'msl"'" a. mm. PAOK EIGHT THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON 1 H H rri i RFC T PUMED YOUR PIANO II s a good idea to secure tniir Piano now ami take ail .itu.i. of the vacation to s-tart the children risht You will find the Piano ou want at the price ami term ou want to pay at our store EARL SHEPHERD CO. Standard Instrument Not Poor Postoffu-o x ry V Tj , ft Pv $M 9'y&ttr Warn tefec. v the razor? No beard can resist the smooth, clean' cut work of the Gem Damabkeene Raor. You don't risk your face when ou shave with a Gem Damascene. It won its reputation by its constant use by clean-shaven and well groomed men. Vc sell the complete Gem Darrus'sccne Razor outfit for $U The outfit includes the razor, seven Gem Damaskeene Blades, shaving and stropping handle all in a hand some leather cas Came in anJgc:yjur Gem :-dayl Baldwin Hardware Co. "The House of Quality" lil II KM l MM 1)11 li. ID III (.1 I ss III (M W Itl I II I ( Hill's l Ml I MM. M V I' MOl I I MM' Ml tin' soldiers sailors ami mar in,- who i'h identified wih i lie milium serine n( the I ulteil States iliirliiK the world war whet ho- or not ihoi etillsteil (roni Klamath to fielder with tllelr wiles me to lie the KUo-ts of the oinatls llollef I'orps here at u blK reception next Mnudat otontUK June '.'til noiordltm to an announcement mmle todat Plans for this Mk Catherine which Is exported to lie the tint Rreat asseintilx of the soldiers ilnce their return from the conflict were com pleted Ml the meotiUK of the Corps Inst olenitis The t! A It mid Span ish war etoratiK. are also to be In cluded In the general Imitation The affair is to he held at the I'orps headquarters at the Odd Pol lou.s Hall A fine program W now ho liiK arranged In Hie program com nnttee at which some unusual tea turos are contemplated, the nature of ullUll wilt not ho uliuoutired III .till. line Appotlxtui; refreshments are to he erod The meotliiK Is sure in lie a plca.aut get together fur the lms who hae boon ot emeus and m tin irnliutiK camps It Is txioitod that the n turned mddierct who tiato )oeii -.orlou-di dlncusslliK the forma "mi nf a i hapter of the . Kin r I cum in KUinath l ount will t iKo nine sti-p- toward the foruinilun of 'hi bod) at the tueetinj; Mntidut nisht The entertainment rotnmltteo inn Mts of Misil allien llocardun Jofior -.hi Ilrattoti and Murpki The v freshmelit rn-imlttoo is composed of Mi sdames Pleel, HlKKlosun Sargent riirasher and Ilrookflohl Mrs Mxrtle Martin wan selected at the mooting last night nit a delegate tn the Mate Comotiltoti nf th i'orps which run tones' at The hallos the lat i or part of tht mouth. ii vm i: at tiii: . i:rv. A ilutice I- to tip Kln-n at the Klamath Agency next Satunla, etep inK the prut eed from uhtrh will lie used to purchaso a Vlrtroln fur lu si hool The mmilc for the danre will lie furnished by "'; llorel orchestra from this rlt Tni.. la one of a series; of dancot to bo Riven for the pur pose of raining sufficient funds to In- sure the purchase of this musical In- Instrument. HKIIi: PltOM sTIll li'lON. Mrs riatidti Cobooni. who fmni erly resided In Klamath Kalln. cnlno In on the train last otenlng for a lmt with her father and motliei Mr and Mis C W White Mrs flm-". boom now resides In Stockton Oil ER ALD WANT ADS Bring home the Bacon Every Time. Try 'em a i.i;.nKit iv i.ii'i: iskiu.wci:. The great Mrongth. the big dltl deetids. thi- incomparable benefits nf The I'lrst Ainrili.ui Life Iiisurnnin lonipaii). in-an- first class life In--urn . f'r ton Pur piriif ulars ,,, (in i rut'" ii nil'"-.'