imok rorn THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FAILS. ORFGON I I'lllH M ii iniii, The Evening Herald K. J. M V It It A V EDITOR ! At ihe Theaters Published dally eicept Sundnv li Tfc Herald Puhll.sliltitf Ooiiip.ui f Klamath Falls, at 115 Fourth street Entered at the postotllro nt Klain th Falls. Ore . for transmission tliru Iho mall as second-cln.s matter Subscription terms hy mall to am address In the United Stntes One year J5 00 One month . . . . - So Member of tlu Aoei.iteil Pro The Associated l'rcs is evclusivolv entitled to the u-e (or republication of lf news dispatches credit oil to It or not otherwise crediud In tills p.i per, and nlso local new published herein All rtRhts of republication of spe clal dispatches heroin ure al-o re erred . i:il. M VY Art, IIMH. IX A movim; Noiw.n m iimi The v. 11 record Itself as Irani;'-- surprised at the evident fa Tor vvth which the proposal for th.' llooseve't hiEnway i received b the Hate I erb. ; s the r..-ne has something to do vvth r We think It has Ferb.ns there i a feollnR thnt. In the wilespreail road movement thru out O'oron. the coast counties have been in ? measure neglected Perhar- there Is an underl.v n; np-p-v.e-"- in of oar almost defense'ess sltnafor and a real appreciation of the m'litarv value of an accessible and praiticable thorouRlifare. paral lel to t-1 coast line opd very near to " Prha- these Is a willingness now to invest in roads for purposes of de velopmc! t. with an assurance that th returns will be certain, and with the kno-vledpe that they will lie slight vi hout some matured project of lf-b lp P"rhap the vision of the state has bT" idene J .""id "T i-ced th3t 1' -wants a comprehensive plan of road construe--on proposed cow- and real ized as -non as may be. ho that the whole rray benefit li the proRress and pro 'icrity of every part. Perhats the plan of corporation with th' government contains its own liar appeal juet now to citl ?ns who have had recently a preat 'stimulus to their patriotic ardor thru tb - ' of i creat t'. and hive earned a hiRher pride in their rov rnment their state and their citl lenahip than ever before I'rr''- s it is a'l tbf"-p ccsldern tion '"irther. and others of merit and inf'uence Whatever It Is. it is Mjuite true that practically every rep resentative voice in Orepon. so far as it has spoken, is for the Roosevelt Wghway I,e,t us be Rlad that it is so Some 'times a qualm of uneasiness over whelms some ot ni that we may he overdoin? this road business. Yet we have had a long spell where it has keen uni1 rdone. or not at all. The pre-n. i great and tbe future is long, and there is plenty of time and resource to pay. Son-e classy Panama and Straw H'tt ,u K K K. Store. 26.6 One .if the niAii) . harmniK featuto in Mlckev to be shown nt the I. lb ertv Theatre todiiv and tomorrow Is a pet squirrel who will ro straight to the henrts of nil the children nd children' serves a Reed alibi for Mil and Pa. for most of these IIiIiirs Ihnl are for -hiblreii ' are UKe the lev tnllro.d vvnleh little lohlliiv pels for I'hriMinns and never Rets a cltnnce t plav with because his father tins II all duv The siutrrel does i cottiodv scene with it pet bulldoR tint Is dellRhtfulh u.uurnl Mlckev s bull terrlor make one dive for the squirrel and Pre squirrel stands not on the older of lu roIiir He beats It for dear life Mlck ev wears bov's clothes diirlnR the first part of the plav and the squ'rrel sprints up her trouser left The hero tries to save the lad from the uirtnitie squirrel, and hi cillant efforts look verv peoultnr in Mlckev s foster father who h istens up bent on murder and sudden dat'i nd tbeu he sees the squlrrsl and Joins the rescue nartv And. bv the vvav. Mlckev oiirIu to Ret tbe Iron Cross for her courage Pshaw Anv girl might lead an armv like -leanne iv.vrr or Just save chil dren in burning houses, or jump o'f cl'ffs. or anv little thing like thn' Hut to let a rat or a squirrel run up vonr clothes' Ooooo' If there were i call for volunteers to save the iou-i trv by letting rots run up dresses, the only answer would be a veil fad tDR away in the distance Hob Snnds. recently