MONlm MM ,, lAGE TWO THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON I ir s I s ft. f I Van's Ashland-Klamath Talis auto 1 1 1 L I I H IS .Miiko n oiH'rnttnp n tlntly schedule- I1HI I III III i.twton said point with luxurious : uuni- ' " - pnssenpvr car, trailers n connect urn SUiri- fare remain the snino a Inst voar Van' Auto Service, 1'hmio iw-v. 6-l ODD BOWS DM Engagement Rings Full cut. brilliant diamonds that have passed a r'Tid v amlnatin t t-i color .mil quality. In PfUny mount In C of solid cold and plntt uuui. Price of dlamonls arc ou stantly .idvauctni; We could not duplicate our present stock at tho prices w paid j Our orlRinal marking stand Fine values nh-'ti vie- t-xed tho prices, todav th ; re really Mr barRalns $35, $100, $200 and Up Frank M. Upp .n:vi:i.i:i: ,-,lt Main St. Official S V Watch Inspector J The HALLMARK Store High Grade Ladies' & Men's Clothes MADE TO ORDER FINEST MATERIALS BEST OF WORKMANSHIP LATEST STYLES PERFECT FIT GUABANTEED Prlcen are very reasonable Your inspection Invited Chas. J. Cizek MERCHANT TAILOR 511 Main SC II Physicians' Prescriptions Our Specialty Drug Stores are really neigh borhood department Mores in which -various lines are feat ured. One druggist may push patented preparations, an other toilet goods, cameras, optical service, the fountain or other department which nets him good financial re turns. Our specialty has always been the filling of Physi cians' Prescriptions, and as a result onr store has be come a prescription center. We carry an exceptional stock of prescription drags, and our laboratory equip ment is up-to-date. We em ploy only experienced grad uate pharmacists. All of your Preacrin. Uons and RedBtea are important and deaerre the pedal care wfaada we jure able to gdre INlNTflNl J HKl.KN . Mont June: Tusda Juno IT has Von tW'slBiuilid as liooil Bonds day In Montana this In a proclamation Issued by (inventor Sam ;V Stevwitt Ho urm tho people of I tho state to sot .ildo tho da fm highway Improvement nnil lu preset tho opinion that tho lesi.l.-M'-of Montana fully realise tho Immxm 'anco of Mod roads. ! In vear past It has been ilir iti itom of tin cltlren to linn i m large, number clad In nmun clothes, and pat In tho du i -h hiKhwavs. unclblw ro-n'is l n aohiev I'tl Woman Aviator Who Will Try to Bct Men Fliers in Rc.e Aero xs&El 'y,xxrvaetsss!axarixxsxusespi!Uf w i , . , s? k . - r'w . . CSk' ".. StkF thutlic WtRBByBtiSSV .WHO WOULDN'T ' GIVE 'EM A RIDE? jSj 'u: , HV1NOSTON. Mont . Jon' ' M' Marguerite Hemtngton Chart. - ' hsr two daucbtert. Phyllis a-i.l Mir guerlte. recently passed thru horo on iv wnlkluc tour from Seattle to u York. They took tho Vwllow-str-n" v., irk ? , ihmmim- to i trail from horc. attempt and n .! n ontnln i -'i Tho women had beeu soren nooks ru, rem h Kiiro;.' i uasiiuriinn ' i on tho road from Seattle wlwu thoy uuiofuno that is boinic built mt luliv 'arrlvetl here, souio day.s nmJtlns 20 ror M,,r i, n.ihB mshod to SB miles. Thoy had walked almost ;..;-i- .very day, they Mated. .Mr. Char- t r. an Englisu woman, i iukiu; Wiute. - .msmhr t svnmanti. . 'Vtt t. " ;iVUif nir&nv. ' i- B. r!rrrr'rTcsm3SSSlS2XrXSia!S ., for i I ill h ll " ts lk '.