-' Mv- r Tl Mm u il Mfo lnsiir.ui' , ' s .! -1 1 ' 1 A IS ONE OF YOUR BIG ASSETS. YOUR CLOTHES WILL BE CLEANER AND YOUR POCKETBOOK HEAVIER IF YOU SEND THEM TO M. CLEANING CO OUT OF TOWN ORDERS Promptly Returned. It takes only 10c Postage : OFFICE: MAIN STREET, CORNER OF SIXTH Werks: 60l2 Main Street WE STORE YOUR CLOTHES FREE OF CHARGE FREE DELIVERY PHONE 30 BIG CELEBRATION IN ASHLAND JULY 4TII -hinnd the Humim " "f s n n in Uleiinii nallnualli kliowi r.n !- riiiiiniis Mineral atei . an I I s liemtKiil I ill'lii I I K slliiaie.l at Hie fiinl of (lie Jsl,liiiil inoutiliiltis aim ,.ii tin Piiiiti lliBhwai will iciiii ule'irate til Klnrl.ius Pom III ol lull with crand bl t Ii r Ins cololirailoti on Jul Jul Hh '"'l. ' wlih l he lli.RUe Itixei Itnund I p on nf the iii'ilu features I'lii- Is slilauil s fniirlh nti'iinl i eli Illation and the hospltuliti u" U penple Is known fai and widn Ml thnt Is necrssari t for the all noiiui-oiiioni to ko out thai shlatil, Is to ( eletinite and a I iruo irnwd ,ii of miles to see the llnlllld up alone of miles lo see tile oltlllld-ll'.i alone liesidiis Iho m it tl n other nltrai'ilmm The proRram for Iho Pelebtiillot In now lii lite null hir. and will aiH in this itpi'l ill a Inlet dale this In 1110 mi liiiltatlmi to the public if K'.nn it 4 It Pulls In lii (be MIH'sl" i ' litaii ' I . . r I III' lilt i li Ills on ii l I .I lid iillil III a Knn.l linn. Is 4i i U lllllll. Allilln W.ill tu ,.Mi,, v ' ":!i! n.,.1, ' r. ,ij, Weilllii.ilni M(, Js n - m M""linni ii.... "IHtaii i iiniiRiiiMli ' M'-lii,n, ",'""' Ml., A Local Red Cross .'. Activities .. Tliursilm M ,, ' it I I'll limn P I'oiirIicim Hultlidm M,,i ,i i , """Uii,,.. . n ' I ,l ill. VI .t. If Ollll-Mlll U, II P lS III S ) llefiite till hi)' , MH.ITI " iiirmn i, 1 Inn i present at the new Hir rn.nn fm wiel. ctidlUK Ma .11 w.te as I,. I lows Moiulai Ma) '.'i'i Meadames i.nn on , ..ii .. ,,ii ... . : ' .; , """ '"i Him i ""' '"'i "" "in tin. ... ' "-"' ":!' ' I iVrf ( "'' ". M,iK.r The Woman's Store SAFETY SAVING SATISFACTION A Briefly Told Story of New Things at "The One Best Place to Shoo" When oiip ant tn lit- poMtiwh Mire (if mIi eonvetnes-s.; when tuie .int chtiiee as w -II u' li!)eial M'leetiim, ami when one want Xaltir then Will will tuli appreeiate the fart thai tht. i the "HeM Place to Shop. After All." DRESSES A SPECIAL $16.50 I)re.M'S of Taffeta that have been e.speeially marked at this low figure in order to satisfy the demand for smart dieses at a reaMinahle price. The styles are veiy attractive and var ied of fine Chiffon Taffeta in navy, jjray, Copen. purple ami black in embroidered, ruffled and braided effects, round neck or sailor collars. Good rane of sizes, an oppor tunity rarely preented and to be taken advan tage of. BEAUTIFUL PETTICOATS AT $7.50. A style that is so much in demand, and justly so. for they are .o pretty and so serviceable tops are of fine ilk .Ieiey with flounces of Taffeta either pleated or ruffled and the color range offer., wide latitude for choosing. In ('open, (Jrecns, Hose, Cardinal, American Beauty, purple and black with the flounces in many cases of changeable color Taffeta.- This is a .special price offering. SILK UNDERWEAR FOR MILADY llrldes III be Kill Rruiluali In fin I all woimn who re. Jon i. in ilaut) iiudi-rthiiit will riinl in mil show tut; of i'i uiolti- I rip.