from Arl'om V hetstone Is the town- came to N'ew York -ecentlv to take a Job th.t' Is unique- 'ho fining of n voting hiRh flvor l.arry Harr ngton. son of the well-known railroad magnate l.arr. had got into some sort of tangle over l"ters written to a prettv waitress but Itob found she was nil to the good and that the young w aster hadn l a chance with her And so he promptlv fell In love with her himself imd was as helplts ns n tenderfoot w hen she looked at him So h shifted his allegiance to the lady's side and H-trr'nnton. Sr . hired a detective to Ret the papers He re: them, but Hob followed on n borrowed horse nnd recovered th" documents It was some ehi ". tbv say as wild as that of Tn'ii O'Srant er from the w-'tchos And now P l. and the I.ady Marv are roItr lirk back, back to Whetstone n Rrlnd out their future beneath the stars t the big Southwest. The whole story may bo found 't the Star Theatre, where Will an . Hart's latest Artcraft jilcture v. ill i exhibited tonlRht It Is called "Hrmiil ing Hroadway" and it Is the newest idea in the films that has happened along In some time also, is It di -cldedly different from the Hart pic tures we have seen in the past Full of comedy, excitement nnd thrill b-it minus tears it Is real entertainment for the million iiKiM'om i:mi:m on i hi: Mi:icN itoiini'it PASO. Mav .10 The first siiiadioii of the 1'lfth t'avuliv, Htu t toned at Foil Hllss bus been oideied to the IllR Itend district to lelnforce the lIlRlith fnvnlrv. M IIMIII IHt slll.MI. MIMM WOMW tiniiiK on I'liiu. h ' " """' -'Mllibiv ... (llMMIIs si II Mil . ..n.l .liol lict, 1 n ,"'" " Mill ii .1 n til i i i. nh , ,u "'R it fc(, lsl It Xt I. M IN I.I'VX I . 1!. N StrollR. represetnatlve ot the UioRnit I Ife Insiiri lui' l niiiiii who has been III M -1111111 Palls for s-'vernl diivx on nm'teis of business left Tor Portland this iiioriiing wi; vi 111:1: itKPoitr. OreROn--ralr lieavv fiost tomor row nioinlUR. moderate noitliwester 1 winds Mr s 1 Mtiruu. "r itiiiniies lat.i Miirllli and Mrs I hmu -nmsbv have K.,,, N,, Mc(V , WulKlim , gone to Asblillld to spend Mniiorliil HW)1 ,,, , . mU11i ,,.. h,, , u( (( 1( " Pnv with Mrs I ! Hiiinsl v I bev ,1( ,111UN , , ildi'd Willi ill' " , made the tllp bv nil to icu.aik I wonder how IoIir lliln nl.l l,"0" " " "l. '. In. nil, ailJ - - wiiil 1 r.oiiiK lii lii ' Mim I dim , ' ' m V . ' ' ' I ! II., , 1 'in " ' ' ' ' "' III " ' 1 cl "'" 1 11 . 'tint in .11 si' A III MIMM'lt. 'I be ll.-t I'll tines n Made lit the Itniiil Miiilln. le.nnie we do 1.1 thing but Pi r tra ' Work and l.e.nus.' vve bVc no amateur he'p I'verv piece of work has out peisoual iitieiition and Is f.nlshed right Wa invite al! returning soldiers to come nnd let us make them n nlcu picture free of charge Ilemeinber the ntimbir' 1130 Main stre.'t. 1 hone .'T6-J J.s-fi irst in Tires and Service MRESTON12 wits first to produce most ol inc imixiritiiH iruuK-urc iuiiiuvc ments. Our i.ervlec also is first in speed, thorouphness nnd economy. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOKSVI.r 1 l.'14 tlns sieuin en glue self 1 o-i .1 1 cuter crunk inerl'tirg i"i'.i Practically new run but thin- nuuiths Also 1 4 ft t i-i lluiiituoiid 1'on.r scraper, dump pattern in A-l simp, priced riKht I)e llver o tiench artlile f 11 b S P cars. Medford. tire For partlrulura. write No imni'l So Oak. lute live . Medford. Oregon 30-rt ? m p M needed "Sfc . HX VVc have a truck-tire press of tremendous capacity. We have all the other machines Our men understand truck tires. They, therefore, combine preat care with "swmw FlHNITl'HK for sale, ror High st 23S (Vdar. 3U-31 IT 'AYS TO I.WKSTIGATK. Ilefore buying life, insurance it will pay j ou well to find out what A l-.idlnR American Company has to offer you You can buy nothing better THE MUTl'AL MFC, OKO C ULItlCII. District Manager office over First State and Savings Hank SS-10 FOK IlKNT Nlets dean furnished rooms 41 i Klnmuth ave 30-3 FOK SAUK OK TKAOE - 10 acres f u land In Merced Co Calif Ad dress O Foueh. tox 4 7 2. Klamath Falls. Ore 3i'-6f Klaiath Falls Oregon. Vprll 20. 