The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, June 02, 1919, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    OMiU, Jl M. '-'
amomi ne: 1'icni'i.i. mi mis i in mhimi
(IOIMI8 AMICdMIM.s il In. A nilhH
lions will In plarril n (hi lilll np mxvv...wwvwvwm. dutus h" inme Into Intimate -on
I mi j tart with tin upper str 'd of sri'li-tv
Jf tnP hPOtPYS ' Th'r,',,y ,l" WI,H n.ililftl to miil.n n.
i u.oro hi -in v en inn invert inn or noi
--""" '" w li r j frfcimnt the hlK tafes for en-
Mr uti.l Mr Miirlfn Hull y l"it Mr im I Mi--ihi
iiiniiilnK iriil" fin a i" il ifii Mi. I
'" . ...
.rrkiOl"!' Ill
Hun I'riilirlHio
I I'
II Kmltli mill i In,
H Aiili'Kiili mi I
II of -ihland nii.iI
I (l llr't'ii It'll till tiiiirnliiK Hniitlin .it Hprluc i rm-li
Mir I I Pell ulin Iiiih lii'i ll ni '
Mih W t) Smith ri
In AkIiIiiiiiI this
... i.i.,iiiiiiii Hi. i.ttii'iiH iii lt: loT HUti'i
.U1 III I III"' 'I-"
. .-..i about four months turiinl to li-t liom
.mil Joe Walton, wh n.. ''""'. ,
l"""' .,, ,. ....I '" from limn.
trlrniin in ni -
(urnnl " ,,l"lr ,"""" ln ,'ll,l,"lul"
Mt'l'lrath, formerly
i),,l(l ss Uk i, in sl(l H 'Ml i.illifi to
M'l'itiniti ri iMi.r iiii.i.ion
nil its i.i.tMMii sunt i.i) ,o
t ii ii lis slum:
proprlallui' the flvt liunilri'il million
llOlllim MO 1 1 1 11 1 UllH Htlltf will liuvi
i' rlMlilful share of tin mum y
it w III Iih.i. to lii'lp ri'm
( onseijiii nlly II hi'lioovi'ii tli- no ( j hen- uill ,.. only one perfnr- Jy "i"rit .mil In the construction of
iiIh of ihls iirojfi I to Ki't busy mill manee toulKhl at th Liberty, but tt ''', minus' npt lie ha- ln- rporatrd
inli llii'lr icprt Kt'iiliitlvi-M In eoni-rom oni, ,,n will Ionic In- remembered n,!tny litlmnto Kllmptes of Hitch life.
In -tee Khiiiiath ;ets wlfal it ' i,v locil fans Tin- full tiroirrmn will To ileplr t these sc.-n"H as accHrate-
li founil on pa-;e four of thin paper ? " Poi-dhle. several elaborate and
I'f.n't miss this blK hIiow .costly settings were built Those will
I represent vurioiiH lobt-r palaces on
Numerous scenes of Ky nleht lift: lno ,,a' wnu. way ami witntn tnem
MIm lili'll"
llh The MukhIi" Mercantile Co ha
iltloti In III" phiitoRritiliii'
of t uderuoods Hrui:
Ukrli n I"1
jits II ! Iloblliiiou, uliii hut
.. vi.intii; lii.r ilHUKhtt-r Mt S
itt-i'u ..".-"
Mm Mum .Miitlnon ri'turin'il to
, In-r Iiiiiih' .it 1 'i ii In tills moriilnr lift
tr a limn t ll h kl u tin- Iiiiiih. of II
I Mnltooii
(I IVvton wi'iit to HpilhK '"ri'iik
Siimliiy In lirltir ha. I: lilr mom rruiM,
ullll ullh hl flit Mil Hi'iirKn liiiu'
imil 1'iitil Covi'tt liiiv- Ihm-ii i inl
ine iln pum uii'U iMiiiplnit mill fli.h-
Altti .i tin. wrh," uoillil lu
ll poml tltN to a utorv tt-lllni; of lln-lii--li-t
of th' pcopp. of Ihln county
BEAR DOGS NOW In .S-u ork'H lob-m-r paldc-M it ,' ' action will rMI.ct inim of tho
Ik IIvliI bv inanv of Ihi- wtaltbv Ilo- countless rxlravarant parties that
IIKNI). Jim.- 2- That a llKht hIani ()f U MetroI)i,, w ,u,l held ih.rr. by the Idle rich.
