i num. ii i diiii iu;i: nun THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON I ) y. s m 1 The Evening Herald K. J M V IX It A V EDITOR PuhlihPd dally eicept Sundnv li) The Herald Publishing Company .it Klamath Kails, nt lis murtn street ICn tared at the PoMOftlCe at Klam ath. Knits. Ore., for transmission thru the malls as second-class manor - siist vn:v - - - - M t. K unil unpyti- rey t Klamath Knlls wo'1 the "ulo l.aVo lelnliy one ueeV iureylUR IntmnN wli' ii.sm:t iiinxkii t kkno M:r M vow HNI4lllIO - - II ,M'I. Ills 111 lll ...t i h ..re il romiv cnrryinK water to .1 - w thv. of land. i..v nml Ad Hunt P-' 1 ' -l In Kliitmitli Fall it,i.n friend-, nml attendlnR tlio ctmutiiiuiiui which they pronounce must Intereit- i ii ? nml Instructive Wo bollino tin ..Imrol. Wo Mill lnixi' the .-'nii.Ti ill Subscription term by mull to nn ))o , muv nlrn districts oro 9. mo will lime Sunday school "ii the S.rL!L. .. -.... ,os of th.s nr,U.e - -,t HriEV r .V.nnVr One "month B0 more ouch onnn ,) n!lVl, i,.i,(int dn with ' i .. Hiiyilcn of Klamath Full wm V I'TUl.MM.K 1'i.M.r McmtHT of the Awn-luted Press a i,ulu.M itor In this section 0110 The Associated Press Is exclul,el , v ,fts, VX,,K. ,,,, ws Accompanied Mr. .1. Hartnu.n. ciMmmt contractor ntttled to the use for republication . , . , .. octo. 111 6S.s I'lno nt., l IH rc.l c? al nevVdlpatches credited to It ' " , ,. , Mr bn-inos, Mr Harltuun ..- S ot otherwise credited In this p..- Slmnn are busy these or(. highly tvcmnionded tir " - - - - ... . . . .. ... i ..h . . .. (. ...!. iti. titiir ii lUl-ll$UC4l iliws roUmuUp up uu'lr urunriius iui -Mttus lm-vimim- u vij .- ,,.". 1,1 h., t Asliliind the 4th ivoubl 1.0 oll for ttu... wuiiuiK first -" -" .1 ... it l.l lin i Iltrrlt Mm h.ifnn uniliC lPWh 1 lK)iK iV stKl huv im the lako front m l.olicvo ,.., n,urn-. mtnt on : " of thl FOUR FATALITIES FROM ROAD RACE . j rli I'hrtsi'fti' tl'ur.h of Kliuniith n l'OI Ii Imi" x' M.il Foils Mill h.io stin.Iio Sihiml nml ...ji.r.Ml il.irtiiK In i.tto proarhtuc mtvuo on tin- river o.ir ",,tir" '"J""" "',r,,, ,l' Kenu nt Sunilnv Ml nr- 'mud lo on lUo luillnmiuls motui hi il Wo hnM providod moliir lui-on"" .ind W11V kin(iirdi!, l in ilvlnn i .iinlitlnii miuunoblloM foi Ih.' SuniKi. hcIiooI ,., h,,, Hi,t j,.intl. II h itnl nnd likely thoro will bo room for ......... I.1... Ihneii Ihllll IHHI lllllll ' ' ' 111IIUI IMIII' l III..C- " to p.iv. ii ohitrKo of sr.i- will bo mmlo for trnnsportnllon round trip Ml who havovnm nro roijuomod 10 uio thorn nnd taKo an nmny Mitb mui Hrlnc jour curs 'o inv N I -ufforoil ii frrtctiiri'il uKull nml li ntuhi , nib r Inliriim when nliilr Tl'il '-oeii iiiimIp r i iiinii of W iitiuiiKton, Ii ' w.i lilllod im.h'h mill I, i wh'-n hl i ill will wiorlml In il ' iIIh:i ntun. ImiiiioiI i, i oil' whool lliispllul iliii''lnii nv iTiiiiuci i,w !.,, thoro is lit It eliHiii'n for tlio ri'i'iiviir - ' " '" I.