Hvn HIM. mav .'II, HMD. THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON rMit: HKVK.V COME OTF IM! -THE AI3S ?rxtr nifj lh'' It VM' fete ST Cs tRi IfttrUi W Ws fey IffiPflf. " v JanmHKr BALD'S CLASSIFIED COLUMNS FOR SALE I'llONT I'l TON for Wood lll'll Kl IIN'lll III" Tor nil llil'h l tittle, 23h (Vttnr. Hi It tVtt ''Vl.i: Purnihe. or unfiirn Itln r rexidiiite i" IS Cedar street 21-tf nut w. I'lllUK' l.'i Km lull liuoriiiie) tow III.' I Mitudinlln hi 2!) SI koh si.i: film IiiiiiI Olt TltAlli: III acres II Mori .i.l l'o Cullf Ail- iliwn I'll ( Koiirli, Ore htu 4 7i. Klllllllllll .10-f.l furulnhetl J IOU mull Immediate KOH HAI.i: Three roiiiu hum... for Jf.f.tl mi unit iiml lutlaiire like renl pum.-nnlnll MVeli Cllllruln (33 Ml. 1 11 Kl & Smith lit- II KOH KM. II- I'lvi. rooiii outage, mod ern Improvements, for xulo liy own w; rime In. fiiriillur.i If il-nlr.il, In cluilinr iilnno i:niiilri Frank M I'l'P, ill M.illl K( 31 If KOIt HAI.i:- Oho mr of high grade Hertford ntul liurhnm hulls will m offered for Hi.ln in Kliiinnlli ln 1 1 h . Oregon on Junn I I'.UIi For fur ther iiifuriiiMlnn. .'luiulri' of IuiIk (ierlx-r or Uiwri'lim llorlou riiiirl.it llurlni). Ovvn.-r l'J-121 KOIt 8 AM: Al n Mirrlflir.., J .SOU I'nnror.l lfunr I'lnuo; practically tiM , ('In imtiluii Will n 11 1 niHi', iiiimt li rutil In two ui'.'kM Itn Mil IcavhiK , tokll (iooil miiiill mili'i (Ion of r.'i' itiIk Imiulri) V A ,MiiNtii, tit Upi' J.n(iry nioro Jli-tf KOIt SAI.i: 1 U'tl I Atliix nt.'Mii mi rim., r.'lf I'oniuliii'il, I'i'iitrr crunk, iio'rliiiiii? rinlir I'rm llciilly now. run Imt ilirrx iiioiiIIih AIho I 4 ft U In lliiintuoiiil I'ouvr nrnilKT, iliitnp l(itlirii in A-l Hluip, prlci'il rlKlit I)i llr.'r) o nciirli itrtlclit. f u ti S I mm, Mii.lfonlrOri' Tor particular!!, rltt' No 1UHUD Ko Onkilal.i nv. , Miilforil, Oricoii 30-C FOR SALE: f room new- hotme, all modern Im- proveim-ntK. Inrliitlliig heating plant, lull lianement Price l&sr.O 00, some term Thin inunl be Ht-elt lit ho ap- Hu-luti'd T-rootu inodern, completely fur lUinetl liiiune on I'lne Hi reel. In heart of htmlm-HH (.niter MDUO.OU, only I lOuu 000 cash, lialiincu on or be fure thren yearH. 7-room modern bonne on Pine, St.. riiitH for $32 r.O per inoiith. will Bell for (.1000.00 with $1,00.00 cash, uml $40.00 per mouth. Why don't juu own IIiIhT f.-room pliiKleretl honsn, hath, oloc Irlc HghtH, nil fiinilHheil, has barn, Kurare, hIiiiiIii treiiH, lawn; only 12U00 00, hoiiiu terins. Can you heat It' 4-rooin inodern liouse, hath, toilet. jt.iru.llM()llH uml tliiiutea to ho s.tlls Klnk, electric lights, KtiriiKu. price J fuctury j I Sou 100, only $000.00 cash, halaticu ,.;'pr mjumiY ItKSOhVKI), ... oo per month. ,. ItIiiu the pIuiih, MieclficatloiiH and es- .1-roum Iiouiio In 'nlrvl"w nddl- mlm,B for ,,,,, II1lri,0lmlli (lf mKit . ,'.l!,r,CA,ft,r,UO'00i .",y ,'-VMhIHtr'i'l from Ml. Street westerly lo 1st nnd $20.00 pe, 'monih ' Street. Including Intersections ami .....!,. iim- -'"I. th. 5th. lilh, and 7th Sts 017 Main Hi. 2S-41 EUGENE AFTER LARGE AIRDOME W'CIRNK, Oregon May 31, Tim clly council of Kugeno will co 'Uierato with tho chauiher of com iiicrre In locating a pormunent land li'K place for airplanes and cstabllsh '"g a municipal