-- .--- mil iiinv, mav ill, unit. THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAOB FIVE ii P ERSONAL MENTION 1,1'ITI.K hlDKl.tOIIM UN MM.U. IMII'IMMH amiimi 1111: rieci.i: or imih un nn in sin HOIMIH AMI (IIM I Mi III' I.OCAI, I'OI.KH Clirli' llTloim prominent riinn, forum fli.-v me uenin m (In- Hot,! (,l, iillililirmiil dlnlrljt, Mho Im Hull trrn niM'inlliii: III" winter noiithn lit I i, Kcuircli. a well ktio'wi r,i. Chlcu, j II (rn l . ti leliirniil in ili'nt nf I'rcKfKiu nimi' In yeMerduy XlinilHl ' iilllH)' li" reponn linn u utter n IiUhIiimnx i i MiTii'kli' urn) A I Mimri' me ri'iTiii nrrlwiln from llmul, Ori-Kon II V l,ii Krenlere, .1 In rii txTiniui Ironi llrny In Imm for n hIhii t linn' lllllklllK .ifllT tlllMl lll-HH llltlTftllH Minn (.corn (' K tt III. who In ttoik ihrremr" I'.i'i'lli'in pmnpeetn for' (tuVt In Hi" III' " W (I Allil'T""" 'N "IIIOIIK III" conn U rot vlltom l'ily 'row M"rrlll Mr Hubert H Iry runi" In e- .... i,. iifixriiniin mini tier 11111111 m iiiuma fr lrl IU In Kli.iu.itli '", ln '" ll"r"i f Hie WoinHiin A1 I M-ii"fH Anaorlnlliiii of llm order of r '" ... ...... ,.. , ., Mncnihcen In In Klani.ilh J"iilln fur Uli X orrnce Arthur mill Minn " . . , , few ily. laklnt: up iiuittirn n VrtWWck. cam In yr.lr,,Uy from , ,., , u"'" . : " ";" ,,,:,r",,": ,,n . .uymK . .., w.,i, ..,,.,, ... the (ruin '"f California point J,r. Ml l "rat.- u Mr ,,,, Mr A ,. ,,.,, nr r.nchmi ill" e.l Mile of the I r lt, Kliimnlli Kutln lo.li.y from It,-.) tXUmalti Uke "'' mmi. m of ,,llti )., luilnwu. I, Womiirh of tlii' Kl.iiiiatli Aen- J II I'lK-lirim In it hunliienn vlnl tor in Klmnnth Kail from Mcdford ) l Churchill wii" nmonr. th" ir-'ry In reiclniered tit the Hull llotxl tlal yeitetdnv from Mmlfnnl !! Itov Xiinti In ilown for u few lu n returned on Ih" imln thin mnrnliiK on lulm-nn from Port Kliimiith Chrle mill rimer nttinil are Arthur Norcote, (i Vurnuui, I. taut ut tin Hull Hotel tmluy from l.u'reiire uml K l.uurenre are here wfrrii for niinrt Mm" from Aili'l, Ori'Koii Mr OmIII" Andernon, hio wun formerly Ml" Dnlnv llnyden of thin tltjr a nil who ban been h"r" for it lnlt with hrr mother Mm W II lluydfu. ltft thl morultiK for Iit home it (Won Mr. II V Carlyle. ho hm, I.-.m, ' Klr.t Hm.tlnt Church. cornr Wunh- Ittt ylnlllnr nt thn bump of hr Initton uml Kljhth J II Orlfflth, diuihtir. Mr. i: K Htunlakr, Irft pa. tor for hrr liomr In Callfornlftthln morn. 'nly .rhool at 10 a m. C K Drlp. nuprrlntrndrnt. le I'M-urhlnie ut II a m Mr anil Mm M li Knliman nml (hlldrrn l"ft on thr train thin morn-' Sarrr.l llrurt Churcn. cornor 8th ,. -.. .ut,.