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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (June 3, 1919)
< Unletting Mzmth lorFICIAfj PAPER 0 kmm.vih to vrv KLAMATH PAIAVi Thirteenth Yenr No. 3,038 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 1919 Price, Five Cents BOLSHEVIK ARE FOILED IN BIG PLOT TO KILL ipoiion Over East Last Night Fail BUT FEW ARE INJURED nrnill llH' I" ' ' !' r,M' ttenit on thrlr l.he Man lltiiitn ! Atom In I'lm lug tkiiiil- In Iti'slili'ine of A Mlflii'll Prtliiii i Niitlumtlili' I 'Ii it. VAsllM.TO. l C .Inn.' . I'ollrt" I" I" ' '"r" loi-v believe ihrr Ii" I '''' i t If !'! tilt' Minn who blnn I" pi. ( i' tunt 1 1 1 K I t 111 mi r fort t" ti'H Ulortiev lienernl Mill-In II I .Imi'i' wltn n tut iiili im un iturrliM fliilll P!'htil"lplllll Tllrl nr I'llt llllll II lllllilll iJo pint .i:niiit tlii liven nf thi ki v ODirnt ..rn.'i.iU iiiiil ptiniiliii'iit tin-ilni-M Mien liiul In'"!! Iiil'l mil 'i I'lnl ijrlphu ami that tin- Hlili'upri'iiil e plonluni, hmt night were iippn iMiilt 1 leiJUrl til till' IIIIMI(Ti'tlll M iv Di) omraKpn Tlili U In llini'il to ln miiithi'r jioji In an an irchtmlc movement fur thn oicrttiriiK of thn government nf Un t'nltnl Stall' A piiintihlpl iik fuuiiil nt l':i' ii ' ilir win re I III' ImlnlliT llllll llli mtii mu'iI'.iI li't t no which r'ilt".l in hit Im'Hii; Mown Intii Itltit The ilu'iiplili't Mnlti iti't n i'lm uiir !: iii I'll Hurled iiiul was signed In thi Inir flghleta It win ovl te"l urn t'lli'il in nhnw thin a iflfii of lurrnr bud lipguu The I- vrrp .'ililoiiii In ork W iiiililnKlon. t'li'M'Imi.l I'llt.hlirK i Ve' llllt I'llll.AliLI.IMIIA. Jiiiip T'i. tnatvchUtlp nlteiiiptit to I'.ertmt lite H ini'iity nt llmln'i. riti"iii'i, , anil N'i'Ktiiin . Inst nlxht. eni "it innMAMTi tnioiiaiikt He mnrP It,.,,, the Ma, 'ROMANTIC IRISHMAN Dir iti'iiiiniht rut Inns Two or Ibri-e iprt,n .i-v i I.MIn.! In Xr nr i It tin the Ikii)'" pre no ifittiTPil it wih ImtiiiHHllili' to deter mine jam how many. A Mlti bell Palmer, rtlio w,i iiiim of Hip liilPiidi'il IrtliMi 1ms linen up- llienKithm HoHh"Um. iitnl the .es Plchl,. alt. niil nt Ids 11,'e U iiinlei- tti"ii inn tin- nrficiTs nr, at . lo to iinii.rii,,l the iitti'mpted ili'Stun' tlon uf Hi,, t liurrli In !;. iliili Iphlii 1'i'fii'i for lioei iln bo'iilx t ii i. nib il u hint in anv of tig' pii' i n TALKING ABOUT IT IN 'OL NEW YAWK 'II. i . ,i , f Kin, until l''uil' U pr ni i ..ii.i h. toif t ln i'. nut II I- i ,i i' in In' mil' nl 'the liuM kill' III Mill llllm nf I III' C"'!''' uuioii,' i ,l.i ., uf pi'iiplu who liMlull) Pay Intii. attpntloii to thn iiilwiitlKtiih' ni'tluiilH niioptpil by miinU'li.lltU'i. Ami all because the Klamath Stiilo j Hank bus nlai iil on tin, buck nf Itu , ...... . . .... . . vieiKs in,, Mogai, "Wbnii )uii iiiiinisi, iuirli,...u jou start It homo to tin, llfl town on tho Pacific lloust. Coinu anil Hen for outself." Tlio latKHt uvctnuu of publicity to ''"Kultied by tho iiko ot this imlnuo ,., ,,, icitimntli Kills, whldt she iifihud Is thru tho columtiH of tin, p,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, t(l ,, wlll, ,,, ,,,.,, 