gWMBgMB MOMIU. M M. 2. IIHII. THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON IM Of! SEVEN rucsH IB DPP0SE -Al t ' ,,,, mi.. i mi fHHTIll 1, BURLESON I h I'll'll. .1.1. , , . f tin. c mini 1 1 nrr i.. ,,, l. I lllll l." I I I III i lllnf h. ilur fur llm Viilliiiiul i ... i .. i i . , Irt'l 'H 'r 'lllllH mi'l ' mm it inm , ..ii. i I" main ii (ikiii r ,111-1 ' '"" '""' l"Bll'll'll will' Ii roiimnni'-i i.-n-rul HurlM.i.ii i ,if,r, .h.iiil.l iic-iimpniiv return of t,ili"ii'' ,,"t 'elj'.nipll oil-iim l. prliuli' '"""""I N,r l"liniiili I ' fill n h'"'r '" ''"' fdiiiiiilinliiiiH urr i,( i i !" rtiml thai Hi" in ' i I,. li.' ! '"Kiillniis " lllllKrini fnin l i' " '""I Iftl'il !! ' i ' t,nri""' ''' "f ""' "' "i Miili'" I'""' rl I" ll"cei"nry ii ii '' mien nun lo lur.Ktiii: mil i.iin(irnlliiilnii hi ll tin mronrlv uracil . 1. iin'Mi'e," una Mi I. ii.t ' ll l r).. ir tli.n i ! f t"mdlnl iKlili ii. . Hum wlih I h. ruinrii in mH 'i..'Miiii final n. i Inn r , i,,.,r mill II U fo iKimiltil.1 iij i - 'iiil ii!iii nf cnnRrnim mmM in ' hue I 'inn to civ llii.rn r inl.l-f ' '"' I" 'I'" problem " 1 rrmi' 'I " protest lo congress, Hr I lei. ii-' .i "If i i.Mlii'ntis In vnitr MiutK will jj.f (In' llll.ill.t, H will IlK Hull in in l . a. Hiii il.iiminiii nml tel rMp'i lii u'fer.l In tlnMr rii lnu. " ' "'" iii'Mnn of Hull, roto -i',i ip n ' '''in tti" fenr Mini Iratik finirv ii follow the return wiiii. ml ri'iii'i. Uiil li':Ulniliiii iinfeguni.l Inr rm" ' nllr-lv r.ronmlti' In Him 'n i circular .- KlniquUt lafnrnii ln i ii i.nili!n'i linn IiII'h II In "it I. .' Ill rnuRM' 111 ci Im I I In- power of iho Inierslnlr i ii Mi' '-cltm nvr wire iivi- " I coMEoriinuTHEAirs ARE FINE! 'i.' , ;,.;. mw. I','! 'r'Vj m ' i ''. . I. A" i I ' . t s- HWl'Mxl RTi 'cm . I'M I: jjffiPZim Mt?v8fef' KS52S&,:t-.vJ .. g m:$ftti& ? IXWKT ' Y ' -L HERALD'S CLASSiPIED COLUMNS f iril I"1 rjiilr ip' Tli i . i' ' ' H-mr'i ' ' lh" ill i I iw H FOR SALE imiem: 1'inioN ri.r Wumi m-ii roll HAI I liuv In l.i.s n Nnrlli ml llui aifi . mi ni t i iir iii -i I'i.'I M .nun n tin S' ", i iiir A'l iitlini Kdlt HAM: (lit TICAI'i: 10 nrr.-H fltii- liiliil In Mi-ri-i'il Co , Cullf Ad itrwi fi Kouili, hov 172, Klnnmtli I'nlln. ()r 3ti. tf I'OII MA I.I I Mil 1ni .! I rtii. k nml iihihI Tnril il.'lhi'ry wnnon C ' Mi II liti int. i,lu Kliimutli Av .ii at l-'Olt SAI.IV Civ.. riMiin cnttuKd. moil- rn I in jir fin.-n t . for naln liy own or; cloim In; furnliiir)' If ili'Mrnl. In clmlltiK I'liino i:iiiiiilni I'nilik M. Clip, til .Mil In nt 31-If , I'OII SAMC At n rarrlfur.i. tSOO Conroril I'lavrr I'lnno; iirurilrnlly tii'u . Ciri AHHlan Wiitnnt rani'; innut tin until In two wi'.'kx nit am IravliiK (nun C.oiiil mnall n.'li'i-llim of roc iiritu lntilri V A. Mimtitn, at l'il' Jowelery slori". 1 3-1 f ( ' ' ' 'I A ! t'l'l. ' fl.. i. iv I ' i ulr riiiiiiuitll fur r'"i li . mm 'union I.m no inn. !..' . r. r '' Tnry iln unt fl Ihrlr ii (t il'n '. ' il v irn'i i '.' " ntii ... ! ii a imt" IH i' ' ' ' ' I v.. I HI 1 1'.