-.UI, ' """' ClNllt "'" UlJlf " "nt (lf of Mill lllllll mid IH" l"itt!l wi'lllil lirlnit lh" llxi of fnliillltoH to foil! I'lio bod of Ttliinnmi wnn ni'iit 10 MoIIiiiiiio who hnnm i hi S. Mirli lil "Id Immo t liiiltmiiloK Toliil Sill i'M ii .,,w TIIM III It l M'U S ill1 Iu'm jwr, nnit also locai news kereln AH rlRhts of repumieaiiou 01 spe- jM(,R,n(. from u ,,. aml lrlu-jor. Clal cuspaicnes upivii. c i-v. t rTcd quite an muount of craln will yot be iiur sown till season. The ladles of the HolplliK Hand iM sti:ixi:h curs inciir.i:. I'ltlllAY. .11 Ni: . llltll. MM II I.. .k..... ....i.. .iitl.it lfiir vii.ni? Ii aulo Society wore beliiR ontortalned Wed- Bltrnrt t. ,m,. K.n il m 1'ort- niwd.iy b Mr t; W Mjors At the ,, l( ,nn nt v.m s uo sarv.ro fo- The friends of Pr K E I.ee Stelner l.n-t mootltiK. hold nt Mrs Chandler s rutos 1'lu.ne UlW-U. la this fty will be plad to lo.iru of there were fifteen present and three the increasing confidence that I be- new members added to our number. .- i.o.i n h.m hi- ih. neonle of namely. Mrs (.' (" Miller Mrs O K TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY iji' . . l . 1 M M--I - the state The followinc from the ziuiu iimi .ur- ...... K-u Orej;onuin will meet with cordial en- """ xJorsome- t here TRADE CONDITIONS "Dr .'einer has been superintend- JJ OREGON BEST ent of the state aylum for the In- tar.e at alem thrtt a louc terms of PORTLAND. June i. Trade condl- .ycars He has suriived chanKiuK po- tion in Oreson are placed in the Jltical ni'minitratlons. without a se- highest clas- In the June classiflca- :t!ou suKgestion or effort from any tiu of trade conditions in the tnl- JjuarUT that he Ik? replaced II is a ted States by A. W. Douglas, chalr- fconl made, we belleie. Uy few pub- man of the bureau of trade ctntlstlCii lie officials in Oregon Certainly no of the Fnltod States Chamber of other superintendent of th asylum Commerce In May only the Wlllium- In a generation has long survived the ette vallpy was., placed In the high political life of the appointing power claw. The statistics ure p iblish."! It appeared to be taken for granted, taouttilv in the magaxlne. the Nu prior to rhe St-iner regime, that a tlou Busiiiess change for the better could always be The -tate of Washington '- n-vrh Made I- was not sound policy, of wholly placed In the second cla a- course. and not trae. besides, hut the only the Paget sound distrin and publir manifested no special interest that section of the state trlbu'urv tu in th-r "ar. nd the patients were in Portland are classed on a par w.t'i ao poi:n to register an effcttve Oregon The entire Inited State i . . placed in three classes and In the en- prote v ...c.v ;r stelner s projected Into tire Norbet only one small s.ctn .'v-'Z, .rm of nenitenthiry man- In Northern Montana Is placed tu arem-i.- It is not easy to under stand why there has always been ln- W NTKI Ulrl lor KStnirtil Iinuse- norfe li. uirv C.ll Klevonth t .r phono 67 I -t( W NTKD engine I i.j or 1 horae-powor gas ;'v. Mnui t f-D KOK HENT -Plennani front- bed room. 4 ! Pine or phono 17, n-2 IIAVINO dlKsohed purtr.vrshlp. all bills duo us or 'ow lug bv D . M Cleaning Co or Drew t; .Merrill ill bo pdvahle to or puld by N U Drew N II DltKW ! II MKltlill.t. Aioy m en. mob n iIKAS-n vyasaajhSESJwaryyry tCj v t GARICH'S GROCERY NEWS Ul.l Ml I liLXM.VTII I'AI.I-S, (lUKt.ON. I IIID, II N II. Illlll M Mum w the lowest class. ternal trouble at the slates prison. 1!, F.Vn T. for I" or i: years n. uw Keep JfCids KIccn fa $i.zo the Snit A New Suit rOy? -h J J- A- '1 ii Ltiuy ii i j and l.