'Inmicior", ono ot tho big. consor-i f(lmj ,lllt ,i)y )m, ).,, outwltlotl 'lwi financial Jolltuals of -Now tty lli( wllilt n Heiislble patents al '"fk City. iro Ih what that puhllca-j liyi, ( km, the happy cnuiilc Hon has to say: jll,r Mosulnr. The liiiiieMiioon will "Tllll HhlKIIII "Whllll yotl lllllorsi, , o,,,,,,l l a,,,, I'mn, ..n nml ntlmp His tliPcK ou start It limuti to thn tnt'Ht town mi llie lliielfln (?mlt. ,umn and sen for yourself!" which "'o Klanniilt Slato Hank, of Klamath 'll, Oregon, can leu on tin, back of 1111 Us checks, la iitrlactlng n great "I its I'lincliH Ih ultracllng i Kt aul many m tho pointed compllm iniary rniiiail.H Unit uiu penned "iileriuiath." Hanlly u day pusses Unit dues lint "fl'il! back homo n ohoclc with nn aililpd .loinmic (,, ti,0 ffort tlmt tho '"'lorstir In Buroly coming to soo for ilinsi'lf And mining thn writers are "ni(Mi il,,, blKBi'sl riniimlers nt tho n.U Inn SURPRISE PARTY HERE LAST NIGHT in lipprei lllllilll il limit mimical Hulk III tin hull till' I H'tii 1..T- Ill tlii' I'miili) ti i l.m It it rf ti gave a xiir prlne purlv In liiiinir of Miuhp ei iriiilr iitnl Auguatn Parker .11 the home or Mm II (' Telford limt night A plniiniint f I'll I IIK. Him npflll III njii wrmitlnn iitnl ill ii n If mid iti'llrloiM re fri'Kllllll'lllM MTV I'll 'I'll 1111' pll'll'tlt were, Mr mill Mm II I' l.iiwti'tirii mnl iluur.litnr. AIiiiii. Mr mnl Mm U S HIihikIi. MIkx Vem llniintuu llov I ii I'riilrlit. I II Miihuii Mr and Mm i: H Ventrh. Minn Wln Hurt Thnm iih. Mlrni I'rmiri'x lli'lill) tln MIhhi'K nrker unil Mm II c Telford EIGHT F A I HMMI Nt I Ml I' I 111 s ii in in i. ii i mi i:i:ii i int. ii until, i itinw i i mm;. I IM I'Ulll.ll M i I'tf'tll ntllili nt A u n. i Hill IMn.i tifflflil, Mililri-d Hill ClMi t n Paul i Inn illiirniiiiiil. tiertrtlili' Tnlb'. I.i-h li't tiffli'lil unit llruii' I'uil.i'i! uri- to be Krniliu ti'it from tin- Merrill IIikIi Srliiml tllla ji'iir The illlillli'Ili p IMPIIt I'XlTi I I'll Mil' to lie Ili'lll III! Hill' Uii mnl the Ciiiiiiiii'iiri'iiH'iil Aililri"" I I to be ilplhereit b) .1 J I ..illilflin r' I'ollonliii; Hip priiKriini fur tin in i imlmi InntriiuiPiKiil Diii'i -.-:. , i( , lii'tlruih' Tollc. liilnfi Merrit' ItlMirntlou i Aaron Wolfe J"lt! SniiiK SmiK I High Sclionl (lief Chili Iritiltitatiir) Aniiii Htll 1 Aililii'im J J Lniiilnliiir Soiik. "Ciiiiip Mihiii Vneil!('lui Uniire ili'iu'iith the Certrililp Tolle 1 (' ti Merrill I I'ri'ii'iiimliin of nipioiiMii SmiK l.ullabj IUkIi .silioni i;i,.i. ciub IS SECRETLY WED In an iiiiul.hiiiii.iM' Hull. n,.ui tbni appeared In the puIiiiiikh of The Her ald lacl eveiilnr. wan hidden n ro ll, iinrn I, un Jiiht pome to Unlit ami that uiih wrapped up In It all nf lllii feitlliupiit. il.irltiK and poetry nf the llinernlil lnle The Item In iuin tlnit fiiefpl) Htntfil that .Mr and Mrn Marti,, Dtly left for San 1'ianrUeo Hut bin h nf it lp n mory of the early inhent or IiiIh vniinu I ixh inuti Into the wllil-. of OieRnn to ntnke lili furtiiim and win hi bride. When Mr lul arrl'i'd In Lake rmmiv from IipIiiiuI be took up the atoi.itloli fol lowed In sn m anv n' lii i