- I'll- I ' ' I . . .. i n ,.f n nn .I ii . ti din;n . ni . Ki'l'. SAI.K I i:l AtltiH ntfum en Klii hi'lf .in.iHlni'il. ci'titiT crank nviThiiiiK ivIinil'T I'rnrllenllv lifw run Inn ihr'i intuit tin Aim) 1 1 It y I im lnory n ih-bcIi iirilcli'. f o. Ii S 1 ran, V.ilfonl On Kor i.(rili'ulur. l If Nil Id "I S.J (lllkllllll' HMMItl" . Mnllonl ()rKiii 0 Niiilm ih licraliy riven Mint V 1 Mm mi Ih Mil ilillv litlpo'iili'il, illlill. fti'il iiilnilnlHinilfir of Mi" iiIiovm cn Mllfil I'Ntnl". nml ilml all tifrnoni Inivlni: Milium uKiiliiHt Mu- milil ' n will p)iK'iit llic Kami' llli voii' Ii'tm atlmlii'il. .mil propurlv viTlfli-il. -vl'li-In nix inoiilli from tin- ila"- of IliU notloi'. lo t Ii Ih iiiliiilnlmiiiior, ;,i Mi" law olfioof II M Mi"iin!i,r f.ioni'4 Jlnlltl iik KliimaMi CiiIIk KlamnMi I'onnl flr.;oii, whlfli Ih Mil j law MiH ii'lmlriiitriilor I -ih rliom-p lo Ih.ii nii Ml" lmi'ri"m of I'lilil 'ni" DiK.fl May Mi" 2lh. I'M 9 V I. riciirw A'rii'ii'iiliiiior of Mi" "Ma'" of fi I! (Jarilfi. r, l" i . .1 2;2-fl-1 C-J1 mi in: m m;iiiToiis. In Mi" County Court of Mi" Slain of On-con. for tin- County of Klimatli In Mil' .Muiht of Mi" i:tnt- of H 0 Kalrilo. ili.rciiHi-ir Nollw Ih tii-ri'liv Klvon Mint II M MmiiiliiK l Mi" ilillv nppolris-'l nnl niiallfli'il "XcMitor of tli" itriv" en-IIMi-il i"tat". anil Mint nil "rmni liaxltiK clalniK aKiiitiHt Mm Hat,l k i ii t will priH"iit the Ham", wltli v.t'ir-"rn iiitaili"il. nml iluly "rlflcil. to tli" fiilil "xi-'iitor at ti Im law offlro In th" I.ooinlH HiillilliiR. KlamnMi Fnll. Klnimitli County, Or.-con. wltliln six inontl'i from tli" flat" of this notice. Ii.iti-il May 21, 1 If 1 !. II. M. MANNIN1. Hxei'iitor of Mi" Kutato of II f! Kalrclo, Uui'uaiioil. 2C-2-9-10.23 In tli" Couiitv Court of Mi" Stat" of t)r"Ron. for Mi" County of Klatn atli In Mi Mntt"r of tli" Ketntf. of Kllza ln Mi .M tiarlnrn.iau. iI"C"ascil: Nollrc Is lipri'liy clvcn that Mi" un til, till, nml ".tli hlr.n-tn from HIkIi iIithIi'iii'iI Iuih lii'.'ii iipnolntcd nnil llan btri'ii Buutlu-rly to 1'ln.j niruut, in- n it I If li-il iih jX"i utrlx of the "state of ii.i.:iiK iiitfiiifitlunn. .mil tin- Conn- Kll?ali"tli M (Jarlarncau, ilcccuscil. ,1 iiutini; i.ih'Mi lln biiiii" uiiilcr ail- All jhtkoiih IihIiik rlalniR iiKalnBt tliu Mmiiiiiii nml riiiilliii; tli" iiIuiih, p- H.-ilil "Hint" will iirHi-nt the Bainn flfi.uiiuiie and i-tlinutuH lo lu Matin- wllhlti nix niontliii from the ilat" of fuiii,r, Ihl.t nolle", propi-rly verified, with ill. IT IIKUKIIV IIKSOI.VKI). voiicIiith attnrheil. HI the office of II lliui i he pl.uiH. iei'lflriitlona anil o- M .Mannliu;. attorney at law, Loornls tin bte lur the Improvement or illKh HullillnK. Klamath ChIIh. OreROn. Slr: Itoni Mh htreut wekleil) to Ul Mint lielni? Ml" place the iinilersli;iie(l Mr. il. liiiluilliiK HiloriifctioiiH ami han chonen to tratmnct the huslness Ut, .nil 4tli. '.ill. Otli, mid 7th -Stu ftoin lilrh Htreel Houtherly to I'lne ."In.-i ,ui linlliiK Inieixn'il'iiiH lip mid th kuuiu nru herehy ,ipnroeil mid 1 ! IT I'l ItTHKH i!i:sf) That the Cominoti Cnuni'll hereby ile i l-ir. it- liiteiitlon lo Improve mini portion of IUkIi Street and Ut, 2nd. tti. : tii and 7th Slrtt't In ae i hm!. in. with huld plant, njioi iflni I'n: ami t kUiihiIi-h, Kuld tmproe ii;"it in i mmiit of palnK f.ild p.r t on of win! mrreta with oil innrn- pkokkssionaj. cards 1 1 1 j-fir-Ht niHh iiriicn paid for fine OI'.l.