Hpk'tidor to th! production of "All- (
nioiiy" which In to bf Bwr. at the A "MUKll IN IffK INSURANCK.
Star tlii-atr.- lonlcht I a'' f Hir-ngint idc niB qiti
I Kri-atly to be pri'fcrn'd to bt-iir don
In trt'flnK bruin, In the tt-Htltnony of
liinK-r (' H SprlnK'-r, of tht- H-h-rhutt'K
national forcht, and Charles
In their fnllurt to take advanliiKn of TnolnllBi wnn )aKK,.r a 221-pounil
A titn Am t Vi a Iniinm hn pa Kin ViAn af I a
The author of HiIh nensatiuiM of ThVlrt(t Amrrlran Lite Insurance
drama which alms to mirror the e its Company, means first class life In-
lli- oiiiKiniii-.iv to re- iniui. ,r Hi...., . . . . urn ma u men aims in mirror me e im ( ompan), means rirst class lire In-
,,, v , ,,lnck '"'"' W"hOUt '"V,'r K"MnK Ut t rlaln blvoree loans, for many suranoe for you For particular.,
money tint I-to l sperit by the Kov f th,.,r nul0 , m a sw york ,. 0E0 C ULRICH, District Man-
"rl "' '"' "" of The animal was first seen when the man , . HcharpH,,f Ins P,K"T The . M",ua' t"e In8urnco
land- for ,b. returned so.d.ers Of ,w(, for,.H, ,,. W(.r(. ,,rvlnK towar -L" In JhdlHchargjrt I... rompany New York. 28-10
llniitie nil I'mlfb Teirmt., lum i,k li' llil.. p..iiili,i tesorl 'llinu.
t in-k i'i-i I'liuciii nil ii... n t
lllev eoubl u us well us e'iimi;i .i
hUpptr ll.etr trlemln b wen- .iol
fni-luiiiil,- eiiniirti I i have nil online
at thW tl "p
Ml l-nrl Iil'l.i c entert'iln -d
brlilue M.iHir.ln
nlutinil t" bur Iiiiiih' In I'ulkMi)
A I br r l it l aiii'dii Sim Mriunipn i
IfJ li In r il.nlKlilvr, Ml l.llt'll M
ullll b.i jsiiiiluiiti'd III till year '
el,,, .,r Ii. Klaiiiiitb Cniitity IIIrIi
(.,(,01)1 .mil Mr llntiert of S.i i
Frsnci ' '1" '"'n "'"'' '""'" v,"I"im th VW1 i,,!,),.
Hr, m.,c i. tiotli mm iiiiiinri mil nfternn.m
Hr. K- Hfoii are Kr-allv pl-n.e.l ivin r- ...n Mrs J ('
.III, M. M .lb Tall n ml 111" Irani nrr),. i r,, , .), ImIiiihI n f -v
ikU iiinrn 'ii: timk iiuil) tun very en ' frpnd .' 1 r'.'fce
thU!""11 ti'ii-'TS i , 1. 1, ll,. ('., rrler xii" t In
l. M ir lleltli unit of our m I lenv. to n-.rrtiu for lint Sprlin, i
r Irii. I" 'i of tile I'etltrill mlltiol S.iulh, uh-re ln will nil ... I
Ml linn luortilliK for Tuoma. ulmrj. tier -iimnii r a.ntlun ultli Imr lli-
roiinii rerlamatlon Is not to be tak
lll III the le-ii... that Is Ih-Iiir used
alnlU' tin I l.ikf when- the lle-i-l.i
illation i-..rvli.. I floodltiK Mm
rlrheat lamlt. In the muni), thru th
foiitri.M -hat it unve to tin- Callfot
lifa Orer .n I'ower (ompany arid
uhleb i- iti'lt ehnll stand lrr
vpettl' t' the wUlieh or demands of
the peopl. ., tM. Kltmat'i Irrli'i
llutt Htotriit ir thi ruined Innilouti
er The 'ri. ipi In ii'ieittlon Is to b
tiMe fur -he r- tstn.ttlnn of Ian.1 un
der the dlre'-ir.n of the Serrelnr .if
the Inti-r1 r -h. Inn.) so rerlaluieil rn
b t lar. I it ti. fllspimal of retlirtie 1
1 her- i in . iKHtiou but that
Kliimi.'M -'tuntv nr more properlv
tlm Klommli llnsln
('resn-nt and was standing In the
middle of the road eylriK the nrichlne
Intently As the car appro, n h-( Mm
he fled, but the .m-i turned nfler
him. dodKlni; stumps and log, and
finally forced tin fugitive t tal:
refuse In a tree One shot brought
111 tn down mi rlose to the that It
was not iierenH.iry for either of the
hunters to le,ic the m.irlilli.) In load
It.K the (iirrans onto the rear seat
.It sT A ItKMIMinit.
