PAOK TWO "IS"U "M I. ., "Surest Thing You Know," w fcfVCi-l At the Theaters 0 cave flit tTlnrfcrl .TiirlcTA r 1 . - jj .ji - - y THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON i u I It'sa cinch to get a real quality chew and save part of your tobacco money at the same time. A small' chew of this good tobacco gives real lasting satisfaction. THE REAL TOBACCO CHEW Put i in two stxlts RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco W-B CL'T is a Ion line-cut tohncco WK1 I. M PK tiro or hoo .vid n ie ' il n .11 o lit. allx the KOI NOVTIONS of auto nohilmp and epeia'. of airomobite Pl.KlKK XuiomobMe t xirnrdcam- ba-ed oftener on the hu.wiR o( tire ml tub v thou! chataiter than on an other departmnt o( auiouiobll'iic The making of lire- i an absolute H'IR'i K to win 1 engineer- arc) mauufacturvr. haxe dexoted wars of tud. ami million of dollars tn expremte ut The nol'-nuJc tire represent actual CAH INVR5TKU II ha-, it flxul xalue, and Io not let anxbodx perau.ii' ou to the oontrarv lleware of a dealer xxho tells von that he tan soil o 1 thi tire 1 hen per and jut a cood ' It has no name ou it that ou exvr tward of be. Bui it it made bv .1 big factory. sn the dealer. and they sell it to w cheaper ' Puch talk i im$repreentatlon and cheating A fir-t-la watch has th firsl-clas inntrs NAME si p R il pjli i M VRKKU rtal gold nd the good irtvnob lb t re utid tube ire xtauiped vi h a name that i ans "0.11 'thing THE ?; WHSTEV PELICAN THE OFFICIAL AUTO BLUE BOOK f AMD CALIFORNIA - STATE AUTO ASSOCIATION GARAG YOUR ELECTRIC SWEEPER Will be with you nearly as long a? your home itself, and should be purchased with the same care and consideration. SJTJ Will be a source of satisfaction through the years to come. Xo need to apologize either on account of ap pearance or performance. Free Demonstration Any Time. Link River Electric Co. PHONE 171 ' As-!.....5-.....:..:..:.....:......j-..i...?.........j........A You Don't Need a Tool Box WHEN YOU GO TO FORT KLAMATH The Fort Klamath Garage will do your work and do it right at reasonable prices. We carry a full line of Accessories, Gas and Oils. Cars for Hire FORT KLAMATH GARAGE Propst & Porter Proprietors Phone - li X i l--f-5-! -5H-W--H--H. ",.$. ..a. 1 hn'li i;..x I1111 Ik 11 ''i'M In ninin a inouni puturc produced b I I10n1.11 II In and III i'Ii r uio lie M" Kixell w rrell nitron lgtllll satin fa Hon lilt in xt iippentiitKe will lie 1 n The I'law of the Hun' at tlio 1 Stir Theatre which tin ttnnouiirtnl thi prodiiitton for toulnhl Thi I it war picture but It In 'about the happening tn our own I mum The plotters of the iiulo crrtt of Uerlln trx to extend their 1 iiaehlnatlon in a ureal 1111111I1I0111 plant and are thwarted b n outh who h bei v. cnlletl n slacker le- 1 u ie to np hl mother from death t he telle( he ha not anawered i'ie dictate of Irs contclettce nnd rune to the front po rfu! and rip,i is dra"intl t"i in Mode'n h i n'' tlt.T I al.lrill 1 IH rt it' I'm-ii 1 f - h illMxtiiro MulUHl I" t.dJiel I u , ul vi'o'i fferl "epheti I'Uane alih ' ' ' 1 r lr k T xl ' 'i - ' r !! ' tum his v, n XOLKS arc a heap like fobacco. Thar'r. fwt'h"C(i, u bitcy folks. Thar's flat, unintcrcstin' folia. .;;,' then thar'a folks like Velvet mi id , but hearty an' fren ly, loo. sf i0ifc' H 11 1 n .a -tut" 1 n H . 'rn " 'n 111 1 I 1 1 ml 1 .!' ib. ln'-iri li n r.ii - iii tit 1 si it aii !" anil v U" ' li ' . r . 