(;0 I.VIHAV I'lI'lIS AM) o'iiii:u ni:i.icH t'ottolIlTe llox 2fiH KI.AMATII CAM,!!. (JllB. I'li'iFi" In Mmr oidi r-. fur vi ii 'avorl'" i fi'i'l w.. h,i" Ii of the vi-ry h".t ' '" (Ohl .ir'l Fa. 1 ' I ( i i k rv .'" if a, i . n a hurry 0. PEYTON Wood to Hum" 'I Hi: I'AIIISIAN IlKAI'TV HIIOI' TI... llnrni.r M..l.,t ) of K'.'ilp Treatmiiit and Hh.nnpoo-I liiK riiriai . rt'.iiuitjiii, ManjcurliiK .-.Ml .Main Kl. I'liono .100 x.:-:.".m.."-m,,x-"":-v''M' : 5: ii. c. .sciiM:i:r x r,ol Vn.n I'hcne 11 iV. LEGAL NOTICES lil.SKl.l HON. i ni'j.i' . I puiniiai.t to le .ll.i I ilLHIIWII 1 11,1111 It ,iiiniti'ii. n.miii; on tin ..lit 1 :).', nnil plain., ope .iiiil ellinal" ol the nul i.illl, IlIKU MleeU Ilulll Mil tei I) lo 1 Ht Stu-ei, iikIuiI- iiitj .iii-ii. . uon, ami int. .ml, mi, , i ...ii i . i., , i ..i,n i i...... u I I .1.1 , It lilllN 11. llllpH KATIIMllN'r: WIII.KKP I'IihIi imiH nml Suri;ein4 Ofliie, While IIIiIk. ----":"yyyyyyyy DR. G. A. MASSEY Himi-Hiir to llr. Trunx (Suit ((0, I. ). O. V. IIIdR nilli e phone Hd.l II.-, I' HUM ii THE MOLINE UNIVERSAL TRACTOR The Greatest Tractor Made r DR. CARTER m:ntjst WHITK lU'Il.UING I'Hom-: ; of the Hald "Htat" Dated May 3rd. 119 EI.I.KX HERUIIV. Kxecutrlx of the Estate of Kllrahctii M. Gnrlarneau, deceased. 19-2C-2-9-16 . DENTISTS Dr. E. G. Wisecarver rno.VK Dr. P. M. Noel I'lIONK 4 Oirr L'nderwiMMlN .Seventh and Main Streets JOHN M. LEWIS, Agent 6th and Main Phone 140 MAIV .veiici: to citr.niTons. ii lliiiumnnd l'ovr ncrapiir. dump ,lu"' I"-vt-:nent at an out limited cot. tfltlern 111 A-l chap; prlred rlrht !)- InrlLd v. ..unlit Hide walki-. .011- iimTB miu r.rnoinB LOST AND FOUND Georgetown Athlete Who Won Pciithiilon Title i ret.- .urli'ri: mid r.rndlnc of :. ,n, ! ..r roncret" iiaven ent at an I'stiii'u'i d oHt, Includlnn cement '.., Ik, concrete ITMl) III! (if fill 131 10, ji.iv. iiient nt mi estimated con. In- 'linlliiK cement Hide wnll.i. concrete rurliliiK anil Kradlni;, of frtC 247 on; mm r In Mfu County Court of the Plate of OreKoii. for the County of Klam ath In tho .Mutter of the Kstnte of Mrs. M. C Teer. alo known as Mrs. Mary C Teer, deceased: Notice is herehy Riven that the un- (leralpned hnit been duly apjiointed ailn.uilHinitor wl-li lh will nnnfced. curMnK aad of the -smte of Mrs M C Teer. also or lilthullthic Known ai. Mih Mary C Teer. deceased. by tho County Court of Klamath county. Orison, and all persons hav- I il i. i Ifiimii rifnln.. .ll'l ...11.1 .1TO MH M Hunch or kevH (ii ,. in. i. ii) H(, iinpioxi nietit In either event to hereby required to Jirescnt same,, l.etw.en sth mid "Hi him', r (.ni Inrlude Kradlni:. rolllnr curbliiK nml projiorlv erlfied, to said ndmlnistra Int.. .ime l. im'Iiik for Mis in' i ..ll roncrete Mde wnll.n 4 feet wide on tor" at the offices of J H Carnahan, II. raid olllie 31-lt' i,t, ),,.,, f nnl.1 ntroetn mid Hoonih 5 and C. I.oomls Iluildlng, - - Hi: IT ITHTIIi:it KKSOI.VKn. Ily Klumath Tails. OreKon. within six I.MST A puriie i-i.Mt ilMlii.; .ni"i tt.e Common Council that the proper- iiionilm from the first publication of mid n plain band rlni? with in.