Till IIM1W..M ,v ,, VAOV. FOt'R THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON r r f t . I. IV l: u. I The Evening Herald iikui: nui iirswiru. K. J. M l' II It A Y KPITOK iii'RrpRnlod from coslit of Piojoot Thi' IHMvlot l In no ' party to con moni'V oioih1im1 on tti1 mvmiiit mn tl'tii't lc ii'iwii! I ! of power ounrtN mill (j.'ii Nu muiiiKinin-nt lii I m sito If not must ! In to t.vl.nnu i11Hl,. u , piMrirt I irl iuiUIit." Hon fitiul of iur'liiilni: iorr iium-iIi'Iuii's m t t". Kiiiillturv.s for por mh 1 1 lit to I'roJiM i foi autumn not rli.iicviililf to I' mi W MiinuKi'- opiMiiliMl liv Kiurnimrin i t i.il' V V rutin known ! .f till" llcsutl' s,il.iH I- ' dftlT llllKllH'" UlUTi'lls III Mir t l'lll -TtlCKMCN SII .1,1. ! 1 i nitt'ilii'll mill I 'li iir il . ,. ! urn I ill"' HI I lll i IMlv I'll till I mill fn .lil O'l llllsl'l. .-. ii'i Mi. rniili.'i m ' imi I itiif 'I ill :mi.i. ii iusii,, I 0 lllll .if lllt I'.l "Mil till II III MH'li m (,, ' .hi' iiu i r Pulllthtsl ilallv ricppl Siinilnj ! Tbt llt-ralil Pulillnltlnc Company of ,, ,,f 0nis m, tn turiiril oti't to KiattintD mil, at im raumi mrrvi tllslrlot lit .my tlnii' tlutt hiumik ili'ilr- ,t ; not s. nli lo Tin tltlo to tln t'ltiiitl unit putt n to tilt' souiiilltiK "' Wwt..A mf IKa m.ali.fttiv. af IClam. I"""1 '" "' "''" - . , .... ..... .i... ...., Kth Fall. Ore . for traoMtilwilou thru oiIum- propony i-minot In- tiiiiH'ti otur ""' " tt mulli ..ooondKM.M matter , ,linhl,r llUn.orU..tlon o! Con- "'l""" ,l1" """ "' "" """ Tht tirU"Ktn Uiml to n .,v nm. .u nf Miih hi nroii-.Nt i-owurit .! n hi.ti-1 l 7 Subscription term by mnll to ny lUrV IQ IUV IJU1IT-U i?vw-. '.- ..Iililrt .. E. 1111 .. -.. .. !.... i. (III... ....'. wn year . orty anitur.ii lor me iuoj.-.i .. , .. ....., N1llfi , 1IC "Oue month 0 i-ivillti'il tlti'U'to. Imt tin' llnhllln As ,,r t, ulii'll'tnrn fulil- Krmii'i' .... .. ... ..... 1......1 t-. in.'iiilon.'il in iMiiirm'l ttllli illitrlrt Th, A Joolit,;,! Tres, I, oluvol, will not l,n .Uvi.-.tso,,. as ttaTh r,'.,.,l tt.tl, r, t n..(- ... . . . . . .... . .. ... i Blltlt'o to the Ujp tor ropuuncaiiuu tuti'ii on irriKann' nuui. ni'vii"- " ,- terror- til uit .irKiuuii' wntiu i iil net Ion of tlutt ninoiini d all now diiipiitt-hio rrwlltetl to It .. - ... --...I... ..I ... IV... .... or not oinri' i.r.t. '"'-- ,,, i , Kiin.l tr. unit also local nms t-ulillshoil fcrem All rlKhts" of ri-p'ilillOitMon of spe cial ilpatches Broin rf also re--rreii woulil N'or mini of lit" tmlnoMU' trench Nor itrmh. nor th -lirlek of Imrnl nu: slii'll I I Absolute oiurshlli of i-amil" , ,, (, fr.. ()( iu"r iriln'' i i. n 'i h the ilNtrlfi limit le tleterntmi'il lix Vml thet mnrclieil ok r.u -.i.n.i I'onpress MjntaBenietit of tti'in I Tin I5siu. .u M" r.. i': LANE STANDS BY CON TRACT WITH COMPANY i fip'iliui ' frut'.l p.ise l1 iilan.f i i .tin jpoioc.rttl tor tho i . tit. hi li.iion t i"i tlth Miffirlenl wali-r to trriKnte laiul- ,, t,r b., Hi ,, a, (i,.) , , ii' tx- Itirm.l liter to ttu!er j-oti y sniltr th' hrlmn"l fJmi muWr U Ii, I lie V.r.,'ii Ihr " n nin opet'ifieil in .-ontru' e: ..! l'.il ivDreseiiti total liatul- W " ""' K i'rl t!" July 0 .! It v of litrirt to Ktivertinient . will uot here" T.-H It i ile xMili! .Tit be chanpetl ulihout further comrart pK (I0 Pi-trict will uot be liabli' f'eiittiletl with stitlilen tear. littler h rrKJU.n, for Br.'