kih.u mw .,, I() paok nimiT THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FAU.S. OREGON 1 at iIih nieetlw; will bo the applb"' i or of the caterpillar tractor In lor K'lic operation. V Klfemlnlil .one of the offi CH0P0URD0K nn... ' w Kiremtmii .one "i " n i- RIP flT PfinT" hull I UUfli ::.:' ;:,r;:r;:n:;::.,?r:::,;::r r HL 11 1 run I MI ltl( N im;imi v (,i.i:d in mii; m: wunti: n prep.vo .1 p i tie timber on steep Rrado NHl'MUM Till l- V VHl. superintendent of t nil M ' l!l I'l I . ,,R(!inR at tho Hammond Lumber Mo .l I'KIS- oompotit of Kiuvka. California. In vn iuvti.i: riri.n- present of the ronst-ow ami Mr. Ii: liri. Cornwall In eoretar. l'AIJIS May " Not a crate of any American that foil in the VrM "a WAS OteilOOkt'd SlIIIH' services were held in thi tt-iult of tin battle line alonfi "which llu troops Rave their lites President Wilsou made an addre.vt at tho American cemetort at Sru,o. no. tii-ar ParW General lVrshlnR wont to liom.mio near where tho Americans suffered their heavieM lnse. Tho President In his pooch at Surosnes declared that tho day of Secret Councils I past because tho people- aro In tho sidillo I'rivatd Councils of the Statesmen will no lonRor do.tormino tho destinie- ol , nations, ho said. Ho ade an earne-M defence of the i League of Nation and said ho look-1 ed forward to tho time whon a man who failed to support tho League , would be cl.i!seil with tho man who opposed the union of the States aft er the Ctril War I " .MIDI M. -- he'd School -pent l.ii Krlilat at the I. one I'luo School Thi I.t was spoilt in plating baseball and other ctunes Kterybodv reported i fit time J I) Hooper ImuKht a now lluleK SU from tho White 1'ollran lluruRo Friday The .Midland people eharltarled Sergeant Austin Hooper and bride Mondav etenlnc They arrived on th train Prldat otenlnc The hrldo was recently Miss Khoda Salisbury of Or Mile. California After the ehnrlvail tho people danced and ice cream was sorted Mr and Mrs C (1 Oat Is were Klamath H.itN visitors Monday IMtHMIM M I! W I'M V "sMI ! " i ii r piiomm - w ! ill m i i! " .iii) " i rill"" TIM!'. l II IU U I'll I I. I" sri: ( on. lit Ion are stirelt fine In the Wood K(er Vallot At ihls lime deilires l.lndnnt SNenmtv a pmiti incut stocknutn of iho 1ii I Maiun'h dlstrici who has been In the eliv imi a short bulues visit Mr SIemore states that In his manv tear of re sldetice In this beautiful section of the t'ouulv. there have never been such prospects for bumper crops us ovist at this time When tho Klamath Kalles-fasteni OrnRon IllRhway Is completed, the thousands of tourist and others who are destined to come this wa. are Kelui: to m'o some sights that will make them Rasp with admiration, 'is the roll hIoiik between the ow s and the pastures of stock show cattle which line tho roads of that lit- vltltiR locality i Llrkhuni mot. its r l"H hi"sepoi r i uli rind will be aci oiup.lllli'd bv In I amount, her mechanician She ' l'i s the I tilled Stales Haw to live lier .ISSlsl llll I iii ii. ii ifuii.l to fl ncrons ihr .. ean it i sti'd Take imi w.i'd I i ill . i ..I In'.'ii.l in Cornell 'l ' I im eel to mtike the lontnex Willi" ll ij.'ltniR ni l-et wel but I will wimi i I' life ii.iik Ull "s a pru ill lion ' iATtl" th'o Mav :. IIowiii.I IM'tlie'inrt Nperifienia! ivlilor f.u the lint ton rllil irpliiin' hh pnnv in awaitliiR iiuihoiit rioui .,i. i'e-lilcnl nf lb 'iiiai be'. .re lie put the final tou.hes nn his pi. in fr an nliitnpi i i ros ibe Mlntiti. alone In n ile Mailltiiul I'.uir aren blltleplane of llu. ttpe in i Ii I re and flown In I'lHtue l A- ler'din at latum Itliliielutrt b - d.