airdrome A letter wmi United HiuteH Senator McNnry "f Oregon, urging th" council to take action, was road at u meeting of thu council and Mnyor (J. O. l'eterson an iiouncetl that ho woultl appoint a spo c'l coinmlttoo to act. with tho chum l'or of commerce. Reiintor McNury In hlH lottor point '"1 to the probability of tho iwtnbllsh uent of nlr mull routes and 'ho In "lullullon of planes at dlfforont cities usslHt In flgSitlnK flreH In forests n tho noar ftituro and tho osMdIIhIi inunt of commercial airplane routes '"tor. Ho nrgod Kugono pooplo to pro l"iro for the serrlce. Duxlink and Kampll Outing wonr i iiii-n and woiiioi). K. K. K. Store -i, Van's phono number is the HELP WANTED AM I'll M I m. (ioml . .Tl elll'ltl YOllllg MfllllllU .in KKI-Ollll link mill c. rl help at lloiky Point 11,1111 f'ot.il Ulll'i'il all HllllllMl.ril vvurl I horn al i. in i tpi'iiH. ill t i III ll.irpM A In . . JS-lf FOR RENT nut itc.M' IIHIIII I I S'ln i Ii-iiii Kliiinnlli avt MISCELLANEOUS t TOMOIiIM: If InoklliK for a Kooil tin.'.l rnr inini' an.) n hi ('olf. Cliiiliii.'lH. IIihIkii anil nl hem Klamath KIiiki- (ianiR.', Gill hi JC-G VNTKI To buy I li.-uil of first Iiii.ii work liorxw or iiiiili'it, miint tie Millllll Mill true I'hlilli' 11 I'll ot mil ,it IMkkuooiI rani li, north .'ml Kan all It.ilin ''.o-tf O.Ni: III'NDIlKli IIKAI) work liurm-a Mul iniil.-H for hire KiniH K Kr iii'hi iim ore C-linn Miin i: in i'i,i h.vii: w i'ii:it I IslOMCUs. It lo IIioiikIii more romeiilent for inn . milium m If the liourM for rlllkl!ll lie rollHlller.-ll lilt ' Still Ttim ' ami nut th new Lentil 'I inn- " It ih illfflrntt to i;ei Die ruleg mnenil.il Inn wo ulll for the benefit of lh" burvlru. Inliirprot the time iih ihe uli! time, or Knn Time, uhl.-h In. nun that the liniirrt by tint clink a r. from 7 n in to S a m ami from ('. p in lo h p in California Orc',oli I'ower Co L'.S .11 eoil lorvrv iiti:.sriti:its mhici:. Notice Ih heivby Klvi'ii that then) are fnmlH In the dimity trenttiry for Ihe r. ilemptloii of Klumiilli connly K.-iieral fund warranlK No Hn i'JZ, 311.4114. .tll.4jr.. 30.49C. 3U.497. tiro- lenleil (proKentMil for payment but not paid for want of fundu) on July 24th, IU13 liKeriHt on wit nut will cease from date Dated at Klamath FiiIIh, Ofgou. this 211th day of Ma). 1919 C K VAN IlIl'KU. 29-6 County Treasurer. LEGAL NOTICES lnnlappn,.p ltl..-OI,l TIO.N. The City i.iii.iiiixii p.iihiiiiut lo re itolutiou to llui t tiuitutm i ouui.il ... .eliiiore a.ioitetl, navliiK on Uiu jl lulu) of .May UIU, filed piuiiH, spu eitlcatiotis and est linut.-H ot the cost ut imptoviiiK High MreelM ft tun Mil .Street westerly lo InI Mleet, lucliltl iiig liilt'rhi'ciiiuiM, uml litt, -ml, itn, ulll, tlh, uml Till Stieets from High Street southerly lo l'iliu Street, in cluding Inlerm-ctloUH, and the Coun cil having taken the huiiui under ail' viu.tt. ...ut .....I rlti.llti.