- I" 1 ' I i ' III" U '' rl ll II'' b I K ' ' IIMd" tho flint li'sh litiia i lilo.'i lu Ni .MUMOItl.M. 1- 1 1 unions. notes for a book on Amorlca. one! OKBAT yAU, .jout . Jnn " I A hO I hCQtPYS dauphtor is makitiK sketches for the ,,1(lnj rof , rion of mmona i uiontiniont lu Memorial park hrw. with latidscnp KnrdonlnR to provld a nultablo smlnK. off belnc uport- od lv th local Itotary club. It In pro. book, and tho other writes verse in her spare motuelitiU -We could hae ridikin most of th"( way." said one of tho Klrls ' Eer $:tS,HM) I Oil Mil IK'll worn; i.v AiiASKA. automobile we pnMd wanteil to b pom , , ,.,,, w lum9m r. us a "ft- sponsibilliy for providing the fumli " for the landraptnc. and tha tho in- ALASKAN CITY IS turo of tho monument and Its pur A MONEY-MAKER cnaB,, i' lo eimmitu of tt- Izeus to be named by th mayor JIKl M.n 2o I llnlll - ' lune.ui s total revenue f-r tho .mitt )i.u amoutitt'd tu i'Jl ILL'. '. accord me to a rt port of City Clerk A It. Oile submitted to the tliy council Expenditure en JT3.J.63 99 :cav-, Jl'NEAl'. May 30. (By Mnlli Iub the rapitil cltv on Ayril 1 with a j Far t work no missions In I noe on the right side of the led- Atoika thU ywor tho l'robyt-y of ger "f lll.bti:, ; Alaska will expend $3S.ano uclunlva Juneau s freedom f r m crime at f ' ' of an tilled nature illust rei from work hits bneji fondtirtetl ultice 1ST". A large audience atuntlod both Hunilny prformanceit ol llttrobl Lock wood's crat picture Xhailuuw of Suspicion.' at th Ulb-rt Thfa tr , It Is a Btory of the secret str- ' it rivoi one an idr of tho ' Inside" worttlntc of till nuxt nww nrr iirnn-h of o uatton'n d f 'n pro gram. Tb alory is full of ioe mo innt and la thniUns In the ev rm i 'il'Hon to tbe ttanal comedy which la a! way shown between pic torws at the Liberty. ow of the fm oat examples of nlon-tuotton phnto tiraphy may be ecn totiiRbt It ui entltlctl "The Home In A-t -' -td, i may ho supposed, shows In de tail tho otact tuoromint a itap.iu; and runnliii; horn kium tlirti--tlin ustratedbv .he fact that of the This Is the amount determined upon rZU ZZJl venues of the city, only 12o came ''X "" rocent annual essu of the ,, ,u 4l ,,, ,.,. , ni police fines. i Presbytery, whose;a mission OLD MILL STONES TO BE PRESERVED Mlr UMi:i. I'HII TltAI. I COL.VILLB. Wash, Juno & The, 'old millstones or burrs Installed In j a flour mill on the Mttlo Pend Oreille, river at Arden. six miles north of, 'here, by Judge Yantls In 1S5S, haro' been shipped to Spokane, where they will be placed In a mujeum. rt Is. .... (.1 . m nnn.n nt ft... Ill.d Itl11 nam lliai nuum vi ntu i,M,n fc...v jfrom Scotland and some from France. These stones ground the flour for all the country north of the Snake river ,for a time. It Is declared. O M Bell, who was Instrumental in sending the stones to the Eastern 'Washington Historical society's mua leum at Spokane, also contributed an old Bible, which for many years watt (the constant companion of Angus .Mc Donald, once governor of the Colvllle Hudson Hay Post near Marcus NOME, Alaska, April 20 (By mail i O'AiierM of fish trapt, tir-t and fish wheels placed In Alaska witt ers ure hereafter icfUlrod to put an Identification mark on their property according to a recent ruling approv ed by tho secretary of commerce The name of the Individual, company or corporation owning or ooernting the appliance, together with u distinct vo lettor or number to Identify each particular stake or net are required. (Jivr-s pi i.vo cover r i I.VINO (IV iik im w.i J I.OS ANOCLKS, Cal . June " 'Arthur V Fuller, who lint boon so, crippled for 13 enr that he .uutt Me, on his dink, gave n dItio r" ti I hero 1 rP.".,.v tn'foro n large audit nro. i Fuller, whoso bodily ailment keep' him close ut home and ! i.lio.u tmv ! tdlng Is nn Impossibility, ,e,rti htil 1 Inspiration of music glveo Mto physl cal strength to play a iec' il. rliioh j no f:pr while lylnx .'nil liir,tli bo i 't'r the instrument chaxci: or pricks , AT THK MliniTV. A I.KADKR IN MKB I.VfiURANCTJ. The great strength, tho big dlvl deends, tho Incomparnblo benefits of Tim First American I.lfn Insurntiro Company, means first class life in surance for you. For pirtlculars, soo