inintr' nii'ii of herilli, : Im-p He wn l.'iuleil In t'te vlrinltv of Crenii'iit mnl t:ie--nu't MUi Cl.iihn llinirk unit prnecea eil to won and win her with the sunt" lllipellNnlly Pliurili lerlMtu- of his mi" It'll (here was a Hliiinblilii; bloi'k that be little realized would be iiliuiiHI Itisiiimnuutable the nliJi'C- (toll of the niiieiilH Vnllilni' iliininn.l ,,, V01(? ,, PnrrIui, ()1 ...... -. i n....,,.. .,..,,., ... . in,,.,.... ll.llj lieillieo ,,. Hl'l- ,, ,,, ,,. ,1V Kl,K ,,,.,, 8,.orilyi ,, ,.,,, ,, s ,,. ,. T,, ...,., lllq Ulir ,,. , ,'.. ll.'l'. Ills wnrn Ifimt In fpiinr. ,.,,., Iir ,i. lirfilir ,.,,, ,,. ,..,,,. ...i,.,,. ,,.. ,... ..,.,,. ,., ,,,, , California points Tho m.inlngo eeremotiv was per formed by llev. Hugh .1. Marshall, pastor of the church of (ho Sacied llemt of this city. lilIAVi: I'Olt AI'TO TltlP Mr. unil .Mrs. I. I). W'lillmoio and sis I or, Mis. Chillies llolmrlH will leave Thttrsdiiy uiu tiling by (into fur two weeks tiulo tour In Oregon. The party ovpertH to visit nt tho homo of Mrs. Whltninto'H mother In Salem mid takes n the Uose Festival In Port; land Mrs Kobetts will visit vvllli te I .t'vi 'n i l' t 'II at 1 I Here Is Shown One of the Terms Handed the Germans Are So "Oppressive" a. i -. 5' ?- i Pni i -f. The Huns arc complaining loudly that the peace terms liiifl diiu-n fni'tlicin :n'f "onnresive." and that no considera - tion is heiiiK .shown them whatever. Here is shown one of i tlie reasons why such terms were made. The delegates tol tlie Peace Conference are shown whil making their way; thru ruined Arras to visit the ruins of the once beautiful cathedral, wantonly wrecked FL i ii. r in Miui.ii men i.ow ii.M l MlUt HtltUJVTItlN IM MIMNt. IM.AN'ls nv TWt I Slteen hundred aero of land In to be brought under IrrlK.Ulon on the houtli iide of the Klamath rher be tween t!.l t ( and Keuo. when two pruJeetK now under way are eomplet eil The llaldwln Hardware cump.iu) In liiHt.illliiK two hlK eentrlfUKal piimiiK. nf tlie IIron Jackson tP" S" Thee are illrertl -cntinePted with twn Ceneral Klectrlr motors. the power for whli'h will be furnished from the plant of Kerns Uiotheis The lanter ill Ilieie proje.i .- ..... - .i . - i- .i... belliK handled li II. 11 " """ enburi? .i a. iiinnoiiK. i. ' " It A Talbot, mid wilt comprise one . t I ' ,, am. tlinuKiind iiupb. The other which in beiiiK reclaimed b II. K Kerns. C I'rell mil Ir i:. II Hawkins, will u, ke in td hundred acres. This laud t- ,ime ol the best 111 this sectinn and wl . n tt Is full rnUlnied it will piow in be a source of considerable wealth to the C0UIH. .,., ...i t ii...... smntl Inlnat- 1 "' "' " ' I ,,h. is ...iwtnntlv in.reastng linn. ml tlie countN. and If the pro Kit's, made the past two years is continued for tlio uoU few oars there will be adiloil to tho U rolls of this county n largo acreage of In, id that lias been lying dormant. ,....,..., II ,l,u ,,., , rue it tlie' ' """' ' ,'", . . . ' ' , I I" "'" , ' " ' "" ' Hi" "i-"' "' Kninteo the bonds of unguium iiisuicis p.ihs..s. There are nlso a numiier ot it. . ..i.... ,.. lli.i tl.imntb iiiHii-ivin iiiiuuh"'"" "- i llasln, which; it