-,.. ,. anil lllirh ntrrctn Itov lluith J Mar ( fur Um (.an... ( nllfornlu Mr llja ,,,. Mnmnn hiiu in iurnmi"n wnn tnr AT THE CHURCHES Itllfin lUv l.uinlirr Company offlrr torcv, rrlurn In u fr ilay. Khllf Hi wlfp Hill rrmulti for n lnlt with rtUthrt C T I'arktT l"ft Ihln nornlM! for III hume at Mi-ilford nftrr u nhnrt HilDPin fltll II V Wlnnaril In In thr County I at luit at K 00 o'rtock Klmi Coinmunlon Sunday in 30 Srcond Mnsa I'mC'-ntlon und Kxpnnltlnn Vlnlln of I'ptltlon till t! I1 M fi 30 rlonlnK rxiTrlnca Th" Christian Kcli-nco StKlnty of Klnmnth Kulln holiln nprvlcrn lit 113 Fourth ntr""t nvrry Hunduy morning ill 1 1 n'rlf.j! ii, nl nviirv WmlniiKilnv irat from hi. rnnch In l'pppr l-an;,ll plnnK , T 30 All am "lcomn Valley XI,,, nulijprt of Innnon for Sunday, Mr and Mm. 0 V MnrtioMidl Irft "Anclpnl .ind Modnrn Ni-oroinancy, thli murium: for liunnmulr. lu-i. """" Mp.ini-rlam and Hypnoilnm. D. Mr MarlMhrll. hIio In an "nrlii""r n"""r'''1. . , , ... ,. .. ,, ,. , Th" Sunduy nrhool npnnlnn In from tn thP So.ith.-m I'nclflp M takr u 9 46 to 10 ib pvery smll,y 10rnltiK ran from that point .uuMi The fnf rpadlmt room and frco T W I'lu-ni-KiT and fmiilly nn- In lrndlmt lllirury la open from 2 30 in Ihf tlly for a nhort lnlt from Chllo 30 " Turndu. Thumduya oud CBln Saturdays ' W. I. JuliiPr and C.l"nn A I liny urr Methodlnt KpUcopal Cnurch. Tenth rKt ar-Unln from lookout, Call nnd illch n,.y Slmpnon Uamrlck. LIBERTY THEATER TIIK lIl"K OF THE I'HTUKBH" H. W. Poole, Owner Matinee Every Day MAAMMMAMVWNpVVMMMWMMMWWkMW pVHpVVMApVAMrAApV ii TONIGHT Last Performance of MICKEY" The Picture You Will Never Forget Sunday POPULAR WILLIAM FARNUM in "THE MAN HUNTER" Monday A Unique Program of NATURE PICTURES-SCENICS AND COMEDIES pnnlor, HIT li.HMr.M I'liiim- r,7W I'ri'nlnii rliin cinirli, I'ltic nlrc.'t. ni'iir Ki-fimil l( I: I' I.iiuri'iK'i! pnnlor Moinlnr hi i it i hi a M Hub Iiti ( hrinihniiit in Action ' Tin llrnl In ii . rl" on Tin- liimin'l -it or' 'I lie hlldreri n Hcrnioii will In on "I'lnilliii: out (iod'n KiMTi'ln " hrlntliiu l.uilinvor Srvlii' lit I lie I'lirlntlaii ilnir.li ill 7 I'. 'limlr 'Our H'liillonn to Cod ' Itiivir''!!"" nml I'ulill" Uomhlp Kvi-iiIik; mitv Iip iim iiniinl lit I' M Ttiplf A ''liil ii.'i'd of tin- Hour1 Chrlnt'N Plrnt Coiiiiiiiiniliiii'Ut (In,' of n ni'rli'n on Chrlnt n Coitimmidmi'iiln' Silmmur diivn iir,' lii-ri' Inn t iim not forR.'t mi' n,.,'i of uornhln mid ri'llrloun up lift everyone of the Chiiiitiiuttiii "i k"rn eiiinliii.iri.l iniin'H need of (lod mid flvlm: attention to Hid llllmra of rellKlon l.et tin prtirllio nt llie.e mitloniil Hii'iikem huve Klven un Klrnt Chrlftlan Churrh, rorner Ninth uml I'lni Mre, tn C K Trim- tile pimtor Sunday netiool nt 10 n rn .Mo nil lit; nervlien nt II o'rlock Clirlntlim Kndeiivor 7 I' M. Sermon nt h od p m I'myer meetlm; Wedliendn even- lm: nt h p m I.Uthermi