Mol, V, PACK TWO I II I it. 1ME5M5 STATE GKAMBER OF BOHEMIA TG CUING USE BESDMIIIffiD FDRSEGRATAniES "I'M SO GLAD YOU'RE HACK HOME SAFE" LATEST COMPETITORS IN FLIGHT TO EUROPE tu.w-3"wvww try . J. ? . w, . j4V 'Vf Wl.eiv. '; "--; s ( r THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON . re? , v, ' - w?y - d!?mw 1 .,is &. ..w ...!i mES) :i)u ill -'fastf3&il KieW vil F v J iFk' ' if V v"ft '. I'll v I i " , -.. nil. .1 !h" in i ntiovi i ill i' r thi' iii Mom hi iliv t M'ltl i . tl ul. tt I Mi li -. 11-. ill I ll VSII nu ll Mi. iniu il i mI . ii ii i I il Hall, i Mm -' llll.l . '.it till' I'lMK'll t It'1 IlillutiiT ' .in "nr" 111 ml i ll"' lenrliii hoie for euntiiiorelal eeretiirli "i 5 VJfcJ XT who ulll bo the pilots. ami Theo are tho mow who mil at- irlRhU tempt to pilot Colonel John Cvnl Major T Gran. miMRutor The other Porte's big Hundley-Papo machine Knt:llh competitors hade been walt from Harbor Grace. Nowfounldand. ins in Newfoundland several t!i ucrosi th Atlantic for the London for favorable weather before thp Dailv Mail $50,000 prize. The Handloy.PaKo plane arrived, but Ait-hhotof-raph show Admiral Mark mtral Kerr eomed confident that the Kerr (center). Major H G Hrackley machine hail a Reed chance ll.-i j- hi iiuii. i a l it K u ' II " Kreit otuio hi'lil bv I lie ii.n.l own ItiK uitiRiialo of till e(ioit ii' i ii. ho Slovakln The erter pan m the laud In Uohomlii I In the hond the Male The iWSiwlloti w "lni1 of thene larpe lunil w oner and thet i,v r I' Mri'nuhev manaRer of i'i l a wtdopronil demand that the Salem clumber, and niot x"'1 ''" t.iti hall bo taken over hv thtate hon ipprovnl of ihe ecrtilnrlr and In n,ni' wnv put In tho hand of preul the poorer flne Thf office of lleorKe lltayli. " The pimple nte nil th more in!'- rotary of the Ute chamber, will ie .m thut thi action ho ild be taken t.,.lre application from eluh dtr lie iue (he land owner fur in lnK ,w rteliirli or A elmnB" "' mi.-l prt. hle lie , jp. n Mtien.ln rreretuHc h" ! Il8 " fro" of the Cunh Nalloualliit mnl hne -nv pornon dilrllB to i-nence In th i Uen faithful latflllt of th Ha. n ,f work eontmiuilcntlotw nr i burs !.vmt which oppnd Ho- b ,r,.Btv.d In n Irtrllv confidential henilo for four centtirte manner. Mr Qtmyl" ld Ou of th ftrt nets of the n deniion tlikel exeurmlon rnl. rovernment m to unnoint a ooia- mly au'horlted b thu rallrof ' iMlntion to makt n-ou nmnUllon mlnltrntloii went Into offpel todo-. for reform In land o-vnlntf The eom- numrnui beach trovdr?tnklBN J'l- mislon now hat reported r.fora- nutai;e of the ftrm al di W H inetullui: that the itr- it estate nrf ucki will ll'l should bo bought Uv the mate and Saturday and Sunday Reed for r- that no land owner hould b allow- tur1 OM,jRy TIicib tlekxta will con w? i iroi v tu, w v ,m 8sm f wsrs-B' Hiato. ', .'x :. Wwik mm r, '-i-.u.i,.' sabbl" i iji n mTvIhIbIbIbIbBS bbbbH4bIbbbbbbbbb1 r?:??BTr . t ii-J bViSbbbbI .- . .m'jvi T. v.v.satKjr i v b hfb mMmvzmL vm-Brmfai t- 1- i y HMrlt ri?) Er IWn SSLi&rilS! '" " !"' " frr: l.t ellAKV i iji, mm Vt rih TCk,r lw.wn;.tiu,. llll .1 - - HON WZA I.tH'l.