r.usi: six THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Ml DM si, Mn lti.i T L ir.SOU M 1) I'WIHIs l'il Mill HON VN. I ( U s. t r Tl Nmllu-in Picifio Morrlo K V (JmWub) lallefio Jovph KaniMis. spinw AntoropuliM 1 uin" llard. Mr nut Mrs Olironrt' tt.ihirii It. It. Horuo. N" It OiKsiilc $oper, liorlor Co. S.m Rt ttntimiM Is ior titillKii ml ium tl .rtompt to ttstrt) tlu pump luii tth dwi.iniite tlio nlRlit of Mix 21 I'onildor.iMo itnmiiKO was i'o ii', iloori and Mtmlows hotne wockei' Tht sutltx poron or pooou. he tn so.uohoit (or tt N thoiu u tlul some one who did not i.in Irrts i- " tton s unlit of this outr.tit' 0 A 1,.1-liiri. w.is clttin ill i'ii' tton to " t Hi-hool hiiut M in 22nd ' 0 Melon Cow Kill from t'urinllli t lVl I IS Ma 2 li'pllo III ui ill it lontlniioiM vpirili Iiiin lii'o i iilo lno tlio ilNHppi'.ininro of llov. i rrotii'tilu'ritor n wooK iiko ttil dn. siviriliors luiii' fii'fl 'n t'o'lr "(torts to looiiti' 111 in oi Ills lioil. mi I hnpo t (IwtnilllitH Mr (,ront"ihir.i't pidtor of tin i lirlKtlnn tliuroh lion' ''(t run. litis TiumiIiii mnrnltiK ko Iiik to ii point mil' inlli' north of tlu Miss1 ln to tin tln In tlio Williiintotto A flio ni'w m.iii In Ori'Ron ho eildcntlv illi' li'itmo w.i on coo'ni.ii; Min IMn . I no iilii 'lilt tho rlior In t'"iioh')--5,30 Wolls and Mr Seton wor" .ilmi pro ou north of the ell iitul iilthotiKh , 'or.t After tlio lecture the ' ilvt f t f t FrnncNco 1. mio Hole. John Vreka illf 100 Steward. Julian V Ills Pine. Cat :.0 C3l, Oregon rower Co .",000 Dlffenderfer. lie. Portlind of t noni llitv Criiler. C It 3000 3000 Petwrs. Z i C Barr, C. R . . 5 a Gray. Matt .. ... 00 llaier. M I. . . 30 'Vallen. J E no Stlncel. Win 51 Stlncel. Mrs Ad . . f.0 ltughston. P E .... "n Santamau. Stanley . . rv Sllllnicn-rtoxmikers I.ccjI .Vo litis 30 Klamath jrcnc) Jones. Goraer 'j Standtee. Krma "n Dincraore. Clarence C 30 Martin. Mrs nina . :.o West. Walter R. .. 2mi Sauber. Lorinda M h i0 Stewart. Grace G p.n Martin. Clyde Standlee . 'v Dlllstrom. Henrj A joi Lewis, Bertha I. . ',o nuiiHiiin Bennett. C C. . . . ;,ol Little. Mat F -,o Anderson, Hans l n, McKeeier. .IS . u ' Titcomb. Edith V o , lleidrich. Curtis i: loo i n Linehaugh. Ahe 10 it) i Campbell W U COO 30) Tenbrook, It 50 reputed to he nn eci'llent n luimcr, 1 of th ecooklnn club old th' wire he iouollos w.is swept under by tin T irrh mid the off Ida' V boird of the Chiitvh hus slKtilflod Its y wlUliiKliess to bear the pipeline In more enoouraced with their tk Willi I'.inkei. a soldier retur,"il from the tntnlnu c.iiupi till ook Mrs tt Dlxnn was in l.oiur r thl week on lnilne V m prise piriv a Kien fir Ml Mrtle ttunn. May 2th t.- . one reported an enJoubii etenini: tee cream and cake were wnrti at midnight The prt broke up ntmiit One o'clock A dim I being constructed arro t.ost Rler at Bonanza The ork di progressing rapidly , " Mr Burkhart, Margaret Ritecl' and Ward Hueck were initiated in' 1 the. Rebecah' Thnrsdiy night. M.-y 22nd Hilda Hamaker left Sunday ft the Hamaker Sawmill here she i ' working Trari Houston left Mav 25 for the ranch of Geo Noble where he Is going to help during the sprint; round-up eaij current and undertow Is being continued ever bod possible effort to locate th Duxbuk and Knniplt Outing wear for men and women K K K Store 26-6 DBWU t X i KEEP FEET DUtt ? TELLS ItHKl'MATISM Sl't-'FEIIKIIS V TO TAKE SALTS AMI !KT Kill OK I'ltIC Ann A Ii STAND-BY CHARGE tiu own a liiiuim In the t'llv or ion umiI 11 Imime 11ml omii tlm (urultiiin in it Not fur iiwiii In an I'liitlue lioimti whi'ie da mill ulght men and i'IikIiik iiwiiK it,,, call to runh to our home nluiuM fire Mutt unit put It out mid Nine mi 1 ptopmi fill Fire Pepiirtmeut Ik a Muml-ln ilmige to )iiu oli mil) not know Ihih it 1, but J 011 pi) for it Junl the niime. It m In 01tr tnii'H, It n In )0Ur iunurnni 1 rule If 51111 hud to go out to the ueureiit electric Unlit pole enr tlmn mi whnl to baie light or henl in onr home ami lonniu't up with u wire to )our tioime, mid t Ii.mi tike 11 chuuee its to whether the man at the pnwei house was awn), or the mm In 11 er for some other reason, was shut down, your cost for