- tin. nit. iih kii... from High Street southerly to I'lne Street, including Intersections he, and the siimo urn hereby approved Mill, IIK IT KLMITIIKU IIKSOI.VKI), That the Common Council hereby de clares Its Intention In Im prove said portions of High Street uml 1st, 2nd, 4th, rail, C.lh and 7th Streets in ac cordance with said plaiiH, specif lea tlotiH and estimates; said Improvo- iiieut to consist of paving said por tions of said streets with oil maca dam pavement at an estimated cost, Including cement n!du walks, con crete curbing and grading, of $53, 707 00; or concrete pavement at an estimated cost. Including comont side walks, concrete curbing nnd grading of $80,131.00; nr.hlthullthlc pavement at an estimated cost, In cluding comont flldn walks, concroto curbing and grading, of $00,247.00; said Improvement In either ovont to Include grading, rolling, curbing and concroto side walks 4 foot wldo on both sides of Raid streets and, IIK IT FUKTIIKIl HKSOI.VED, By tho Common Council that tho proper ty horolnnftor described tin, nnd horo- hy Is, declared to bo benefited by mild Improvement; I.otit I, 2. 3. nnd 4. lllock 42: nnd Knsterly M, of lllock 41. Nichols Ad dition to tho City of Klnmnlh Fnll.s. Oregen: Lots .1, 4, r, C, 7 ntul s or lllock 11; Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, H, C, 7 nnil S of block 10. I ots 1 : 3, 4, r., a, and S In I1"?0", 2 :i i. C, 7, nnd S, of Mill S lf IlllirS I IllH iiml x uf ciiii i l.oU , t I Mill S of llloi k I oIh I, 2, 7 anil h of lllock I, oil Klmil town of Kliutiiilli l'n 1 1 (Iri-RiiM '"i. iMiMlxrM '"'ii f. . t of Mlork ', , TIim immIimK 2 Mi fi i of I In. prcin ll-H oii'tnliit ly III" KIiiiiiiHi ( (iiiii IV lllph H lionl hiiIiI protnrl IvIiik liMlwimii I'Mi Mil lilh mill hhIiIiii; Ion foriiHTh I'Mntl Hirni'l 1 ol ii 7 "i ami in of Illo' k I .IllH H 7 v 'I !' Ailillllon to I'Mll 1 of lltlllk I 'I. Ivltiimitli Pulls, dr" CMII l.om I. 2 ! I I (it 1 ! I ,lll .ml llxl-hln AilillUnii iiml ". or niofit f, ; ml ". nt I'liuk , if li'ni U Pvie'.'in l(i the I'ltv uf Kin- niatli PitlU Ori'i'on, mh Mini k'iM 'itimi'rli iilimi. iIi.hi rlli.'il Ik Imrebv ll'fntll III In i irnfi"M. i.HHr.HHf.il ' tin- cxpi'iiHi. of mi lil Imprnvi'iiH'iit Mill ni' it i'i'iitim"! ii"sni.vi:i) Tlnil MiiiuIiiv tu "tril i iv of linrn I'll'' III Ilin luilir of l o'rloi V P iii i In loimrii rhiiiiiln-r In tlio rit hall In. flx.-il iih the lliiii nml i.'l'i f'.r llii. Iifarln,; of ohJi-dloiiH anil rr-iiioni-iriiii. i'h ai'.iliiHt the h.ioI iiropoi .1 ImpriiVl IIH'lll Mill tin- liollri. Inline III" Mill lllTl-ll) If lllr.'lll'll to CIIIIH' nolli'i- of niiIiI lixarlni' lo In- p iIiIihIh-iI iih li Ch .rt.-r pro lili-il t l of (iri-i'oii ( oimlv of Klamath, in of IClniniilli I'allH h T. A I I t-iii lit. I'ollii- JihIk-' of tin- Cltv ,of Kliiniitlh r,illn Ori-tton do hi'ri'hv ii-rllfv thai On- for.-Koliif; Ik a illlh I'lirolli-il cop of a rrmUl l Ion ailoiiti-il hv tin- Cotnino'i ConiKll on III.- 2;ih ila of Ma. I'iI'i. iI.tIiii Ini: IIh Inli-iitlmi In Improve MImIi Stri'iwl from v r It Street uterlv to lnt mrei-t Iik luillni' Intemertlon" ami IhI ?ml llli Mli i, Ih nml Till "t renin from llli't. ui...et intiherlv lo I'lne Ktre. I I Il'-l .1 1 I II " lnIe-erionii Mill iiiitirnlni' the plaiiH Hperirirn Moiik ami .'HtlmMeH of ihe rout Hilh nillti .1 li the 'lt ''ni-lneer A 1. I.CAVITT I'oll.e Jn.lne ao.nii nriri: in- rn.iNc; up I'lioros. Cl lss.ssM.T HUM., i on TUP IMI'ltdV I'.MIAI l l-IM n'i:i:i.t i sii:isi.i i i:om .tnu r. M i-w m. m.i.i in .mu srm:i-i The Ciiminou ouni II of il.e Cn of IClamitlh l'.ilU, Or.i-on li.uliu 1H ert lined Mid lleteril 'n d i hi proper! Innate Hhare for nhi'li "a. It lot part of lot him k mul .irrfMRc pron-rt hIiiiII In- liable for the cum of ImprmliiK I'lne ftreel from Jnl Hir.