they nro given suf- I I IIECUIED .. ., . nth Project Is now nh:o to enrry It-1 self nflor tho difficulties experienced , when It was llrst started. Under tho j I proposed stnto aid, irrigation uis- trlcts can Ii.) started and curried aloilir 'on u co-operative plan, freo from tho red tape, espouse), incompetency, un certainty and heavy overhead Incid ent to government operation under the Iteclamntloii Service, thus enah Hug the landowners to place the wut .1 er on their lands nt about one-third tho cost Ihoy would have to pay if Unolo Sam dliected the wotk. Don J, Zuiuwalt, who has been do ing S()iue surveying for. Win. M Hray Hear valley, between Calor and I, i nemmed to K1 i r eh Fiilli- flelout assistance to cnrr iiieiu over rourti AU interested parties decided hy, Hubert Mugulro. John Marshall, tho llrst few venr.s will bo amply alilo,,, nh,ll(, ,)V ,,lnt ,,oclsotli a(1 when J Charles Matney, Halph Wllllnnis. Lu lu carry themselves Just as tho Klam- ,,. cnu.., ,iol.Iaro.i .,.., 0Biitv nf the ' cile Calhoun. .Marv Matnei ana Reasons Why the Peace 7-f "-v r-jrigs i .Jli -vii . ..." V ' by the Germans. TIE OFFICE ? I U ACItl'.s OP Is IM.ACI.I'UI V TTOKM CAIt.NAIiW ill.. i.aki:s 'Jinan i:i,r 'Hon i.i:t;- A I. WHIN yi'i:si'lllN Is KAIs. I.I. Frank M 1'pp, C. I" nr.inden bur; and Joe Moot.' too tl-eit oath i of elfke nn c i lcSliem for this nj ' lai: nlfiht. This was done after the Jill council has riojiioi the table of i .ill business that Ins been 'HMt r wn ("i.'liiK tho past ic-ui The iiuestlon of the leRality of the election .it which the councilmen who took their seats last nlKht were eleet- d .was rniBL'd by Councilmen Will ,,, ,,(,. ,, 8Urr(?ndl,,e,, his seat to Ills successnr. .Mr I.uo put the question to the mayor, who referred u , c.v AlorllPV (,,,,,. ,,., that offn-1 il ntnted thnt lu Iev of thw i decision of the State Supremo Court In the Kellebi r cuse. there was uotl--injc to do but to recognize the legality of the election. The quest Inn of doubt has arisen rcvauw ui i un uiiucinieni o ib Blare law cbHiiciiiB the. date of all oloctlo . . .. rrom .tune to November, so that all , Biw.lm,: , ' , , v. ,, cltv elections in the special ones, shall be held on the same date as tho stnto election. Mut. cities including Klamath Kails, hnl -""' ' i'. charter previsions calling for fie election to be hold In June, and this piovision was not changed. It vi-, . ... . '" . Ior "'" -,?sll' '" -Mr. frisler re- f'tsed to surrender his office to Mr Slrt,,j,.. and why similar cases arose throughout thn state. In Portland the sumo iiuestlon canto up over the ... election or n commissioner )1M, cartlod to the nml tho 1 snnreiiio . Pioctnlti nn ottiv olected officials tooU 0(fir0i w,,pu Mr C.irnnhan stated the tuntlon as It appeared to him. Mi i Leo surrondeied lib seat to .Mr. Unn. rAKU PAIITV AM) T.r.VCH m;.t tiuksdav kvijxivg. The ladies of the Sacred Heart church, unilor tho direction ot Mrs. Kiirlght, will give a card party in tho Assembly hnll ot the church next Thursday evening, when It Ii ox peeted thnt ono ot tlio ninny enjoy able events ot tho parish will ho had, Following