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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (May 29, 1919)
THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Tinnsim. on Jn VAC.K TWO I I JLJP jjrvrtfi JLh J JL 1 !!..& IKE. . Ul 1 "H rne Sato aV and t ay rie Pfcta Foil Will Never Forget 4 Shows Each Day 2 and 4 P. M 7:30 and 9:20 P. M. Matinees Evenings 10 and 20 Cents 15 and 35 Cents 1 6.0. PMC I II1IL1I 1,5 v i ii. i n Evil I I IK I I ni Mil . pilMl tl. mltn ' ffiill I i li ilifti roll I.. i nmiiw I ' i it 'h in h i thollt is I in h i it 1 1 'IK. I hi nltlOVel In i ti : 1 h ;.l n Inr III" on ' i, ni r ilif ii i,r i niniiiliicK ,i iilv-.nli'iU li U'l'ie' utiltlve I m ii f h i K ,ii. -.'iii ul iv.' i i i ' -. mil lik.'ln uml oilier .H . .1 to I Heirol.'llttl ' 1 Ii ml floor lender, II ,. '. s i f Ihfl llll Rlillt UllU'll ii ii i' i i minimi, ii n'l Milillilll- M. ' l I ' illltl 1 Ii . . t I I I I'l 'lit I " ' I" "s (mi 'no IV 1 1 pio . nil. i Mp ir I n i it it rn Ih t ,i like nilKK1 Hill III. I) 'i other in bun u K'lHll'l i ink" piui .' i nil i i i ' I'll i ti . '. i .t i ,i i lag i of inllli i'U' .. Kr-ii fni im i f I ll'l . ( u'ni . 1. 1 ' ri .i .Hi' (iiiih.u.i i I ! i .i in of I In' i "tn ti ' i '1, im nf the jr .1-;miI 'i v i K ti ' he 'i'ti it It" . lU'.ti I II' illl'l , itisti.l .i Mi i,i,i w Ii i ' . i i '' l I IE tol all HI i "i Head of Austrian Peace Delegation Just After liis Arrival in France w imiiti iilmlv ciiiieful fur Kiln lie . nine lut men ill t li Hon lie hlotiil in t'le n kiii t milt mill mo holm; ui ,' I I !iik Il llllll l'll life, I'leilll III ml ill I mt nnil plrlt The iiiduii -in i ii I 1 1 ' no mii'lot plumed ii mii, Hi It III thin "Kill uml lie lii'l 11 II I'IKIH'I'I' In nil Ini! the lll I'M 'l,' 'l I'll 1 1 Inn of the miiiiik mini , ll I I ,i ii tiling UKIII HlllKK.I llf IlKlll I OH i'i ii nnil tile IKIIIlllN ill IllIKe I The in imrkitiile m IiIi'M'Iik til in i i'Ul'"itli'il ,tli' wonderful loatlll (ill tiiitu .1 nl i-Iikm Hie Impel ntlve in i en ill' Hi IK'! iillottliiR till" mki I. Ill lini f itilum riiinnill ti i worn iniiuh le.poiKlMo fur i Kinllt Iniln found In III" ,irin oil in pn inrl III the Wilt I he men (differing from ilio ilKi'.me In the iii ii I ll lirotiKhl them lulu the ramp Hilt a mnnll perretitoKo nf the i linen lle elop.'il III the III III M tluniKuh'K Till f net Itnllinteii the Mini ni i 'iiiy of tetitlmilnt: ilih vtorh on mnenlflietit 11 male m IMK'Ulile fii nenlert Mli Ii mi lliliiir taut fm'tor In In leiipmillite the wl i tmr nf wi ..MM i in roiiiii; iihiiiIik i t but o( our inniiKiit vmiuk'U mul till ilri ii sim:i i i, tor si.i: We hue one of Hie Iwit relililn e I t III lli'l SpiltiKi ,ilillllliin m t.'i.lllll 1iti" li nie nlie i-elileiiie nl mi I lilt l piteniiiK nt irlii4 rnn;- I'lC from SI. "I I to illltl If Jim iiin't EXPERIENCE Has n Pin.,- i i?vcry Piescription Tlmt We I .11 As proKu-NMx,. ,,,.lN miKMsts, we K,., , 1()st. '1 on a I I mhaiKT.s made in nu du-ini. and pharmacy. T h i s is why our pn M-iimio,', dcpiirtmi'iit, ami lulsj. ooss in K niialiDiitin. ties to jji'ow. T f on v cxpcrionco m ( a n s aintlnno; t vou, k't us fill ur 1 Worth While to Feel Safe. Uml n loiii-e In .till )ou. Letter lill t MMIIAMdY ntl1Htno. I.;;;:'. !::':-.: ,., UfS,5P rW n;l.l Mum -I J'lome (III . ., , , ' . wl til 'tiHF i BUT BJ9QIBibBRk i5jsjKUlUMK 'lllV i i T'. ' f Tv j- jJl f Je-A. i.rr-rtfx..- Every Motorist Should Know ihat tin- if.'ir tire p-t- .i!l tin- -ti.i' ; u: injr and .stoppinir. :i tht tr.ictinn. w- th- shiiiH' and .skiddim,' and a!! t! w of an extra passenger. That's one of the bij? reasons why a i tinners? prefer the tiro c handle. If oli want to Ket tln-ie and hack con- .' THE WHITEV ELICAN t-c THL or-flCIAL ' AUTO IJLUI'. HOOK AMD CAUPOKNIA STATE AUTO ASSOCIATION GARAGE WUrV,' .I.XZ-JIKSZ ,L RCNNEK. TIiIh phoiOKnipli of I)r Knrl Iten ner, rliuni'ellor uml heuil of tlie Aiih trlan pi lie il"li';.itlon vniih tiiketi JiiKt after the ili'li'j-.nii h anUeil ul Hi Cleriniiln, neur I'urui GIENEI UT I KAKi:M, .May i'J At tint ri'iiui'Bt I of thu Ort'Kon Hociul Ilyemi uoelety (lovornor OUott him ndilruMsed 11 let- lnr to thii conKroHHlonnl cninmlttoo lioforu which Ih hulnK nKltuteil the (im-HtlOM of rontlmilriK In civilian life tho cumpulKn for nodal hyKlniin that wuh workul HUcreKHfully iltirlnn tho war A rciinnrKahlo rocord woh mnfle by thu Oregon tmcloty ilurltiK th war and ltd mumhurH expect to contlnuo tho work without coiumtlon, Tho kov crnor'H letter to tho conKremilonal commlttoo follewH: "Ono of tho KrontoHt uchldvenienln of our mllltury mohlllzatlon wub that accomplUhcil In tho coiuhut agalnRt t-oclal iIIhciihi'h. Tho ninnrKiiiicy at tacit on thi'Hc (Hhimikhh Ihih no paraUtil In military hlxtory nnil It roHiiItoil In tho United KlateH innlntalnlnR tho rloancut army In tho world. Oregon PeoD e s Market PRODUCER TO CONSUMER Distinction may be obtained by chance, but to maintain it requires merit. QUALITY MEATS AT PEOPLE'S MARKET Phone 83 534 Main St lB&Bm LOST BLUE SADDLE HORSE Branded wagon bow on right shoulder; also sor rel pony branded bar-S on jaw and branded on left shoulder. Reward. Finder please notify JOHN O'SHEA, MALIN, OREGON mhhmhHHBBHbli CHICKEN FEED. ALL SIZES GRIT. OYSTER SHELL. SCRATCH FEED. CRACKED CORN. EGG MASH. CHARCOAL. BONE, AND LICE KILLER. Murphey'g Feed & Seed Store 12G South Sixth St. Phone 9H