-el wenierh in I'.i-.ne Al!e and I'm lie ulle to Main '-.('-.t nnil ha--Inr en lite I'Ci'i .' iv of Mm I'M filed 111 tile Office .if ll)e I'ollie 'mil. of Hiilit cltv .i h' ileni'Mil lherif ulilrli Htild Hlnte'iie. t I known mill ilnnK-nnled ait Ihe l'lUH'OSI'IJ AS-SI'SSMi-'NT IIDI.I. for mtrli Itu proxetnent NOTK'i: is liriMMiv civkv tluil ult! ('omtnon Conned d'd 'b r.-oltlllou fix Mon.l''. the '"M il tv of lime ini'i at the hour ' r. cln- I'M at the Council Chnmber In Bald cliv snl.l date belnc a iim imoii which n rerular meetliic of ad council will bo held n the time and place for liearllii: nnd .leterminliii; all obleclloitH to hiicIi iiKetmiieii! and thereafter, bnlniT heard and de- '"nnltied Hiirh objection If iiti Hut" be. said Common Council u 111 on snl-1 ilntn nroceetl lo ns-teHs the t.onor llonnte sha'-e and nnrt of I'm- t-i of tnnklnr Htich liiinrnvinint ''i accord nnc. with (be benefit aecrue-l u . n e-.eh lot nnrt of lot hlo'k Mid icro. pen pronertv nml bv nrdlni.ii. il--clnre .icb nropor'lona. f'na-ei to h "ii.-clflc liens nenlliKt the re-"iectlve lolt, nnrt of lots, block" end icre i." nrc'erlles so deter.nl'ii t' to be UnMe Ti.o oe-ner or lun'-r- t- nrot n-iv llitble for Ihe nronm-tlonnto coil of Rtich Imnrovemenl ire liete-bv- referred to s"ch nsoeutne"t roll on fie vvlih. the Police .lutlP" for il iniieil Information as to surh nsii menl. The boendnrles within whirb O'o oronertv lies that Ifs been deter mined to be benefited a"il 'o b n 4..0weil 'n- socl. rnt p "11 b-tt proo- e'lv Ivlnc mllaceni to the sild streets im fur as the nronoseil ti-tro-mtet extends therein ..l e tonillni bnck fro.y the de lines of snltl streets nnd nllee to the center of the respective, blocks so Iving nil J a cent Witness niv bnnil and U" etl o Bllld Cltv this lot t'n" nf Mnv li1 A I, I.KAVITT. Police Judge NOTK'i: OF FII.INO OF PHOI'OS Kl) AHSKSSMF..NT ROLL FOR THU l.MPHOVKMKXT OF 1MNF. STHKKT FROM THIItll KAST TO KKillTII HRKKT, AND FOURTH TO SKVK.NMTII ST, INCI.l'DICD, .NORTH FROM MAIN STHKKT TO FINK STHKKT Tho Common Council of the City of Klamath Falls, Oregnn, having ascertained nnd determined tho pro portlonate share for which I Vtl lot. pnrt or lot, block and ncreagoi' nrnnnriv shall be liable for tho cost I of of Improving Pine Street from 3rd Street eastorly to 8th Street nnd 4th, nth, Cth, nnd 7th Streets from Pine Streot southerly to Mnln Street, In cluding Intersections; nnd having on tho 26th day of May 191!) filed in tho offlco of tho Pollco Judge of snld city n statement thereof, which said statomont Is known and designated as the "PROPOSED ASSESSMENT ROM' for such Improvement : NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN, that snld Common Council did by resolution fix Monday, tho 9th day of Juno, 1919 at tho hour of 8 o'clock P.M. at tho Council Chamber In said city said (Into being n date upon which a regular mooting of said council will ho hold na the tlmo and place for hearing and determining nil objections to such assessment, and thereafter, hnvlng