THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON i mi mw . ,, l M U't H IN I I! I IW 11 l I' 1 h i.t - i - i ni Ii t li Ii i. tl i I i 111 - iM IIUiM Mlil ll' lltll HIS i tin' I ii M Viui' l.llr liiiiit'4itii tiiftiptllt, llu ill s ltl-l l i.i'-s lift' ft. .. ,r inr mmi 1 r p irt uH i.l O C II l!li II ! - i. Man 1 I, Mu i, il 1 ie lii-tii.i'n i ,p .-r Ni ! i. -v i" Amcricnn Tennis olurs Who Won in Franco in Cannes 1 ournnnuMit for Officers of A. E. F It's All'Black E .wwn-JMiar rni: siv O S " X "mST ijberiy X 1 8J irwr Itir lli-l t -(.. M il k. I In our I lit . .11 e tUW 1 i l'i I IH til i ..-i Mile of I ho Kl i ii.i'h IV partmrnt Store anil .r open for inspection. Nice Juic Cut of Kl.tiii.nh Ooun'r Steer Beef Kor Your Sunda Pinner l'liono Your Order PHOXK XO. 2.W High Grade Ladies' & Men's Clothes MARK TO ORDER FINEST MATERIALS BEST OF WORKMANSHIP LATEST STYLES PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED Prices are very reasonable Your inspection invited Chas. J. Cizek MERCHANT TAILOR BJM Main HC Sa?aw aaaaaaaaaaaaasannaaaaaaaaaB. Una a Place in Every Preset iption That We Fill As provrivsivi phar macies, v keep poll ed on a 1 1 advance made in medicine and pharmacy. '1' h i s i- why our prescription department, and busi ness in ueneral contin ues (o grow. I f o u r experience in o a n s anything to vou. let us fill our prescriptions. It is Worth While to Feel Safe. nnderwooift we . KiAtAni rALts orrnort ip77 ! .. "ea 1 I wwrmafY capt. .nojuajm..iAe; - CAT WATSON M Vv.1 LIFT OFF CORNS WITH FINGERS Tht- photograph was taken .it finals of u loiiromout for tho offices Canno franco Just aftor It of tho doubles on tho rourtit of tho Norrls W llllan. (emus Carlton Club were champion .m I I aptlan M Wash tl lwght V Dan and I hiipluln II hum ..l-o thai.ipiau hail won in tho N Doll Doesn't Jiutt a bit JtiJiosts only few ccntt EXPORTS FROM U. S. BIGGEST IN HISTORY WASHINGTON Ma 3' - April ports s.urpa-ed tho pretliu ! is! renin! b rfirlv on- hundred inll oi dollars It was announced toiuy 1 . tho huieau of foreign nad domesii'' commerce, department of commt,r'. Fxport for the rionth total.-1 J T 1 ". onn.nnn at compared wl''i tj23 ooo.non for Janutr. tho prct' oiii hle'a mark For March of this year tho total was )Piii.,non.iiii). and for April a yoar aso I '.O.nnii dim Kor the to months rnoVil with Ainl the export were valued at $.7"" -noo.Oiin ai aealnpt $ ).s I uno oo for the correpondlnr period li.t ear Not a Bite of Breakfast Until You Drink Water Say a gta of hot water and phosphate prevents (lines and keep u fit. AUTO MECHANICS MUST PASS TESTS SAI.E.M Ma 3" The new Hoard of Automobile Mechanics Examiners will hold tests at Klama'h Falls Portland I.afrande. AMoriu and Ku Bene at least eery two months to act upon the applications for licence RECIPE TOM YOUNG CIGARETTE SMOKERS GET JOLT SAI.FM. Mn H'l The iKurolle habit which has been permitted tu Kro pnictlcall unchalleilKeil durltii; the war period seems title for n dost of regulation In tho near future In OreRon Munv complalntH hno lie" i recflveil from nil sections of the stu'- relatlre to the preialenre of the hab it anions minora and the numerous violation" of the anti-cigarette law. according to Attortie General llrown who his notified the authorities of the complaints Sale of cigarettes to a minor Is punishable bv n fine of not to exceed J l'n for the tint offense and not less than 5'-." nor more than I Mm for subsequent offenses or by n 30 da) Jail sentence or both Minors who lnlate the law by smoking cigarettes or haUng them In their possession are subject to a fine of $. One offender, according to the at torney general, tried to excuse him self on the grounds that the minor to whom he sold cigarettes hud ser ed In the army where he waM permit ted to Indulge in the habit to his heart's content Service