- tv hereinafter described be ami here- this notice uv in. declared to be benefited by Bald lmproemeiil' 1. 2. 3. mid 4. niock 2: nnd 1'iiHlorlv U of Illock i. Nichols Ad dition to the City of Klamath l'oll.K tlrepon. Illork 11 Lots 1 block in. I White Pelican Laundry J ; hash1 wash. 20 mis. t.-.c ' CAMII.Y DltY WASH Cc Ml. v : v : t "lnt Your D111K , X t. In () u r hud-" I-. 3il MAIN' STHKKT PHONi: -Iiil FRED WESTERFELD DKNT1ST Louitlis Illdj., Itlam.itli I'all.s 1)K. C. A. KAMRO Dentist I. O. O. ! ISulldinj; I'lIONK 01 kaaB ("kkN- H.i'h i: - I.. 1. .1 li.wiird if 11 Pirn ed to llrailli h Shoe Storti 1' Main 31 ' heLTwanted W NTi:ii Wintremt. Hotel llrud luirti. ntirrlit California riifn Mr llronn 31-r.f .S"!'i:i tilrl for work-- Mr It II Main llK.'it hniitie mlch i7 31-tf I.HtH 1, Illock ii; Lots 1, Illecl: S; I.iiIh 1. Lots 3, 4. r. 2. 3. 4, r., C 2, 3. 4 I. 3. 4, I. tit" 4, C, 7 and S nnd S and . nnd S. and S of Hlock mid S of Illock Dated this 19tn dnv of Xr. 0l'i. G. W. HRATTON, Administrator with the Will annexed. 19 20-2-9-16 MU'in: to cnr.Hiroits. c. . in of I tV WANTHD Al once Good experl- eiiieil Miiini: woman iih mtiuiiI , I ..-.t I. ..It. llimlv P.llfll rutin 111111 t,.'.ii-i. nvif ... .......j . - i.Ktirt. Kimd wanes, all suTinnor"n . '-'", work 1'honent our expense at S v , , , - , s of nock 4- or. in. Hill PHI A heeler. l"."1 cim. town of Klamath KiiIIh OreKen: 1 " I T. ensterlv :'2'l feel of Illock " . : FOR RENT I The easterly Sfiii feet of the prom- 1 lues occupied nv tho Klamath I nun In the County Court of the State of OreKon for the County of Klamath. In the Matter of the Kstate of Sarah 11. McGchee. deceased: Notice Is hereby civen that the un- derslKuetl has been duly appointed administrator of the estate of Sarah 11. McGtthtw dive nod. ' .' the Coun- 3 4 r. fi 7 nnd S of Illock t- Court of Klamath County, Oregon, nnd nil persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present same, properly verified, to said administrator at the offices of J. II. Carnahan, Hooms 5 and 0, 1. omnia building. Klamath Kails. Mr- HARLEY-DAVIDSON Service Station Exclusive Agents for the Harley Daviilon Motorcycle. None Bet ter All Makes of Motorcycles nought. Sold and Exchanged. C. H. IHSMAItK 1 l.t S. llth St. Klamath Falls KLAMATH AUTO SPRING WORKS We 1K All Kinds of Spring Repair ing New Ones Made to Order Axle Ktrnlglilenlnjc and ltliicksinitlilng AM. WOlllt CUAHANTKED I'liono 25H-Y 017 Klamath Ave. iis-rvrivit-isi 'i iiitaiiiii ' . , roll ItKNT Nice clean furnished, (v mR, school said property IvitiK 'egon. within six months from tho rooms 41'. Klamath ae 3U-3 , i,IWien lllrh. Mh. fith and Washing- first publication of this notice. It,,,,, formerly Canal Street: Uli-1 -a' 1l- J.?1':, , ln..x. KOH lir.ST Nlie clean rii'iii'iien i(B ,-,, ;, s. 9, nnd 10. of Illock -' " t"1"- ' "" rooms for gentlemen. n'i w :un 11 150- . 