ltet I'liture-i Arc Made nt the
Iton.l Studio,
lit cause ue do nothing but Por
trait Work., and because we have no
amateur help Kw-ry piece of work
has our personal attention and is
tiiKttiK miner finished right
prml her Mi. at Inn
Ui lke ii. her duffs as
She I one of teli. her In the llltrh S bo.. her..
th leather- of tht fentriil Stln.til
in.1 l'i' uill return for the Full
J l IMII1..HI our k'enlnl .'iillilll'
nr on Hi- s P lino taheti a short v .
ition a" I bit this ni.iriiliH: for n
vi, II uiili 1 i dailKlller Allre nt fill
fit Cnllfmiiln Another lIltUkThl-tr I I
Kcit Hluff and 111" brother III .-a era
)lr M ir llarillni: nt wuil rru i
rtil-l. uti" ha been M-tltlns h '
JShl-r lr It U" Smith rotiirnml
tn her lii.m- (hi tnornltiK She wn
trrntl) .l..iid with the sfetilc bnu
t -if County well n Its
Vurtllt-rf 111 pIMSlbllltleS
Mr un. I Mrs i;
)rj A ll. '111111111 niotoreil to Port
Klamnth where thoy Hi.-nt Sundav
Mr and Mrs I't-rc) Hmiiis spent
fumlu) in Port Klmtinth
Mrs loe Moon- an. I her mother
thill lsltlllK tier from Itncun lllv.-r
irromiMtiie 1 by her aunt from Indl
ina nre Ih-Iuk motored around tlm
I'ppcr I.ak- today by P I' Patrick,
Mrs i.enrKi' H Chamberlain left
)fj.T.Iii for Cedar Itaplds. Iowa and
ol her ea tern points for a two
nontlin iit with r.latUes and
Mrs. U I. Praln of the Top
prrclncl Is the proud possessor of a
Qftlnl iniiile from part of n (.erim.'i
!fll prcseiiii'd to her by the Kovern
afnt fur erres rendered durltn;
the last Victory l.lbeity l.uaii drl-..
Mr Priun uu captain of his pre
tlnct for the last three drlM-s
W T I iliott mid P T I'unitliir
tni lioiiKut supplies from the Klain
th Palls uierrhanlH Saltirdii) for
IMr ranches at Pine (irove
Clins (, Tuohv, llollln C Stiti i
T W t.rahaiu and V U'llKht ate
rut'nts at the White Pollrall Hotel
from Iiorrls Callfornlu
AOtllHim llo)t Is down for a few
tiiyn on matters of business from his
koine In the Wood lllver Valley
Cecil IIIkkIiih Is In Klamath Pntys
'or a short time from Now York.
S II, Iceublco was iimoUK tile
foiinty neat vlsltorM Halmday after
"wit from his linum at Pine liiuin
K'irl Slhera Is ri'Klslered lit tlm
"nil Hotel f,olll Chllonuln
J''lin ItobliiHou Is u recent arrhiil
In this lHy u M rKHtrt.,i al t,U
"all lintel from Wnsco.
Prank Ma'orniick, former County
"oimiilRMliiiinr, who operates a law
ranch uu tlm Uhiht Klamiith hake
In town Haltirday nftortionn
lookinE after business Interests.