1 . ii'i H l I lit." I II -I 11 1 il ItR lined n-'Net & 3 tt i8 FRIENDLY It i mr tobacco hi 1 lie phltloK'a'i:. -II 1 ' III" ' IX 1 "tint at If a iintke inMI had 1 1 -lie ! Jure him .in1 the uittMra It !! , fr 111 hH eha r he priinei ill apn uKulMft hi" bre.iM uii'l f ill tlie (nrit'-r I npllne tn th 'I o' ' 1 1 iruiupltd heip ills i' ru'ie nt (lie riMim a'ld kn 1 ln- d- In I ' He hari her t Mills 1 it ' 1. 1 Win ill I xou do 1 ' i. I oU.d laKe hl a '1 I f T' I. t I U u "Friendly" is a very fiood word todesenbe the positively Ic.sinf; qr.ahty that srts VliLVLT tobacco apr.ti There ih that .rulcscnbnhlc somcihiinj nbout VKLVKT that in ns.soi iiUcd in men's minds with the ihou;l.l of a friend. 11 1 1 1 1. ! ;hi I I 1'llane !i 1 r Tlr r. 1 il i ru if uhl ut I t mn in .il r I 11 k 1 1! ilt r k at 11 It' I II' "t II I III 111 en'u' II Kt ie t 1 h 1 i r . o' r. - it ' tirxt 1 Hi" th it ' v, n n of liu'til, k I'mn l.ii'i Th. e ' . 1 'it ' . ' I n ita'ibi 'iv ,! v'xuliu'. 1' mm.e r ili-pi Tu be ' 11 . I ) .... -i I ' .. 'f. 'nlie" 1 r 1 r ' ni' ctt'ei'i ! .me of t - r t 1 vrd m m t 1 mit i.i ' ir. - i" t fn h'i mill d j' uRe 111 Th- -aI (' l. -ice" 'b Vltai?- . I" RIbon Kentiir.. vxhl'h ill Ik tb aura 'ton in the Tempi Th-..! t tigbt Kftt'e Will 'atr ' .- flu -p f - nrn'o rol In this la-ir iiitlni; itor, of the en-li-m a. Ke .. 'fid it !! nt uf herl.i ho . -11 h- thiorx- that In m. in 'i.aii'i- r ih" ih'ld r aN ih pi m -n nut il'i ' il '1 - oi;'i hi 0 tn ion and in"iiih or t t' w i-n u. W It is a satisfy. ng smoke never iinrsh Like n fneml it "agrees" with you much vou us ' it. Long, j atscnt agcinj4--in v'ouden uk'shcad;,- Oucn it. Fricnil hip must npcn (cKd tobacco ine v, . vn army t f learned this? ' rxvhr. ; without a lute. no rrnttct' how I slowly. S.VTil W men h. through Today 1 a U't of .. good time to f t comfu"-; out 01 a pipe 1 ul of friendly Vl'-LVEY. rX;.i'yyi.,XVuu ft r t& Rrt n VCL vr. V't'ari'ttc niMiiMi nnd fio.Arl nioi- if JJ'I fllf' f" ciaur?. & I ' i , Mr ' .( li J-- e . ' p ESI & --s -) . "'. n i if) h I. mi th' Kip. r uf the n 1 hi wife had turf id l-i her Kravi (Mil er in tii at me Kate I rl. 1 1 llu Ki mi Martin licit and Ml Kirk ham Girl Singer, Whote Voice Charmed Our Boy at the Front, Returns With a Novel Scarf r--"3- HOW ABOUT YOUR EARNINGS? WHAT lii'oomii. of 1 he l'n hi").' 1" ' r '",1 '" ' "", 11 h recelxid and tin- liui'ii curried aliimi ' ' I" ' " .nun r.oi'H din mi I If Why mil "pen a suilii! """ helirii at the Plrnl Nulliitiitl lltink and di'po i"' ll" k lot niiim an reci'Hid? oil can draw II nut " ' i.iiii:ii.i, ivii:hi:si on hWiNtii i:. It. Ileaine, l'relileiit. I.. I". Ulllnti. lir.iTlilriil. ia-klln ItOKi'r'f CimliliT A. M. t iilllnr, Al, i.lilr. John l. .MiMiir, Amu. CiihU'r. Ue fiRST National Bank t KLAMATH FALLS ORf.GON i EECT The Herald tells you today's new today not tomorrow. ThouHundH of BoldlorH, morlncH and Olrl." Whon Hho roturnntl recontly ,, , ... ,, , ,, ,. . , 'hu brotiKht with hisr 11 unliiuu hoiivo-' nullorH know .MIhh llnlcn Colloy of " ' l'hlladolphln nlr- u Nturf bxiurlnK thn IiihIxhIu of Hut thoy know hr't,vory ,hvIbIoii und loHeH unit Hho had, butter as tlio "8onB In Your Ilourt 1 olped to onturtuln. LOST BLUE SADDLE HORSE Branded wagon bow on right shoulder; also sor rel pony Hrandcd bar-S on jaw and branded on left shoulder. Reward. Finder please notify JOHN O'SHEA, MALIN, OREGON HICKS AND GHCKEN CHICKEN FEED. ALL SIZES GRIT. OYSTER SHELL. SCRATCH FEED. CRACKED CORN. EGG MASH. CHARCOAL. BONE, AND LICE KILLER. Murphey's Feed & Seed Store 12G South Sixth St.