UI.NDU.M M l. Illllt. THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON 'Ac.k seven fllT! FIHSPU EMI COME Oil li"l U7HE AO'S SI t'b x invll"' ' t moil "' (Tim ' liiim ' ' l.ll-ClltH " 3 II'' niliriii " HIOU'l,l Iiir t' v union WliU. fur ' "'" influ' mntt Kill Hint Mill: i ri sill' I rill' tirrtl nilt' iitl' i ,rr ,i 'nil' ' li'iinm' l , hi mil liv 'tin I'linnnm l.lllll" ' fill Iiktm (if (Ho I i iin t mi. Idaho mill Mi in , i ml tli Kri'itl farnmt i iini i'll .lull" 11.12 und in i ii hii gennrnl llinl nnrlv r mi iiltiiiiiiinr nf llii' 11,11 v tm liorito out. iii'riiril 1 1 ( ions, Hi'iTfllirv nf tin- in iniHiilnlliiii In Hpok-itn-i ,ir. utillRtliilly lata!", I In' M 0 ' vmPf- VMM i . tpjM.'K j IT Ml 'vit ' N!$W -' MUy Stalin a. VT ' IB&iAV!s vnrici: to ciilditoiw. In Hi" County Court of Hi'" Htnfo nf Uii'i'im'. for tin- County of Kliiti nth In llii' Malti-r of I In' Lst.iti- of r II dlllllll'T, lll'Cf I1HI (I' Nollii- Ik h'-P-liy iriwn ili.il F L Hiiimm In llii' ilnl iiiiolnl il 'i tin 1 1 fiuil fiiliiiltilHtralor of the above en lllli'il iHlnii', nml Hint nil persons liavlni! ilnltim against Hi' mild iHtnie Will ir"K('nl till' Hlllllf "I'll Villi' llers nltiirlir'il. iinil properly verified, wlth In nix iniitiih fruiii ill'' ilut'1 of this iiollre, lo thin admltilslriitor. it t In law office of II M Manning. Loomls lltlllillng. Klninmli Falls. Klmiiaili County, Or con. which Ik the I I.t- thin ndmliimtrnlor ha chosen lo tri.n- KltCt I III' lltlHllH'KB of Bflld oVnle Dated May thu 21lh. 1919 F. L. Ill'RNrf. Administrator of tho "Kintn of 8. II. (Jiirdnur. deceaied. 2fi 2-'j-i r.-2:s &L1: L J x&iKZZf U all i" J PROFESSIONAL CARDS A i$ry it on pe IVue ' Wr.." tj itiii fra.t fit Lm it you tcrttii titd 'riAsr. 2t u rUr irl iurft ty It r..j r-ct f ) crj rib lup it of -tt.l 04 cut ii; If tun bUTU' llihcKl mull prlrnn p:ilil for lino Oltl.(.OS INDIAN PUTS A.ND oTiir.u i:i:i.i(.s I'onloltlff Ilox 2fiC KLAMATH FAI.I.S. OIlK. n n n n i f n ii'ii'ifi fVWi-YNSiJi,fiiii"i J r,lt Main SI. fiitniiTt ri .'ijim ii il it in lir frtrtpil un Hi" In r cimiukI A "liini ruin i i . iiNi'ii hi ii ibi room for .1 i ! unit I'hll lrin. linn II' -i In. i iUi- i urn-, "- . , .. tul tin! .i 'iry.. prn. iHTOi K IKXSS I Wilt'il lll ( ulllt' III In l lif County Court of tin- State of Or"i;on, for tin- County of Klam ath. In tin- Miit lor of tho Kslatc of Kllra lii'th M (larhirni'ail. ilr-masi'il: Not li Ih liiTchy Klvt-n that tho un- t miTiii ttiouwmi fiiriii.t. jirnRi n'n n Aoninrn nni iirislio iiTHicnMi iian hccn npiiointcii mm im ii,, in uilli lli..ir fiiii.il." ULUAI II I lLL I III II il ll "tBllfl.-il 8 ox.'rmrlx of iho mate ot ' iIlKALu 0 uLAooiriLU uULu VI IN 0 :!';:::r;t,,cj;:nH; ni'il I'diiitc will prvKeiil the samo within six lnontlm rrom mo nato or FOR SALE "l0"t '" """,",t "' I'"''"!.' ''' l"'r" ihlH nolle properly v.