1 V I.'.' S I l I'AOK TWO THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON 'HI, m , Navy Officer in Charge of Trnns-Atlnntic Flight and Inventor of Powerful Propeller II YANKEES i4f fie Theaters ABRDADTAKINB ARMrSCHOOLS 1 lv Ferguson iar f Ili-iri o' !!. lllll. IH'I' latest AllMiill fill . I. wlile'i will brehoun to- ill- fin lime 111 t Illn .ill III tin- SI II IlK'llll.' I illlKllI "II hostess I" '" tlllllilri'il r more ciiwho.) tit n lmi'h no Klieii hi their liomir liv Director Mmshitll N.-luii. iliirliiK J lu rilmliiK or ilmt I iini I. U orrosponil.mco ,,),,,. t,,,ii tit Cody. Win . and il"lnlt recent If Tin' appearance of the famous i"r ituscd a sensation tim.uit: t ! n'l dtit. niul ho win tu'rordoit .i Wk mpulnr ovation p Nolluti due " 'utrberuo ul uhli'li Ml" rtTBHui'ii i ii hotless Speeches n' in 1'itlli'il for niul Miss rVrRlHon miido nn address III which she exhorted her betters in stand firm for world deuioorttoi Ai LIQUIDS v PAST II Ioi'IH.kKWi,,,, j , 0 Wood UI.h'K hi own) Slioi KPW YOB.JP SMor- Ss. . NEAT " ' in. 1 i'i;i nf i lip ssoi hi toil I'rvtHi Scores of iIhuis.iikI" of itierlriin soldiers our-.-rli lini'' RrtiM"iJ ih" opportunity in itton.l itif schools which On' iirmi mm l prnvldlliK for nil 111"' Hli'll of i In- ineru-nn I : x m1 1 1 1 titi ii r Forco. umli-r Mi.' .llro.tloti of tilt' Kiluontl.m .il t-nrpt Tin- post schools "liloli lue-prim-.iri rml."i of till school syMom lire used u hornier limy onli (Itlil n roof civen'stKUiil. evert nut puncher In tht party, fired n saliiin liy u.iv of tip- i' in niii" nts r M k. l;i,l'ni' V, mm J SHOE P0L1S fJUITOAUIr OHICOHATIONS HO, IIUMAIO. NN 1 m of I lint .n hum. in UU.H.TCMTK CUOll'SllW Alihinish u-alhor lomlitions K-ilioruiiKli trinul of tin- jiropell'T u aytl l ho tal! of 'he ti.ivi s Mi.nlo.l hi I" M tliii."U"iul. iihuh i Miuailron in its atu'inpt to fly .ifrossufoil on tin- Ions trip of th Nf-1 It thf Atlantic. Commandor J U Tow-,liffor from thf onllnnr.i propellr t-rs. who iva. In rharRC of tho (IlKht.prinoipalb in its ftra tht'kntws ut atillipil eiory tninuto In tuning uptho miildlo. ThH photocroph una tho huso plano anil rtylns out varl-taken while Comman.lor Tmiors anil cms imthanit-al Improienu'nt.i OnoMr Oln.doail wore wmWiins oxport rosult ui the holJ-up was to ivnn.i a in ou one of the propollers in -ti. lior tlifin PIomnlorlnR thru Hi.- mini uf mine IIUlo hiltnUt ulift" nrwltttlon of her p.ilrlol n. ri.-an -olilieM are KtAlloneil olio, "s !'.-i in Ktumblf upon u-h u ju (, prtt i the pom i st houl in full operulton ,u rmi ,rietire t-iiiiiiri'nr li.i nl iln refill l rhinxeil upon urhjolll,r fri(n Whm elnli pi'runn a thon! the pupil of which M"r'ieall ,,,,1 (Jonloii Kiiir.I.i lie t.inilniK mi beiKh" bw.iue '""jneveil Dial minital ufrerliiR i r-ti I, .or it.ii un.ler l Ii.-Iip- of water !r ,bnll ,,,yBrt, ,,,,Mi lt, , n,t ami In u room illml IIRhlml bv en- mrtn,j ( tlirtiirlni: from hm xv ir. . Ilet Muck in botiloK Tho tprKuint .-oamf of nur i,i,rt wj, , Ut. tvaetier nan unltiR a plepe of tnrrrt j ..Tll Wlut Ue.' a I'limltu I'lav PKpor u a bluckliuril II mu II w,,,ch tt u ,,mv j!lUurt,,, t ,). .."clock at nlRht n.l fourteen men Ubrtv ,hMltVi VM4 wrlll i,v vtl tvhoe mtllliiry amies jirevrntsO nm j.nrKrr , ,,rM,nill, ,. i,,!..,,, them from aiteiKlltiK In roRUl.ir hour wl ,otlom,j ctre. Ileir It.irMn omposeil the evtr.t class. rn.,, ln ..t .,, ,..,. ,rilMlllM. Thl little cetio 1 syuiliollc of the iMorl.w of tho rcrcn K.hmr.l r.iinii People's Market PRODUCER TO CONSUMER This establishment has raised the standard of Meat Quality in this community, because we have' used every proper endeavor to attain success as the leading Meat Market in Klamath Falls. - 1M Phone 83 534 Main St M-irit wi.n it mm u.e .t.neri,, .u- , , ,., ()( , ,iull;u)1, ,, ,,,,. Her have tnkn ailvniunRO ot hip .ilur.iiuinnl trntnlnc offereil them bv the army rhool nystum Men In foine cane are ivorttlt.