meet Ing Monday evening. Tho club In busy making plans for tho July celebration CIIANGK OK PR1CKH AT THK LinKRTY. uwing to an additional war tax or o per cent having- been placed on picture inms wnicn is placing a heavy burden on. the theatre people na inejr nireaay near a straight 10 per cent fax onr admissions, it la ne cessary that part of this tax be borne ty Theatre haa paid the entire war tax' but tho extra tax makes It Im- possinie to uo this. However by tho dew plan the' afternoon prices remain tho same as' before, namoly ten and twenty cents. In tbe evening the prices will be ton and twenty five cents for.. tho regular shows, subject to variation on special attractions. 5-3t Propst & Porter Proprietors Phone - YOUR MONEY WORKS FOR YOU When deposited hero at tho Klmt National Hunk In Havings Account. Tbus-lho more you earn and depwii the more your money earns for you-and pretty w" with such double effortthe pile begins to loom up a worthwhile asset for you We Particularly Invltn Those on Pa)rolU to Open Havings Accounts K. It. nfawes, lYsaidaat. li. ,V, VIUef, Vlce4raldit Iealle Ropers, Oaabier. A.,M. ColHer, Aaajt, Osank, Johp M. afoore, Asst, Casliler. M riRSTNAriONALBANK KLAMATH FALLS QREQON OR CHCKS AN KENS CHICKEN FEED. ALL SIZES SHELL. SCRATCH FEED. CRACKED EGG MASH. CHARCOAL. BONE, AND STcTedTo Murphey's Feed & Seed Store LICE, 126 South Sixth St phone i KILLER. t,