Ot-orgo Itiinddlph la In tho city for
6lirt ilmo from Merrill. Hu la
"opi'lni! at the Hul'jl Hall.
James M. Owen and J. I.. Owen
re llcro )tiklnK nftor buslnesH In-
w" -fr"'" !,l Hly socUo"'
'"' T. Mndsny Is u recent arrlvnl
rom MacDnel, California.
J- I. and v h. Ooro camo In Sat-
ry eveninK f0r tt 8hort VHt
"amath Pails from Mmlforil They
,:,a xlcu t lli Whlto Pelican llo-
Mlrs Twill. Head MWs Allie '.(
Court Ml Horotliv Weeks and Mr
l' sp.-ti' tie utek end at llarrl
man I od x-
'I he -i,, .. of C l ll-i.-iilenli'l . A
Co ii hu.i'ir a i front Install -1
1130 Main
... . . . . ...... ...... ...ii ..., , ........ ,. .. " "
,Sclll speii'i in- .! "... ..... .... ...e.ios i.Minor ,, t) ,. vt K a t f m ,,), f ,t.rrUorv We Invite all returning soldiers to
). Mnr H.'Kiteii.lorfer l.-fl on!"" route Pb- will r.-turn In the Full ,, rMI) ,, ,..,, ,1V ,,. ttl(ir, come and let us make them a nice
f t t u L u !.,. .!! .... i i i. lilrliim trm tt nVtfi pu
,hl. tnoruliiK train for Portland ..- - - - " -: ,.r the l'ppr Mike Clear Lake or the H ,"'...,. '.VT.l.
Horsefly reservoir ConKress Is to be strtet, Phone 27C-J
asked t. appropriate f.. hundred
million Oollnrs !.. be used strict IT P.WS TO IWKSTIOATi:.
for the r-clniniillon of land for rr llefore bnlnB life. Insurance It will
turned "(.l.lierH and while It is like pay ou well to find out what A
U that this fund will I... ..k "'"'""K Compaii) has to
nff,.r ii. Villi run tinv Tirithlne
bi.H the re fori. I if It tin-.., ... . ....m... . ....
rti.r. .. I Me .ho.. m K .,,. nI(, (i , ill(N oJ )i(, s.,.rlirv f v ,.,,,(. D,trct MBnBKCri tfflce
lllrtlt nt ull.h the rKUh.r bllslltss ,,, ,.,,,.. v , w.r nrh, stale and Snilnirs ItnnW
!- niii-i --j umijiii'i -ti i friiij - ----- - - . .. ... D - ,-.-....
r". ir.ttion' i' the n-ople of tb'.. -b-10
Will be tr.iM.nite.1
Wlllll. .1
l!h III t I ll
IN t tls'I HH -A.
county should ! awake to the f'l.-t , ., ., ,.
that tbev c.-i i., i H -hare of this Store
wear at K
K K.
v V.
fiQW Edison.
"We are closing these out and no reasonable
cash offer will be refused.
These are the present latest models and will
allow exchange in three months on other stand
ard makes. Don't delay.
8A A . A DfiK. 'tinft 2 The
tiovert t-mitlt of Kuntemnhi Hondur
as and lMi-BKUa have reoiicnlind
Ih hll''-nev nf t'le Autl-N'oi'o re
llellmnt. an.rr,,'","n'M " r"1u Tl"- "'
lit lull ' .1 i . t- Iti. ii Die rendu-
llojlt.t-. ha liemi re Infoirod
monet I.. r( , pet, the
Project ll Hi. y j o after It.