-. eiKtit. ten. niul tit eli e bourn a ilay nl military ilutlfj niul thou ntuilyliiK nt nielit In the pout Kchnottt. tired In bud v but lusetlly ilolurttiluetl in some rates they Jmvo voluntarily Tr iWi" T Ml I I III I 11 J I U 1 II Il ! YOU'RE NOT SO APT TO SPEND When your money In deposited here at the First .N'l tional Hank in a Savings Account While it In very vaiiy to Iraw out at the Hame time you htop and think of ihV Interest it is earning for you and many lime chanK) tour .nind about naming to spend it We Want VtH' to Open a Saline Act.iuut for Youroelf, Viiui Wife or the iuii;ti'i'i. i:. It. Ileaines, I 'rexldenu I.. I'. Willets. Viie-I'reoident. I.elie Itoyer, Ciisliler. A. .M. ( oilier. At. Cithliier. J.'lni M. .Moore, ,lui. Cashier. I worked at nlRht no a to be allowed to nMrnd a lecture of school session in. the da.itlme I III tortile men who h.ne boon taiiRht to roail ami tviito oft-'ii .i' permission to tnko ihplr iIhr eurreil primorn home with them u hen their dlvlsiun utart for America Thousand of such men Imvo licm ; started on the road to education in I tho past few month llul It must not be mUtakalily assumed thai all tlioi 'soldiers boy are ctiuilm; back "with! a higher education " The Iir Idea I of the Kducatloti.il Corps In to r'vo ii i man a start and enable him to flml himself, so to speak. Many u soldier i has been a round j'K In a s(iiare Iiole back home The nrmy Is helpincj these men to Ret started on the riRht groove Practicality Ik the key ttord of all the odiirmionu! courses Tna ti. i.l r ,l not suing schoo. m. re'i fur the '"fun of It" 'e want' resullH ih.l ) will he"p hie' with his jo" back hoiii ,-i.t it- !. ."irB bpin Vo-a; "..I 1 training Ik nn Important ituil sue cessful feature of tho post school and there nre few trades that are not taURht In Mime of then In the trad- , .Mury Jane IrviiiR innke up the dinr- , actors around tthum the tit 'ii i ters Mlltslrels aro not nil allk To be Till" to douionstmlt' tills fa.', tile nubile Is tirroil to attend the llari.-t i Jreatcr Minstrels when It ftj;-.irs at I "ho Oporn o)luo. Til.silat and W..1 nestluy . June tu mid 1 1 Tho itintMRoniotii of this d u 1 .iloroil urntitiliatiou emphuti " ilw riumial quullty of its wardrobe both that worn In It par ml' mil in ib p irformance The uomeii ill p.-r haps bo the host JuilRen of this nar.l rotio and will appreciate both the i vnluu ot tho material use.l and ill. kill of tli" reslnnliiR ami the work Never was a colored iiilnstr.l show dressed fts is tho Harvey router I Minstrels, but fur It to be an) dlf feretit would tie not to be In line with the hlRh class etitertulniupiit offpre.l t:aciii:i:; i:a.min.tio. Teachers" eiumlnatlou will be held at tli" lllr.li school bull.lliir I'll''1 25. 2(5. 27. 2S. 1919. I KDNA I WI.M.l.S C Supt cii.;i: or iitici:s at tmi: i.ini.itrv. OwlnR to an ud.fltlonal war tax of r. per cent havliiR been placed on i picture films which Is placlnr. n heavy burden on the theatre people I ns they already ieur a stralcht in J per cent tax on admissions. It Is u- omlc court.o, history, Knellsh and cessary that part of thin tax he borne She First National Bank KLAMATH FALLS OREGON Ifl" l mathamntics held the major places. If there Is Mifftcient demand for th teuchini; of the Riven subject ! Is j placed on the currleiimum ARrlculit.nl courses aro provide 1 In man. of t c school.