The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, June 04, 1919, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    "''isim,,n Nr ,(
The Evening Herald
J. M V It It A V
nUfnetorvonlcoxlth rt-asoniibl.. .Moll) of Ihr Kolllvn linn Koo.l l.rtit.l It only l.v llir tl.
... ... ...-.ii Tl. ...... I nw.r.. Iiimrf Iirlllllllirc II f IHOtlCV tlllll lll'Ci' Hit
riu," Miinoin unci minim mil nun I'm- uinuun, sum. ...... -
euro tho benefits of K'Kltlmnti- com- Interest In tlili" thim In most come-
lietltlon The pilnclal ovriitlnK illes
oompnnle of tho I'ulted Stntes me $m I'MI'er iiirtrn)r tbe ruli of
vitally Interested in eo-operatliiK n the ball boo ilunrer In a utile-
with Conisre ami the official of the how at t'.mei llatnl Other frenHc
Pnbltpbed dally virrpt Sumlar Iit
Re Htrald I'ubltahlng Company of Cos eminent to accomplish thee re- f t,e slilesluiM are the Human Sub
Klasiath FbIIp. at 116 Fourth meet
Kutard t the postofflce at Klam- ' "' comiminicauon is s.gneu
Mil Falls, Or.. tor traasmlMlon thru Theo N Vall, president of the Amor-
Ik saalls aa acond-lasa matter
Bftbocrtptlon terma by mall to any
MrM In taa United State:
month ..... .50
lean Telephone A TeleRruph Co ami
I? V Koblnnon. l'reslilent V S Inde
pendent Telephone Assu
M ruber of tbe Aasociatrd reaa
The AaaocUted Preea Is exclusively
aatttled to the use for republication
at mil news dispatches credited to It
r aot otherwise credited In this pa
wr. and also local news published
All rights of republication of pe
dal dispatches herein are also re
rred WKiXKsn.Y, jrK i. inu.
At the Theaters
marine which part Is pla)ed by Jack
Mower Margarita Klsher a loading
man fortune toller and high my
tic- of the troupe, who Is also .Molly s
mother The latter role Is taken b)
I I.ule Warrenton
There is a breoiy Miung chap In
i the story who. because of his ardent
Now that th Hell Tolephone com
pany ha- under the guise of goern
acnt control, robbed the public In
1he matter of increased rates and
Jeellns safe In the belief that the
bludgeon methods of Hurleson will
stand after the line are returned to
the owners, an appeal is being made
to congrvs for the prompt return of
th? line so as to vrmlt the
it to reestablish and maintain a
satisfactory service with reason iMe
rates wthout discrimlnat'on -" pro
cure the benefits of legit. m r. io.n
petition The poor public s sup-
posed to swallow this sort jf bu V.
nrge conqre-s to hand back 'h ; -k
accept the unnecesar) and inrea
sonabh? ncreas in rate. e'il- t-.iok
and take the medicino that Hu-liwon
gave It. and smile We hae i.o ob
jection to a return of the '.fni-. in
fact we shall be glad to w hem
back where they should always bate
remaine. but we do object to the en
actment of ant legislation that wil,
prevent 'he people from utiiiu .t
the te'ephone compan) and coiikl
ling It t put the rate back where
they ought to be We hoj u cm
the resc'ation of al! rate pi.i .-i n
th Mml of municipalities, and .r-i
in the i.-ds of corrput com up is.- r is
'lhat are so easily controlled .ii.ili.'
the fn-o'ests of the people
The -ppeal to Congress b t'u
trust ... d the Independent phono
compcm s, is as follows
To the members of the senate and
house of representatives
Oa midnight. July 31. l&H und-r
the authority of Congress for ir
purposes the President took super
vision, possession, control and opera
tion of i! telephone systems of th"
country and has since operated them
Tho war has practically ceased Th"
public press is strongly demanding. '
the general .public and the owners
of the telephone properties are urg
ing, that they b returned as speed
ily aa possible, that former conditions
may be itstored and more satisfac
tory serv ce be afforded The Presi
dent ard the Postmaster-General
have announced that this will bo
'done as soon as adequate arrange
ments be provided for receiving and
advanag-ouslv operating them It
remains only for Congress to enact
snch leg slation as sp"-dily as pos
sible The expenses of these systems hate
largely increased during the past
year, for wages alone at the rate of
more than J20.000.000 per annum
This was inevitable and necessary by
reason cf larger proportional In-'
creases by the railroads and indus
tries of the country The revenues
are Inadi quale to care for such In
creases and the deficit of the Gov
ernment on that account to date Is
large and steadily Increasing Tho
Postmaster-General ordered that
Heps be taken to secure adequate
revenues but contentions with the
regulatory authorities of the states,,
not yet settled, have prevented such
If such conditions continue, neces
" Karily the credit of the operating,
companieH will be impaired, proper,
expenses cannot be met, the best op
erating forces cannot be retained,
needed extnslons and satisfactory ser-.
Tic cannot be provided. A deteriora-'
tlon will ensue which in some local-)
.men may mreaien a recurrence to
public ownership or operation in or
"tlor to care, even Inadequately for
public needs. By prompt action Con
gress can prevent this contingency.
