The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, June 03, 1919, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    t'AGK KOVIt
II IsllU, M s,
i. loin,
The Evening Herald Button to Be Presented by UncleSnm to
5 2,000,000 Boys Who Helped Him Bent the Hun
K. J. M I' I! It A
Published dntlv except In
Tln Herald Publishing I'ompnnr of
KUmnth Kails, nt 115 fourth street
Entered nt t hi potofflf nt Klnm
th Falls. Ore . for transmission thru
the matin as second-class mutt or
Subscription term bv mall to nv
ddres In the Vnlled States
One jer . . J 6 00
On montb - SO
Member of the h Mini l'rs
The Associated Pre Is exclustvelv
entitled to the ue for republication
tit all ue, dispatches credited to It
or not etherte crediL.l In this pa
per, anil also local new lubllsbed
All right of republication of spe
cial dispatches herein ure alo re
ferred Tl l-xim. .11 NT .. IIMU.
mkv itKorun:. mi n
Ac " "M
J I A &)
Vaf.1 "II. 7g i ,nrr ffniuJ-M"
t ii A .1 Known in
iitni M
It US .'.ltl "1 1 IM
Ml all I Mi III I Ii "' i- l.i1 i
mill mm her of I II 1 1 ' '
in ioiiiiv Vf,r it It u i Ml v. in it
rived hint till lit fti'in i.riiml ' i i '
t olurMilo mill I'xpiit in mi iIkii
future lionit in Klnitiulli i min'v
Mr mnl Mm Tlt.'tiin Iihv. ii.l. I
f i - lllilllt Mlll III KrtlHnl I I! liaVr
mm disposed of their ii ( I in
ttreMi then utlil propo.' I" n imttl
H hi n tllrlr kiiii loi'llte,
Mllll I llll l ltl It M X(ls
p. mh! i itii nttoti this I ii ailux
i xriniiK nt s I1 M Work in M M
ill Kin I'ull nlletiilulii e re iileiieil
l! OHliP W UlOV II V
on Cm MiiKf ,i mi,
a super. ford
V;j. uuMi-n-i- tin- pttwii, tlcil)iht , ,.
of .nlir fill Less Vibration, Lm. Upk n, F ,
I'swtoi.v ifj.i,.MMitJit.i. line nil ln t,,,,,,,,,;, 'fj'
in ;iihI let him t.-II Mm about u.,i,t,i '
hulaiu'im; the Toid
Ninth nnd Mnin St. Kln...nil. i:n
-1 -"' "" urc,
A fast a- tin In" w h
nolo Sam are
service thev w '.1 r. u
t hi dpiRn
.i il to the Ken
Kin r of lliO new
i .i-e c .nl in -. T'l
joiu w 'i The Hira il n pointuiK o
the v i unt- of im t-.ilired ivnrol
. .. I.... I nolo Sam are ilii hulk. .1
Ol poi uiiieii rtuiu'n". a yiuii-n
to the r rUmation ol land f i- oi
ilier Kver me ihmiv lam1 the
panha- luiK 1-unrh of office holder -
m a-1lrctonvhae been workinit vid,. u -hare of th.- fund and ... i.-n l.n.iiKlii iuu the Har0) LnmlPr
day ani n cht to exolve ome vh-nif that ihe local authuntli im for-n tu Min-tr.U at Irnm ihi compnn) I
that w 1 proloiK their tenure of of the lau il.elf rapidh top
fire an leAter.d their influence The One of the bet thinn hu h cou'd liner attraction and la not thought uf
tidier bov a the M plausible hapten to the horde of Koiernment a a lilnier bo It HelliK Hi the
excuse -hex could crab and the cU-rk uhich .crat.he a llMtiB in ume rlu and character a an.
haw t)e-n workinp th patriotic en-,uhlnston uould b- to be driven "hlte mlnstr.-l mile. It be that t
tlment of the countn threadbare hv ou. and mattered oM-r the country to I. -uperlor nd the hlt, i even imaginable propoM- iK "' '" "anil an.! make farm. pr.-elllni! ih. effort., of ll.e,e a,
lion, all calling for more money and and Kro croP The uould haw. Ins p.opl. are urt liberal n th
. . . ,.v.i... i. .l -.r... .. .iii.t...! h.mia fni. iiatrotiaire
more oower ine number oi inee uuui, u-i.;. -.... v. ...-.. ......... .....
has Broun -o larpv that public -u- n h"''- l"t the would be a-th im
plcion l at lat being nroiiM-d and It proxed in health and pocket and
is now belieied that there will be lit- would b-come of much more u. to
tie healwa made alone the oncinal themeles and the country
lines The one chap that I- fooled
the lea-' i the one th.-e office-holders
tn to make fie public beliew
they w.nt to erve the soldier boi
Oh' he loinel the hanc onto
those two ord' But the soldur bo
has had a tate of cowrnmentnl red
tape and he i- not anxious for any
more cf it The nam the land all
riKht h it they want It freed from the
cur:: of official autocracv and Ineffi
cient administration Incident to the
administration of th law from
Wfish-ncton On this point the Ore
ponlan as
"If th' land reclamation and -old'er
t-etllement bill which will surel pa-
congre-- i to be efficient admin -tered.
the. execution of the law w,l
hare tobe entrusted in a larc" de?'.
