The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, June 05, 1919, Image 1

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"ri IW
,(MI. i" vim it or
i,i,.nni 'oi sn
Thirteenth Yenr-
Price, Five Cents
jww-jjw JSwgoagaKi
Tffl 4fc3! . - .
Pvfli t.itimttti 4-litifl
' -ismmr u . auv ' - aw vtu j jk. i jh. kl. Jac jm z .m. . . w a n n m
- "" ' s - v- 'v-- v "p v 'W "W V 'SKv'1
Indicates Some Offic
ial Seeking Cover
Zinnia lew dinners i lull meet rtetiliig nt S ii I Iik k Mallei
lit lllliTrM III III' discussed lirtUlll
1 HK III Ki'lll'llll I'llllllllUlllt) Wflfutc
TIik iiucsllnti of p I ii ill I n k trees In tlm
school ml mill llii- protlilltig fur
llirlr Irrlgutloti will he laken up ami
disposed ur fount) Agent TIiiiiiiiih
leaperts In gltc ii (it Ik on cointiiutilty
organization mid co-opcrittloti, ulo
County Cliili Organizer Hexton will
i uti u i.i.i, imhta
i. I.MU
M IIK.Il, OI KM IAI.S Wll.l, lll'll
IH Till Mis I P Wll.l. ASK
Now I Iiu I tlm election Is over and
give a tulk on some subject pertain- j the bonds have been voted fur lur
The Directors of School d'ztr'rt
No 1 hate announced the names of
lirit I'p tlt Claim That tlic I'onrr
I'oultillitlr Were Not I'oitslilrrril
a I'art of Ihe I'mjrit Wlirn llir
iM of Irrigation Was Kltrtl
Ktrur Are Kllius).
I ii it to III- line of work Th.Tr will , construction of perman.-nt roads. th!the teachers who will haw chargi of
ur u mimcui nun singing program question la being naked ,on every, the raiis In th cliv rj-hnW rr i..j
next year One of the plu.tnng fea- R!tcn'e- Erall Setzer and Chester
(.' M Klrkputrlrk sold tils barley ' hand "U'ben will we begin work on
to the Dorrls miller jtlirm " Inquiry hrltiKH from Engineer
Mm (' F rltutie In Mill Imprutlng ' Wlthyrninbe the statement that ht
her runi'h Is tlrltlnic ahead with the engineer-1 n.... in,n,-,.,ir, .t,, .v,., .i.., ... ..
Jon Kliotiinl him rinlnhed furinlnK i ItiK work a rapidly an pomilMe, ami1 proachlnic when there will be a auffl-
on the luke land I that he eipectx to have the road to rUnt mimimr ,.r iri. . .
A farewell party wan glten Tuea- '
day etenliiK In honor of .MIkh Car
t liicl Miller, who left Wednesday for I
Fort indwell. Calif. I
A number of frlenda were present
and a delightful time was enjoyed by
all. Dainty refreshment!) were served
during the evening.
Those- present were: .Misses, C'ar
mel Miller, Hoao Thompson, Clara
Setter. Slyvla I'reaton, Ruby Eob
land and Welda Hmlth. and Messrs.
Jess Nelson, I. McLaughlin, Charley
MathewB, Ed McLaughlin, Claire
turrs la that eleven of the n;:i,rlnteps
are residents of Klamath county.
II i: Nelson and family started the north und the Lakevlew roa
"iclent nut
I ! the dnma
nils for teachers in the local
plrtrtiir It K llrudbury made pub
lic today the runlvula of the letter
that h been received by thn d I r re
tort of the Klamath IrrlKullon ll
trict from Secretary of the Interior
Un The reply Is a leiiKthy one.
liking up each one of the lf iiues
lion teparately In substance ie
i eunemiu) an u trip to The Dulles reaiiy for bids within three weeks schools
und I'ottluncl to lie Kone u limit two He was not lu position Just now to I The Hoard also voted to Increase
weeks say when the Merrill road would orj,h(, uaary nt tMt. teachers five dol-
Itemeinber the Annual school ready Ian. a month It Is regrettable that
meeiliiK lime !! A rlerk and direr-i If the program hud to be done j jt u nol Pe fjt grant a iarKer
tor are lo be elected and other mat-I over again, there is lltle doubt hut sum School teachers are about the
ters of Interest will be dlruei 'that the authorities would have call-!,,,( prjy pgij class of employes In
iirKiuincK " speciui eiecuon euri.t insi spring. existence, outside of the govern-
( r: Hunt and C M
lire Installing their pumping plant
Just west of the school house
M) oh. in . but a little struu on
one or two putrhes of loose sand doe,.