nervlun nt the lluptlnt churrh, corner Kl;htb und WunhlnK ton. ut 7 Id m lU-v M IlOKnmiiii pnntor, renldenie 1 '17 Flrnt atn-el Sermon h th I'oftor H ii ml ii y c.fliool will he hold nt 2 00' p m All tire (ordliilly Invited to wor' nhlp with un Cmiinuel lluptlnt Chtirfh. eleventh und Illch ntreetn V I, WIIkoii, pint lor Sumliiy Krhonl In A M Mr. C V Murphy. Siifit I're.iihlne. ut II A M mid S M lie A II Murphy of I. on AnK'den I ' ul who In jimt returnliiK from the I Denver ( oiiventlon I Come nml lii'iir Kev Murpliy i All eenlm; nervlre-i hefcln nt II o'rlock JI'ST A IIEMIMIEII. The lle. Flrturra Are Made at the lloml Htmllo. Ilecaiine we do nothlnR hut Por trait Work, und hecaune we have no nmnteur help Kvery plecn of work hnn our pernonnl uttentlon and Is! flnlnhed rlchl We Invite nil returning nohllcrn to rome nnd let un make thvm a nice picture free of churRe Itememher the number 1138 Main mreet, I'horin 27tf-J. 28-U IT FAYS TO INVEKTIMATE. For Real Kodak Finishing NOT EXPERIMENTING ON YOUR FILMS Ilffore liuylni life, Innurunce It will pay you well to find out what A 1eaillnK Aliierlrm Company hnn toj.j ittttir inn Vrm run liitv nnltilnir" better TIIK Ml'Tl'AI.. LIFU. OKO l C riJtlCH. Dlntrlct MnnaKer, offlcoi' over Klrxt Statu nnd Savings Hank. , 28-10 HENL1NE The Photographer 327 MAIN t T T ? '4 t T r t T r r T t f r T T T T T T t t T T T T ? T T ? ? T X T X X T t T T X T t A Sanitary Creamery Do you know what this means to your health? Do you know that there is nothing so productive of sickness as impure butter? Most impure butter is due to unsanitary dairies and im proper manufacture. That is why we invite you to visit our cream ery at any time and see for yourself what the state has pronounced to be one of the cleanest dairies in Oregon. Buy butter from a creamery that is always open to your inspection. That is why we suggest that you insist on Klamath Cream ery Butter. Klamath Falls Creamery There is None "Just as Good" W. P. JOHNSON, Manager. M BBHBHHHHHHHHHHHHHLaBLiLHHHL Shop for Your Farming Machinery When you buy a Suit of Clothes, or Shoes, or Groceries, you try to get the best you can for your money. You should do the same thing for your farming machinery... Every farmer knows a good piece of Farming Machinery when he sees it, and that is why we want you to examine our line of Johnston Mowers and Haying Machinery before you buy. This machinery has been sold in the east and middle west for over 67 years, and the constant increase in sales testifies that it is machinery of merit We also carry a full line of Heider Tractors Rock Island Plows, Discs, Harrows Peoria Drills Smalley Cutters Manure Spreaders. . . i 5a Esplanade and Pine Street .liV W IJCj VJI J m J V3 Hi IsaR-ittS