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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (June 2, 1919)
M r.av. six THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON MM. , m Kiln i AMERICAN WRITER LIES NEAR DEATH i i 'nil 'i ' t .- ii V 'teo i V ' r. famous poet and write- Is trine nl' HI In t' . i hu' 'i trnet Nin i . I mio in r.ii!' I 1 1 1 1 hope i en. i aln-t! fii t r nvuvorj Mr - riroot live long saltl 111.' I .inin of t!,i hin 'r Thurd.iv V ver ik ut-d the rnl miit . .- e . im tii io RES GUI IPP lllJJ IP ft OURISTS I, I BITST1SK COli FIST c.r.i'T oisc.wi iio wiiii ii II s HI- I sO till, X lU'tOlt l ioi M"v x i ii: oi vih:.k oi" w u:. riMiii: whisk. m im i MiM its iti iai)itri: i in n u t i. snir on spiiimj i i: f r k mi. m Minits i.. I'i:ril l DltlM. st WMI'li. III GUI II STATE LUMBER 1818 POT SHUCK IS " i' ''in i .f T . - . M - . . . . " "l'ir i.m , m , , ,, . , LCUy ON ,.;:..' -:- IUHH I Sheffield Tea Sets When tea Is correctly served It Is poured from a silver pot . The cream, sugar ami the lemon. In turn, come v I from silver receptacles Sheffield tea sets are popu lar because of their beautr. great durability and sensible f rices A Sheffield s' tea set makes a splendid wjdJing present. $I8..0 I $.t-..IHt Frank M. Upp JEWELER 511 Main St. Official S P Watch Inspector y 1 1' The HALLMARK Store d... Physicians' Prescriptions Our Specialty Drug Stores are really neigh borhood department stores in which various lines are feat ured. One druggist may push patented preparations, an other toilet goods, cameras, optical service, the fountain or other department which nets him good financial re turns Our specialty has always been the filling of Physi cians' Prescriptions, and as a result our atore has be come a prescription center. We carry an exceptional Mock of prescription drugs, and our laboratory equip ment is up-to-date We em ploy only experienced grad uate pharmacists All of your Prescrip tion anil Heolpim are Important and deserve the special care which we are able to Kite them. Undent ftrwy Wy KLAMATH ITHLLS OREGON dtJ? I 'W. i st Tja ? l.',i High Grade Ladies' & Men's Clothes MADE TO ORDER FINEST MATERIALS BEST OF WORKMANSHIP LATEST STkXES PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED Price are very reasoaable Your iaspectloa lavitod Chas. J. Cizek MERCHANT TAHVOB BID Mala St. With (In- owptlon of the packing Thai the healvest tourist camping the making oul reports ami n mmmhi In iho bistort of Kl.imoth few trifling odd and ends which will count s now loallv under uv. In be attended to without tlelav. the pn. o ftho fact that Cr.iier l..tko b!g task of the Klamath Couut.v chap- palK will t,t ho opened mill the tor of the Red Cross has lieeti com- middle of Julv, Is indicate t lv the pleted and the great org.iulmtton fact Unit there have boon us as when has boon urh a prominent sivl,.,., camping parties elroudf at factor here for the past two v.irs. n beautiful Spilng Crook rosoit. : will prob.ihl Miou become a meimirv fw m, from Chlliuililn on the For many mouth the rooms, which Klamath reservation were established In the .summer of u f splnk. proplrottir of Hi !ll" 1917. In the Worden building near r,,,t resort states that his grounds the White Pelican hotel, haw boon are already well filled, mos'lv by more or less filled with ladies from outside people who make it .v prai alt part of the city, who hate assent- tw u, come to Klamath each sum bled in tholr spare moments, to pro- lnfr I.Ie aid with tholr bust fingers for The fishing there, which has hen the comfort of the lads who wont f the best for some time, suffered forth to fight overseas, for those who somewhat of a slump last week, on remained in the training camps, for account of the cold snap, but will the Mck. the wounded, the hungry w KlM)l , rer now that It has and the destitute The American lied warmed up Cross has performed the greatest hu- m manltariau work during the last few months of any organization in the history of the world and the Klamath county unit has done its full share In this work Every call for funds here has been met and sometimes doubled Kvery quota of garments has been provided, every stock of knitted goods has been ready to send forth on time It Is good to note that the last quota of work which was re quested from headquarters has been " finished up when asked for and that ItKI.ATI'.s Ills KMMJtinM'i: the tine record made h Klamuth WITH T.WI.Af IMI WANTT has boon upheld to the last From IIIM.I' lil'MKKs every precinct of the county hae oome completed garments ami knit- "Taular rertuinh helped me ami ted goods regularl. prepared by I hope in experience with this inrtl by patriotic and loving hands Not Irlne will encourage others to trv onl has the Red Cross boon of ben- It " said Antonio Lopot. who lives efit to the people