paok niotrr THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON wkiii.hi.u,.mm ,,ID) t Hi I 1 It, If iK ) PRESIDENT AND MRS. WILSON AT PARIS RACES ESSEBK3 '"" " is n m. k LLLLY M flHH w Bb I H B H H I BBfl ffV R 0 NEWS MILLS ADDITION 1 ho mnltii'i for tin new m Imiil hulldmi; fin il' Mill ildltlon us iwitdul l the lMr' loin of eluml DNIllil No t 1 "(ioiik timl l'l imtm of Alii ill Oioftiill the lilil f tills firm lioliiK Hit' lowest I ln anion ni of l hi' I'lil "a $1 'ii" ! I urniii of tlilill wtisuwnrded llif iniilriiil for (lu lii'iitliiK inn) tiliiuililMK llmli award won- tiuulo silbjeit In (In' to illlls of till' llOlllt I'll'I'tlOII III III' lll'lll on Jinn' i- whim (In' people will be iiikt'il (o M'li' til. 000 iiililliloiiiil for tho const nut Inn of this liiillitlilK Tin' noi'osslt) for ii ii'lmol Imllilltm for tin' Mill addition Is apparent to am one m,i will kIvk ttu unit tor tho slightest consideration Tho popula tion of tlili m'ctlon of the city lis had it phenomlnal isrowth unil It con stantly Increasing ami promise to bo one of tho mutt thickly settled portions of tho ell) Alronil) ground has boon purchased for tho hIIp. tho purchase prloo being remarkuhlv low. fifteen thousand dollars In bonds tvis already liwn voted, but owing Our photographer Is discroot He also smiles as though a corta'u horse to tho groat advance In the cost of wirelessed us that he dots not know had finished first, the President ie- nter) thing entering Into tho con- whether President Wtl.nn K..i .... ,sJ'aed from his IVace Conference ten- structlon of the building. It was lm- races. He merely calls attention to the presidents smile as ho -lands on FIRST DERBY IN FOUR YEARS FOR ENGLAND I 0K .Iiiiiii I tltiiili piiiiidn won llie II (lit ill I IlK'ini DiiiMl" 'Mi. i Dm linn m'ioiiiI I'upi'i tluiil I hi" I" til. iiihI ii ih ln in I liKlmid I'll lour o u-. MslMtV M IMtlll Mix IMslllll's lsl'l' l i: ( Ult M.I. IS. Juno I llie slate liii'iil of I tii official it or I In I'hilslliin i linn ll'iif thin I'll' Hi II"' lliiilli I of llie alleged dliiwiiliiK o( the llllllln! T Itl'k J t'lllllOllllolgel lilt" .'ICIUM I'l'l'll lIl'lllM'll III till' IVII'Ipl Ol o litem o III tho time nhlili I ho limn it Ik mil pioparod to iilitiiiinin It l li'iirni'il nil it'lliiblii uiilboilli Hull this Is I III' KOioml tlliio Ilio ma tor has mislorliitistx dlsappoaioil fliini Ilium' 'I ho first tilt) - ho wan Ktiiio for soieral )oars. Ihon ro up pourod and was un opted Ii) hi l.iiu ,11) hllo aa), it una iu'.I. ho was iiitdor nu assumed nutin' Members of tho luntril lia gliou out tho Impression t hut tho statement won lit Indicate (hat tho lululxoi was laboring utiilor tomporur) mental do rangomoiK When iioh otldi'iii'o ur rhod. It Mat said that a woman flit uroif In tho dlsappoaiauco It wan also said that a womuii figured u 'tho former disappearance No Information will bo git en nut by the board, it Is announced, until : m imiim nritiiciw'rf itit nrr. .ml . mutch set , , i. In III KV ,MI llfUV MIVII IIIN).i:'Rrni of John lliiH,.,,ri " Tl" I'liu-filll) rill,.,) , ,, " ""en HI NU .linn' I lh flnul (hiitUoi I lie leroimiin '"''in ot In olio lit ihu I'lKKl'Kl lllllll timiir - - - . I. Inn; episodes III tho hlslim of ion HIMUI I ltll t . . Hill Dli'KOli win. Wlllli'll last nok M h flm, ,,, i in Madia when Hlieilff lui lloli omli "liilo ,k.' ii.,illln ' '" 'r,m Of Jiiffi'liniH uilllllt. IHi'kIiIkiI nl tho hiialnoiin ,, ,,,,,, " '"" "' fUlll'llll SUM lion Of ll IM llllltlU Of lip i'lll uriiia ,,f (, c " '''""IIH whUkt A di'i'li lii'iirh wan iIiik. (Iio Hhniii whlih h, , ,, , '" ,l liquor puiiioil In ki'iiitouo milled i;o m iimuiil "'" "" i ii ii iii n-m hi 1 1 ii him ii i ii h i in in 1 1 in,..,,''8' i i i H4 slon and went to tho famous rice1 possible to secure bids within the course which, since, tho Grand Prix limit of the funds on hand, so It was as run In 19H. had boon uicil a a decided to ask for more money. Thl. u" ",r,ll''r, " "' ' "us boon ox a balcony of the clubhouse of the i pasture, for cows. Two American will undoubtedly be Toted Lonxchamps race course near Pir.s (owned horses, one bolonuin to W t amlnod Taking with him Mrs Vi.