-no n.'in llMPOIIillll li'lIK disi in. I Ittllt tills i oiltilrt lliudek will in. ii Ii the leu in n.'vl fall ,if he uiiuea Wont, of have the posi tion of pll kIi tit director aiao, do Itl'lll.lN. n UUU.MAM M)P I'lJin "r Ms"M MI.,U peMilinn- on whether he will may for 'rmtmi l,.,,, , ,,h , ( i nil fern bull sensnii or fm an " uri Ml I 'fit. t" lilt. II III III. HI lc e i le.l 1 1,, i Hi. (l.-k w Ii I in a I. fie ii... k nt .I . I.IIHltUtllil llle'linil , mull I Ii it Ilial llu IIH it.lln W illllil Inn I Ill Mivr skkvk TIIKI'.i: YKAUS i ntwix. RUTH LAW PLANS OVERSEAS FLIGHT LOGGING CONGRESS INTEREST HERE IN Considerable interest It. beitiR ma nifested bv the local lumbermen In the Tenth Session of tho Pacific Lor RinR ConRress which Is to be held in Portland from October S to 11, ac cordinR to Editor Georse Cornwall of the Timbornian, who is here for a short time. conferrinR with the different manufacturers and Kather inR material for his enterprisInR publication. The principal subject of discussion, SAN FRANCISCO. May .10 - Sen tence of three years' Imprisonment of Robert Goldstein. Los AliReles mo tion picture producer, for violating the espionage act In the making and presentation of a film entitled "Th" Spirit of 1776." has been affirmed today by the I'nlted States circuit court of appals Tho objectionable feature of the film was depletion of English troops bayoneting Amerlcar children and 111' acts Tho original sentence of Goldstein to ten tears' Imprisonment was commuted by President WlUon to a term of three years CHICAGO. May 3D Ruth Law. .iMUrlv. announced here today that she plans to attempt a transatlantic flight within six weeks She will use a now Curtlss lau 1 biplane equipped with two Curtlss- BEZDEK MAY SOON RETURN TO OREGON ITGLNK. Or . Mat .To Viinoum e niont was made last iiIkIiI lit l'nl tlut I' I. Campbell that Hugo dec dek hud been askeil lit the nthletli coiinrll of the uultersltt to come bacV to Kugeue and coach Uett t ear's fool ball aggregation for Oregon A slor appeared In the press ills patches from New York to lite effet t that lleidek would resign from the managership of the Pittsburg Pirates ami would go back to Oregon s slate unit orally No definite offer has been made In regard to nalart iirrorillur to President Campbell who ats Ilia' m Let the Kiddies Kodak THIS SUMMER IN THE BIG OPEN Wo can jrivo you Kxport Advice, in all Your Pic tint.1 trouble. We make Enlargements from your choice Films. STAR DRUG CO. "The Rexall Store" When Baby Throws the Bottle There'll propably be an immediate demand for a new one. For this reason you should keep a supply of NURSING BOTTLES On hand. A special price will be made on one dozen. We cany all of the well-known nursing bottles, but we especially recom mend the shapes which permit the bottle to be easily and thoroughly cleaned. Everything in connection with the baby's feeding should be strictly sanitary. We also have a complete line of Nipples, Bottle Fittings, Tubing, Etc. SL U AMATH PAT T O mPFfiOh 'r-r PU?aiT "y ) KLAMATH FALLS OREGON WHERE. PARTICULAR PEOPLE BUY THEIR DRUGS UccupaqH macv TT7rr7 w m Che ap For Casli 4JX -'"v iHo-it V i n. II.MV ".t" N'l'.ft tho Nsv Edison. We are closing these out and no reasonable cash offer will be refused. These are the present latest models and will allow exchange in three months on other stand ard makes. Don't delay. EARL SHEPHERD CO. NEXT DOOR P. O. M.XII. oitnr.its I'OMITI.Y m.i.Kii The Woman's Store povr.uiK i:Pltuss SAFETY SAVING SATISFACTION PUD Saturday Is Always a Day of Special Opportunities at This Store A day when we always put our best foot forward in .the offering of unusual values. On all sides you will find extraordinary money saving opportunities. In our limited space here, we will attempt to tell of but a few that should bring thrifty women to this store tomorrow. An Ideal Waist OF PONGEE A Htrlctly tailored Walnl that In no neat anil nervlceiible. women will flml them Ideal for Summer wear Colloni are ron tertlhle In a K''l ranKe of Htzex. With pockets An iinintnnl vulne SPECIAL AT $3.00 NEW Welworth and Wirthmore BLOUSES If yon have never worn ono of lheo IIIoiihi'h on cannot know how really rodiI a Illoiixo run be iibtulneil for Mich low prlceK. Once you wear ihem yon will al ways bo n Htauncli uilmirer of themi JiiHtly fameil IIlonm'H .Mnny now HtyleH anil on sale here only In Klamath Hull. TIIK WKIAVOUTII AT TIIK WlltTIIMOIti: AT !..