-. - . Loul$e Go from Klamath Kail i. vNitlni; Honanzn friend thi eek. Mrs.. Fred Thompson died Sunda. nlRht of pneumonia at Dry I'ra.'rle The butlal a held Tueday after noon, fincere mpatt i extended to the bereaiied lrnp.ition work ,n lOMpIcte! and pir pine becun I i J 'th " was turned -nto low ' ne ' l.. ily urprie p.irtv wa clen at the home of Joy Hurkhart In honor of Hiie.j Gillette who Is fsltlng hero from Klamatth Kail Kannie Heuton. the only chnlar ora Honan:a school who took tint tate examinations p.ied with an average of 7-10 per .-ent A Uab daughter wu born to Mr F J Uowne lat week Mr I t; Illake and daughter re turned to Iion.mj.i Friday from Ore , i i i Tlii pliototirupli mlfilll Iium Imou win Ian. line . , . .. ... ... . . .. n a lul i.f in... I... ...1 to hold more, than about '.2. ,,Ue , (K. M,,i until ttio innln ""' ' ."i-ntir port, nut it o .,,,.,.,,, ni..4i Tim rtiittdlliiti n In what ..... - .k. ....... .... ..tiiattit tirritlirttilv tinlituiliK Ihul It W.1 InLtili Hi llitlinVi.ii "'" " " ura Hi m' "' - - --- f ,(, r, amount the Mate should pay ttiev , p,.nl,.mber. nlthouch no definite when ihrf Nw Uirk men of tlm auoili , lr ,',, Inm! owtiiir for fhi land It .um- ...... k i.t. .i fur (lieli ilUron. , , ., "a,r """ "' lnfaiitr. s.'V.nt) mteiitli Dlvl.uni. li. fitui .1 (1 tlnttntlotl i . Thl I the iaon for cniiliue ami rate chatiKM and It will bo adl able for travelers to make mire their M-bedulo ore up li dale l,neni.,er train on the Southern I'aciflc lltir will bo on n new hedule (une I Th main feature of till rhnluln i the . utMni: of nn hour off tin r'li nine 'I of mn of lb. iruitii ! iiirm l.irtliml ami an l'mii. ji . . - t "MinHtf pii-.. and refrhinp at Hath House l.'-l priate In this compulsory fashion ha caused erloU dif'"renren of op inion All but a few extremist con cede that til.' land hould lie laid fo. l'roldwt Maaryk tor ti Benoroa' coMipi'tiiiallon to the land iiwnm white i'reut r Kroti'.arJ who ha u' wu liwn Identified with the .--h "om..rMi'l" lnteren" 'ti !"' ilf of the land owner bv lnInt''itt the- shoubl t al'owi-d o bold up '. ' " a-re- ' I e;f. '.'il 'hi" I' hi ' t b- fi'lpil 1.1-h '- . r art r'.'iir"-1 'o'-i !b. T'-i u'( t enre l Part- ' ' miKirt Ttin, " ' Atnl iwrt- ilork Yrv I" (Mill. tl 6( W lui ai laof THE SOLUTION of but ( try t roubles. i:uip your car witb ,m s wni p; in the v. r te J FIVE POUND CAN j C Coffee WW wi HUW wN Queen's Brother, Who May Get Post in Canada, and the Duchcts o( Ab'one COSTS YOU LESS PER POUND BUY IT AND SAVE MORE MONEY Because of its superior strength and richer flavor you use less M. J. B. per cup than any other coffee. EVERY CAN GUARANTEED The most economical coffee you can buy VACUUM PACKirn m. Mm WCm if iBBBBB 1 The One Essential Feature of a Vaccum Cleaner is, IT MUST GET THE DIRT. Gets the imbedded dirt, as well as the surface litter, and does it without the aid of a brush. A New Lot Just Received. Have You Got Yours? LINK RIVER ELECTRIC CO. Phone 171 The Herald tells you today's news today not tomorrow. ABBBfc. aBtk H 3 IflBBBBi bIv. .V H 'bbbT fi 'V 1 .PV v. - 1 a BBBK i . .afol t II m rate BbSbbb? ' tt bi Bi - v jIWhh tl iKBhBki.'i ' I "it Ml U '3fe-;BBBf. il- - t m . r r j - t p, SOVIETS FORMED ON THE EMERALD ISLE ' i fn i tune .' u' 'riii I n mlt ! I ' I .i ippe.irt it Ii- fori' Tt urdav nlsbt to urR. il iiraNU'e tor the pr"i.i Hum i.rd r in Irelanu 1 he 't iiloiin tlirun it i' i.lfi'i ' n reported to be oxt r 1 crave niti Fi tm t bold ; ' i I tin I Ir -'i i-iit in parliament and urn pl.mnlnR to-uclilove their aim thru i ' ..Hi nf labor .nii loiiuclls are r pord d t" bale I.e. ti estiihllnhed ,er where and the lrlh co-operative nimiiniii w.jii'h .ircanUed on the KnMn'i m I initrol more than I""0 co operative ntn lellew 44 Exibc" Battery biirki'd by "Bxfoc" Service BBrkl v 'I i i on - MLi.MM ..r.l IBBBBBk. ff' & in e.i.pi'oii i4Ari JJik TiTl a r3i4: . St, Lighti patf eries Automobiles JUDD LOW 23 Main St. Phone 22M n. 'BBaB-. . ...... . T-i: ' I.I.OS Mill UOOII I l.t II Is roitMi:i i.n ,i:.rn.i: ' -" 1ZS'F.S1V -SBBS&i V CNi-1- rtVi-' SKATT1.K. June "- To launch a Muli will' rauipalKll to lioimt Major Gent ral Leonard Wood for tho He publican preHldenlial nomination, a Leonard Wood club has leii foriiicil in Siatlle Other clilhK are expected to be organized thriiout Ihu m.ilo 'within n wiek The xecutlve committee chnsen at the (irnanlziilliin luncheon In tho Army ami Nav Club In rompoiied of Mujor II II AriiiHlend of SHikane, Major I.otllH Seunrave, GtorRo (.' Pratt, John A Ilesne, Fri derlc Struv. Slate Senator Geo II Lamp Inn, Herbert A Schoenfoldt and Huli ert T HoilBe Van's phono number is thu same as always 298-W. - ;i 4 ' $cXxfl6fl!CH It In underHtood that the Duke of Dcvonnhlre -will hooh retire bh (Jovor-nor-Gtneral of Canada unit that tho Duke of Atblone, brother ot Queen Mary, will be offered this pout. The Duke of Athlone, who Ik forty-five years old, probably would have hiic cocded the Duke of Connuught had It not been for his duties with the Drit lh army. He 1h the Hon of the Duke of Tock..Tho DucbfbH of Athlone wuh I'rlnccsB Alice, duughter of the lute Duke of Albany, Try itoo fruit V )(, lei M wmtXf mj if IMItUJ UUHI M C4UI4MM uin taunapUoM, tU tat ,mum!I inik ItoJUd IUm for nffonaf IU train ""I. kf a f n I u wU u4iiTrawi1.aVBllr't BB1kti M, Mllruua, C4 vMiwoaM. Orin Ur it Ve' Mubmlln WWp MdiJ Th Mil Ium jou Ub qukk 4hmi4, In II h frail Ye will fia tU nanliAullow Mm wod Wtful rkkaaM ui trwa yr&&fi',mt How os &L " "''"" f km3&. . . BBBfrrN.f KLAMATH FALLS MUSIC HOUSE Representing the Old and Well Known Music House of Sherman, play & Go. Of San Francisco Steinway, Weber and Other Pianos; Aeolian Pipe Organs, Pianola Pianos; Player Music. EVERYTHING IN MUSIC COME AND SEE Phone 125 J. G. RAMER Geo. A. Wirtz 733 Main St LOST BLUE SADDLE HORSE Branded wagon bow on right shoulder; alsosor rel pony branded bar-S on jaw and branded on left shoulder. Reward. Finder please notify JOHN O'SHEA, MALIN, OREGON I' ..aBBBB't FOP PH IPkQ AMn PUIPKFMQ run uniulw AINU bnlbMo CHICKEN FEED. ALL SIZES GRIT. OYSTER Kf 1 J CJ JPL Qarl StO shell, scratch feed, cracked corn. Murphey s reed gc Seed JW EGG MASH. CHARCOAL. RONF. ANn I IPF ., o. ., . phone". CHARCOAL. BONE, AND LICE I 1. I t i I 126 South Sixth St. KILLER. .'il