heard nnd de termined such objections. If nnv thoro bo, snld Common Council ylll on said date proceed to assess tho proporllonnto sliuro nnd part of tho cost of malting such improvement in neenrdnnco with the benefit ncrruod I IllH M'e property ami b ordiuiimi ill bin hi h proportionate hIiiim-h lo In npi'irn ll'-iin ,i i;al lit-f lh r'MpiMiti lo'' partn of lolc, blot It and inrea. projii rlh i. no di teimliieil to be llaliji Thn oviiier or ownem of prnp'-riy liable for the iroportlonnti' ( i nl oi hiii h Improvemeni are herein re ferred to mull iiHHeHHiiienl roll on file ill Hie I'ollie .lll'll'i. fur (lelnlletl Inforoiiiilon iih lo hip Ii hhhi-hhiih'IiI ',' ie iionndarleH iitiin whl.h the properly lien that Ii.ih been del.-r lll.neil lo be betief'teil ami to he an hi-hi-i d fot until coHt Ih all Unit pro'. iri' Ivlnif mljii'i.til trt Ihe hiiIiI Htri'tH iih far iim the proponed im prov llieilt exIetnlH tliereon and II t.-mltd baik from the Hide IIiich of I.I HinelH to Ihe cuter of I lie ri-Hpiitie blinkf ho hliiK adj'i"'lit Wit in-ill tin h-'iid mil ti'.- H'-nl "f H.iid i in t IiIh niilh dav of May 1'H'i A I. I.KAVITT I'ollre Iti(Ke NOIICI. OP PII.I.M. OI I'KOI'OSI I) "-.Sl'SSMPNT IIOI.I, POIt Till. iMi'itov i:mi:t op spitiMi sTIlCPT I'llOM Sl'lll SOUTH- piti.v io ok , pvpi:. is. cm ims; isTi:iisi:cTio.ss The Common Couudl of the clty of Kliiinnlli PallM. Oregon, havltiK itHiertalm-il nnd d'-termltieil the pro tiortloutile Hhare for which each lot, n.i r I of lot block ami ucri'iice prui ert Khali be liable for the cost of Improving Sprlnp Street from Sixth Street northerly to O.ik Avenue, n (luillm: lt!terectlntiH ami liavlni; on the 'J i, III tl.iy of Mm 1 ' 1 filed In the office of the I'ollci ludK" of huI. I cliv n Hftteruetit then of which Htld Htatettieut In known and (IckIk 'it.ted an the I'llOI'OSri) ASril'iS-MI-'NT IIOI.I," for Hitch Imprmi--tne'il VOTK'i; is MKItl'.IIY OIVKN. that Htild Common Connrll illil hv "Holiitloti fix Monday the !nh ilav of I 'I tie 1'iJ'i nl the hour of o cloc! I' 1! at th- Council Chamber In H'lld ell- H-ild date belriB a d.tt" upon which n regular ineetlni; of nlil council will be held n the line and plnce for henrlni; and de InrmliiliiK nil ohJeciliittB to such nR HeHHtnent. and thereafter iLtvlnr heart! and determined such ohjec iott if nnv there be said Common Council will on naltl date proceed to huh. h the pronortlonnte nhnre and ptrt of the cont of in.tklnK hucIi Jm nr.iM it.-nt In accordance with the eiie'it nctrii'd upon each lot inrt of lot blo'k and .lcroai:.- propertv, mil l.v orillnanc- de. litre niirh pro- oot'lonate KlllireH to b. npulfic In II .IKMIIHt the renpecthe loin, p.l'tn of ots bloi k nml ncreiRP nrnpi rll o determined U be liable The o.n.