electric current would In be lery low, but ou would not be satisfied When )ou piess the little button 011 Hi.. wall of your home, or turn the knob on our lamp or stovn heater nt any erniiit of the day or night. Immediately comes electrical energ) to suve you Hum unit t roil l,. and supply your wants for light and heat I, Ike the men at thn tire house, to give you Service, there are men ulwu watching the big machines In the power house; (hero are men out In the snow and sleet, working In tero weather by day and night, keeping the line In shape, there am men way out In the mountains "riding the linn" 011 horseback, there are men with spurred feet hanging to pole doing repairs. Inspecting transformers, etc.. and all this army of men are working like a clock, each In communication with the ntbnr over the Company phone lines, while you work or while you sleep, and all (his In order that you may at any second hare Service, and Just as thn firemen save your physical property, you are saved time and energy and have Immediate arrommoils Hon In Ihe SEHVICE for which you pay a MtantMly charge California-Oregon Power Company The great popularity of the Travel ers I,OW COST Guaranteesl life pol icies i reflected in the fact that dur ing 1018 this progressive company Is sued more than t213.000.009 of new life business. Ask Chllcote & Smltb about the NEW 1010 policies. 9-tt BEPRETTY.T Li) AI.I.IKI) All. STRENGTH TIH; AT AIf CI 01. WASHINGTON. May 2S Airplinc strength of the allied armies on the west front when the armistice was THV OltWmiOTHEH" OI.II FA VORITE RECIFE OF SAGE TEA AMI MI.l'IIFR Rheumatism Is no respecter of age, sex, rotor or rank If not the most dangerous of human afflictions It Is one of the most painful Those sub ject to rheum itlsm should eat lea meat, dress as warmli as possible si old an undue exposure and. aboie all drink lots of pure water Rheumatism i caused l urti acid which Is generated In the bowels ami nhsorbed Into the blood It Is the function of the kldne) to filter this acid from the blood and cut It out in the urine the pi)res of the skin of this impurtt) In damp and chilly are also a means of freeing the blood cold weather the skin poies are rlo eil thus ford 111; the kldncts to do double work, the beiome weak and sluggish and (all to eliminate lhLs uric acid which Ko.'Im arumulatliig and circulating thru the sstniu eent uall) settling In the Joint -i and mus cle causing stiffness, soreness and ? t i Hiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinis Almost even one knows tint Saee signed was greater thin that of rli Tei and Sulphur nrnperlv rompoun I- l)aln f3""'! rheumatism Germans b more than two to one urins bick the natural color and At the n"1 ! "' rheumatism nd Italians outnumbered Austrian ' Iustr-' t0 the halr h'" faded, graj ' fr"" al I'liarmac) about four bv four to thr. in ,,,hi,- .1 , or streaked Years ago the only wa ounces of Jad Salts, put a tablespoon. - -".s-s. ... UVMI1I1.4. ,- - 'ording to official roport.s to the w . department p "balloon strengtl the Germans were declared tc be su perior with 170 craft to 14 4 for the allies, of which the Americans had 23. French 72. British 43 and Bel gians 6 in use "Of the airplanes in senice. Hritlh units comprised 1738 machines. French 3321, Aiuen.a.i 740 and Belgian 153 to get this mixture was to make It at ,ul ln " u" "' "n,er a" UrlK "' home, which i nuissv and tmutilA- 'ore breakfa.t eirh morning for a some N'owadav, by asking at any drug store for "Wjeth's Sage and Sul. phur Compound," you will get a large bottle of this famous old recipe. Im proved by the addition of other In gredients for about 50 cents Don't stay gray' Try It' No one can possibly tell that you darkened your hair, as it does ii so naturatly and evenly You dampen a sponge or soft brush with It, and draw tills through your hair, taking one smalt I (tcand at a time; by morning the gray WASHINGTON, May 27 Sccretairi hair disappears, and after another ap. Daniels said today that the naty will plication or two, your hair becomes have a big Pacific fleet by late sum- beautifully dark, g'.ossyand attract. mer. I u BIG FLEET LS