In the army howeer, does not change the status of a minor, according to Mr llrown Jp I Magic' Just a drop of Kreezono on that toiii'h i urn. InMtiutl) It stops tubing, then )oil lift the torn off with tliu fingers Trul No humbug' Tr) Freezono' Your druggist sells a tiny bottle for a few rents, suffi cient to rid )our feet of eery hard "'rn, soft orii or corn between flu toes, and niduses, without one pur tlclo of pain, soreness or Irritation Freexoiti) Is tho dlstoier) of a noted Cincinnati gcnl i$ T N TO N IIUIVO HACK COLOR AXI LI'S IT'S KHANIIMnTHKH'S RKClPi: TO Tlti: TO HAIIt Just as coal, when It burns, leaved behind a certain amount of Incom bustible material in the form of ashes, to the food and drink taken day after day leaves in the alimentary canal a certain amount of Indigestible ma terial, which If not completely elimi nated from the system each day, be omes food for the millions of bacteria which Infest the bowels From this mass of left-over waste, toxins and ptomaln-llke poisons are formed and sucked Into the blood Men and women who can't get feel ing right must begin to take Inside baths. Before eating breakfast each morning drink a glass of real hot wa ter with a teaspoonful of limestone jtbouphate In It to wash out the thirty feet of bowels the previous day's ac ruuulitlon of poisons and toxins, and to keep the entire alimentary canal clean, puro and fresh. Those who are subject to sick head ache, colds, biliousness, constipation, others who wake up with bad taste, foul breath, backache, rheumatic stiff jiess, or hate a sour gasy stomach after meals, are urged to get a quarter pound of limestone phosprate from tho drug store, and begin practicing internal sanitation. This will cost very little, but is sufficient to make an)ono an enthusiast on tho hubject. Ite-member, Inside bathing is more important than outside bathing, ho aiise the skin pores do not absorb tnpuritles Into the blood, causing roor health, while tho bowel pores do. Just as toap and hot water clennwB, siifcctonh and frcahotis the fikln, bo iot nater and limestone phosplmto act on the stomach, liver, kidneys und ft'itielb - Ad . I PIMPLY SKIN TU Oil L VHUIGbnHILrUL PIMPLES ARE IMPl'KITIKS SEEK IV(J AN OITLET TllltOL';il sKIV PORE Pimples, sore3 and bolls usually result from toxins, poisons and im purities which are generated in the i bowels and then nbsorbed into the I blood through the very ducts which 'should absorb only nourishment to sustain the body It Is the function of the kidneys to Alter Impurities from the blood and cast them out In the form of urine, but In many Instances the bowels cre ate more toxins and Impurities than the Mdrw.jM can eliminate, then t.'io bicod uses ihn hklu pores as the next .best means of getting rid of these Im purities, which often break out all oet the skin In tho form of plmplm The surest way to clear the skin of these eruptions, says a noted author ity. Is to get from any pharmacy about four ounces of Jail Salts and take a tablespoonful In a glass o' hot water cadi morning before breakfast for one week This will prevent the formation of toxins In the bowels It also stimulates tho kidneys to nor'ital activity, thus coaxing thorn to tiller tho blood of Impurities und r tearing the skin of pimples. Jail Salts Is Inexpensive, harmless, und lit made from tho uciil of grapes, und lemon Juico, combined with llthu. Iloro you hato a pleasant, of fervescent drink which usually makes pimples disappear: cleanses the bloo and is excellent for the kidney j V. I' ''IV Mi HACKI'N OI l.lVT EAT OR SI. HEP TO IM AW OOOH Rl FORK TAKI.VS TANLAC ' Tanlnr proved to be tho very thing I needed, for It soon put an end to my troubles," said I). V. Mc cracken, 82!) Herond Ave., Dallas, Texas, night superintendent of the Dallas Oil and Refining Co. "I had been troubled with Indiges tion