-r or own. r of propertv lluld. fir the pioportlolittte roi.t of miclt 'nn'oveiiient are herein referred I Htich usHecHmc-nt roll on file with the I'oIIcq JuiIki for ill tailed inforiua i.ii is to such aiM'HH'nf-;!! The liuumlnri'ti within which the prolieriv Ilex that has been deter mln.il lo be bcnefltid and to be as hi HHpd for hucIi covt 1 all that prop erty Ilnu adjacent lo the nld Mreetn ns fnr at the propoFed Im- , provenient extentls tlureott. anil ox I. ml ni; back from th" s de lint', o' mild ntreett and alb-v to the center of the respective hlockt so ljIuR ml-Jio-nt Wltnesi niv hnnd and the Heal of s.titl cltv this .'Hull da of M.iv ltl!. ' A 1. M'AVITT. I'ollre JutlK I seTici: or PiMso op puopos- i;d a.nsi:s;mi:t hum., pok tup imim:ovi:mi:.st of chin, ck.st .k. 1'iiom f. s. 1hhic- TIOS C.WAIj TO CWtV" ST: CWIIY STHKKT FHOM CltPSCPST AVK. TO llST ST. S1 PAST ST. FHOM CXM 'HI ISTKHSP4TIOSS OP KAST T. ASII I'HPSCKST AVK. AT P. s IIMtK.MTlON CAXAI. AX1I ISTKH.SFI-riOXS , The Coiniiiou Council of the Cltv of Klamath Falls, Oregon having flKiertnlned and dortormlned the proportionate share for which each 'lot. part of lot. block and acreage property shall be liablo for the cost of liup'ovlnc Crescent avenue from 1' S Irrigation Cannl to Can by St: ('ai'bv Street from Crescent nvenue 'i Past street, and Knst street from c-inbv street tn Intersections of Kit St and Cretcent avenue at V S Ir rigation Canal, and intersections, j and h.ning on tho ?th dav of Mnv t''l' f'letl in the office of the Pol ice lodge or nld cltv a statement i thereof, which said statement Is known and ilestennted n the "PI50 I'OPI) ASSFSSMKNT HOM." for such imnrovement NOTICi: IS HKHFHY OIVKX. that I said Common Council did by resolu tion fix Mond-vy. the lib dav of ,lun. 'J1, at the hour of S o'clock V, M at the Council Chnmber In said cltv said (Into being a dnte unon which ! a regulnr meeting of said council will be held ns the time nnd nlnco for hcnrlng and determining nil ob- j lections to such assessment, nnd thorenftor, hnvlng heard nnd deter-1 mined such objections. If nny thoro ho, said Common Council will, on Mil 11 utile, Jii.i.ci:ii lu rn-e il.e I'licj ,in.nnnln oltnKi nml nn f r9 V. a rai i t'l.l II1.....V17 .. tl.tv. '.l v V..U vwov . ,n .., t,-.. i mnWtiK such Improvement In ac cordnnco with tho benefit accruing upon each lot, part ot lot, block and acreage property, and by ordinance declare such proportlonato shares to ho specific liens against the respec tive lots, parts ot lots, blocks and acreage properties so determined to bo liablo. Tho owner or owners ot property liablo for tho proportlonato cost ot such Improvement aro here by rotorrcd to such assessment roll on file with tho Pollco Judge for do tailed information as to such assess ment. The boundaries within which tho property lies that has boen deter mined to be benotlted and to be as Bessod for such cost. Is all the prop arty lying adjacent to tho said Btroots as far as tho proposed im provement extends thereon, and ex tending back from tho side lines of said Btroots to tho confer of tho re spective blocks so lying ndjiicent, witness my hand nnd tho senl of BlM city this aoth iloy of Mny. 1019. - J" I.KAVITT, Pollco Judge. fl77Hif'ir ,ljv I1'"' THE MOLINE UNIVERSAL TRACTOR "I he Greatest Tractor Made JOHN M. LEVIS, Agent 6th and Main Phone 140 SUNDAY EXCURSION on Upper Klamath Lake The launches "Spray" anil "Oak land" will run eicursloiiH every Sunday, leaving the mall boat ; landing at 8 a. m., allowing five ; hours at Itocky I'olnt Faro f 1 SO from lending for round trip Bui . leavea Western Transfer office al 7 30 a m Calkins & Hamilton White Pelican Laundry PA.MP WASH, 20 MIS. 7lic 