Just and speedy settlements should
he made for all properties taken un
der tbe existing law, that such bal
ances now in the possession of the
Government may be restored to an
oint in tho upbuilding and extension
of the various system for bettor
public use The conditions and reg
ulation of operation should bo clear-l
Jy def Ti- o so as to permit tho rum-
At tho liberty tonight will ho
shown M irgarita Klsher's latest pic
ture. Moll) of the Follies . which
presents her in tho most brilliant to
hide she has had during her screen
'Mollt of the Kollles is tmse.l on
tho lied Itook stort of Peter Clark
MacK.irla v and Is considered Mi
Kshor"s terv best picture bt fur In
addition to being a riot of laughs
admiration for Moll), koops things
going This Is one of the most enter-'
mining photoplays that tbe manage,
metit of Tho Libert) Tboativ has i
shown for ome time
bo iiltnlned llolico II is not surprising
that lliirvet's liroiilor Minstrels wear
tho swellest. most otpolislve wind
robe worn by an) mlnstlvl mid mIo
that Its olio of seven nets of vaiulo
Mile Include specialties not to lie out
classed anywhere ami tho members of
this minstrel nrr highest salaried nml
tho best treated of an) minstrel man
on the road tho result Is tho best
dould-bo patrons turned i
would-bepMtrons turned awo fUe
nights out of the weeks It seems
impossible to find theatres largo
nough to accomodate the crowds
who want to son tho llarto) llrrator
MlnstrrU- moral, buy yourvt as
onrl) as possible Thoy will bo nt tho
Opera House Tuesday and Wednes
day. June 10th and Utli
11..-... .. i ? Vllnslrula kin ttP
""" "'" ; ' " ;, OTII"K OK MUlTINtJ.
ganUed and Is owned bt It M liar- i crp,,,,,,,,,' AH.n s lo will hold
tot a well known cireds man who for')t regular mooting on the evening of
in nml lot us show you how to ti-anfoim
dusty old attic into an attractive loom with
tears has bet ti spending iinmot like
water in the rireu business Tin' ox
petise of btllMillg till umiMOUIeiit u
terprlse tloe not disturb 111 in boratlso
as Manager of one of the greatest
rns onioipriss in Ihr road ho
tune 4 at 7 3l p m sharp ui the
Won an s I.ibrar) club
J II VOL M Kit se
People are lonving our city daily hecnuw there is
place to live, wnue any one can put up
Center and Klamath Ave. I'hone rs
Tho Ladlrs of Paul tullld
(KpU-opull hnt" postponed the food
s lo this month uiln ' tir'll.i i.ollii
Read the Herald Want Ads.
it I . p
V H, I '
- rte. -v n i ' -
- w.s-- i J , . .-.- .41 v - - . - at-z.
b& Jw " essrwigr
ome and See the New
Chandler Touring Car
Most Beautiful Big-car Offering of the Season,
and the Price is Only $1795
THE new Chandler touring model is here. We have waited for it. Old Chandler
owners have waited for it. It's here now and we are all proud and happy.
The Chandler of the past has had splendid bodies, but the new Chandler touring car
even surpasses its immediate fore-runner in beauty of line, in bigness, in comfort of its
cushioning, in the nicety of its custom-like workmanship and in its lustrous finish.
The new Chandler Touring is a big car. Its high hood and radiator, its broad cowl, its
wiue auu ueep uoors give it aisuncuve appearance.
And it rides like a dream
SiX $(705
V. V- A-l I
. TlW).
v 'Z3 it 1 13
v s.J . .
- "" ' s. " wi'fA n. ,'i itlrift vtoj
y ,$&
'til ;r,-. ;
' Fr .
-XlfflkV Vd
Nothing has been cut out to permit the delivery of this
fine big touring car at the Chandler price. Indeed, many
little details of nicety are added. The back curtain window Is
beveled plate glass. The clear-vision side curtains fit snugly
and open with the doors. There are detachable rear quarter
bow curtains. There are out bide door handles.
Feature which hnvc been standard Chandler qualities In
the pat arc continued. 'Hie cushions are upholstered in
genuine liand-biifled plaited leather. The front compart
ment floor boards are covered with heavy gray linoleum,
aluminum-bound. Tho two comfortable auxiliary chairs fold
away, entirely concealed, when not in use.
Carrying this Handsome Body
Is the Famous Chandler Chassis
You will choose the new Chandler touring for its bigness
and its comfort and its handsome dignity. But you will
choose it, too, for it mechanical excellence. Fifty thousand
Chandler owner know, better than we can tell you, what a
good car the Chandler if. The famous Chandler motor and
the sturdy excellence of thewbole chassis make tbe Chandler
notable among fine cars. ,
The Chandler continue for 1919 all It distinguished
mechanical feature; solid cast aluminum motor base
extending from frame to frame, silent chain drive tor the
auxiliary motor shafts, annular ball bearings, Bosch
Magneto Ignition and many other feature of design and
equipment characteristic of th highest-class motor car
Smm-Fmumttr Titrint Cmr, SIM Ftmr-Pmutrngtr Ritfr, S179S
FMhimtrDiMfatck Car, SJI75
tommMU Stdmm, MfS- CtmvtrtibU Coupi, $2395 Limituin, S3Q9f
Mil Prim . . k CUvUmi
The Public is Cordially Invited to Come and Examine This Justly Famous Car
CENTRAL GARAGE 420 Klamath Ave.
i e-s.-btabl.3b unu iumnm i w
ii ill! nil mini"