31-31 Lots C. 7. S. 9. nnd 10 of Illock 49. 19-2t)-2-9-16 1st Addition tu Klamath EnlU. Ore- ' Administrator. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS , 1 n fi fj-t-r- -m-i 'i m M m. A Job lo haul lumber or 1 Kim, Lots 1. Lots 1. 3. 4 3. 4 and and of Illock fi: of Illock :.: u-nni will- a five ton trui k by tho 1 T.ntn 1 and 2 of Work 4 Ewnnna dnv or lob .o 'reus ln " M-r ,ii ' JIei:hln Addition to the Cltv of Kla ofwce. 3I-3f WANTED- To buy 4 head of first class work horses or mules: miit be sound and trim. I'liono 11 I'll or call at Kdgowood ranch, north end Swan valley. Kahn. :'0-tf OBIRX UlonUMIlK ' Roliurt I.ti (liuidrti of (luorKulown "nlMrslly h the niiw I'entlialiin '"amnion, having dofontod Johnny! liariolH, tliu title holder, nnd u flolil "I inure Mian a do.en ut tho unmiul Jnlverslty of I'uniiHylvaiilu relay cur Blval. I.o (lendru won with 24 jiolnts. "irtcls, upon whom Unlvurslty of 1 iVntisyivnnlii depended to repeat his 1&1K victory, wu HHiicond with 20, 0"ly one point ahead of i,owIh of' MlHsuitrl. I.n Gendro finished first In ' he 200-moter ruco, Hecond In tho "fouil Jump, iiiBeiiH throw nnd l.ri00 ""Her ruco und suvunth In tho Juve- throw. Ills Bhowlns was nny '"Ing but lloHhy. Ilut ho wun con-"mi'nt. ONE HUNDRED HEAD work horses and mules for lilru. bims r.r nest. M11II11. Ore. -lmo Mickey ItecotilB ut Hhophurdfl, 31-3t w li'ixlmk and Kiimplt Outing woar ..i" '" '"" wonioii. K. K. K. Store. ROSEBURG-CRATER LAKE ROAD COMING I'OIITLANI), Juno 2 With tho view of completing tho Columbia nivcr nnd Pacific highway as soon as noBslblo no thut construction work may ho commenced on secondary highway, tho highway commission has decided to nwurd bids for further highway contracts ut ltn June anil July mootliiBB. Tho commission fur ther docldod to opon up thq Crntur luku cut-off from Kosohurg. This will mako that town 98 mlloa distant for tho lake Tho routo to tho lako Ih now via Medford, a dUtauco of luiiio than 200 miles. ..I m .Some clnssy l'ntinmti and Straw Hats lit K K. K Storo. 20.0 Mickey Kecnrdu at Shepliords. 31-31 NOTICE OP FINAL ACCOUNT. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned, as executor of the estate of Charles N Moyor, deceased, has filed wit lithe county court of the State of Oregon, for Klamath County, his Final Account of the administra tion of said estate, and that the said for the expense or said improvement court has fixed Saturday, June 7, and. .1919, at 2 o'clock p in. as tho time IIP IT FrilTHBll TlFSOhVED. n, tno COunty court room in tho Ti-iit Monday, tho 23rd dnv of Jun"., court house nt Klamath Falls, Ore 1919. nt (he Jintir of S o'clock F. M. K0Ili us the place for hearing the 00 nt Mm council chamber In the city jccton, If any, to said nccount and hall, bo fixed ns tho time nnd place tj10 settlement thereof. for Iho hearing of ihtortlnns and re- j, l. FOUNTAIN, ninth Falls. Oregon, nnd that said pronortv nbnve described is herebv leclnred to be the property nsessed OLD FURNITURE Itepalrlni; New Made to Order Andy Mauritsch rnY sie 10 Main St. 1MIONE -0-3 CITY AM) COUNTY AIWTRACT