iUm thai Ihe contrurt with the Cul- ! "!' Hie good work up
ttotnla-Oregun I'ower roiiiiaiiy uus
tslcrrd Into because thn board that
ill dralgnated to pass upon the leus
tt of the Ki'lio rnliul aiprod of
tkf lrae This, It Is understood. Mr
llriilbury denies The secretary fur-
tbtr ttalcs I hat there Is now no ne-
(mlly for Hie delopiiiiit of power
for the project, nor is there likely to
U In (he neur future, and It Is nol
lift.' t'lut there Mill be taken un
'lion " ii -i e'op :in
The Introductory purl of the teller
III folio . ami Is unite Interesting
u Initlral'iiK I hut someone has been
bmjr fixing (lilt-gt so us to muke them
mi plutm'lilrt to the serretnry. who
'tldtnll) Is In lug Imposed upon b
'oair of -hi offlrluls of the Iterluma
tlon Rrrvlre-
"Vonr lelerruin of April H whs re
rtlnrtl ami I repllml at (he time to
lbs rffrei thut it wus liuprurtlculil.t
id make u deluded reply without fur
Ihtr Intesllgalliiu, which has now
ttn made
"Thn telegram slutes thut the pen
Plf of I Iiu Klamath I'rojert ileal r to
oo the pnllr) of the Itertniiiiilloii
Srlce relative to final disposition
of Ihe power feiitiiris of thv projerl
"An et lit fit In my Setter of April 30
Will l.uMiian, of Dorrls. C M
Klrkputrli'k's brother-in-law Mux pur
rhased the A Krupku place it ml ej
Iierts lo mote on to It We welcome
f W llnlley Is doing a laud office
business poisoning rabbits und squirrels
i wus postponed to sate the taxpay-, H.nt Tnree montn!, )n the car
ers the epeuse und because It was they are either Idle or have to find
belleted that it would be possible to other employment It Is being re-
o uheuil Just us though the bonds ' cognized in many cltleH that the lest
en- tte.. but the Highway com-, investment that can be made Is to
Hss.on follows a "show me" policy. ! place teachers on an annual salarv
ml it was neressuri to actually vote ' ThN ena)U. ,hem to ,ake a,ivantaKe
ond before any allotment of r thp varatlon period to get u much
funds rould be made This bus re-1 needed rest The ennr........ mf,u
J suited in a delay that innn prove lllc rlrB of evert thing entering
iiiMi,iiiiiii.riniiiHiiirini' sno.vna- nto thr. r0 of v,nB of leacn ,rs
this e.,r that (he good roads embus- j makes ,t ,pHra,lve ,nilt higher s-.l-'lists
hud hoped for j nrlH shou(, ,,e pa(, ,f ,ne ct. (1 (o
The tuhk before the officials Is a ; hute (he advantage of the ben euili
itiipetidoiii one It Involves the lay-' ers that ran be secured
Ing of the foundutlon for work thut1 One interesting feature about the
Kbrlver also Mr. and Mrs. A. Moris-
seau and Mrs. Ii. Fisher.
State Can Now Stand Back
of Reclamation Bontls
cow. June 5 Never again will prices
Hlx Per Cent Amendment to Coawtt-
tutlon, Rooaevelt Highway, Mar
ket Roads and Soldiers' Aid BiH
Are Successful Portland Bills Arw
Still In Doubt.
will rot er u period of ut least fitd
appointment of the teachers is that
there are five pairs of sisters tiu
Mikses Parker. Ford. McAndretva,
.tears Already two months time has
been lost und the prospects are thut
another month will pass before de-l Johnston and I'attln. No two of them
finite steps can be taken to get und-' will tench in the same school
it wuy operutlons that will, when' Following Is a list of the teacht.v.
lltltlOATluN op KKillT HrMlltKU completed, give to Klamath county -i I the grades they teach and the schoo'
ACItIN OK l,.'l KOI.M I a stent of highways that will be Crntrnl
OlICK HKI'AIH OK THK lA'IAC..l"''iilK the finest In the world. Principal. Augusta Parker: Slh
K.U MAIIIINTUV Klamath county Is quite fortunate arade. Edith Simen: 7th trade
I"" ' ' " ..-.-
PORTLAND, June 5. Returns
from outside counties, chiefly Dour
las, Washington, Marlon, Linn and
Lane, show heavy votes against some-
j of the reconstruction measures. The
j reconstruction Bend amendment caJl
. lne for five million dnltnm Iho r-
or wages reach the before the war j conatructIon Bondlng B, and
leveK This Is the opinion of Profwsor , Ueutenant Governor measure were
II T. Lewis, head of the economic defcatedi accordng to todaj:.8
department of the Cnlterslty of Id- ureg Tfae port,and Indugtrla, an .