-on. who K Vanderbilt. on that day IIKtll SCHOOL 1'iaV AT IIKM.KV. r i Wdiman's Fruit Salad The finest thing put in cans. Delicious for Salads or Dessert. Give it a trial ; 30c and 50c cans. DelMonte Pineapple, fine, choice fruit, No. 2V-, cans, 40c. Rogue River Bartlett Pears, fine as ever canned, No. 21-; cans, 40c. The Sunset Grocery PHONE 200 JLZJlosiery 5 la T UXITE HOSIERY embodies the spirit J- of luxury yet it is not extravagant. Shapely, shimmering and closely woven the product of beautiful materials, pure dyes and specialized methods. LonJ wear and elegance combined in insepar able union. If that interests you, come to this store; ve vill gladly show you any style you prefer. Popular Prices. i AHMV OK IH'friMTIO.V tWTII, tM-IOIIKIt O.M, Tho Henley hlich schol students rill staRo the play "Daddy " at the WASHINtSTO.N. Juno t No provl. Henlo) school house. Krlday etonlnit., Ions for an army of occupation after Juno S Tho admission will bo S6c September of thl )var Into boon 'for adults and 13 c for children made b) the war department, urrnru- KollowlnR Is tho cast of rharaclers 'UK to testlmoii) before tho hnuao Mr Hrown "nadtly "' Lowell Doartn- mllllur) affairs comitilltoo Major Ker. Mrs ilrown it social climber McKa). of the amoral staff, tald iho Mabel I.atta Nellie Ilrown. a )ouhk commlttto (hat (be plans mil fur an detiutanlo Ituth M Dixon. Tod ami) of occupation of tioo.oou durliiK Ilrown. a coIIoro athlete. Kenneth July too.ouu durliiK Aukusi and Case, Mrs Chosior. Mr Hrown's In- SOO.OUO durliiK September alld sister. Vltlan Kllot . Paul Ches- m ter. a )oun doctor. Oeraltl West. I'lniti K.ltAI ItKPOItTI l TAKLS. Thomiwon. tho butler, Karl Dumm; , Jane, the cook. Veda Hrlffllh COPKMI AtJK.N. Juno The KV Tho ladle, of the district will sell ,, KnnUn fofrn h uk. refreshments, consisting of Ic- cream ru ,,,,,, ,,,.,, accor,11(1K , a and cake, coffee and sanwlches unconfirmed dispatch from Vardo i I TA Lynn & HlJy-MaJ Washburn Piano Moots every renulretnont of thine mixt critical Tho rich simplicity of Its case arclillrrturr Lt docldodly pleaslnx Us action Is roMnslte and iuullinii to it totirh The Ton ' Is warm, mobile -trul) Jllf)lu Coiitriiloiit term ran bo arratiKod Earl Shepherd Co. I'liono 2MJ-J m:t iMiit c o IH'V K-ssKX t'Allt. r H Coiad of this city. Hon Kaus and K H Anderson of Merrill tui joined the Ksset famll), each harlnic purchased one of these cars this week i.iMiiKitMA.v ni-rrrit.s. AiMiMHUuniiiiMmiH:iiuiiiii!iiti!;ra William M tlray. an Oskosh. Wis. consln tlmberman. who has Interests In this section which he Is looking after, has returned from a business trip to San Francisco i First Bishop of Orthodox j Greek Church in America' Kodak Work g ttmmim i' wvjrx. .. - . v. BKtCP. AtCXAMDtR- For the first time In the history of the Orthodox Greek Church in Ameri ca, a bishop Ih to KUlde membnrn of that faith under tho direction of tho Holy Synod of Greece. The lit. Itov, Ttodoston Alexander was appointed head of the church In America after u recent visit of dlgnlturieti from Athena. He states that ho ia in full accord with the spirit of the Interna tional Church Conference to be held In Europe We have the best and most extensive equipment in this part of the country for finishing Kodak Work. Large development tanks, automatic washers, electric driers and printers, and competent operators to handle them all. Bring Us Your Films We will get the best pictures possible out of the exposures you have made. Bring in your film before 4 o'clock in the afternoon ami you may have the finished pictures at the same hour next day. TWENTY-FOUR HOUR SERVICE If you are out of town send us your films my mail, as we give equally prompt attention to all mail orders. D Mtnwooft Pharnw V 7 I uritY;: KLAMATH FALLS OREGON WHERE PARTICULAR PEOPLE BUY THEIR DRUG3, lr.cciHA' I i n ii Cl A Pi bi ti Pi dl Ih Ih en th Pr llo bu Dii