-rlfl-d. with, ilium in kiiiii mi.i-i. mi.i tm 1,,.,... W), ),,.,. ait Iiftl. at the olllro or ii.' il.iin p-iwiiifiil in mi ..Hliinatiil oct. M MBnnK, nornoy at law. I.nomll lli ItlililiK iciiii-nt rliln w-iill.K roll iiii,n U'lmnutli IVilU. Orccon. ,rt,. tirlmir, "ml Kiii'lniK. of J'... thn, ,,,,,,;,. lh(, Illace tll ,,,,,1,-ntlKnfil' II i- l.ortl ,707 00: or conrri'ii' pun-tnmii at an ,, rllM. t0 trnsact tho btiMln"&s 6 ,('Hiiiiitiicii (imi iiitiuniiiK rvinciii of the hale! 1'ilatc Datml May 3rd 1013 I'lIONi: ITiTilX lor Wood- 11211 nl" 1M TB IE WL m n a PI! JUI IM ni n MlriiCC II J L.2J I V 11 1 a L. I nidi' wiillcii. roiirrcto curlilni; and . . rnalltiK of !Gf 1.11 nil; or ullhulltlilc ,FOII 8A1.K or TroiU'--1P1 7 Muxwvll' jmyiniiciit at an c.itimato.1 cost. In- rnr In Reed rumlltlon II C ( ludlnc t nt ldf well: roncri'lc Moore. Mfrrlll. f)r I riirl.lnt; and i;rn llni:. of $ftC.27.00, - - uld liiiirnvi'innt In iltlnr ewmt to FOIt SAl.tC lal chuvroli't 4'I0 Imlmlo Kradlni; rolllnc. rnrhlni; and niwlv pmiiiIviI nml uvvrliailliil for roiicrolo nidi' walkn fcrt wide on ir.nn. i.i.n rli ImlniH-t. iiiriim. Cc-i- I'titli l'l' of nld Btnii'tii and. .r..i ;.,... i-i HKiTi'cimiKR unsni.vnn. i:i.i.kn ni:nuiiv. Bx'Ciirlx of tho Kstate of HlUnlii'th M. Oarlurncau, d'coas';tl. 19-2C-2-9-1C Nerici: to t.i:ditok9. a ik it i-m'utiikr unsni.vnn. in- tin- Coniiiion Counrll that tho proper- In tho County Court of thu Stato cf Full :,U! A koihI yumig Durham 'V Hrnlniiri..r .Jwrrlbml hn and hero- OreBon, lor mo Lounij ox imuul ,ow Knotilri. after 6 o'clock nt "'' ! U-rlar.d to l.o honefltod by "th. r..it...r cr.,c,..t a and Mmmilti. "il-t Improvement r S 1 kn'l a. ' ..,,,, -C. Iil ! 2, a. nod 4. Work 12: and M- C Tuor. also Known un .iru. Tnnlorly i of lllnck n. NlrhoU Ad- Mary C. Teur. duceascd: dltlon to tho t'ltv of Klnnmtli Kall.s. .onco is iicruuy (lira wiai uic u-, Lots 3. 4. B. 0, 7 and S of dersliincil lias uten ouiy appoinum udinluiBtrntor wuu uio win iinntxcu tU cut it j If tUrt U tr lfi ' B tj :: " ttA try tht U ATrtvS X j Side AViilk riiun!atlins I Dr j Till: I'AltlMA.N ItllAI'TV SHOI The Harper Method of Si alp Treatment and Shampoo- IriK Farlal Tre itrncnt, ManlruriiiK I'lii, no .100 -:-:":"X":-xM'Mx ?. .sciii.i-.i:k !j katiii:i:im: sciim:i:f rii)liiin nml Snryeoii' Off lie, Uliitr ItlilK. x-x-:-:-:m-:":x- DR. G. A. MASSEY Kiirtraonr to Ir. Truax Suit S0. 1. O. O. K. Illdg i Ollhe phone WI.I Do I'lioiic HIJ.M .. M-M...I.. Ill ..r..u - iir iiMiiiT- ... itmn .. rri.t'iiM' hide fo lloimnia- would , ..,,.',. i. i. i."i,M ' HI I t j,r. ti i i nni. Iht t Mill. . ureiii tur.i i'at ' 1(1 ol i M..PI Inn ii.n.'l.li'IU In uiii.iU.i Iini I lovkldi In llilx rllv i n ftiriii' I' V A om i' M r i"i! fruiii i.eferellie nf A i iiipot'iir) 1 ntiil M.m Fdlt SAI.K llllll'll Un nimliliT um-il i it r mid noinc r.mh In il'lir Z "1 Itnilrllffe ue , MIIIk .ld HELP WANTED HART M A N CEMEfOT CONTRACTOR Side AVnlK l'oundatl'iris l'n net (VipliiKs .Slejii. eiiii'iit IMiiMcrlr.u riixir-. Stucco anil Tnrra7Ji 1nll Cciiietcr Woik n Hpeilalt). riltST CLASS WODlv I'DICKS ISUiUT n.lX Pine St. AW"".IWW' Cor. lltli nml l'inc DR. CARTER DK.NTI.ST iviiiti: jjun.m.NG piio.nk -.wr, DENTISTS E. G. Visecarver riie.vi: a.-, j Dr P. M. Noel phexj: 4 iiiii.riliil clulw of the .wild I i rn-nper.iti. and i him mid roltf'Tflnce, lo he tniii here in ttie near futuro. whu it . i.. i -it that pormnnotii or can I- Jj ii ulll li ffeilrd WSTIIIi (llrl for ee'ierul hoimu-, work Imiulix ti!." Kliveii'h l . or phone 07-J 0-lf W'ANTKD riit Claim Ilouelund & McColluui. Mechanic. O-Gl l.om 1, 2. 