an evening ot card p!.i.vilig. re'pe.hti"nt will he served. TWO WEDDINGS AT I PRESBYTERIAN MANSE i Ili'v K I' I.iiwpTiri'. of tin- 1'ren-' liti'ri.ui diurch of thin city wan the i offirtatliiK rliTKyman at two wi'dil- IriKi Hatunluy uftornoon w.hi-n ho urilli'f) In itibrrlaKi! John It Wlthrow of I'drturvlllc, Calif, anil MIkh Utile fJrlur Mrn. Wlthrow In tho daughter of Mrs V. H I.onj; of thin city. Mr and Mm Wlthrow left yentcrday iiiornliiK for Stockton, California, whor1 Mr. Wlthrow Is raployd. The second couple united In matri mony by Mr. Lawrence wan Donald (iraemc and Mlns Kay Klncald, both of Odcnna. Mm Oraeme haB been the Hchool teacher at Odessa for the pant year and In one of the most charming oung ladles of the I'puer country Mr (iraeme Ik one of the valued em ploye's of the Lamm Lumber Com pany They will make their home at Odessa CAFETEHA HAS FINEBECIi im pii.n t i:i cu-im school ! aki, it itisin:i i.i nchthiu-- UT vii: at rovr ir i.i:s Tiiw ti: ci:t.s pint mi:.l Ti.Ti a nourlshinK substantial lutih can be sered to a growing child at an a erase cost of nine and nine tenths cents. In spite of the ntg!i prices of the present day, Is the statement made by Miss Molly Stew art, principal of the Riverside School here and manager of the cafeteria, which has sersed fourteen thousand four hundred and seventy one lunches to the school children there in the si months school this year. An average of 121 meals were serv ed each school day. While the menu for these Hunches has been nothing fancy, a good lunch with milk or cocoa to drink, and bread and butter with a meat loaf, baked beans or some thing on this order has been served each day and been prepared In the best possible way by Miss Ilcrtha Frakes. Miss Stewarts report shows that a total of $1,4 34 17 was taken In for the meats and that 1,432.76 was paid out, leaing the close margin of $1.41 in the treasury Groups of girls In the seenth and eighth grades took turns In serving, so that this cost was cut out. The cafeteria seats about one hundred children. At the close of the term a treat of straw bet ries and ice cr.eam was ened to the students out of the treasury i funds. The food was of course obtnfnea for the cafeteria at wholesale prices, 1 but tho fact that n nourishing lunch could be put out for less than ten 1 cents een at wholesale cost prices, comes a a surprise to those who hae come in innt.tct with the aver- age i.. ii ol tare. Fl P 0 f" lf F" P 0 P T" H I I 1 1 I H I" f" I 1") 1 IILULlbL i lilU I The nnuunl llrst communion serv ices of tho Sacred Heart church were hold Sunday, when u class of eight received their llrst holy communion, The class consisted of Gerald Ilerll, Ireuo Williams. The event Is ono of 11 I i the important affali of the paiish, "st-laud each rervice on Sunday was lfirKoly attended.