-i and find runny pupils Kifty percent of tlm men t 1 the army ar from rural districts ami i many of ihem Intonl to retorn '. ' their (arms Thousands of ot,' ,inen ' who have had their first days of out door llfo since, they Joined tho army 'declare they will nnvr return to the , office stool. They like the Indopund i enco of tho fj rmer end hopo to o Into aRrlcultiiial woi-tc when they re turn. The practical phases of fani.ti. are belns tatipht to tho men. Teachlni; of citizenship la an Im 1 portant cour:.o Under ttiese hea.U 'i comes labor problems and HUhJoctH vltul to tho national i.olfure. ty Theatre has paid the entire war I ty Theatre has pal dthe entire war tax hut the extra tax makes It Im possible to do t)ils However by tho new plan tho afternoon prlres remain the same n before, namely ten and twenty cen.ts In the uvenliy; tho prices will lie ten and twontv five cunts for tho regular shows, subject f variation on special attractions r.-3l LIFT OFF CORNS! Drop Freezonc on a touchy corn, then lift that corn off with finacrs A li'. ft. I f. - .n i:'7iirxi- i X. i 7 sr,vv.. LOST BLUE SADDLE HORSE Branded wagon bow on right shoulder; also sor rel pony branded bar-S on jaw and branded on left shoulder. Reward. Finder please notify JOHN O'SHEA, MALIN, OREGON OUT TO fJKT rIUKFI(.MJK AMKMIMK.N'T AIK)ITKI. WARHINftTO.V, Juno S. With BUffrago flKht In Congress won yes terday, after forty yeara effort, (ho advocutes turned their attention to the state legislature. Three fourths of the states mutt ratify. 1'IANO TUNING. Mr. Ili 8. Fell, the expert piano tuner la now here. Orders cun bo phoned to Metropolitan hotel. 4-6 xy.&frs,!,. 7 14 The Herald tells you today's news today not tomorrow. A LEADER IN LIFE INBVRANCE.i Tho great atrength, the big dlri-j deenda, the incomparable benefit , of The Firat American Ufe InMuraticej Company, moans first class lire ln-1 surance for you. For partlculara, roo QKO. C. ULUICH, District Man- agcr The Mutual iiro jnsuranco Company of New York. 28-10 Doesn't hurt a bltl Drop a little Freetone on an aching corn, Instantly that corn stoas hurting, then you lift It right out. Yes, magic! A tiny bottle of Freexone costs but a few cents at any drug store, but is sufficient to remove every bard corn, soft corn, or corn between the toes, and tho calluses, without sorenciit or Irritation. Frcezone l the sensational discov ery of a Cincinnati genius. It Is wonderful. Palace Market FOR SERVICE AND QUALITY xxx Thf ON'LY Moat Mnriit-t in tho City nju-iat'ii. t.,,Vl Cold Storage system for the prop'i handing ,,f ylv and Cured Meats? The correct way to handle Fresh Meats jn Nanr weather is with Cold Storage, when the dull room, can be regulated to the proper degree of tcmpfiature With our Cold Storage system we are alli tu s.-rvc our many patrons Meats that have had tin prtmu care and proper age. STKKR B13KF exclusively is now being haii'lli-il in this Market and if quality is what voti an Uino for, you will find the answer at the Palate .V.ulu't KLAMATH PACKING CO. 524 Main Street Phone 68 YOUR ELECTRIC SWEEPER Will be with you nearly as'long as ynm Inm.i- "it.-elf, and should be purchased with the .same e.tie ,i:.l ton-sideratiou. iifiiSi '! ,'2PL1S&JZ: Ct 17 , rwms&K Will be a source of satisfaction through the e.ir. to come. No need to apologize either on account of ap pearance or peiiormance. Free Dcmonatration Any Time. Link River Electric Co. PHONE 171 ROPK"Y POIMX '1111: oi inooit i ii i itisoitT Iteiieallou i. ()., Oii'K'oil s.mw.ii Mat -Ih'u mix r ;iii)i:s, iioitsiN. noes, ctMi'iNt., ihmiX" I'ISIIINO. IIOATINti .vrom:, TKxrs. crr.ii:s. not si:nois. . (ioon liens, tioon mi:ai.s, t.oon i imi- I'Olt i: DltVIIOOV iiA'M'iNo iv I'AVM.io.v i:i:hv sA'irnnw Mt.ur eeiti: .voi'.vtai.v si'itivo waiiii. HARPST & WHEELER, Proprietors KLAMATH FALLS MUSIC HOUSE Representing the Old and Well Known Music House of SKermanJflay & Co Of San Francisco Steinway, Weber and Other Pianos; Aeolian Pipe Organs, Pianola Pianos; Player Music. EVERYTHING IN MUSIC COME AND SEE Phone 125 J. G. RAMER Geo. A. Wirtz 733 Mn St FOR CHICKS AND CHICKENS CHICKEN FEEjD. ALL SIZES GRIT. OYSTER SHELL. SCRATCH FEED. CRACKED CORN. EGG MASH. CHARCOAL. BONE, AND LICE KILLER. Murphey's Feed & Seed Store . . . Phono 87 126 South Sixth St Phone ! m -m