3. I. f. C. 7 and S of Mock 0; l.otn I, 2, 3. t. S. 6, 7. and . In Illock 9: l.om 1. 2. 2. 1. E. C. 7. and S. of IMuek S: Lots 1, 2. . r,. 7. ntid S of Illock ' l.o" 3. i. '. 6. 7. tn. of Dlnck fl: i 'tr 1 2. 1 t, "i 6 7 c i r o " 'Pk : Lots 1 2. 7 nnd o' ninclr t. orl- WANTKD A Kooil rancli liolul lor 110, )ow f Ktimi.tli I'n11 Oreuin: lh" w'mkeii: Reed wiiKt": clone to tIu. ..nmorlv ' f"ft of niecl: r.I: idiiiimil tu uMnMlnh a lalp town Inquire llorald oftlec -tf, Tllo (.ns,rv 2'.' foot of tho proin- lueji ocrutilnl v t'1" Ulnmnt" Co'in- of tho estatd of Mr M C Teer, also known iih Mm Mary C Teer. deceased, by tho County Court of Klamath county. Oregon, and all persons hav Iiik tlaiiim .iKuinn' out I s'.it .n:o herrby refjulred to present same, properly erlfled, to said admlnlstra tor n: the offices of J H Carnahan, llonms 5 and C. Loomls Hulldlni;, Klainatli FalH. Oregon, within Mx 'months from tho first publication of this notice. Dated this 19th duy of Y.-. 19:0. O. AV. HRATTON. Administrator with tho Will annexed. 19 2C-2-9-1C White Pelican Laundry DAMP WASH, 2(1 L11S. 7."e FAMILY DRV WASH c Lll. "Put Your Dnili In O u r SiiiK" .i:t MAIN STltKITT I'lIONi: 421 0er Underwood's Sen-nth and JIain Streets FRED WESTERFELD DKNT1ST LoomN Ulils.. KI.im.illi Falls WANTHD- Al once C.ood experl- tv Mli:h School nald prnwiv lvlnrs muni t, li'iri.iil hern lltliter 111" niuu- . . i i oi me (imoniiiiou. in " o. m.,., ym,MK woman un seconu ,,,.,.,, qlt r.th. fith nml Wnshlnr r ,i niltniu'rii In price ror llvtlr. ru k ami Kiinerai nv'ip in hock i-ohu ,)ip foru.rly Cnnal Slreot; lh.ii.' mt'-renled In the iiiIiiIiik of the r.t irl. Kood wnitei., all ummer's; Ij0tH r,. 7. S, 9. and in. of Illock ........ I'll..... ni mir oTiiiiliHr. Ml S n i.n.inl limn, in rt.Minr" the Inilimlrv .'. . - .... .. ' no . .'U - m KliriHl V wneeii.tr. -.'-ii to II- old HtninllliK It lt mtlmiitml i Dint hiindri'dii of nmiill Hllver mini's In linn I il lira lull'" timir lnlll lllln. - - .rn n i i !- T fitu 1. 3. i. and Of Rl0Cl ft I otK 1. 2. 3. 4. "'I . Of inoCK T,oii 1 r"d 2 of Illock . Lwrmnn NOTlCi: 'IO CRK1HTORS. LOST AND FOUND ifOI'ND Crank for lari;o car. Own- Lots rt. 7. S. 1. nml 10 of ninrk CI it Addition to Klamath Falls. Ore Hoi; PREPARING TO TREAT GOVERNORS RIGHT In the County Court of the Stato of Oregon for tho County of Klamath. In the Matter of tho Kstato of Sarah II. McCiehee, deceased' Notice 1h hereby given that tho un dersigned has been duly appointed administrator of tho estate of Sarah II. McOehee. decoa.ii?.!, ' .' the Coun- i-i ty Court of Klamath County. Oregon, in- ' U..l .1.1,,,. ncnlnaa ,.r rim lmvii Kiune by proving prop erty nnd paying for this ml. a-u ii"Wlit '""""' '" '"" ' ... "- nd all persons having claims against Mil. I llll'l nil... .. ....,, . .l,.. .nnulroil In nuni cDiu.i' ,ii ...-.. .-(m..- - to ces of mnMi F"U Oreron. I . . ..!.. ..I.n..., .lnanrllinil Id II nrnllV - 'FOUND Aiitomonlle. license and "".". -n '"""'"' ,'''""' -"'.'