1M0K six THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON I'll UM M llllti flnTr f 4s& Diamond SQUEEGEE TREAD Tires EveiyTire aim e day most (jo West It will have run its course have lived its life. Men are measured by tneir deeds, nations by their accomplish ments. 3nd a brand of tires by us Great Aver age Mileage. That's how we chose Diamonds. It .isn't only the spasmodic burst of big mileagf, but the steady, pen.isti.nt roll ing up of 5,000. 6,000 and fJ.GUU miles that keeps our customers happy. When Diamonds "Go West," they say: "I've had my money's worth. Give rnc another like it." That's what keeps us n bujiness. Our stocks arc al ays com p) . Diamond Tire & Vulcanizing Co. 120 H. 8UUi fit. Telephone 107 Klamath Falls, Oregon Jess Willard as He Looks Now After Doing Light Training for His Bout With Dempsey in Toledo on the Fourth of July V .' . . &11S& $ W 1', is fev? afi bL fcvw X i jSiae&w "VTVijJ ;'jic T I Atomu Fuller. I. ' HiltMen. V i.'.n Tiiritiis. Spl: Wi'lton. Iler'j-'" St imhiirk. An In Dee. A I I.OWO. ItOSi Brothers. 'o i.raeme, Don.- ! Itippev Mr '! Rlppey. Ceort'e Klnkade k.n Houghton riau ! !illllinllllMfflI'9B IlIllHIF llllfflfillfllffilJHUlllUliIllillfJill MillUifnlllitliiililmiifilnll TALK about smokes, Prince Albert is ueured to a joyhandout stimd.irH that just lavishes smokelmppmess on every man game enough to make a bee line for a tidy red tin and a jimmy pipe old or new I Hut It Gtrilllttlt tltflt lllltril i....'.. !...! I r . " ! "i juu vo iiiiiiKcreu tor in pipe or cigarette makin's smokes you'll find aplenty in P. A. That's because P. A. lias the quality! You can't any more make Prince Albert bite your tongue or parch your mroat than you can make a horse drink when he's off the water I Bite and parch are cut out by our exclusive patented process ! You just lay back like a regular fellow and puff to beat the cards and wonder why in samhfll you didn't nail n section in the P. A. smokepusture longer than you cure to remember back I Buy Prtnf Albtrt wryuhr tohacwa l ttij. Tappy r. hag i, titty ri tint, A.inJym paunJ anJ half pound (in Aumiiori .in J that c7er, practieul pnunJ crvititl gUt, humijor ui(A ipongt monlinir top that kttpt tht tohaica in tuth pmtftct lonjitiun. R. J. Reynold Tobacco Co., Winiton-Snlcm, N. C III! lC r rt TBUGEDY TODAY m t i iwiitv r Movir T(iit. w.w TO film . .M.cnr (IS ON t l..rK..M..s ACriUKM' mi i:r MM I I. 3 F.M ?j T A'yifiTi. FG1 tl CAicoeo hi. SSCfllPTIS Met rill .V Tule 1-iUe Kul.- Much " """ M' ,rt-l.-l Frank l'rt Inn Dnsroll D V H" '" I inch T H 4 00 4i" Ai!. Aanl " Ally l)ori " Allen. W .It .100 Barry. Michael C 1P" ("roliy. Margaret (2nil ?ull '" Dimmit. DC - . 1S(1 1 :. Daltnn. R I. .100 ion Durham. T. M. 100 '.n Drew. Mary A to Daniel. Louis E. . .. n ".u , Kidwell, Je.sse 11. . . r.O T fi , Johnson. Nathan T. . ISO 10u Rudolph. r-.o. M. ... 100 100, Shuck. Ghas V. . .. 100 100 Pteeman. Chas. .. 100 .".) Todd. Mrs. I.yilla 0 ' Vochatzer. It. C r.O r.o Vochatzer. CI'.... 100 le Vos. AC. "0 Voss. H. F. .... J 00 r.o1 Wright. Oeo F . ... ."0 In Colwell, Daniel . T.'