- T"" n't'r R beautifully decorat- ed with cut flowers and potted plants, Tho hoys wcro dressed In black and woro white ribbons on their right nnu, and tho littlo girls woro white dresses, wreaths mid veils, nnd ent iled bouquets ot roses nnd lllllcs of tho valloy. Following tho first mass, tho mombors ot the class woro talsen by tlio sisters to tlio Convent whoro breakfast was served. At tlio last mass tho communicants were enrolled in tho Mt. Curmet scapular nnd made members of the League of the Sacied heart L Nil F WATER USERS Secretay of the Interior Tells Why Contract Wai Made SUSTAINS OFFICIALS Voluminous Koply Is IlelnB f'onslil rrpnJ at n Meeting of the lllrertort of the Klamath Irrlzntlou IH tHet Text of Iteply Not Yet Avail able for 1'ubllrntinn. A meeting of the directors of the Klamath Irrigation District is beln held this afternoon and It Is one ot the mnBt Important In th- history ot the Klamath Project, for at u !s be ing considered the reply that Secre tary of the Interior Lane has made to the telegram of inquiry sent him in connection with the cousf uctlon of the dam across Lank r::e- ThU reply will not be given out for pub lication before it has been fully con sidered by the board, but It b un derstood that It practlc-iliy sustaits the action of the officla.i nf thy Re clamation Service In eutrinK Into tho contract for the construction nf the dam across Link river This telegram was sent soon after the straw ote was taken ordering the directors to institute proceedings to prevent the construction of the dam. Notwithstanding the result ot this election. President OffioM has taken advantage o fevery subierfuso to prevent the commencement ot legal proceedings that would protect the rights and interests of the peo ple. In the meantime the cofferdam has been constructed, and the owners ot land along the shores ot the Upper lake have learned what it will mean to them if the dam Is made a perma nent fixture. Thousands of acres ot rich low land has been flooded and the level of the lake is still going higher. Another feature of the contract that is just beginning to attract at tention Is the effect of the possibility of the lowering of the lake to tlw point permitted under the contract signed with tho government. This contract makes it possible for the powvr company to practically drain the Upper lake, and if it did so it would virtually tie up the lumbering industries thut are now dependent upon this bodv of water for the hand ling of the imtneiiM' supply ot logs needed tor the successful operation of the plants. s the full put port of the contract lawns upon tho-e nit' ieted. the amaem n. giinv? that 'i.iv set of of tn als would have tin aadac.ty to niuut mkIi privilege to any 'concern 1 INERT OF IT11LE5 The Cential Garago is l, i c t;i 'lad ing and gettin.. int i war!. t',c cott.'i t'on two cirloi.K' of ' it 'mobiles one consisting of (.hand'"" '.'irs and tho other of tho Mmous littlo CliSTolet. These machines lwxi boon seiuicd only nftor tho most urgent plcailiiips, nnd the Cent'.il hoys lotifider them selves extioraoly lucky to 'io t'b'e m pet them. Several have alpef.v bteti sold, and it Is epocteil-tlmt tho rest of tho shipment will bo disposed of at an early date. TAKLS X13W POSITION-. Miss Xelllo McAndrows, a wU I known teacher In tho Klamath Falls ' public schools has accepteri.ii peVtton In the office of the Tuning f M '."' the m u r iv "t" - UESTIONS 0 m