NOW PLANNED FOR PACIFIC week This Is said to eliminate uric acid l) stimulating the Mdue to normal action, thus ridding the blood of these Impurities Jail Salts Is Inexpensive birmless and is made from the acid of grapes and lemon Juke, combined with llth la and Is used with excellent results by thousands of folks who are subject to rheumatism Here )ou have a pleasant effervescent lltbla-wnter drink which overcomes uric acid and I beneficial to jour Milne) as well Adv. Oxceto Welding Works Carl Schubert, Jr. BRAZING, CUTTING AND DECARBONIZING Mechanical Repair Work of All Kinds Two Doors East of P. O. KLAMATH FALLS -:- -:- OREGON Hot Water for Sick Headaches Tall why veryon should drink hat water with phMphate (n ft Mftra brMkfaat. The One Essential Feature of a Vaccum Cleaner is, IT, MUST GET THE DIRT. Gets the imbedded dirt, as well as the surface litter, and does it without the aid of a brush. A New Lot Just Received. Hare You Got Yours? LINK RIVER EUECTRIC CO. Phone 171 flBBsT LdL " Headache of any kind U caused by lauto-lntoxlcatlon which means self- poisoning. Elver and bowel poisons i called toxins, sucked Into the blood through the lymph ducts, exclU tbej I heart which pumps the blood so fast lUdb II lUUgUOU IU IUQ lUkllDI W-l lea and veins of the head, producing violent, throbbing pain and distress, called headache. You become nerr-l our, oesponaant, sick, revensn ana miserable, your meals sour and almost nauseate you. Then you resort to ace aniline, aspirin or the bromide which temporarily relieve but do not rid the blood of these Irritating; toxins. A class of hot water with a tea poonfull of limestone phosphate In It, drank before breakfast for awhile, will not only wash these poisons from your system and cure you of bead ache, but will cleanse, purify and freshen the entire alimentary canal. Ask your pharmacist for a quarter pound of limestone phosphate. It 1 In expensive, harmless as sugar, and al most tasteless, except for a sourish twinge which la not unpleasant. If you aren't feeling your beat, If tongue Is coated or you wake up with bad taste, foul breath or bare colds, indigestion, biliousness, constipation or sour, acid stomach, begin tbe phot pbated hot water cure to rid your system of toxins and poisons. Results are quick and It Ii claimed that those who continue to flush out tbe stomach, liver and bowels every morning, never have any headache or know a miserable moment. Adv. i ITS A POOR DOCTOR ! Who Won't Take His Own Medicine THAT'S WHY WE ARE USING THIS SPACE TO TELL YOU WHAT JOLLY LITTLE BUSINESS STIMULATORS HERALD WANT ADS ARE AND WHY THEY GET RESULTS T 'HERE IS NO GUESSWORK about a Herald Want Ad. They do the business. We know they pay. Our customers have told us so time and again. We have used them ourselves and they have never failed to get results. They are the short cut to a quick turn-over the modern method of merchandising on a small scale, where the value of the article to be sold or the importance of the want to be filled will not justify a heavy outlay. If you had something to sell, trade or give away and went out on the street and told each person you met about what you wanted to do, you might get results but the people you talked to would be very likely to say: "That poor fish has bats in his belfry." If, on the other hand, you used a Want Ad, you would talk to the whole county at oncenstead of only one person, and do it in a businesslike manner. The same rule applies to hiring help, renting a house, looking for a job, or any one of the important little incidents of life where you must call in the assistance of someone outside your immediate family. "You MIGHT get results by telling your troubles to the neighbors but the certain, quick and economical way is to use a little classified ad. Do 'you want to buy, sell or trade, want to hire help or find work; do you want to find a room, a house to rent, or to rent the same to someone else ; do you want to call attention to some new feature of your business, seek information on some subject, or have you any little unfilled want? USE HERALD WANT ADS t THEY DELIVER THE GOODS AND ARE ALWAYS WORKING !