for over two yours," hit contin ued, "and was going down hill fast I was constantly belching up sour food and didn't digest enough to keep up my strength or do mo any good, nnd I lived almost entirely on cereals. My stomach felt like there was a knot In It and hurt mo nil tho time, and r was swollen up with gaH till my heart would flutter nnd I would get dizzy T could hardly sleep when I went to bed and got lltllo rci at all "I had tho best Ireatment money multl buy, and kept getting worse all the time. I was Induced by a friend to try Tnnluc and It fixed inn up f ei ' have no morn gas on my stomach, nil pulpItatlntiB nor dizziness, mid I f o! ti grntoful for what Tnuluc litis done lor me that It Is a pleasure to Im'orsit t Tunlnc Is sold in Klamath Falla by tlio Btar Drug Co . nnd In Lorullu by tlio Junius Mure. Co. Adv. i...-r All tlio best stylos In Khaki and wool clot h outing garments at K. K. K Stole 20-0 You can turn gray, faded hair beau-, tl fully dark and liutrous almost oier nlght If you'll get a GO-tent bottle or1 W'yoth's Sage und Sulphur Com pound" at any drug utore Millions of bottles of this old famous Sago Tiu Recipe, Improved by the addition of other Ingredients, are sold unnually savs n welt known druggist hare, be cause It darkens the hair so natur. ally and evenly t hut no one can tell Is has been applied, TIiom) whose hair Is turning gray or becoming faded have a surprise awaiting them, because after one or two applications tho gray hair van ishes and your locks bocomo luxuri antly dark and beautiful. This Is llin ago of youth, flray haired, unattractive folks uren't want ed around, so get busy with Wyet.i's Sugo and Sulphur Compound tnnlhht and you'll bo delighted with your 'dark, handsome hair mid your youth ful appearance within a few days. lIHBI'i' ' ('tis ii i 1 lalBBBBBBBBBBHaSftH' MMMMMMalVLV.BBlw H i iaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBn.. ir?aBaaaaaaaaaHiBaaBr ' '&''rKKi- "v' LllllllllllllllllllllllBBUial&BlllllllllllllllllHiraWBI iBikaPiSBilfl! lilillHKaatVilSl The nw Diamond Cord Tire U bUck as the pickaninny DIAMOND TIRE AND VULCANIZING CO " ' 120 Sixth Street Klamath FnlU, Oregon STOPS HEADACHE AN NEURALGIA Don't sulTcrl Got a dime pack of Dr. James' Hoadacbo Powders. Vou ran clear your head and r !iee a dull, splitting or iolcnt tlirnliluiu.' Iieitiliirlifl in h inoinniiL wiUi h lir 'lines' lleail.ti lie I'mwlcr. '1 Ills old Jul" lieinliK'Ini relief nils uliiiutl in i'i illy. Send mum nne'lii I lie clriif slnn v fur n (luiif pm ItHgc mi' I u liw iih o-iits ufnT jnii lako ii ji'iwiler you III woihIi r what bwunie of (lie In ' I ne, ntiiniliriii mid piiiiiMn'i m'fi r III. ' ,, J' 're J HI y I I, t People's Market PRODUCER TO CONSUMER If You Cannot Find what cuts of. Meat that ,ou air si-.-intf at the market where ou hai been accustomed to dealing Permit us to show you what we have in the line of unequalled Quality Meat. ASfe Phone 83 534 Main St. KLAMATH FALLS MUSIC HOUSE Representing the Old and Well Known Music House of Sherman JjMay & Go. Of San Francisco Stcinway, Weber and Other Pianos; Aeolian Pipe Organs, Pianola Pianos; Player Music. EVERYTHING IN MUSIC COME AND SEE J. G. RAMER Phone 125 Geo. A. Wirtz 733 Main St Palace Mar'ket FOR SERVICE AND QUALITY The ONLY Meat Market in the City operating its own Cold Storage system for the prop"r handling of rrcM1 and Cured Meats. The correct way to handle Fresh Meats in warm weather is with Cold Storage, when the chill rooms can be regulated to the proper degree of temperatiuc. With our Cold Storage instem we are able to scivc our many patrons Meats that have had the pionci care and proper age. STKRIl BEEF exclusively is now being handled in this Market and if quality is what you are l",J for, you will find the answer at the Palace KLAMATH PACKING CO. 524 Main Street P,,on0