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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1919)
V.GV 81 Y THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON I llll, it IV -.1 I. GOLF WINNER IN SLEEPY HOLLOW TOURNEY f 1 v -. . J ' - ' .V V 1K , The Mission of Swift & Company Swift & Company has become one of the-large businesses of the world through continuing to meet the growing needs of a nation and a world. Society has a right to ask how the increasing responsibil ities and opportunities for use fulness which go with such growth are being used by the men who direct its affairs and the men have the right to answer: To promote the production of live stock and perishables and in crease the food supply; To reach more people with more and better meat; To make a fair competitive profit, in order to reimburse the 25,000 shareholders for the use of their capital, and to provide for the future development of the business; To reduce to a minimum the costs of preparing and distributing meat and to divide the benefits of efficiency with producer and consumer; To live and let live, winning greater business only through greater usefulness, with injury to nothing but incompetency, inefficiency and waste; to deal justly, fairly, and frankly with all mankind. These are the purposes and motives of the men who direct the policies and practices of Swift & Company. Swift & Company, U. S. A. i n OELL NEVER FELT iiffebent emu HE sirs ,i ,. I'i iik M mill III I nri'lln Im I i i. i Mil'' t'o Ail I'ltH'l I- IMiVT ltl Will ruin ll Willi ,MA JWM.s TWI.W Ml. mi I. UlllV . I- MMI .lll.ll Till III- l. l or tut i.tiim v or-iMiKMin a.". llll,l,lis rti'r M.W Ml in: Mi'iiiuiMi ".'or tlu llrxt iluV In two UMirn I inn feeling strong tinil well again, mill II mi nothing lull Tmiliii' that fixed mo ii." said (leurge M. Melt, of I3JT Thtrieentli street, Denver. Colo "I iliui'i kunu whiit i ho nun lor with mo." ho n.nllliUril.'vVmiL I entile I spnuil I tnh mt This photograph of Lee Maxwell Dean of Princeton, whom ho mot In was taken Just after he hail captured ' final round. Gardiner W While ... i , i. .i of Nassau, whom ho defeated In a top honors In the annual invitation .... tl L match In the semi-finals, which wont tournament at the Sleepy Hollow ,. hoIwi nn(, Max Murston MotU!)t. Country Club. He had to play good lv caUs attention to the fact that irolf to beat such men as J Simpson he was playing on his homo course l)ateles Dispatch b A-nodalcd I'ross Auslrlu's nttllmlo Is not of ficially Knott n. but Vi una ml. Ires today roioit dlssntlsfiirlloii. The peo ple, lumber, seem np.Uhollc about ,( ,, , Mlm,.,iie null Ih making any opimstUm The modlfleii. fom(, ,, ,,,,, , ltigOI,r?m,d lion of the Herman tretm unit reenn ..-,, ,rr.,iv uiili mi'con ' m to bo approaching (o(ImI fo.-.ii It ,omill., Ti,r ,, ,, (imMtint pain Is not planned to make the terms mn , ,, mrK nm, m). ,, ,,,, ,,,, , lighter, but easier of execution W(,,l, H) , ,,, ,, , President Wilson und Premier. ,!,,., ,,u, m b1ip, My u.l l.loyd fii'iiwo nml I'lo n-l.r. in jwiii , worr, , mUoh not or Inclined to fix udefltilte sum of to-.'couM , Kl)ml !,,, ri.,t. (u ty five billion dollars us the (Jermaii r,(, ,,,, worn , , ,,,,, ,tm Ulr Indemnity. Apparently (lormany III ukmIIcIiio I took did in no kooiI and not bo permitted to enter the l.oauo nl() ,,,, nn nw(lll rl, ,, of Nutlons Itniuedlatelv h(l , nv (( ,rom ,1 , ,U(., M, The establishment ot the Khenlsh thr.e .lu at a lime. iul when I did province alonic the llhlno river which K t ,; n was all I could do' first threatened to make comnllcii- ( Kl,( nn, t, ,a). tlons In tho peare treaty with the "Tanlac uas recomuienilod in m Hermans. Is not Jor.s.dere 1 for.cisly I RO mnmicly that I decided to try It and my tlrst bottle brought my appe tite back I havn been rtltlrrly re lieved of that puln and bloating, my kidneys don't bother me any more I sleep like a log and can do n good a day's work ns anybody, In fact I W. W. AtJITATOH IS A(XJl'ITTr:i) neer felt bettor In my life limn- I OK rilAHC.K OK AVAIU'IIV. do right now " I Tanlac is sold In Ktamath Falls by ' NOIH'i: iim 'in iii ill.- si'iuclty of liibui mid ill.' Inc. Ii ttiiKos il Miimided li ciimpi. ii-ul niei liaiiles, II will bo iiM'.iHHrt- f,n us in i'Iiiiiko i"1'" l''r hour In- Mend of Tfc ror day mid Job moiU Ml Jiibi taken III advance of l Ids mil Ice will lie finished nl tho old puce Ollmatos i-livni fully fin uishi'd IIiowiiii llitu a-tt Vim's phono mnnbor is the same as always 2H8-W. 3U .linie lloioliU nl Slieplieiils. n-l 1 ' Mil "" Ml, '' ' fM "'I III ,. ' '"' tl,l ""''Ullilll,,,, d win KEEP FEET W 'I lliii I i, lllll III,. Hil I. I.IHRlnll nn, url. iieiti ii,i,i nml i'IitiiIiiIIiik (in., unll) hoIiIIhk in i 'les musing sunn, , t'.iln cull,., , h, . .,,,, ,, M lln nisi inn,., ! ri..m am ,, 7 """"" oilliie. of Ji K , , .', l0ur '"I'I I'JT UlimiUtlng ,. kl,mi)," ,,;,"1n'" "'""" '" il- wJ5 of these lliiptiilu, , """ l"d Hall- I. I... ,.. i,, , . and Is ininlo frim, n ,,. . and lemon Julie. ,,.,.,.,, ,,.,' Ill and I. used N,.l, ,.x,,, fM ,, by thousands of flk. ., ,1t . tu rlieiiuiatlnii ,,, , )lM lileasiint offore..eni lllliij ,,', ' drink wlilib ni.. i.. in,,.. r, arlllM. I. Iioiinflrlal lo ..,, (.hliin,,,, f Adr THI.IJ4 IIIIIH'MATINM Ht'KI-'KltlUIH TO TAKK SAI.TM AMI OKV lllll OK CltlC ( III ttMMOE OPS NLUKALGIA NE E rresldont Wilson may go lo llrus. sols for a visit next week The report ed capture of I'etrogrud. is apparent ly wlthmit any foundation SKATTI.K. June . -Jiuues llruco. an alleged I. W. W was found not guilty of criminal nuurchy as a result of his activity during the general strike hero last winter Ills trial was the tlntt of several radical leaders Scores of alleged I W W In the courtroom expressed delight t the xerdlci Itlioiimatlsm l no respecter of age, set, color or rank If not the most dangerous of tin inn n afflictions It Is one of the most painful. Those sub- l ject lo rheumatism should eat less I meat, dress as wariilb as possible, atolit any undue ntposiiro and, uhtio all. drink lots of pure Mitler lllieuiimtlstti Is caused by uric acid which Is urnoraled III Ibn bow els nml Into the blood It Is the function of the kidney to filter this' arid from the blood aftd cast It out In the urine, the iKres of the skin of this Impurity In damp and chilly are also moans of freeing the blood cold Meather the skin pores are dot. Dr. Jwiim' Headacho Pewdn ffivo itut&nt relief 0 dime a package. NVr.s-lsrklns. .ittit.l; or J throbbing lirs.lsrlirs ji,.l m just l i monisnU tu llr J-.,t.v ii..i..l .l.. Jis which osl only i) r,0tj ( rt. surest hrs.U'lii. relief In Ibt kaL world, Dun'l siiffrrt ll-ll.t- ft, "ly B'I tllstiMs i.uwl Vm, ,, Millions of men snj wnm'tn hn f.MII tllSt tirSllschs tv BrUrlT ntlsary U neHllu, U( )ul jsti uk lor ' II r n i T i'i.kiikc tiii:, to maiv- TAXX I.AW AMI OltDKK A.M ST.VJll' OI"T IIOlJsllKVISM A.MO.Vti lailOU KOIK'KS WINNII'KO, June fi. Four thous and veterans, at n meeting today, pledged themselves to maintain law, order and stump out llolshevlsm unit anarchy from the labor force. The feeling among returned sol dlers opposed to the general strike, and particularly to participation of aliens In strike demonstration, Is nt fever heat. Mayor Gray wus Inform ed that seierul thousand soldiers in tended to march to trades and Labor council today and force entrance If necessary and demand that all aliens be ousted from ,tlie unions They threatened to wreck the labor temple If necessary James Duncan, a Seattle labor louder In a speech yesterday referred to tho soldiers as u "bunch of Ignoramlses." Indications are cur rent that the strike will be called off In view of tlm impending action of 1 1m veteran. Physicians' Prescriptions ' Our Specialty Drug Stores are really neigh borhood department stores In which various lines aro feat ured. One druggist may push patented preparations, an other toilet goods, cameras, optical service, the fountain or other department which nets him good financial re turns. Our specialty has always been the filling of Physi cians' Prescriptions, and as a mult our store has be come a prescription center. We carry an exceptional stock of prescription drum, and our laboratory equip ment la up-to-date. We em ploy only experienced grad uate pharmacists. All of your Prescrip tions and, Reclpiee are Important and deserve the special care which we are able to giro them. IT'S A POOR DOCTOR Who Won't Take His Own Medicine 4'H"-'. THAT'S WHY WE ARE USING THIS SPACE TO TELL YOU WHAT JOLLY LITTLE BUSINESS STIMULATORS HERALD WANT ADS ARE AND WHY THEY GET RESULTS THERE IS NO GUESSWORK about a Herald Want Ad. They do the business. We know they pay. Our customers have told us so time and again. We have used them ourselves and they have never failed to get results. They are the short cut to a quick turn-over the modern method of merchandising on a small scale, where the value of the article to be sold or the importance of the want to be filled will not justify a heavy outlay.- If you had something to sell, trade or give away and went out on the street and told each person you met about what you wanted to do, you might get results but the people you talked to would be very likely to say: "That poor fish has bats in his belfry." If, on the other hand, you used a Want Ad, you would talk to the whole county at once, instead of only one person, and do it in a businesslike manner. The same rule applies to hiring help, renting a house, looking for a job, or any one of the important little incidents of life where you must call in the assistance of someone outside your immediate family. "You MIGHT get results by telling your troubles to the neighbor.3 but the certain, quick and economical way is to use a little classified ad. Do you want to buy, sell or trade, want to hire help or find work ; do you want to find a room, a house to rent, or to rent the sfme to someone else ; do you want to, call attention to some new feature of your business, seek information on some subject, or have you any little unfilled want? '"('"t' USE HERALD WANT ADS THEY DELIVER THE GOODS AND ARE ALWAYS WORKING a a g a I i J VW8;WJUlrVrH TALUS OttOOMml WH-SC MSfuU-. "SO-1S IVT V-.-.M- " mm I il i1 w.,vw FI lfMJtl