OKO. C. UMIICII. District Man ager Tho Mutual Mfo Insuranco Company of Now York. 28-10 MONTANA "L" TO HONOR IIKItOKS WHO JUKI), BOZBMAN. Mont., Juno & Stu dent and former students of tho Mon tana State collect) who Rave their llives In the war are to be remembered iwiin a oronze lauiei to oe placed in Montana hall, on the campus. It will bear the names of IS students and former students of the institution who lost their Uvea In the military service. NOT1CK Take Auto Htuge to Portland for the Rose Fetlvitl. Illg nnil luxurious rant. Hturt Montlay, Call nt Van's Ami, Hcrvlco for particulars Phono 80H-W. 6-3 Owing In nn additional war tax of & per rent having been placed on picture films which Is placing a heavy burden on the theatre people as they already bear n straight 10 per rent tax on admissions, It Is ne cessary thnt part of this tax ho borne ty Theatre has paid the entlro war tnx but tho extra tnx makes It Im t possible to do this. Howoror by tho new plan tho afternoon prices remain . the samn ns before, namely ten nnd , twenty cents, in tho evening tno prices will bo ten and twenty five cents for tho regular shows, subject to variation on special attractions. Q-3t vj-e ' wm n?5Vri Aa ' "Tsrssns 1 . .s .Vrc yCV nacvificinj; coif, for price? Lover ccffco prices do not menn a saving. Real coffee economy lieu in strength nnd flavor. M. J.B. 1 y-vrw? UAttm ', ' li!i i!l l?.,.!v..r - -.... -I. ? - -J Coffee UK s n0 richest flavored coffee yon can buy nuv rut: nvr. pound can- AND SAVE MOM: MONLV ThoNowl,H.P.,,Z,,Enftino successfully uses KEROSENE r"",iiPIK tnt'cli lo lltl.rrtt ery Ntirrr m tl t n inMinrvtrciit. Ivtv .l.'iii ' tins r"Ml i-r'. . t I (mail pi nmplli a linn ' cm;iin I ; j il 1'. to lj 11. P. --ell of wlurli (uccuaslully run un KEROSENE lo ntn ?a DitilIto. Cm! Oil. Tcpa rr (' 1 1 UrCflf ft enjtine olwnva Iiv iiMrr. K now tit 0"v 1 ' j 1 1 l'.mM tLnsi t,,. .1 V Ct'lBpldinjl tlid ltHt lirarltral in.l clliemnt nv'" ' ' -oltiJrl. Hot vu otiinol know tlio "t b r -ti o lsit it. CotBtf ill ml "i it. ll in 111 yjmwitv 1 1 i-ur rcpUISlion ttl tllit ol I'ilfLil:lo. Muttc t Co winnxtiili!, (. Ci to sou. TAlttling Gtvttntri '.-il OnilLlme M ;i.tti P.U..--1MJ H P Solon all P 4l'Jt0 6 II. P. SI.'WtA) 1" O U. l-sy. G. C. LORENZ, 123 N. SIXTH YOUR ELECTRIC SWEEPER Will be with you nearly as long as your home itself, and should be purchased with the same care and consideration. mzA 5-3&Kfrr-y' Will be a source of satisfaction through tho years to come. No need to apologize either on account of ap pearance or performance. Free Demonatration Any Time. Link River Electric Co. PHONE 171 t i i (jfVKrwocPharnyry W'ZZ KLAMATH FAUS ORECOlt m5j I pi,i DAYUGHT HAVING IN DISFAVOR IN HOUSK. WASHINGTON, Juno J A resolu tion to repeal the daylight saving law the last Sunday in October tho day the clocks go back to standard time has been favorably reported by. th; house Interstate commerce '.oujml.-tee. , PIANO TUNING. fr TY a Vail 4 tin nwiu( nlanA . - - -If t,MO Upsct V '' i tuner in iiuw nvr.. urucra van ua phoned to Metropolitan hotel. 46 Van's phone number is the same as always 298-W. 6000 8000 Miles This is the new mileage adjustment you get with ' Goodrich Tires From j JUDD LOW 23 MAIN ST. PHONE 22-M I KLAMATH FALLS MUSIC HOUSE Representing the Old and Well Known Music House of SKeimanJPay & Go. Of San Francisco Stoiaway, WW and Other Pianos; AeolUn PiP Orfans, PlaaoU Pianos; Player Music EVERYTHING IN MUSIC-COME AND SEE J. G. RAMER Plnc o.A.Wirtx 733MiSt FOR CHICKS ID CHICKENS CHICKEN FEED. ALL SIZES GRIT. OYSTER SHELL. SCRATCH FEED. CRACKED CORN. EGG MASH. CHARCOAL. BONE, AND LICE KILLER. Murphey's Feed & Seed Store 126 South Sixth St r lil