- tion. a-t stag" is onwral'm" a dailv chedub cless Stelner Is the expana- between said points with luxurious 7- It is a reasonable nypoinirsis rssruri .mi. ..ancia ... v.ui'-ui.. , . , ,i, ...,.. Stage fare remnins the same a l.nt that h- s in large part the explana year Vjm.B Aufo Sery ,,,,. tier He Is not only a physician of o.,-H.u-. ' 6-3 skill, rea ite and experience with the Jinu personal quality of human smy natfcv. but he is both an organizer and a diplomat XOTICK T;ike Auto Miigo to 1'ortl.itiil foi u h, nm.lo of the the IIii.e F..tiuil. lllc nnd lu.ilH.nls mv jr-4' S Ltxkfor ! iJ.Xcd Woven LxbcJ fgJF' fT . tf O f v. hm anal , t it- hln.t llfitlil.tt f'ull flf ttl.4 asyltm the prize public institution of Vl(( .s',.r,ir,.'fr ,.,rtlcul.ir- rh-m-Oregon fr orderliness, economy and u'lH-W. . C : efficienci ; and he has given his un- fortunate chargwt. thru himself and ATTI'XTIO a compemnt staff, the highest meas- .MILLWOUrfrils AXD WOODSMFA ure of scentific treatment. What he An open meeting for all mlllwork- .... ers and woodsmen will he hold in the has done there it Is now assumed that M(Joge ha on Satunlay n,KhI. juna he can and will do at the prison. 7, at S p ' ni " "It is a difficult Job It is agreed Harry Call, general organizer In- u ....... . - ...-.,.rw- hrmoii. ternatlonal Union of Tlmherworkors thai the convicts are poorly housed, aff1ate, w,h thp Amerlcan K);(,,.. and that most animals in Oregon in ratlon of i.abor. will speak on ''Or-thci- pens or barns are physically far ganlzation In the Timber Industry better 01.' There Is much causa for All millworkers and woodsmen are , , .. . lh, - cordially Invited to be present and irritaticr. among the men on that ac- hoar BOtnnMnf. t0 lh(lr a,ivail,il(.e ceunt: but it must b agreed also 5.St ,iU that ' have been coddled and hu- o inor (' a reat deal too much by ex- j.or ren. fnderwood ijji r Ioner.i- if the new idea as to crlm- a, winters' .Ielery Store 6 1 inals and their responsibilities and j-rvriPAUs n-6 u ' wf. lirv'STRAisstcn n .i3uciai(.i.J MaJi by Levi S'.nu.i 1 CcScinFmnciiCo Special Ptnenpplc Broken Slice Large No. 21!: Cr.n A Saving to You in Price. an Ac.viTtiM'.MK'nt for Garich's Quality (Jroct-rios 3 cans 85c WE STAND FOR QUALITY EDITORIAL The mii-ron thnt I lutvo mot with ill ho Mtlo of utrtiw bf.rilon Is so Kr.tiifntii: thnl I nuiu to Hunk the poopM nf (hi I'll) for I Ito pul nuiiiito tlioy )iiio o Koiiorimslv t-ivoit 1110 ll wan h lo.-ord brodK c t out 300 cn..4 behind on mv 1 r.Wrs. and t utn koiiik in fill lli". I 't Is nt all possible tit K"t 1 ho l rrle The fact ihnt 'bo poopi.. i iiprwc'ntwl I lie po Inl offurU I 111 ft) till til KOI berries that More f i-q. rlirj nnd loasounldii It ;H'- Giles mo limrv auilUf.trll.iu 1 mi. ctrytlilnf. else. Tltn who .ixti'od dial tin price would urn I luw ir this spaxin now know i iat tioinoni was rorrnrt. Th" same nrmnsunieut that I 1 .ad" fur ttn tniwlnrrle I have 1 ,.n for voKetnlilos IJ.ery iiIkIh I 1 'lie n thlpntmit of eBtnbi I'irt r ptckeil on tlio same day lroe.'iiu them If you want Unm 1 tion" . our order nnd the will be 1 'HioKil to vnu its- nott morn I .t iu.t a fonr liDiir rftor ImltiK 1 ' n frtnii th" nardt Tliwu itmb hipm-wts Include peas, to 1 .ni'. . Iianii. now potntnw. If you want u net hi til! rrally i-holc-. polttinble. delicious. Jusi f'v ptarlns your orilvrs with me VhM miu get will ipk f-r itlf, J is a ih iN-rrl- dul Again Tru Blu Cakes and Crackers M' IM Choc. Eclnirs Wcllinirlons Dove's SiMiilwichci Choc. DeLuxc Newsboys Fig Rnrj Peanut Sfiiulwiclu's Chef Wnfera SEE DISPLAY In Window .''ntti-t'ay. - PHONE IPS Next Door to P 0 MORE BUSINESS FIRST CLASS GOODS BETTER SERVICE X F3or the sake Ubf efficiency ! v t t t and better eye siontwear k GLASSES J.X Lines rights The result is that tho tem per of t'ie prisoners, or many of them, is rebelious. and the atmos ptoere .'