aho Professor Lewis said- (construction hlspital amendment U
Although prices will full from the , n doubt The meaaure8 whlch carrJe
present letel in almost every case. ,,,,,,,, . ... ,,..
this fail will not be rapid enough toRoogevelt Hlghwav B111 the aoldlws.
be noticed by the conumer The aldi tne Market roadgi and the lrr.
share labor will get from the nation-1 Uon Dralnage Dl8trIct !ntereBt
al income will be proportionately lar-j Buarantee.
ger than ever before." j
In his analysis of the high cost ofl
living problem. Professor Lewis hasi
emphasized the following facts: I
"The general public is mistaken In I
its feeling that prices will fall !m
mediately after the signing of peace
although there are many factors In
the situation that would lead to this
conclusion. We have every prospect
for producing the largest wheat'tind
For the purpose of organizing
'In one respect there Is no conten- j Kosslter; 6th grade. Nellie McAnd-1 rorn crop ihe VnileA States has ever every man employed in the lumber
men- is niiirli joy in tne viriiiity i tloit oter the location of the high- reus; .th. Mary Deggetidorfer- 4th.
of llonaiua these days, due to thpwa. except in one particular In- i:is'e Ford .trd. Anna Mae John
repalrlng of the Irrigation pump thnt I slaure, that of the road to Lakeview I stun: 2nd. Mar Keith: 1st, Mrs.
uus l n.inilli-il lust week When (he people uf Uouanza and I.angell Colden Lincoln
..... ,.r .1... .i .....ii.. i .ii i i . .
linns III uu' luinii.lili; ,.liriiiii iw liiiiej un- urlUK III1 all aillllKI -S III ! Itltl.rllle
ilestroy Hie piiiiiplug plant was hoapl tile route via the rim rock cuti.ton.
u shlter of fear spreud lliriimit the while the people of the Illy sertioli
I'pper I'liuitlr). for It was realized and (he Lake countv offirlals are
1)1$, lo Mr Wlshard, Secretary of Hint Hie iierpetrator was striking nt mukltiK a strong plea that the htgh-
iBetllstrlct no power iliitelopmeiit on
W irnjerl Is now required In con
BfCllDIl With rollHlrlli'lliin unrk nr Is
likely In be In the neur fiitov". I trlided Ills operations
mfre is no area within the project
rpulrlng wuter by piiiupltiK of suffi
l(iil extern lo JiiHllty the construc
tion and inauageiiieiit of a hydro-electric
power l I it ii t for such imrpose
ike law does not authorize (he Secie-
Try to detelop power for rouiiiietcial
Pi'rpoies. uccnnlliiKl) It 'r ml likely
tail any uitlou will lie tukeu for the
ti l'i un ut of putter on (be n-i,irl
'Ti.' li.i'iuiu furtlliT Miles lliul
10' i term en of a lease fir !! o,ih
till the Culiroinla-Ori'on I'ower
Couipuny of (he Keno canal tllli the
Wtllfge of biilldliig a dam across
LnV ltler without cons'iltlng the
lihi's of thn people, has ,ir iiiumI
ouch liostiiit) ami suspicion
"I'l'im this polul II ati'iep i lliat
y K I! lliailliury was a iiiimiiIht of
' which was iIimUim"hI
Ion en Hiii mutter of ,iei milMiiK
" ('iililoriila-Oregon I'ower Chiii
Pijy lo umtrol I'ppwr Klamalh Lake
'"I In lease (ho Keno Canal The
wards lepoit. dutnd October 'J,
"16, Is signed by all I ho mnmlierh,
wuillng Mr llrailbury. iintl was In
.!"" "f leasing tlm Keno Canal In
? ('nliroiiila-Oregon Patviir com-
PlDV Hlll'l'.tul It... ...... ..!,. ...... It, l,.,iu
m,, nn1 nvuih ii'lliilli i imiiim ruin
"I ri'lioil wmm iliiK ,'Mtiulilfimit nuil
"iel AS II lllislu III ill-nfllllir Hie I'llll-I
traxt with t In riitlronilii.nroinm
p"or riiiiipany.