1919- The undersigns)! will rervn bids at the office of th Keclnmu! ion service Klnmuth Falls, Oregon un til two o clork p m. June 5, 19111. when the same will b publiclv opuu ed. for the rerlalmliiR of iibout T.000 acres of swamp land In Crvstal Crtek Marsh. 1. 000 aerin in Hunk k Marsh and 19s0 acres in Pellran llav Marsh. Cpper Klamath Lake. Oregon, within the Klamath Protect No rental will be etacted tor Hie use uf ihe ' ml I Hi Ihe mi 0 stful bidd-r will Ii- rv illirid ti befin vvnrK will?- si 1 ninths (1 0111 ih" dnt of the ntr. rl , to c.itnplet.. th" work wit'n-i tbree vvara from suid date anil to give bond in the sum of . to .mo for 'he reclamation of Crystal f reek Marsh lands; n boml of $10 0110 110 for the leclamu'i'iii of the Hunks Marsh laids. aril u bond of j-jo -eni 00 for the r" ' allon of the Pelican Ha) Marsh lands, said bonds to bi w-nh an acceptable Surety com pany as surety, conditioned for 11 faithful compliance with the terms and provisions of the respective con tracts Didders may submit proposals for any or all three traits but In awarding the contract each trnct will be considered as 11 separate unit Kach bidder must nuie the hortesl period of time for which ho will ac cept the use of the Innd as n con sideration for reclaiming it. which period will be considered In award ing tho contract Hidden and oth ers Interested may bu present when bids are opened. For further Infor mation and a copy of tho specifica tions and contracts to be enten-d Into apply to P S. Reclamation Service, Klamath Falls, Oregon 2 &-1C-23-30 The fact is Over half the truck Tonnage of A 111 e r i c a is carried on ?ire$to!te TIRES -rfs3 i&trcr- r"r'" tfr&" n'il & ' 1 ! H '- f . D. A. KENYON sv . Duxbak and Kamplt Outing wear lor men and women. K. K. K Store 2-f. Van's phone number is the same as always 298-W. " Tank Used by British to Block Entrance To Limerick During the General Strike' - -3sssw-ei0;' '" HOUSTON'C Metropolitan Amusement J sr .4 K J? . I' U i;i"e"' r t X." :& "y-tJ&tg giTn. & S? 311 I1 ''' P A . . rr . iz&m- ,. m . t i rr ' vSS&Bk'kmk Mwmii-ii - ' mfBwmwsM1"'mt lhsr I . -hr ZVf4r,r" S '"!: i "-' " . L Si&VJV'SJ - ' Illlf Mil u mmMmmh w , HOUSTON'S OPERA HOUE n.wcixfj U'eiliiesday At Sjitiirilny Xlgliti. JAZ .Ml SIC. STAR THEATER TOIIW Ailiiafl Piixenls W.M. .. HUT IX "lHfiMUNf; iniotinnv" A root Wostern Irumu vvllli Hart M Ills licit. A No Ttto IteeU of Outnl Cnuu'ily. TEMPLET HEATE P. 'ifii) TrluiiKle l'ri"nt 111:1.1.1: III.XNinT In "Tin: hi:civomnJ hay" I'allio Xcwh laurel Ciiiienl ICvciiIh Aiimluulon li) & in ccnH Mallnco This Is one of the first photogrnpim policed tho city nnu oxamincu inc.- KvchIiirh 7:!H received in this country allowing creuoniiaiB 01 ovory irmm u.-ioro nnrmlltlnL' blm to enter. Tanks, ro- condhlotM during tlio gonernl btrllio ntcnun T flPFUA HOUSE Jn,t"in .1 hy Irish workers as a pro- l(f0 W(,ro p,aw,fj hoardBldo atrons tho' MOTIOV I'lfl'l UKS t.M . h mi 1 Mi b mi?'tn pr ndpui thorout'bfan 8 U-adlnf into XUKSIIAYH AfiU KATI'HDAYH ed a ury a. a isr.'.oU uui( L 11 Jlerrlll, Vtvun f f t T t y t t y f y y t t y t y y f T T 7 f y t y t t V t y y y y t y & SIXTH AND PLUM bIKEETS f Push Business Hard Advertise U. S. Department of Labor ADVERTISING WILL DEVELOP THE DORMANT DE MAND FOR THE GOODS ON THE SHELVES OF MER CHANTS AND IN THE WAREHOUSES OF MANUFAC TURERS. MR. MERCHANT AND MR. MANUFACTURER, THE PUBLIC WANTS AND NEEDS THE THINGS YOU HAVE TO SELL AND IS WILLING TO PAY FOR THEM. TELL YOUR STORY THROUGH THE MEDIUM OF WELL PREPARED ADVERTISING. TALK TO THOUSANDS THROUGH YOUR LOCAL PRESS INSTEAD OF STANDING IDLY BY WAITING FOR SOMETHING TO "TURN UP." NOW, MORE THAN EVER BEFORE, ADVERTISING OFFERS GREATER ASSURANCE OF PROFITABLE RE TURNS TO LIVE, WIDE-AWAKE, PROGRESSIVE MPR CHANTS AND MANUFACTURERS WHO EMPLOY IT. THE MESSAGE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF I.A30R IS: ADVERTISEINCREASE YOUR ADVERTISING SO THAT SELLING COSTS MAY BE REDUCED AND ULTI MATELY PRICES WILL FOLLOW IN REDUCTION. U. S. Department of Labor W. B. WILSON, Secretary. It (Knell V. 1IAIIHO.V, Director General, Information tuitl lilunillon Hertlro t f ? ? X ? X ? T X T t X X X T t y T T t T t X T ? T T T ? ? T Y Y Y Y Y I t Y Y i m M yjWfi