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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (June 7, 1919)
HATI IWU. .11 v, T( , DID. rAfJR KIGIIT WOULD PUT W li THE THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FAH.S, OREGON ? Y Y ? Vi Untie fil f I vhutl' 10 "II Al Ned itsut niutral count rtS 1 IU ho our ftanltvr along tlioso tlUCa I. .'I U ltlllV VM t , tKmu (tax it'. H i safe iv. i, (l ,vi bv III" r t f'UH mill St vnoiiL mi i Wll Pr t i & hi i I Thomas A. Edison says: "GIVE EVERY HONEST MAN AND WOMAN A CHANCE TO HAVE A GOOD MUSIC IN THE HOME." THK NKW KD1SON the phonogi.tph with soul." Is the world greatest musical instrument It gives ou In oiir own homo, exactly as performed upon the hIsri'. the work of tho worlds. gnateM singer it ml Imirumon tallts This wonderful Instrument hit no HmlttitloiiH U chm ou every singer's voice with literal fldelll It l all musical instruments In one If ou own The New Edison "The rhonograph With a Soul" on can draw unstintedly on the world's rich treasure house of music The New Edison will put new- and happy colors Into the skein'of our existence if ou want Reed music .the New Kdlson I the answer Does Money Stand in the Way? Thomas A .Kdlson has advised us that we should not permit our terms of payment to deny music to any hon est man or wuioan We are. determined to curr) out .Mi. Edison's wishes If ou are temporarily hard up and are thus deterred from having muic in our home, we are prepared to remote that obstacle Let It he an ob stacle no longer Come to us and tell us tho term on which ou can conveniently u Klamath Falls Music House GEO. E. WIRTZ 725 Main St ..fieed vww j-v: Hflr- -- : ? -Jr-M mm. . r 4A44J bikes' -Your razor is no better than its blade Tha strong, keen-cutting convex edges of Gem Damaskecniolades removes the toughest stubble and tenderest growth with velvet-like smoothness. The life of each blade is remark ably long. To know the luxury of velvet-like, smooth self-shaving, you must shave with Gem Damaskeenc Blades. They leave your face with that smooth, comfortable feeling. We sell a set of seven Gem Damaskeene Blades for 50 cents. Our store is shavers' headquarter?. Baldwin Hardware Co. MVINUSTON, Mont June 7 -Finnklln K Lane seoietary of the Interim art-oullng to Washington advices U favorable to the proposal lo add the Jackson Hole counliv to Yellowstone National Park Con gressman Moniloll of W.vomlug II Is staled, has engaged to pilot u hill on I he suhject IhroiiKh congress The proposed addition Includes the Urn nil "Veto nmouulalns. Jackson lake and the headwulers of the Yellow stone river The country Is declared to he as wild as all In America, and although It Is almost unknown to tourists. It Is said to eiunl or sur pass the present park In Iteaul) In the old day, it was the refuge of outlaw Indians and later of while handlls I The area U 1,000 square miles, about one-third of that of the pres. out park. A : JL Jylamath jtate Dank "THE DAYLIGHT BANK" Corner Sixth and Main XI) "IV KOH rifcYKItN AT MOSIt)V MOSCOW. Idaho, une 7 No base ball "IV will Iw Issued this year be cause of the small number of names played, according to the decision of the athletic board Work on the rar- V slty baseball team will count, how- erer. toward the recelvlnK of the m blanket which Is awarded only after A three years of work on the varsity & llefore leaving mi (hat trip Iri . upply "il with Amerlrun IUnk-ra Travelers' tlnck. which l llif ( i-nl ami moal rouvelllfiit n fir Mm lii ratr) your imnie) You idrnurv )ourslvm ( )nit sjvf our mone) while )ou are joiing and able lo earn il. vou will I able lo ride In automobile when )ou grow older l."l tt b )otir Hankers' We pu ou t -per rent. iih llniu iluluialt W fl llllir tirininiim XOTII'K. i Van's AshlamUKIamulh Kails auto st:Ke Is operating a dally schedule between said points with luxurious T- passenger cars, trailers In connection Sit.iir., ftir. ri.lnitltiM Ihn Hnllll as last . ear Vans Aulo Service. ri, J "The House of Quality I June- I tern til lit MieiilienN. IW m AT THE CHURCHES Klnt UaptUt Cnurch corner Wash InKtou and Klghth J II Orlluth. pastor Snnda) school at 10 n m, C It DnUip. superintendent I'reachlliK at eleven, by Hev J II (rlfflth ami also In the evening at eight o'clock. The Southern Oregon and Northern California Haptlst Association will meet at this church at tun o clock a m on Thursday, the I '-III Inst and continue over Friday. Saturday niul Sunday The sessions will begin on euch day, at ten o'clock In the morning, and at two In the nftemnou