.,er amount than , ha, ;pw ' -W vetti.l h he Kecla- fietl In eimtract of Jul) t. ISU , , ht. fr(l)n v,,r . l lit til litir . ...... i ' tht'in I onilysT' but fcn$ i"- bon ro it J . .. . Ale (lff1lllir . . ... . i ziiMiu'ii rni- .!... ... ...,.-.... (lit Mates in MiPamnct inav un fK,, M(H Takfcic up the 15 motion, the JuJy contnK.t ,,, w,Hr t ,. ,,,, ,.,. kwn ,,,,. N-cretatn state that the followtnc i1. vrt!lo ts releaoed from the w .v,.lr)m ieature re ch-trpiil to the power ..mi,;.,,,,., naMime.l by iontr.nt of ",, ..rr. to ..-.. t,. mill account Keno Canal. .McCormick jpj In t War with -t -onic. In Ar Vot:rT -ite. Leavitt power site anil (j; i,strir, Uu.tie-tlonablv in '"V,1", ,.. ... ,., ,,,,,1 m South branch power plant; total e- boumi b) n ,)roMslon of routr.t.t of , .",,, ,.tl' ,, , Iu,'r lirnteh won penditnre. 5126.900. none of which j n y- g. i?i The muIiik of the -s..r .-i..n ...!! turn ren.. Is charced to the irriKable KtniN of v-tor Users wits adtlsory. directors "r"- s-.i-it t -.l "i ihe bell of vit.ir Shall triumph "i 'li, ' ' ' ,r I llfsT-ZmHIIBJa K&KlTw JV m. I -III Correctly refined the Project o! district had full power to execute (2) The district is not lible for contract follow ins in Keneral terms cxpendit tires in connection with any the form toted on illy this the jec- jtower Incident. retary 'seeks to hold District to the 3i Individual water Users are not terms of the provision slipped into entitled to any credit on acconnt of contract by directors. surrvndenriK potcer s nee the poer charce is not rlKhts to potter, power possibilities, aealnst Mne land rlKhts In Ankeny canal, cost of aitdi ii f Appli-rate LAWRENCE TO MAKE ADDRESS AT MERRILL . s uit i'mfe-mor ' J l..ni h"r if the I nlvefsi't ' " '' (41 The reccomranidations of thv tlonnl ilranfnKe and replacement of w l.u uns rehi'i'tlled to i.taki the ''mi local lloard of Review conld not be perishable strurtures !.. m .mi'iii i' 'rem ("" .i" ' "' followed a it would cause a larce (ISi The Ji". per acre adtld to Mi... School at Morr il 'm. '" " loss to the Klamath Project (The land liruuht into tllstrlct l ntanda- cintiK hail been iiujiu'i1 i'ib recomr-.e idation referred to fixetl th- tory under law which provides thai i . ... nntl would lie mint. ii. kee; cost at 5 ".ii. without power canals or five per cent per annum shall he ud- 'n- eticai;eiiieut was re i n i power - tes. which shonld remain in ded to lands enminc in after one year wire temerdav the Government and if possible be No credit will be Klten for this Hi'ereiid K P ltwreni" ' tin devel.'ti d for comm-'"til purposes harse The matter does not siem to Presbyterian Church of it.ts It . ha the pr '-ls ;o po to ihe KerUmation be Important been secured to appear in ) da Sert 'o reioup ;n pur: the loss (111 There is apirarentlN mi w.i of Pnifitnr l..iiidliur I ik'.' i i likely o occur i distr.ct can be made liable for dam dents will be cntduuled lr.. .. t'o (oi P-wer features hate t.ot t .n .ices be'atise of nnstrji tluii "f 'l.uii mIim.iI to'ii n-r.' nielit Zcrolcnc is correctly refined from selected California crude oil. It kr v j'-. Itrantinr, body at cylinder hrat, holds corrij rtsM -I'Citj ti'-i tion to the moving .r:s ar . - i-. M t. :..;!. Jt is t'-.c product of the coj.ibmc 1 .tr.e: -c ,, cxpcricntc ai.d equipment of the Standard C.l Cc rp.uiy. hy rxnaustivi sfuy and actual tests the Standard Oil Company Hoard t f Lubrication Kninccrs'has determined the correct conn tency of Zcrolcnc fur your make of auto mobile. Their : reommendations arc available for