1-MMII.V IIIIV AV.ASII (Ic MI. "I'ut Your Iutls In Our Suds" 33 MA IX STHKKT I'HOVi: 421 ANNOUNCEMENT , Spinks Fishing and Outing camp on Spring Creek. Wil lianon H'vcr will be open to the public on and after May 2U The good fishing ti now on (lood home cooked meals served Tent quarters Fish and Chicken Sunday dinners n specialty Iteservatlons must he inutle In advance Kates by week qu )t-3d on ap plication II. C. SI'IXKS, Prop. I'. O., I'liilotMiln, Or.'ott. HARLEY-DAVIDSON Service Station Exclusive Agents for tho Hnrley- Davidson Motorcycle. None Uet ter All Makes of Motorcycles Bought, Sold nnd Exchanged. C. K. nr. s. tub st. HISMARK KlMtutth FalLs I KLAMATH AUTO SPRING WORKS We Do All Klnrto of Spring Repair ing New Ones Muck to Ortler Axle Straightening and ItlackMiilthlDg ALL WORK CUARANTKKD Phone 25II-Y (It? Klamath Ae. OLD FURNITURE Re pa trine New Made to Order Andy Mauritsch 10 Main St. TRY MR rilON'K 170-J tfVWMWWtVMAAAAMAASAMAVHA'A' For llome Made Dread, Pic and Cnkce, Go to T. A. ROBERTSON 42 Main St One Trial Means Satisfaction Orders Delivered Any Flace In Towa VAMAAMrVAkVMAAAAArVA SEE ME For Carpentering, Pttraitmre Re pairing, Linoleum LaltL HENRY SMITH The. Handy Mm" 196 HAD ST. MWAAAtNAAA' E. L. ELLIOTT ATTORNEY AT LAW , .211-14 Wllllts Bids. Klnumtlt l'alls -i- Oregon 7tTtm:m&XJ ir.;. s- HKOFESSJONAi CARDS llibti .ih prlten paid for Ann OISPCOS ISIIIS l'll'I.S AMI OIIICK Itl'MCS l'otol!lce Itr.x 2r.r, Kl AMATII KAI.I.S OIIK .ft'VtVi 'I III: I'AltlSIAS IIPAI IV SHOP Ibe llaiper Mt lltoil of Si alp Tn-.it inept nnd Shampoo- i UK r.itl.tl Treatment, M.ini' urlnt; .'.III Mttlii Kl. Phone 300 m-:-x-:-:-:-:":m'X--m- ? ii. i . ui.i.1,1' MniKitisi: s iii,i;i:p I'll) nit Iiiiih noil Surgeon OffitV, While lll.lg. I "W-:-x-:-:-M"X-:-'-m-cM'x-4 s DR. G. A. MASSEY SurrcHMir to Dr. Truax Suit 200, I. O. O. I-'. Illdg Oflltr phone HO.I Hen Phone HOM "WSllHfctHMHMHl DR. CARTER IJKNTiHT WIIITK HPII.DI.SG I'liexi: 5 'nH'HHnMVl DENTISTS E. G. Wisecarver I'HO.VE 354 Dr. Dr. P. M. Noel I'lIONK 4 Over UntlervrtMxI'H Seventh and Main Street FRED WESTERFELD IIKNTIST I Loom!- I'.hlg., Kliimatli Falls J)It. C. A. I'.AMIIO Dentist I. O. O. F. Untitling PHOXK 01 CITY A.W COUNTY AIUSTHACT COM PA. NY fil7 Main ARTHUR R. WILSOX Manager DR F. R. GODDARD Osteopathic Physician A flargeoa Suite 211, 1. 0. O. F. Tempi (over K. K. K. Store) Phone 321 . . (The only Osteopathic Physi cian and Surgeon la Klamfcth Falls.) SAW MILL KNfUNKKRlNQ i CONSTRUCTION CO. Designers and builders of mod ern Saw Mill.-,, Planing Mills, Box Plants. Complete plant contract ed. Appraisals and report made. Dredging. Wo contract to build any ilat-s of a building and install iiincliiucr) or an) kind. Drafting of au kind done. Muel Prints made. PHONK HUJ Office in K. D. IlulltlUn; WELL DRILLING VcbaUer Bros. & Hlafexuba Merrill, Oregon Or McDonald Peel Rmbi Klamath Falls, Oregon RECKAJRD'S RENT SERVICE K. F., Bend Stage Pkone 276-W v4x-nVX-:-s,k-K-- SHANGHAI RESTAURANT (DWP SUEV AND NOODLE jiel'se: Short Order Meals Served. 73 Mnln Stieet KLAMATH CALLH, ORC. 207 1. O. O. F. I1MK3. I mi m m same as always 298-W. 2-"lniock si upon onch lot, part or lot line ncre ,WVW-WAA'SAVtf -nMKX':-f'" si'nscuiui: for Tin: m it u i