.a present same, properly verified, lll'LUNA Mum. Juno j Com- Imiiii Ownnr can have same J,y.r"nil ' ' "T'1' 'T..J biiIiI administrator nt tho office! .... .... .... rullliiK at Herald office. Identifying, '"' 'no expense m ..un i.i..io.t.....v H Carnnhan, Rooms 5 and 6, n.rel.1 clubs of .Mo....m am making Un 11 B.tt ani, ip nF0TjVFn Loomls building: Klamath Falls. Or- Huns for thu reception Imni next ' '" ,T , . , M,, h"' eKorii within six months from the month of- governors of eastern MISCELLANEOUS jTnMnooi.- of ? oV-ooV P. M. , "t P"11.0" " B notUe- Hales, who ar" oxpected to mukr , . -- -- -,p, ,,, rnnri ri,r,mr n the rltv waicu .iia n' ' nRArrON iwo Mslts lo t.,ls Htate on their way WASTKJl- Small trnlhed or un- ,, ,in fWfl;, ns ."-- nn.l nlnce , " uAdmlnlBt;ator. 1L1'.U''310 HARLEY-DAVIDSON Service Station Exclusive Agents for the Harley- Davtdson Motorcycle. None Bet ter. All Makes or .Motorcycles Bought, Sold and Exchanged. C. E. BISMAIIK 115 S. Oth St. Klamath Falls !11H. C. A. KAMKO ' : Dentist I. O. O. F. Hulldlni; PHONE Ol CITY AND COUNTY AHSTRAOT COMPANY B17 Main AllTHVK R. WILSON Manager 319-M 'WANTEDClemi, soft pay 4 o-ntH per pound In. Cent nil Oarage. tf bring them 7-Gt to and from animal conference of rovernors, to be held at Salt iJike City. I'hiiis calling for an autumn Ml" trip westward ier thu Yellow- Miint trail from Chicago, llutle, and DON'T forget VAN'S Al'TO KXCJ'R Pfl..l.lr Helena, will he visited by I HION to Klamath Hot Springs. Join ,. ., ... , i the crowd and have a Jolly time, for tho governors, iimoiig other cities of ,,Mrtculir8 call VAN'S AUTO SKR this state Tim party will he guests of VICE. Plionu 29S-W 7-tf the towns vl-lted along the way. LANTKDTo 4 i,0d of (Int After tho clomi of the Salt Iike . k ll0rCH r muies: muBt f'lly meellnK, the party will be , (,nd and truo. Phono 11 Fll or 1-ruuKlit back to Montnna for trip rail nt Kilgowood ranch, north end tl.ru Yellowstone Nnilnn.il park nml Hwun Y""- " '' x muy also visit Olaclnr National park ipinnslrnnrrs ni"inot snld nro"os i oil nii"i"inti ni' ' -nloe Jiidc" rags will ,, nni, ,-o. u ,irectod to rnuso NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT ttntirn n' ''' liearin" to bo published -v ciiTtor nrnvldod. istito of O'ofnn. Co'mtv of Klnmnth. Cltv n' Klnmnth Fills s' I, . L. I.osvltt. Pollen Ji'dce nf alio Clf of Klnmnth Fnlls Oreeon 30-tf KLAMATH AUTO SPRING WORKS Wo Do All KUvls of Spring Repair ing New Ones Made to Order Axle Straightening and niacksniithing ALli WORK GUARANTEED Phone 250-Y 617 Klamath Atc j-ijJy-irni-Ui'VV'V'yi'" -"-- .fc.aii In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Klamath County In tho Matter of the Estato of Jeffer son F. Hoover, deceased: Vntln Id .ii..liv "Ivon thnf thl' Tin- lo lio-etiv cortuv mm xiio ior..i.