In other lands, but at Helta. Colo . it has been of great value to the "I was u sick man fur twontv trie people thomolvts as It has been a vears." continued Mr l.opoi and medium of bringing all the patriotic my stomach was In such a bad fix women together on common ground that for the last five vears I wasu t and formed a bond between them able to eat any supper at all. and MM ra for ?5 y ewb Oregon s In in Im t it f In I "' I I' i r Mfed I ! pel mil over H pii'dm t Ikii In I 'I" Hid I'M' Kill II whs lulu il Inter Hi ui of i ttlicr HBhnm Ion oi Alaska nctoiillii; to tali tit i tonipiletl l T .1 Stalker fur est ovamltior nllni'lii'il to the local ot tlte of the lores! service 'I bo In crease In atliliigtou wn s per rout while Alaska's output was uliiiiil the siiino as In ll 1 7 The total 111 Is cut of nil speeioi. of all Oregon ami Washington mill' reporting was 7.31.1 'eel. of which !. 7 10.1100 Hilt) foot was pro duced In Oregon ami I una noo ooo In Washington Onlv lit active sawmills In Alaska reported their cut for I 'In. umoatit lug to 2;. 302. OHO toot Neurit all of the cut' Sitka spruce The nlK.tdv Increase In the annual cut In Oregon und Washington Is shown In table, which gives th total cut. together with the en: of the principal species, for four years The production In Oregon Is Indi cated to be tin per cent greater III l'.'ls than In I'.U.'. . that of Washing ton lo hate Increased 17 per cent In the same period the Increase In both cases being parti) due to the Increase In the number of mills reporting -Ui IMIII.I'slllIN HI st ,'s i hom v i i i ss or in. JllttlCIII.OItll Al in. I mlKi- toil food ito!notl In (lie t mi it Ii deirt ui rather, fotiuouti the "Utile its tontl left III tile upon , -ji t a noted autlioillv I In .im lolls us tint ImlUttitloii Is caused b 1 1 -per at ldll . tiitianltig tbtire Is nu o. tes of iDilrnchliirlc mli In the slum at h whlih pievouts itiliiplole illgos I inn and starts food foriuoutatloii TIhk evontlilng oalou sours III the loitiach iiiiiiIi like gnrb.tge oura In a can. forming acrid (lulds anil gases1 which Itifttle the touuch like a to ' balloon 'I'll otl we fool a he.itt i liimpt misery In the client, we belt h up ga, wo eructalit sour food or have heartburn, tint iili-ut r . water brush or tmiitoj He lolls us to 9) aside all dlgos ttvo aids and lunlead, got from any pharmacy four ounras of Jail Halts .mil take a t.thtrspoonful In a glass of water before breakfast ami drink while It l effervescing and further more, to continue this for a weok While relief follows the (Hst dote. It U important to uoiilrnllio the aridity remove the gnu-making mho. start the liver, stimulate th kllnev ami thus promote a tree flow tit pure dl gesllvo Juices Jad Salts I Inexpensive and U tilml from the arid of grapot and UCflP HJHUL ' MIMIl Wnil si I,.,,,,, IIOl 4 N till. "" The old time liiittui,. f K T viol H.,l.lllr llir lUrkrh " -lioaUod nml m.i, hMr ,, ' '"""'"f" "' "l lolh, n ,,' using II I.I KW, ,.,r ,,,,. n ovrn, win,,, ,,,, fnmt as v... aro Uvg tl routlitiil npiMirniic,. . f , eat n.lvaiituge NoaiU) th.iiigti. ,.,.., .... "" ,r",,, ""'ela.k of ath.n th sago miit tho tun.) iHnt tl hots All drug .tore. ,r n, rri,Iy.In.Ul, product. Improtsil bv tl, adilition f other Ingrr.llonts, , ,nril -wn., Sage am) Sulphur Citu(itm." r about SO rents buttlo It , ff liotilllar because r ,i.0f It has linen appllt'.l Simply mollis your comb or n soft t, u , draw llil through your hslr. aD one small straiul at a tllnr ,r nil)fv lug thn Kr.ty hah dliappran, but what delights tho Udlot uh Wypit,', tge ami Sulphur t'onipotind ti thit. besltlrs lieatitlfu y ilrkrtiii, , n,r after t apttllratliitu, It tin) pro. duro, that soft luitte and aipriririM of abumlniice which l id atlracl ! irS A POOR DOCTOR 1 which will last thruout their lives The Klamath Chapter of the Red Cros during the period of the war was under the leadership of Mrs II I) .Mortenson. who threw her heart and soul into the work and devoted her entire time to it On her departure last winter, the chairmanship was taken over by Cap tain J W Siemens, who has been at the helm since that date Too much praise cannot be show ered on Mrs. L, E Sullivan, who has had charge of the rooms for over a year and thru whose energetic efforts the fine record made by the chapter has largely been possible Mrs Sul livan has been faithfully at her post at all times and her constant en deavor has been the means, many times of reviving Interest that was on the wane Mrs Addle Walker made a very successful custodian dur ing the first months of the organization. any kind of fruits or vegetables would crump me s uvvfullv that I never would touch them and I was simply miserable most nil the tlmr from the gas on my stomach 1 lost considerable weight and at the time I started taking Tanlac I weighed only