- Tor .so t-mall n kiiiii for n ItloiiHe, wo offer many otlur n'trartlve HtyleH In Tin: wiiti'iioi'iae at si.imi. III ' A ' ' pja You Must See the NEW WASH SKIRTS Among tin" niont Important llein In woman Summer wardrobe nre the pop ular Wuh Skirl and ihe rerelte rorren IhiuiIIiir ulteullou ul thin utore Of Pique. Wuuli Sulln unit (lutiarillue In a urnru nf uniihiiall) pretty mullein in crmluateil prlcen from $2.50 TO $8.50 Striking New Ideas in SILK SPORT SKIRTS A wide dlternlly of tuodeln iilld all lle In a nplendlit iinnortmeul -malerluln are Hn tul Hllk. Iluroneite. Satin, Trlrolelln anil llrociuleit Poplin mylen that will flrlr rnptltiile the heart of women In cnliirn Old Hone. Illue, Pink lilld While Japanese Crepe KIMONOS $4.50 AND $5.00 .Iiiht rrrelveil So preily and where l " ttoiiiuii who wilt mil want iiiir' Of Mli"' Pink, Latender unit Hone Willi eiiibiolileri'il patteiiiK of blrilH or flower rhe lm' prliei. are enpei-lally low for Kniioium l III In I IlllHirlc.T ' New "Nemo" CORSETS This Hpaco iiBed itiorely to announce tho arrival of many now modclH of thorni fumoliH CorwetH Hnr wiinn cause or other our Hhipmeut had been hold thl iiowh will bo of special InlorcKl to thoHo women who Insist upon this corsot. $3.75 TO $10.00 Each Day Brings Us New ARRIVALS IN WEARING APPAREL Our stocks are ever-changing and are only kept at normal by the constant new shipments which take the place of the garments that find new homes with women of this city. A daily inspec tion of our stock is advised. PRETTY DRESSES $20.00 TO $30.00 Arrived Just In limn to demand spare In llils "ml"- anil worthy of It they tue At iben.- iirbiK and those III between you will find stylish models in OtniTcttn nml Crnpo do Chine In colon Naty, ('open. Puipli- and Ill.iclt, with or without the popular li.'.'iili'il trlmmlni; A Special Display of NEW TOWELS A complete hIiewIiii: nf Urn wirlod slea and pihvi nuiv bo seen In one of our show wlmlnwH The fact wlilrlt wo ilalro to nmpliiiil" is llml Imid us thoy are in "h tiilnT wo have priced them miiiHiifilly low. Included an) Hath anil Huie Towel", W'""1 Cloths and Math U'"' 111"8": In plain whlto mid toluroii p, ill. 'inn. Extra Special Bargain Items for Saturday From among the many unusual opportunities for Saturday we have selected these two as headlines, i on will do well to be on hand early Saturday morning. The savings in both eases are noticeable. 30c PRINTED PERCALES AT 25c Tho result of a fortunate purchaso certainly for In what other way could w bo In n position to offer those serviceable, HO Inch J'nrcaloH ut this special price? In lllu.o Oray, Hod mid Whlto grounds with small flKtired, tttrlpod, checked mid dolled pat terns. Whllo tho mutorliil Is amply varied in design tho lencllm aro such us cause us to advlso curly luiyluc. VISIT OUU MvW IXDKNKAUfiKD IM'ANT'S I)i:i'AUT.Mi:.Vr otr i.i a in nrwir nipnnwc fKn Of lllu, I'lnU. While and Hod Tnffoiu with conled ,lr,'s . name nlmiln. Hull 4Vi Inches wlilo mid n dliect savlm; if '"c ',,,, yaid. To mothor.s who miproclnto u imvlni: on hi"'" " Vf thla ribbons an those piovo to lie, wo iiui:i;ont taltlniJ ml vitnt K '" irU. unusual opportunity. incut. in nn, wo nu r.uHL uuum, ......--. . ...,1, On hiiIu Saturday In Our Ulbbon lil'M" TIMIM' PICTOIUM' ItUVIlW l-A-rrniiNH aim: in:iJ i" it n I'll I'l. Ill 'I III,. fii2