-..i-m der8icno,i nns filed in the County BEET CROP IS WORTH MUCH MONEY YAKIMA, Wash, Juno 9. Sugar btet men hero i-Htlmnte that thn valuo ff sugar that will bo nuilo from tho trup of tho Yakima valley during the 1'resent sonsou will reach f3.000.000. Tho acreage In tho valley Is said to ke 9,000 acres, and It Is' expected Hint at least 102,000 tons of boots will bo harvested from this area. Fac tories are operated at Topponlsh and Buunyslde. Alroady the Influx of laborers to tend tho crop has commenced. Ap proximately 4G0 workcrn hnto arrlr f'l and It Is expectetl that half as "any more will corao. Most of them ro Mexicans and Filipinos. Sugar tet cultivation In comparatively iiew ' thin section. Tlin trreiit pnnnlnrlty of thi Travel ers WW OOHT flnaranteed llf mil. rle In rrflorted In Oio fact that dnr K 1018 thin prorrMivr company In "nod mora than MIB.OOO.MO of new We bunlnenn. Ank Dhllcote ft Smith bout tho NEW 1019 policies. 9-tf AN EXCEPTIONAL RAROAIN. Nino-room liotiso on 8th st.. first ilnor 0 roomn nnd hath; Hocnnd floor ' roomn nnd toilet j only ?2.0I)0 if mid (inlclt; fr.00 ciirIi, balntu'c $2r. i"r month. Rents for $2S A A NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETIMJ. Tho annual meeting of thu stock holders of tho I.nngxll Valluy Tolo phone Co. 111 bu held on Saturday. Juno H, 1919, at 1 o'clock, at llo nanra, for tho purposo of oloctlng a Hoard of Directors, und such other business as may properly come before tho house. B.lOt O. P. KELLER. Sec. LEGAL NOTICES &0U0fl9m wsr - iMX'"w"ir'''"i" RESOLUTION. WMmffoy, jji Jitjin at. Tho City EnKlnoor pursuant to n solution of tho Common Council heretofore adopted, having on tho Bt hday of May 1919, filed plans, spe cifications nnd estimates of tho cost of Improving High Streets from 8th Street wostorly to 1st Stroot, Includ ing IntorsoctlonB. nnd 1st, 2nd, 4th, 6th, Oth, and 7th Streets from High Street southerly to Pine Street, In cluding Intersections, and the Coun cil having tnkon the some under ad visement nnd finding the plans, spe cifications and estlmatos to bo satls- ,MDhT?.1T .illBREnY riEBOLVKD. That tho plans, specifications nnd es timates for tho Improvement of High Street from 8th Street wostorly to 1st Street, Including Intersections and 1st. 2nd, 4th. 6th, 6th. and 7th Bis. from High Street southerly to Pine Btroot. Including lntorsoctlons bo, nnd tho snmo nro horoby npprovod ""ilE IT FUnTHER nESOLVRH, That tho Common Council liornby do dares Itfl Intention lo lmprovo said portions of High Btrnot nnd 1st. 2nd. jiii. nib. nth nnd 7th Stroots In nc- rordnnro wllh snlil plans, sppcltlciv aif'tlonn nuircBUmatos; Baltl lmprovo- i n alula- en-oi1ol rnnv of a -oo1ii- Collrt ,,f tne gtutL. of Oregon, for Inn mleit-vi iv t'" ''omtfoi Council Klnmath COuntv, the final account of on tho ?rt, dnvof Mnv liT n- lllM administration of snld estate and lne Its intention to Imnrovo tlleh I((ftU) e(jlrt ,mg xe(, ,,, n,h day ot tsioo-t from St'i 3troe wostorlv to Ju, i9l9 Ilt 2:30 o'clock, p. m. us 1st Street Including iT-torsoctions th0 tm(j an(, tho court room of the nnd 1st ?nd 4th. Mh. r.th nnal 7M Ba,a corti ln tno city of Klamath otreots from Hlrti ctroot southern-to KulI oreKOn. as the place for the Pine Street. Including Intersections ,,., , ni,i.,.iinr.9 If m,v. in nntil nml nnnrovin tho tilnps. snoclflen- f)ma nccount ani for the settlement Ions nnd rstlrnntes of ho ;ost sub-i.. f mltted bv th Cltv -'nc.nror. OLD FURNITURE Repairing New Made to Order Andy Mauritsch 10 Mala St. TRY ME PHONE 170-J, DR F. R. GODDARD Osteopathic Pbyslclaa Hurgeoa Suite 211, I. 0. O. P. Tempi (over K. K. K. Store) Phone 821 . . 