. - discipline is 'bad Any re form Ruling to more rigid control is likt-ly to meet with many obstacles from within, not to say a renewed outburst of mistaken and misdirected protest from without. "Yet. from his record the prison in mates should and will know that Sup erintendent Stelner will deal with them Justly and humanely. They can hardly ask more; the state will not expect less. Under the backing nf a governor who will Insist that the titate, and not the Inmates, must con trol the prison the prospect that Sup adent Stelner will perform the name meritorious service there that "he did at the neighboring place Is favorable." .June IteioriU at Shepherd". .VSl H OUSTON' Metropolitan Aiiiuneiiieiitx s W.W i 11 vBrL X H. J. WINTERS JI'lVI't.KIt AND OPTICIAX 710 Main Street V f f f f t T r t t Ho! For the Rose Show Here Is the Way Your Favorite Stands in the Contest for a . Sojourn in Portland Dnrini; the Famous Roe Show : Josie Low Fern Hoaglnnd Ruth Humphrey Sybl Bambcr . . 2,950,500 2,850,500 1,850,500 656,500 CHANGE OP I'ltlCES AT THK LII1KRTY. (T' ' 7- Owing to an additional war tax t I per cent having been placed on picture films which Is placing a heavy burden on the theatre people is'they already bear a straight 10 per cent tax on admissions, It Is ne cessary that part of this tax be borne ty Theatre has paid the entire war tax but the extra tax makes It Im possible to do this. However by tho new plan the afternoon prices remain the same as before namely ten and twenty int. In the evening the I.'juri n ' bo ten and twerity five itnta 1 l.f p guiar showa subject to va.i-ii a on Huecial attractions. C-Pt HOUSTON'S OPERA HOUSE IIAXC'IXfi WoiliioMlny ii Saturday .Nights. JAZZ MUSIC. STAR THEATER TODAY Arteraft I'rewntu KL8IK rEIlGUSOX IX "JIKAIIT OF THK WIMIH" Also A Bray Cartoon and liurton Holmcw Travdogue. TEMPLE THEATER TODAY Paramount PresenU MAHOUKHITK CXAHK IX "THE CHUCIIILE" Also The lOUi Episode of the "Lure of Tlio Cirrus" Admission 10 & IS cent MaUnee U.K0. livening 7:110 & 0. MERRILL OPERA HOUSE MOTION' I'HTUKKS TUESDAYS AND SATURDAYS Merrill, Oregon OPERA HOUSE Tue.-Wed., June 10-11 PRICES 50c and-$1.00 R. M. HARVEY Presents psii?ni;iu- nd Creole B uty Ck MlBstrel OrganlzMlon Kb RoaU. The lrfurxest and Highest Clasa A Guaranteed AttrcUon. 40 MINSTREL KINGS AND QUEENS In eluding Famous Hal lad Hingem, Entrancing Dancers, Novelty En tertainers, Expert Comedian. In strumental and Vocal Hi)lolt. A 20-Plccc Hand, Every Mini a rkdolNt. 10 VAUDEVILLE ACTS WATCil FOR THE PARADE iMJOBasaayaHSS W!mtrr'!rni?.;W"' 11 - - Closes Saturday Night The Contest Will End Next Saturday Evening ONLY ONE MORE DAY LEFT TELEGRAM: IMPERIAL HOTEL CO, Portland, Oregon. , We are sending a young lady to the Victory Rose Festival. 3 reserve a room for her. She will arrive Iuesdaj, We ask you to June 10. THE WINNER CO. ANSWER: THE WINNEk CO., Klamath Falls, Oregon. Will take care of young lady as per telegram today. IMPERIAL HOTEL. We have only a few pairs of Womens and Children's Shoes left, which we will close out pt gfpatly reduced prices. The Winnek Co., Inc. t . . . .,. ., r II. '$ 426 Main 5t. Phone ,4 Rlamath rai "' Tim t t T T T T T T t t T t t t T T T T T Y t T Y ! o i