- lie i bin" mil Italian hllk iiiuleiwear lane anil l.lnlitiil'lrl i-'l I iilnl-nli S,7, in VI I'llteliipe Itemise (.", anil Sll lnlei' llnlliiii silk e-l Mil anil Nil .Ml .leie sill. Itl u-i -. H" .111 (nuns MM mill si III Washable Sutincttc. Bloomers $3.50 Pink Corded Silk Bloomers $2.25 LACES FOR MANY USES ul.in fiinl om ihMMii ii of if at M vlmnW l,irn Hi a I ' 1 1 1 1 f J 1 I 1 1 i ! ,t .if' Uli i 'tli i re for I it ti I ti ai nin t , tl j ii ir ami hjIh The Prices Are 15c to 50c A 1 ' V : SS.U "J'l ...V.. v- If. i o. ljl." ' f ft M k The New SILKS Arc Wonderful 1 hU ltr ho alw i' ntd fur tf Silk cwn ti. v li Of hil)l(tll It fin ImmMi Ii I'i, hr u lll (iiul !li 'M -dt ut itiit ((! th' 11 i' Ulit r I limit..' TR1COLEITE One of the ai a si iti i. iti u i f i, orlten hentt inttlsi'i w i . bliiiinorlni- a ii 'I i In c i , ih. liiiisl popular ninl . ii''-' nc Hi I k ln-iii in nlil in. ii ' M' -tti in wide .1(1 Mill TAFFETAS III nil of I In- wuuliil plait ' "I nrs mrlpi'tl anil plai'l iff'-rlt Mall) Hew ami als In i.Tf. r at 1I.T.-V .HU. FIGURED FOULARDS The popular silk fur Hummer llrotften Our us.oiiiui hi i- uiuife unlit lari'.i- In nun ,inii a 'I black In iiiati, in v, I ,. i t i IKII MOIRE SILK POPLIN iiotbi r of tin a' ii ' -' mntlMl! after inati'l la's Im ttlil olnis i, .l run II. i I tutlpe null lilac X. lit I .Ii ' noil "'.'."li .ltl GEORGETTES AND CREPE DE CHINE i it .-in' ns I binic li ill tin ruit'lxiw li. Hi i ' In out wot .li rjul . Ih. - iliilnti .Sum I' PICK t-Jt 91..VI 1i S'Jl!'. Many Attractive Styles in New Neckwear i i I i. pe rle b t.e in 1 ' i i inn ml ami m i i l.i I'li-nilld aimi'itiiii til HI i iti ( i. .. ill.i' i ii !." Ill Jl'-'.nll. II lllllll I Ipl l.llllllt -l I an mii i in I, ml a in i !. OUR SERVICE What It Means to You If wn wire mtki d to Kite In one until the leiiKoll W ll t II Ih hioii' lllu. proKreined. we would lltlheiltat InRlv h:i 'Servlio." mill here nte out reilhllllH OI It SIIHVIfi: offer larKo tti,- cOrtllielltH Of JlIRt til" llllllKM Oil need iniint - I'lefy uttlcle of nlldii-lilli-h depetiilublo qilttllly. Ol H SKUVK'i: nffiTH li.we..t liciHulble prU'i'H on tlm bout pohhIIiIo iiieuliiiniliHU Our larK" loliinio oi iiiiMltioaa ninl our kuowiedKO of linw in bit) mid bow to noli wlih iri'.iiiht ei'tiiiuiny nntl BatlHfneiion 1 1, imrnelvpn nntl VOL' ma turn mtcli pric-H poHHllilu. Oi'H SKIlVlCr: orfnm yon m nil Him ii courtooiiH tumimciit by Mil. htn-oplo und ii wIllliiKni'HH mid il. Mii- to noro you - Abovo wo lllDiitlrin those UiIiikm Mliiili wn bellovo roiiHlltiili Hi oft abiiBitd tnnii "Hoivlre" Hero, i hey urn nt nil IIiihih ndherod to An Interesting Letter in Rejjnrd to CENTEMERI KID GLOVES Iiiih been nielM'il li) u t, ill ret I ftiim (in'iinbl I ' Wllllll Wo llle ailtiHI'll Of till set lolli, llllllllll.ii I ill I Iiiiiii loufreiiilni: Pn nib libit' ninl.. i- t . I . lllHHI'd US 11 lllXIII). lOII'ltl' Olllt III 1 11(1 1 I llll .III' ' i' Mini ) the mipply of mIiIiih is liilall) liiiuli iiiali in "" ' li portion of tlm ileliiiinil, we uui , owllo; to "' " "' t Mii'Ct to pa) li I'.teali'i pileo for illoi"' fim"i ('1" till) in;. 1 1 flitllle Wnmi'll who inn pilltlal " ('" (iliiioH will do null lo iiiih linie now, fm fun'" ' mii loitnnuie in Inning a kooiI hIiowIiik hi "" lilurli mid ivblte, with i ouiiiihIIui; HtltihiUK' S.I on .. Itl , .ml' mi; ami i . Ml .rut) in in ,' a. rl Vi i r it, I'V'II. COLORED SILK UMBRELLAS I'uitlf lllaily iidapi.'d lo til- illiiialli.il ni.'1'"'" Hltilu. foi limy homo a double piiipoHn holm; llVll 118 II HUllfllllllle (il an hllelti l ft mil tin' i b ,( Clueli, limnil and piuplo Mil 'I O SI.1. I I il" A Larger and Improved INFANTS' WEAR DEPARTMENT - Iinpt'otelnoliiH iniiile tli hint week. I'll" '' " '''.,'of Toi Iho bollm- illxplii) nf olll I (HinIumU) otilano " ' '))(irg tio.iinbli.i and niiiti) um hhuiIoi, ror llm IH"" "' f0ll will find tin pioparoil to m mo In ewi iiood n '" ' und liL'Ulth of tliu littlo Home Ittili'i H. N. MOE . Mm J M M WffiESfflffiffl L. t2WZ&WZ.m