On ti, i tni? i... ii..,.
lamutlini Hmvlcn senl' a ilr'afl of llm
PUPoseil uinlnii'l nf I lie form fliuillv'
'XeCllteil t. .M rnriniii lirnliirl tnllli.l
'"I" Willi lllHll-llrtldllH to lllHCIIbH lllll
,tlor with Mr llradlniry ami in got
"""' HiiRgeHiloiiH from him uh Iiu
"""I ."ml Include Ilium in his nmoil
"Wia copy f tlm draft or tlm pro
wwilnmtriirl wan mint for Mr llruil
Vys nun TIiIh liillor wiih not rti
tveil by tlm project mauagiir, hut
e ri'Clll Vl'll li i'iii.l. ..f Hi.. ,li-,ifl mi
'ebrimi.. .... "... i
j,.--.. -ii wiiuotii mo leiiui ami
"''not ilimm hiniHolf uuthorlzeil top
w II to Mr. llradlniry. A copy of
21 "':"ii'ii contruct diitod Kuiiriiury
J.' . " w"8 M01" to llio Wutor Um
,1 ABHOoliition on Mnrch :i. inn.
r?m.V tlm Projoct inuniignr, nuil
Promptly ilMlvnrod.
April 3, 1917, whim tho Hoclama-
the ter life of tlm community if his uy follow practically to old route,
efforts met with succesn and he ex- The matter wilt lie finally settled by
Fortunately, the slute engineer, who will go oter
however, he evidently knew ver.t lit- the data submitted for his Informa-
He about the use of dynamite or he Hon and be goterned entirely by the
did his wotk too linn li'illy. for the adtantage.s of the line selected
explosion only resulted In doing mill- m - ,
or damage lo tne ronerlliig nut or
(lie pump
Quirk lepalrs were mndc and the
pump was started lale Mouilat and is
now In Miccchnftil operation This
tear there will be
Principal. Mary Stewart; Sth
Jessie Ford. 7th, Mrs. Chloe Woed:
5th. Walte Drew; 5th. Ksther Mc
Andrew.s; th, Jennie Johnsten: 3rd.
Ituth I'attln: 2nd. Oertrude Parker,
1st, Alice Palmer
Principal, and 7th and Sth grade. ( Merrill: .i and ilth grade.
Cthel Puckett, 3rd and 4th, Muhel
Thomas, 1st and 2nd. Mrs. Frieda
Pelican lt.
Principal, Watne Keeee
grades, (irace I'attln.
Music. i:veln Applegate:
tie M.imi-i) P.irinln ri,nll
eight hundred acres of laud This social at the Temple this eteiilug are , , .. ' . . .
..... .... ... . . Training. Robert Clate
Mrs llertha Frakes will
had. The meat packing houses have ing industries. Harry Call, general
enormous handlings of 'neat a'ul meat .organizer of the International L'nioa
prolucts In cold storage. I of Timber Workers, which organlza-
"Large stocks of goods of every tln Is affiliated with the American
description which were belng held Federation of Labor, arrived in the
for war use overseas will not be ' clt' ,ast evening from Marshfield.
needed as demobilization becomes a where he was engaged in a simlla;
fact. The government purchases will mission. He has isued a call for a.
fall off. Knclund has alreadt- ran. ' meeting of all the mill workers and
The !( who are preparing the.
iirlgaled about prognim for (he Klks Smoker anil
will be Increased when the piujecl Is mighty mtsterlous about what Is go-
I'ompleti'il. to 2. OUO acres
The officials will make no stale
uiunl as to what piogress is belli
III It tl - Inwards Hie discotert of Hie
person giilltt of the crime, bill It Is
iiiiileisluiid lliul tln' ate fulliiwinga
clew which t lift Indict c will lead lo he falls lo put ill an appearance
thn -n I pi it the Cluli this evening
celled all her meat orders. Finally,
the men returning from overseas
service will materially increase tho
t.upply of produce.
"There are many forces which will
tend to fcesp nri"s up The ir-st of
eranspnrtntion Is still high. Ocean
rates have dropped slightly. Rail
road rates continue the same. A new
tax levied by tlie government an al
most every conceivable luxury will
I i-n lot.. Attnnt Mn 1
Domes-1 .
ine uncertainty of European
supplies will tend to keep prices up
have ' F,mi"-Vi lnn government's price fl-
' woodsmen, to be held in the Moose
Mall Saturday evening. At the pre-.
ent time there is no local un
ion of the men working in the wooos.
and it Is for the purpose of perfect
ing such an organization that Mr.
Call has come here.