a hundred and thirty -elg'it pounds. "The few bottles of Tunlac I have taken hullt me up wonderfully and I actuully gained ten pounds on my first three bottles My stomach Ms In such fine condition that 1 can eat anything. Including fruits anil vegetables, without the slightest pain or trouble from gas. and I can eat as hearty u supper now as any body and enjoy every mouthful, too " Tanlac Is sold In Klamath Falls ny the Star Drug Co . and In I.orellu by the James Merc. Co Adr. MWLOS T ON UPPER LUKE STOCKMAN REPORTS THAT RIO HAM AT HEAD OK LINK RIVER is mti.vr;ir; i'p s e r iocs l'HOR!,EM TO RANCHERS. HAVE ROSY CHEEKS AND FEEL FRESH AS A DAISY TRY THIS! 8aya glass of hot waUr with phevpriats btfora breakfast washss out polsona. The water In the Upper Klamath lake has been steadily raising dur ing the last week and is presenting aserlouH problem to the ranchers of the went side of the lake, according to James Straw ,a prominent cattle man of the Odessa district, who In In town on matters of business. The raise In the water, he says, Is caused by the dam which Is being put In by the California, Oregon Power com pany at the head of Link River. He indicates that the ranchers have already lout a large tract of ground from which they have been accus tomed to cut wild hay and that the chances are good that they stand to lose a lot more. FORTV-POLM) TROUT CAUOHT. It END, Juno 2. It Is authorita-t lively given out by N. H. Jucobson, supervisor ot the Deschutes national forest that steelhead trout weighing 40 pounds are being caught In East lake, one of the bodies of water In the Deschutes national forest. The enormous size to which the finny beauties have grown is attributed to the vegetation In the lake, upon which the trout ure feeding. To see the tinge of healthy bloom In your face, to see your skin get clearer and clearer, to wake up wlth- out a headache, backache, coated tongue or a nasty breath, in fact, to feel your best, day In and day out, titHt trr Inside bathing every morning for one week. ' lieforo breakfast each day, drink ai glass of real hot water with a tea spoon f til of IlmWone phosphate In It ax a harmless means of washing from' the stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels tho previous day's Indigestible waste, io ur bile and toxins; thus cleansing, sweetening and purifying the entire nlimentary canal before putting more food Into the stomach. The action ot hot water and limestone phosphate on an empty stomach Is wonderfully In vigorating. It cleans out all the sour fermentations, gases and acidity and given one a splendid appttlte for breakfast. A quarter pound of limestone phos phate wilt cost very little at the drug store but Is sufficient to demonstrate that lust as aoap and hot water cleanses, sweetens and freshens the akin, so hot water and limestone phos phate act on the blood and Internal or gans. Those who are subject to con stlpatlon.blllous attacks, acid stomach rheumatic twinges, also those whose sain Is sallow and complexion pallid, are assured that one week of Inside bathing will have them both looking and feeling better in every way. Ad, Who Won't Take His Own Medicine THAT'S WHY WE ARE USING THIS SPACE TO TELL YOU WHAT JOLLY LITTLE BUSINESS STIMULATORS HERALD WANT ADS ARE AND WHY THEY GET RESULTS THERE IS NO GUESSWORK about a Herald Want Ad. They do the business. We know they pay. Our customers have told us so time and again. We have used them ourselves and they have never failed to get results. They are the short cut to a quick turn-over the modern method of merchandising on a small scale, where the value of the article to be sold or the importance of the want to be filled will not justify a heavy outlay. If you had something to sell, trade or give away and went out on the street and told each person you met about what you wanted to do, you might get results but the people you talked to would be very likely to say : "That poor fish has bats in his belfry." If, on the other hand, you used a Want Ad, you would talk to the whole county at once, instead of only one person, and do it in a businesslike manner. The same rule applies to hiring help, renting a house, looking for a job, or any one of the important little incidents of life where you must call in the assistance of someone outside your immediate family. "You MIGHT get results by telling your troubles to the neighbors but the certain, quick and economical vy is to use a little classified ad. Do you want to buy, sell or trade, want to hire help or find work; do you want to find a room, a house to rent, or to rent the same to someone else ; do you want to call attention to some new feature of your business, seek information on some subject, or have you any little unfilled want? USE HERALD' WANT ADS THEY DELIVER THE GOODS AND ARE ALWAYS WORKING 3 s 3 a : i