4 (The only Osteopathic Physi cian and Surgeon In Klsrsati Falls.) A. L 30-1 Ot. LEAV1TT, Tollco Judge. HAVINO dissolved partnership, all bills duo us, or owing by D. & M. Cleaning Co.. or Drew & Merrill, will bo payablo to ,or paid bv N. I). Drew. N. II. DREW. P. H. MERRILL. thereof. Dated Juno 2, 1919. WILLIAM G. HOOVER, Administrator of the Estate of Jefferson F. Hoover, deceased. 2,9,16,23,30. ! DIBSOLUTJION OF PARTNERSHIP Notlco Is hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing bo tweon Fraxlor nnd Woedon. of Mer rill, Is this dato dissolved. Tho busi ness ot this firm will bo continued by E. C. Fraxlor, who will pay all debts of, and collect all tho accounts due, said firm. K. C. FRAZIER. 6-3 C. T. WEEDON. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In tho County Court ot the Stato of Oregon, for tho County of Klamath. In the Matter ot tho Estate of H. O. Falrclo, deceased: Notice Is hereby given that H. M. Manning Is tho duly appolntod and Qualified executor of tho abovo en titled estato, and that all persons having claims against tho said estate will present the same, with vouchers attached, and duly verified, to tho said oxocutor at his law offlco In tho Loomls Iiullding, Klamath Falls, Klamath County, Orogon, within six months from tho dato of this potlco, Datod May 24, 1919. II. M. MANNINC1, Executor of tho Nutate, ot II, 0. Falrclo, doconsod. 20-2-9-10.23 For Home Made Bread, Pie and Cakes, Go to T. A. ROBERTSON 42 Main St One Trial Means Satisfaction Orders In Town Delivered Any Place MMManltatVtlltaaMtlMAMrArAvrsaAtfSsaMAaiklAArSaltssI THE MOUNE UNIVERSAL TRACTOR The Greatest Tractor Made JOHN M. LEWIS, Agent 6th and Main Phone 140 FOR SALE 6-room house on pavement, $1260, terms. .Paving assessments paid. www.w i ww-..'.ww.""w 60-foot lot on pavemont $2uu, 60-foot lot on 'pavement $260. Lot In industrial addition near fac tory and dopot, $100 and up. Lots in Hot Springs Addition, $325 and up. Tho only restricted resi dence district In Klamath Falls. All on terms to suit tho purchaser. See W. M. Monterlus THE KLAMATH DEVELOPMENT J COMPANY 1803 Main Street, 7-tt 1WVniyantllkaaskiasiSa4(ai1a1awArf SEE ME Wor Carpentering, Furniture Ra pairing, Linoleum Laid. HENRY SMITH Ik Hasdy Man" 10 MAIN ST. CONVENIENT HOSPITAL ROOMS DR. A. A. BOUUB X-Ray Surgery Meditime Phone 101-J 420 Main SAW MILL ENGINEERING A CONSTRUCTION CO. Designers and builders of mod era Saw Mills, Planing Mills, Box Plants. Complete plants contract ed. Appraisals and reports made. Dredging. We contract to build any class of a building und install machinery of any kind. Drafting of any kind done. Blue Prints made. PHONE 149J Office in K. D. Building 207 I. O. O. F. BLDG 'saAriAAAAArsArW WELL DRILLING Tax-katacsr Bros. A Klibraba Merrill, Oregon Or McBonald Peel Doom Klamath Falls, Oregon RECKARD'S RENT SERVICE K. F., Bend Stage Phone 276-W Lijvvxfrivyyvvrr"' E. L. ELLIOTT ATTORNEY AT LAW , 211-14 .Wlllits Bldg. Klamath Falls : Oregon ayVVsSVVVVs4VVsr4rVsat,aat1r'aAAArartA'Atfs SHANGHAI RESTAURANT (7HOP 8UKY AND NOODLE HOUSE Short Order Meals Served. 72 Main Street KLAMATH FALI.S, ORE. J-XJa9-'HaaaWr":"'0 Bl Vwm mm f R