to authorities In th states where tht
lands lie not centered in Wj'-hinK
ton. The chief cause of the growirg
inefficiency and extravasance ff the
Kovernn.ent is centralization of
ill authority in the capital This
practice has made the cowrnintoi
t-ach v. huge machine that it inons
more slowly Just whin the needs of
the time demand that It sped up
Everv o must le approved bv so
man r.'ficlals that it is inordinate!
ltlaul Each official is jealous of
bis lilt I- bit of authorit butseks'o
ede rtsponsibilit hence freiuen'
JlOstpcnment of decisions A horcL
of mbcclitiau b has- been appoint u
thru x meal faor in dierfgard of
the v ! sirvice law patronag ha
jTowi "j enormous proportion ar d
the f?ow-rnment machine Inrludts so
many persons as to constitute danger
to the fretdorn of the peopU It suf
ferR from a Hpecles of political fattv
degeneration of the hetrt
So far this season reports wrii
the fart t tint five iilrhts out of tl.
week hundred nre tiirnxl .
from the Harvey Greater Muntrtl
Tbe will b. here at tin 0
llimf Tuednv and Weiln.-il
June in anil 1 1
At the Theaters
Kor -tug ng and dun ng ni in an
excel the lolored r.ue .mil .ie:iis as
Mis Atlguhtu Park, r
the Central artinol lift
111" li
if the cr.a n of the colon d talent ha on the trul'i fo- I'ortl.itnl
Marshall Field, Third, Just Out of Uniform
Himself, Helping to Find Jobs for Soldiers
i 1 a... T' WvMWi! ' V.&
k mli'"iMr.i-iT T Z'. ., .-...,.., . l- ...,. . ..
(apta.n Marshall FT-' 1 third cn.n
ff th wealthl.Kt young ir-eri i'i th. '
,.,,, . , , foun'o who was r'si,rt .J - arced
"Lard reclamation and settlement , . .. i.irn-i
constitute a public enterprise whlrh
from 'h army nai aern t. i
ran bc fr carri.d out b devolution !?s" n ' " '"'1"t ",anl"','"r "' tl
of a very large measure of authority ' J""""V' " ""rf'," '" ' h
c go He is see" Ii i Interviewing
t eoldier Just r I , -d fiom kivim
i ii certain vshat it (.f a tub In is
.st fitted for Ki .1, in. In-i-ii iirtiv.
. li-ide of lis off (.1,1 .ap.ulty ii
i i 'ing joIif for sol. ii- and s.illiirx
to the Matts or to nuti-commmH.on.
which should contract for Improvi
ment of land should supervise th.
work a'd should locate ettlr on
he lam and make financial arrang.
"lents with thern Heferences of all
these a fairs to Washington would
result in delay confusion and ofnn
in thing not being done at all How
ran a rrtn in Washington dire.t w1H.
)y what s done in Or. gon or Louisi
ana ixupt in the most gin.ral way'
The man to run things is the man on
the ground The man in Washington
iieedh only to bee that the local mn
conform with the law and with gen
eral policy he necdB to co-ordinate
the efforts of all and to apportion
funds among them
"Other countries have passed or
are passing similar laws, and they
carry out their plans thru the local
authorities. Great Britain is only a'
fraction of the Blze of this country!
hnd could better managu its soldier!
settlement and housing schem.H thru
the central government than thlo na-j
Hon can Hut it simply passes a gen-' law which jiractlcally enables
ill. loin y councils to buy improve
. nd fit i land and another Jaw en
t,i nt- i.g nd boroughs to build
Jiouxta 'flic government oi y pro
"Till I'lfK or thi: VllTVMlH"
H. W. Poole, Owner
Matinee Every Day
A Big New L-KO Comedy
"Smiling Bill' Parsons
CAMEL Ciijiirettes meet your tiiMc in tnanv new
find unusual wnyb You quickly become fond of
them they nre so refrrshmu nnd cool nnd frwi,'Tiint.
You see, Camels nre nn expert blend of chore Turk
ish nnd chojee DomeMic tobaccos which j,'unrnntees
the most delightful cigarette qualities that have ever
been put into a cigarette Your test will prove that
you prefer the expert Camel blend to either kind of
tobacco smoked straight.
Camels blend not only frees the cigarettes from
any unpleasant cigaretty aftertaste or any unpleas
ant cigaretty odor but it assures that remarkable
mellow-mild-body ! And. you'll be interested to
know that no mtitter how liberally you smoke
Camels rier will not tire your taste!
Camels are a cigarette revelation I Prove that
yourself! We suggest right here that you compare
Camels with any cigarettes in the world at any
price for quality and for satisfaction!
30 ..tfaraffva , , f- r
i 200 i 4s - a
rairfawo tt f Km tt rV
!' r m f
I $ lITKOUi) TtiMdO 10
IS cents a packaee
IWtiKlK .T?
I "i ''l.fixrr.
j--VfV ""
. '" X,
1 1
Instant, full
m i
tfPtikjij""bti3r M
l Me
Vou want Instant, full power
Eine starts and you gather sped.
Straight-distilled, all-refinery KecJ
Crown Gasoline gives steady power
and long mileage.
"Red Crown" has the full and continu
ous chain of boiling points necessary w
easy starting, quick and bmooth accei
ation, fteady power and long rnii"6'
Mixtures have "holes" In the chain.
Look for the Red Crown sign Uei'
you fill,
R. A. WINZLER, Special Agent
Klamath Falls.