you in the Zcrolenc Cot reel Lubrication Charts. There is a sepa rate chart for ca h nv.' e of car. Get n Correct L iViric.rion Ciiflrt for your car. At your dealer's cr our ne-te: t t4:it n STAT.'DARP C! COVJ'AKY .4 grade fcr vacfi type of engine R. A. WINZLER, Specinl Agent Klnmnth I-'nlls S The Following Lines of Merchandise Offered Are All Exceptionally Good Values We could not duplicate any of the offerings at TODAY'S prices AAAA CHILDREN'S GINGHAM DRESSES A larpe assortment to select from in plaids, stripes and check. s Prices 75c to $2.50, ages 2 to 14 years. BOYS' WASH SUITS A new lot just received by express and splendid values in Romper Cloth, Gabardine and Galatea. Comes in white, medium and dark colors. Ages 2 to & years. Prices $2.00 to $3.75. BOYS' SUMMER HATS Made of Crash, Cloth and Straw. Some veiy clever styles for little fellows. Prices 35c to 75c. BOYS' BLOUSE WAISTS We are absolutely offering the best value in Boys' Waists in Black Sateen, Khaki, Percale and Ginghams. Special Prices 60c to 95c. WOMEN'S BUNGALOW APRONS Many styles and patterns to select from in medi um and light colors. Prices 90c to $2.25. WOMENS' KHAKI OUTINGWEAR Riding Breeches, Skirts, Middys, Jackets, Un divided Skirts, Bloomers, Etc. Customers tell us we have the best assortment they have seen. Ex tra size in Breeches and Skirts, also Middies. R. & G. CORSETS REDUCED PRICES The following styles arc somewhat broken in size, but in the entire group we have most all sixes. The lot includes corsets for the school girl, medium weight corsets for Summer and heavy corsets for those preferring same. Reg. '$2.00 R. & G. CORSET $1.45 Reg. $2.50 R. & G. CORSET $1.85 & G. CORSET $2.45 & G. CORSET $2.85 & G. CORSET $3.85 & G. CORSET $4.45 Reg. $3.00 It. Reg. $3.50 R. Reg. $4.50 R. Reg. $5.00 R. WOMEN'S WHITE FIBRE SILK HOSE 75c One Dollar would be a reasonable price for this Hose. It is very special at 75c. CHILDREN'S LISLE HOSE IN WHITE A silk lisle ribbed Hoe for Children with a vary lustrous finish. Priced according to size at 60c to 75c per pair. MEN'S WORK SHIRTS $1.00 Heavy ful Icut in Blue and Khaki ; sizes 15 to 17. Price $1.00. Extra sizes 18-19 VL' price $1.25. MEN'S FINE LISLE SOX In brown, navy, champagne, gray and white,45c. MEN'S PURE SILK HOSE 75c A wonderful value in a pure silk Hose worth One Dollar today. MEN'S NEGLIGEE SHIRTS Soft, collar attached, Shirts in medium ;iiii light colors in Percale, Madrax, Soisette. v Prices $1.00 to $2.25. Exceptionally good vain- - MEN'S LEATHER GLOVES Four good alues in Work (How.-, 75c, $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00. MEN'S SILK CAPS A nice selection of patterns to choice ti"':- medium and dark colors. Price $1.50. SUMMER UNDERWEAR FOR MEN Union Suits in lisle, mesh, Nainsook and Cotton; short sleeves or long sleeves, ankle or knee lengths in white or ecrue. Union Suits in Cotton .. $1-00 Union Suits in Lisle $2.00 Union Suits in Mesh $15 Union Suits in Nainsook $L50 Two-Piece Balbriggan Underwear, Shirts and Drawers, per garment. ?5c Med. Weight Ribbed Underwear, Shirts and Drawers, per garment. . .$125 MEN'S STRAW HATS Soft Straws, made on the new style Panama block, light, cool and serviceable; price $2.00. MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS Made of fine Canton and some in Soisette m white only. Extra special $1.25. J. F. MAGUIRE COMPANY, Inc. Uiiimx: csaagrasBgtac&araatttts Mr. "", ""iin ' ",, h.t " my V" J ; ,1 v!