CO.MIM.NY ' 517 Main ARTHUR R. "WILSON .Manager DR. F. R. GODDARD Osteopatlilc I'liTHlfinn Bargeoa buite 211, I. 0. O. F. TenipU (over K. K. K. Btore) Phone 821 . . Vt (The only Osteopathic Physi cian bjid Surgeon In Klamitk Falls ) SAW MILL ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION CO. Designer and builders of mod ern Saw Mills, H.uilujj Mills, Box I'lants. Complete plunt contract cd. Appraisals and rejHirts made. Dredging. We contract to build mi) class of a building and install liiacliinery of mi) kind. Drafting of mi) kind done. Illuo I'rtnts made. I'lIONK 1-1UJ Oilitc in K. I), lluildlng v y monslrnnceH nirninsl Iho snld propos d imnrovement nnd ihh pollen Judgo he. nnd herebv Is, directed to cntiso notice of sold hearing to bo published ns by Charter provided. State of Oregon. County of Klamnth, City of Klamnth Falls ss I, A. L. Lenvltt. Police Judge of tho City of Klamnth Fnlls. Oregon, do hereby certify that tho foregoing Is a duly enrolled copy of a resolu tion adoptod by tho Common Council on tho 26th day of May, 1919, declar ing Its Intontlon to Improve High Slrceet from Sth Htreot westerly to 1st Street, Including Intersections, nnd 1st. 2nd. 4th, nth, 6th, nnd 7th Streets from High Street southerly to Pine Street, Including Intersections nnd approving tho plnns, specifica tions nnd estimates of tho cost sub mitted by tho Cltv Englnoor. A. L. LKAVITT, Police Judge. 30-1 Ot. NOTICE TO CREDITORS, In tho County Court of the Slato of Oregon, for tho County of lvinmntn. In tho Matter of thn Kstnto of S 11. Gardner, docenscd: Executor of the estate of Chnrles N. Meyer, deceased. I B-12-19-26-2 COUNTY TREASURER'S NOTICE. Notlco Is horoby givon that there are funds In tho county treatury for the redemption ot Klamath county general fund warrants Nos. 30,493,' 30,494, 30,495, 30,496, 30,497, pro-, tested (presented for payment hut not paid for want ot funds) on July 24th, 1913. ' ' Interest on same will cease from date. Dated at Klamath Falls, Oregon, this 29th day ot May, 1919. , Q. K. VAN RIPER, 29-6 County Treasurer.! For Home Made Bread, Pie and Cakes, Go to T. A. ROBERTSON 42 Main St One Trial Means Satisfaction Orders Delivered Any Place In Town VWWMMVVWMWWiAAA j' 207 1. O. O. F. HLDG. I SEE ME For Carpentering, Furniture Re-j pairing, Linoleum Laid. HENRY SMITH 'The Bandy Mm" 100 MAIN BT. VWWMHWWMWWWWWMWWW, The great popularity of the Travel ers IiOWiOOST Guaranteed llfo pol icies is reflected In tbe fact that dur ing 1018 this progressive company l-J sued mora tlum 921:1,000,001 or new life business. Ask Chllcoto & Smith about tho NEW IDItt policies. 9-tf AH tho best styles in Khaki and wool cloth outing ganuonts at K. K. K, Store. 26-6 E. L. ELLIOTT ATTORNEY AT LAW 211-14 Wllllta IUdg. Klamnth Falls Oregon WELL DRILLING Yorhotzer Bros. & Klabzuba Merrill, Oregon Or McBonald Pol lUom Klamath Falls, Oregon RECKARD'S RENT SERVICE K. F., Bend Stage Phone 276-W 6 iX iXK-W-HXVWKX-J-M-ss SHANGHAI RESTAURANT CBP SUF.Y AND NOODLH HOUSE Short Order Miwls Served. 72 Main Street KLAMATH FALLS, ORG., "fr )i.'J'h..'u Vuw' - 'S li.rl