.'i .oo Patterson, John fi. .. . 4 .".0 I'.O Potter. Kdward C 100 Setnon, Henry 10 DO, Ijiuiin I.umiImt n. i I jmm. Wllford K f.".0 Lamm. Ethel Ml.s 100 Lamm. OMtli 01 McCarlnev. AI f.O , MrCar'nej. AI J."0 I i 'i rn n. Charles K'O, IHtk. Axel o l'JO Nelson. I K 100 Ver-ito. Andy 100 '. Swanson, rjeo I 0 j t Anderson. William f.O I Meyers, (jore r0 ' Houle. Albert 100 ! Rurran. Fre-1 . . .. ro Bernard, In ' . ... 100, Thayer, l. k . . . ',) , Van's phone number is the Mason, jam-s H''"Bame as always 298-W. 2-tf I'OltTLAN'n V.i., Jliis ' ilnii finynnr. t d I", i r.nv. ndrcM m il (leort't ' IV:.' t !iowii)i'' . . olo-j;rap!-e' "i I ni.e'a i n iM-f killnd and fl-' oiiitT.. iniurid t.len in .into bun raf i; ihe ii. e ' ri f :i ' on' n.ovinK picture company to u p -Int Clackamas river to film Mcenen in u picture entitled the Whitman manna cre. overturned In trying to dodge another car ulik-li n traellnK " high Hpceil. T'iohI injured are MIhh Ruth Em m Ik Mth. A. I. Dkeyner. Mrc i:thl !.irn, E E Davenport, and RlrH .il :.... Iford. Ncne of these, who are all mem li'jiB of the company, areoxpeeft'l to dl- 'Ihcro were thirteen In tlin liilti r S nl U W SI i 1 si i 111 iMife' ID Ife im fev P3 PAL Nice Large Eastern Oysters, in Sealed Cans, 30 Oysters to Can, $1.25 icsn Halibut Stc ACE MARKET Klamath Packing Co. PHONE 68 524 Main Street Crowd at Opening of New York Racing Season and Handicap Winner. fe .M. " sncjcadUoJLr.i-rap'rr'fs? V -,'-- z V3T5TI3K'3CCESKrSEI Kl.VfS AMIKItTTO COM I IX OCTfimill. PARIS, May 28. King Allm t Belgium is expected to visit Wal'llig ton to attend the Initial meetiiv t the League of Natlonx In October BUCKHECHT nio, V.3. PAT. oww. ' ARt-iV SHOE o ' i' nn wSo j on his lect all day a ir Jte t j" f r'i c ioe w at never nude. ilnce th .i'ejri d popularity oi the H i.khi nr An, v SV among busincit and pr jfesji.jiiaInn-n,iiporrMnen, outdoor vsork er, miners, iannrr, mcthanits, etc. A gjod, praitical Shoe Jr c-Jirduj ytar! d'j U for comtort and tervicc ouilt for vu! jicmcniljcr the mtne IlorKiiiciii -t .pedoi. (..tn si. e x J'uur protectiuin (ju a pair toilay! For Salo at K. K, K. Store, Urudlcy Shoo Stnro BUCKINGHAM St. HECHT i - tur'-'t San Frnnciaco ilraffi BLACK GUNMETAL, MAHOGANY CALI' OH INDIAN TAN CAM' rrarrsSiSrns KHK(il!rril&' I1 t '- ''""M - ' .'... .' ' t-'.j' jfMtoBifo i' r T .".'- "iuj . 1. 1"." r'i . j - jWiPiwi W Wi'1' iiPfi'li'MWgi ; J Ji wg-g.ggMwmf:v. mm HBflnH jnsnH WFH B H VJL. -JdB.VBIV' EJ .XTjat. k.' ."frmiflw t ". Tw.w'L .S.-ietr 'II' I If II TlT.. ilW MclVtHQIBr . u J 7, I 1 HW I' P MM KHKM2MI a. Twenly thoiiKand raring enthliHl iutH welcomed the thoroughbreds when they relumed to New York, TIichu iihologiaplm nhow the opening . day ciouil on tlio lawn of the. J a- A , iiialci coiiiHo w.itchliif; thu flniuli of u rnco mni Flnua, wlmior of tlio Pan. monok llnnilloop, tlio $R,oou foiiluro hvouI. With Jocltoj' Iiylto up, KIubh, lli HeaoJi otablo'u oatiy, boat Old Howbud iy.twg Unnttifl. Luculllto V, il lllilll HAG:. rtill. t-YK.t vr.