and eight In the evening. Ministers and delegates are expect ed to be present from the different churches in the association, ami also special Kvnnguflsl II K Marshall of Portland, who will preach at the dif ferent meetings Sacred Heart Ctiurcn. corner 8th and High streets Itov Hugh J Mar shall, pastor 1st Masn at K 00 o'clock 10 30 Second Mass Kvening services at 7 30 I M. The Christian Science Society of Klainuth' Kails holds, services at 11.1, Fourth r.trcet every Sunday morning at 11 o'clock and every Wednesduy. evening at 7 '.10. All are welcome. I Tho subject of lesHon for Sundiiv, j "(iod the only cause und creator " . The Sunday school session Is from 9;4.r to 10 45 every Sunday morning i Tho free reading room und free , lending library Is open from 2 30 to( 4 30 on Tuesduys, Thursdays mid. HnturduH Melhodlsi Kplcopi Cnurch Tenth niul HUli ev Simpson llamrlck pastor, 1117 Kai street I'hone 87 W JitPlor l.i.U' at ' to A M siiml i) . I. . I nt 1 o- A M Mijirnlng Worship al It 00 A M Kpworth League nt 7 o M HveuUig service al t0 I M i Itev II K l.iwls of Portland, who was a cuiidldale for Governor In' Texas, und who will preach morning and evening Is n forreful speaker There will he special music at the services. The public Is cordially In vited to ntleud Pn.uliviorlnn Church. Pine street near Second Ilev K V Lawrence pastor. Morning worship at 11 A M There will be no preaching service us it Is Children's Day und the child ren ' h exerclsesvvinocciipyiiieiiiu hour The) will consist of songs ami reflations of the varied character Part-nts and friends are luvlied dime and etijo) th hour with the children h venlng'servlce al s I' .M The even lug will be given over to the story of famous hmn writers ami lltel" It) inns which will be sung Come nml enjoy the hour of snug wiih us there will be no sabbath si'lionl exrle al to A M The children are urged lo be on hand at 10 IS ready for the II n clock servlte Pra)er ineellug at s P M Wednes day nlelil Mr ! II Mason Is leading' us In (he study of the Second coming of Christ l.eij one Interested Is invited to Milt!) vtiih us at Hint hour. First Christian Church, corner Ninth and Pliin streets C. I' .Trim ble paslor We will assemble at Ibe church before nine nml at that hour leave1 for Keno, where services will be held In the mull Sunday School ns soon es we arrive, sermon following Sun day srhoo) - llrltlg vtitir ilunm nttd mjoy th day with u Ni will 1 in lusn for Hie evening nervirr tir 1st lllll I lull n r Ml lUpllit Church 7 oo. Sermon "" i Pruver llieellilK WtdllM'li ttfl. Ing nt s p in Lutheran nervlio nl t lit IllptUt rhurrh. lorner Kieliih ami 'Mn ion, al 7 30 p in Ilev M ltntn pastor, residence li T First stret Sermon b) Ihe l'alir Stimlav school will lm held at S 09 p m All are cordially invltiM to wor ship with u. Emanuel llapllst l hurrh Klrrtnlh and High street I Wilson, pf lor ,,. Kunilii) hi bind I A M Mr C Murphy. Httpi .. Preaching at II A M unit I' H Pra)er imellngs eilm mlay "If M The sludv is HeveUllon Yott r corilliillv inv lint to worship '" Si's''''''''" The Court Ca OPEJOSITE COURT HOUSE NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS TRY OUR SPECIAL SUNDAY CHICKEN DINNER L. E. CHERRY, Prop. 0 1 UBERTY THEATER "THK PICK OF THK PICTUKKS" H. W. Poole, Owner Matinee Every Day TONIGHT BESSIE BARRISCALE in "THE WHITE LIE" and Mutt and Jeff in i ?T v. - w k ' THE LION TAMER" t ... K, : j 4 Our Salesman for Quick Service A RUNNING STREAM STAYS I-Kfcari The same npplles to drug Krh- T no same iieiM..- - . ., 11..HH. pitrlU iiml """l '"; ,,ru assured wh.n "".'""X" presfrlptlon lumliw K",'! ',0 moving Thatswb; I rtj; leiommeiid tb" Hinr fir n " leglslen-d pliai mat IMS fill t"" the Slur Store THERE IS ONLY ONE WAY To secure a satin sjrin : Apply Jonte& Combination Cream, then Jonteel Powder ;S0c each, plus war tax. ARE YOU HAVING PICTURE TROUBLE? Diop your Films in at our store on Monday that you exposed on Sunday's outing. Our Photographer can bring out the finer details which are so often lost sight of. FOR MEN ONLY Star private and controlled brands of Cigars cost j you les sthan others of like quality. There is a reason. WUir? Wn uvn ffintrvvtr nirnntn Jlllfl ciCUI'S COWC 10 U direct from the packers' tables, to the complete elimi- j nation of jobbers and jobbers prof its. mum ; you profit. Bergermasters, Little Sammies, Fomenw ; Cubans. A trial will convince you. Sunday and Monday HAROLD LOCKWOOD "SHADOWS OF SUSPICION" fcxa&C temedie4u Matinees: 10c and 20c. Evenings: 10c and 25c DOORS OPEN AT 7 P .M.