The employes of box factories and
finishing mills are not Included In
this organization, they being classetl
with the members of the carpenters
lug to be pulled off but JuiIkIdk ' cIuirK.. ? thl. rilf,.,rill llt uitersli'le. lnB ,,0,,CJ'' a"tet a prewar mea
from their general actions there are
going tn be some mlglitt
and iuteifsllug stunts
Ltoii iiieuiber of the order till! .e
sure to regret it eter aftertuird
llleten of these teachers are Klam
ath County citizens'
if Mi :iul '',. Cnliltl.wait ' of CuiM
:tt I it . o i re In tin clt fn- n few d.ivs
J hiisltit-!. i anil p'ousiir" irii
sure is ueing continued in peace
times. This policy holds that It is un-i
wise to demoralize Industry by n '
sudden shifting of prices. Tho gov-,
eminent believes that it is unfair to
tmpel producers to sell at a loss
goods that thoy produced at the re- OCCFPATION. Juno 5 Control of
BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF WORLD'S LEAGUE OF RED CROSS SOCIETIES. ,'u,s' of "10 Bovcrnment'' the "Home Guariis" has bocome ?
Professor Lewis believes that the acute a problem in various parts ct
Kga'iasXet.IttU aiiiaKBBagBracs consumer will not notlco this chango unoccupied Germany that the
' -i ""'Ij v'sVTtR',!',s'- Ji ftrViGAf 1 ifK'' iV'i '"'"R'.sBBHBBg lilt onct' "rtnll prices change much 8l" government has attempted, to
,12Uu TSK.'afT sW. . vr'ljaftTi- JtJS 5 ? -'1 ' a &i':?UV,'BBBBa!al mum eKurli Ihnn ...l,nA..nin ...i .meet the ttttilntfitn with r.)iitliitriiw
....... ......(,. ,.,,,ii , iiiiiri.uie liriues j--.-- ... ... ....... ...... .. n...... .......
.Producers nro making evert' effort to over all these units, according (o
'to keep prices up, I information reaching American inte'l-
Altho wages will fnll somntvhnt ll'Benco officers. Numerous Home
I Professor Lewis believes that they 0"-ar" companies' from, time to tltuo
'will ho readjusted to meet the need navo turned out to be SpartacMt ncsH
Jnf labor. This Is a result of a grow- wnen 'Hsorders developed, but on tlm
litg recognition on tho part of the otl,or liaml "otrto 'Guards sjm'xIsr
mployer that wages must not be only 0u caU aro easy-to recruit, anjl
are sorely needed In every community
becausu of tho half-Spartacjst and
half-robbor bands .which' have an-
tlon ' ai wnim mo iiacinma
ki....u.rvlcu luurnuil of Mr. Urud
Dlr... u"ur( to recolvo tho ilrnft.
"OCtOr Davla nrrnta n loll nf .
. ... n.ww m ivi.ui w-
siK,tmi t.l(Jv''A .
CI jHaaaWrTaaaaaaBaa7HtaaaaaaaaH M
aaaHaaWiaaaaakaliaaaaaaaaaaHaaaHaPal 1
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaKWJaaaaaaaaaaaaaHLaaB W
aaaaaaaaBaVMV BaaaaaaaaaalaaaaaaaaaaVWHaaWLrffiiaBaf 31
aaaaaaaViaaaaaaaaaaaaaVM4P'T!9llaaH 1
HlHIPKal. v laalStflaaaBl'
SS!S?&hSLjmm t i.VtalaEiiaHaaal I
JMaMflafT i ,g.f SX Y? ?T oWlpWffSL f W.iMlatfaaWPlLaijaiaaaaaaaaaaaa
mmmjiam -- '''.aaaaaaaHal
vfLPVaTflVlaVaaaaaVawli aatfaaaaaaaLaaaaH I
reduced while prices nro high.
1 Labor has gnlned ndvnntngos dur
' Ing tho war Hint it never had before.
It Is now In n position to enforce de
mands that It could not have made
two years ngo Employers nro be
ginning to recognize that labor and
omployor wore not on the right
torms hoforo tho wnr and thero
Rooms to bo a tendency on the part
of both to make conditions right.
(Continued on pio 4)
When thn It oil Cross organization
of tho world organized recently In
1 Purls mid funned the Lougue of Red
Cross Societies, Sir David Henderson
wus appointed director gonorul. This
photogroph, tukon at tho timo, showb
(from left to right) the Roard of
Governors Senator Frascara, Ital
ian; Sir Arthur Stanley, llrltlsh;
Henry P Davison, American, who is
chairman; Comte de Kergorluy,
French; 'Prof. Nlnagawa, Japanese.
Oregon Fair, moderate westerly
peared utmost everywhere.
New regulations for the Honm
Guards provide that they shall be
under tho supervision of the local ilis.
trict ami totvu authorities, with the
cooperation of the Workmen's Coun-"-.
ells and the Farmers' councils. . Wuri
veterans must be obtained na far ay
possible. A pledge to the republican
form of government and loyalty to
authority must be taken. Otr.'rt-.ii
shall be elected, but once elected.
have full authority.