On on I in I' particulars a.hnutn
i:oiis po-ntifi'i ,n congress for th
t)rt time utic. tie assault that wa
innde on the state bv Secretarj ,
llllehcocs Alio emploxe.l i'i i-rv
mean nt Lis command to destroy to j
men who trltd so .illently to um
. .- to the state the money thnt Hitch-j
I.I I h" im.HUIVs l)C;il I lit r, ""'I "I" l"t" were Illegally try-
lil'CI. Mil II III III ( mil'KTKNT. I"K to dlvirt to other states Instead
of the peopb of OreRon standing
!. W.iM.IS. tun- 2 Petition ""'' their rt preent.itleH, they list-1
of Albert of 'an Pr.ini'lsco, ,',''l l'' cabal lead by that arch j
to luue bit mother Mrn Clara fluid cuballlst. rr.mrls J Henry, and like I
will Mm ker. ie lar-d lummpelent " "l",, soiibt to debtroy the etv
to bundle the ten million dolMr es ""'n "lev should hae fcURht equally,
int.- inherited from her father bard to s'ic II tin peorle of Prf iron
"l.tiekt. Italduln was denied In the '""l ktood by their representathes u
superior unlit CotiKresr-. Oreeun would not be the
Jast state in the union In the matter
of reclamation am) It would not have
had Molt n from It millions of dollars
that went to li.nld up other common
weilths At the In ad of the Public l.nmN
committee tod.i) Is .lepresentntlMi
Slntiott, inn of the blKKest men in
the preM'tit runKross. Senator Mc
Nar heads the Irrlpatlon and Ite
rlau.ntu'ii i.imiuiKen In the senate
and If these men the support of
their constituent!:' then Oref-nn will
come nit IK own proper teitric-
JOLKS are a heap like tobacco. Thar's hot-headed,
- bitey folks. Thar's flat, uninterestin' folks. An'
then thar's folks like Velvet mild, but hearty an'
fren'ly, too. . (
This Fighting Indian Won
D. S. C. nt Chateau Thierry
ras.,i1-r-4 iwvx- ..-rijc-irBrs
p ifcir r I
l"T Z I . r r V
.1 r77VjMWIF.
1 C JBB.'RWXi. Wvii. s . .A
1 1 LiRSIBiilijfcB.
Metropolitan Amusements J
Jii jmltmSMMWr
Wednesday Ai Sjiturday
The Story of iui uuwanteil wife, by an
old court reporter. It shows up tho
I dhorco traffic of Illackmalliiif;
l.nwjers ubo prey on tho rich.
Don't Miss It.
Private Pontine WIIIIiiiiih Ih a flKlit
Ing Indian, according to hU otfloora
Triangle Prenents
Patlio News Ijitowt iTum-nt Kvents.
I'atlio Noun Iitent ("urrent Kvonta.
Admission 10 & IB cent Matinee
2.110. Uvenlnts 7:ii0 & 0.
"r. ami MrRi jj jt 'Wnlker and 'and the teeoids Hu wears tho 1) H
e tleorao Met.tit.l. ,,...K.,, f nn.l wni.nil ntrlnAN. hnth hni-sms nf
.-.. ...I.,..1 .111. I W, M.,. "WM..M HVa.fVV, vw ..- w
from Ylint bo llil at Clmlouti Tlilurry, WU-
'lliiiu" i full blooded Oilowa Indian, MERRILL OPERA HOUSE
i ntl.l M.. T ii .. ... ., .Mi.n i.. no ,.i.i ...i. .....i ... n,.
fii , i i nniKzii nro in toe nmi in .i j. .mi. muiniuu in w MOTION I'lCTlIHI'S
Cnlif. n """, fn"" ,'1"" "" ,u" tt ' ' ' l ""' " Ul 1-"1" TUICHDAYH AND SATUHDAYS
V .. "" '. .i Hill
'itoin m Klamath County
"'no, Neva.r,,,
ir. i
"Friendly" is a very good word to describe the
positively pleasing quality that sets VELVET
tobacco apart.
There is that indescribable something about VELVET
that is associated in men's minds with the thought
of a friend.
It is a satisfying smoke never harsh ; without a bite.
Like a friend it "agrees" with you no matter how
much you use it.
Long, patient ageing in
wooden hogsheads does it.
Friendship must ripen
alowly. Good tobacco the
same way. An army of
men have learned this
through VELVET.
Today is a good time to get
a lot of comfort out of a
pipeful of friendly VELVET.
VELVET"i nature.aged
milJnen and $moothntst
make it jutt right for
m VL K':WmWLfMW'i u -: v -ami
I mWk Im
r g
Infantry, in nil tliu bntlU-u,
Merrill, Oregon