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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (May 28, 1919)
w THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON mii -i, mh . inifi ra( J TAOr rX)l'll raw The Evening Herald K. i. M r It 11 A V EDITOR Published dully except Snnda lit ni Herald Publishing Company 01 Klamath Kails, at 116 fourth ulreet Entered at the poMofflre nt kliitn mth Falls, Ore , tor transmission thru tke malls as second-clans matter Subscription terms by mnll to an ddr In the United States One year ........... 15 Ol One month ...... 60 Member of the .soot.ittl Prv The AssociMed Press Is exclushelj watlUed to the ue lor republication ef all news dispatches credited to II or not ttherwtso creditid in this pa per htid also local news published fcere'U All r'Rhts of republication of spe cial dispatches herein are niso re rved WflM'sII. M 'JS, tltttt TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY NOTICK TO KkVT KATK WATKK Cl'STOMKlW. It Is thought mine coinenlont for our cnslonu'is if the bouts for sprlukliUK bo considered us Sun Time" imd not the new Legal Time." i II Is difficult to Ket the rules amended, but wo will for the benefit of the service. Interpret the lime us the old time, or Sun Time, which moans thitt the hours Xi the clock are from a in to a m and from t! p in to p m California Oregon Power Co ROCKY POINT T,,r ol ' ,M,,m '" ' '" sol,T llrt I em Ion I' O.Oieuon eic.m Mu-Iei emlici (.1 uu:, iioksks, notjs. twiPiso. in viim., risiiiNt), noAiist. oiu:, ikmi, cott.isi:s, hoi mmioats .ooi inns, coon ,MlUl.. tJoon iimi: i ou : i:itvitot ni(. in i'Wii.iiiv Ki:in sviutuw muiii- pt in: moj ti. spium; in it. HARPST & WHEELER, Proprietors "WAKTVl)--Uood pirl Marshall H6je 2S-3 TEXJfGTON The most practical car In its class Klamath Stage Carafe, 6th st 2S-1 FOR SALE: S-rootu new house, all modern im proTements. Including heating plant, fnll b.tment Price $5250 00. some terms This must be seen te be ap preciated 7-roc".i modern, completely fur ishncd house on Pine street. In heart of business center J 4500 00, only 11000 OflO cash, balance on or be fore three years. T-reoni modern houe on Pine t . Tents for $32 30 per month, will sell Tor $3000 00 with $500 00 cash, and Ho 00 per month Why don't you own this' ' 5-room plastered house, bath, elec tric Sights, all furnished, has barn, garage shade trees, lawn; only J2000.0O. some terras Can vou beat It? 4-rocm modern house, bath, toilet, sink, l-ctric lights garage, price J ISOt ".. only $600.00 cash, balance $25.00 per month 3-roo. i house in Fair-view addi tion, or re $500 00. onl $50 00 cah and $20 00 per month ft. E SMITH IJEAI.TV CO .117 Main M. NOTICE TO CHKIHTOIIS. In the County Court of the State of Oregon fo rthe County of Klamath. In the Matter of the Estate of Andy O'Malley, deceased Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been duly appointed EXTRA! EXTRA! GARICH'S GROCERY NEWS VOI I MF I. Kl ril I"l !. OKI iON. l 11M'.nDI, M IV UN. IIHII SI Mill II IN F RED RETURNS WIT BERRIES FOR CANNING Makes Big Deal For Customers His GOOD FOR TEN DAYS Start Out Determined to Cut the High Co f Ulng 'or the People of This Clt. and I- Ver Successful. KLAMATH FALLS. May 2S (Special Announcement) F H Garich. proplrutor of The News and the big grocery store next door to the postoffice. has made another ten strike in hN dctcnui nation to hammer down the high cost of lllug KcalltliiK that the cost of strawberries was 'out of ight, he hopped into his cur and beat It for the Kogue Klvor alley There he made a deal that will be good for onl 10 dan. Here Is the plan If ou want strawberries for canning, get our order In now and It will be filled any time you ay, within the next ten dus The price it crate will be J 2 45, de livered to our door To make sure thut his custom ers win get berries that ure ripe, fresh and perfect In eiery way. Mr Garich made It a condition of the deal that the berries are to be picked before 7 o clock In the morning, und shipped the same day they are picked Thus they reach here about 12 houn) after being taken from the vine That's going some Mr Garich has the highest grade cane sugar for canning tin si- har ries, which he will sell at $11 50 the sack MIIIOIH l . t know my customers will be pleased to learn of the special ur rangeinenl I have made for gel ling strawberries under special 1 conditions and prices I believe this Is the beat deal I hiiv. ever made and I want ou to haw the I benefit of It on know what I Hogue lllwr berries are. and ' handled as I urn going to handle them, you are going to get a bet ter berry than has ewr been tit fered for sale In this city before It will not now be neressur) to go over to Ashland, as some lum He wives have had lo do, In order In get the berry In Its very best con ' illt lull This can now- be accomp lished miller my plan and the prieo la right, and will be no lower I thin ear Don't w< MORE BUSINESS FIRST CLASS GOODS BETTER SERVICE sV.v. sVsV-sV Estate by the County Court of the A County of Klamath, State of Oregon, t and all persons having claims agalns Raid Estate are notified to present sane to taid administrator at the law JL office o' R C Groesbeck, Klamath t Falls, Oregon, within six months ! frer: '" date of this notice JL Dated May 21. 1919 t WALTER E. PERKINS, Administrator of the Estate of AEdy OMalley, deceased i SI-2S-4-11-1S IT I'lYS TO INVESTIGATE. t Before buying insurance. It will pay you well to find out what A Leading American Compan) has to I offer you You can buy nothing A heter THE MUTUAL LIFE. GKO C. III. RICH DlatHct Manairor r.'lc First State and Savings Bank 2S-10 lciciiiiiiiiiiii X Liberty Theatre Tonight Only X WM V CLARA I X BKIMDAILYOUNG :: II ClARA. HiMDAU. -fOVH6 mU WOJVbD F1CTUM f - T T t i REGULAR PRICES: 10 Cents and 20 Cents mnwM&mmmm t t ? t f $ t t T ? T t t T T t T T T t T T T T T T T Y t t T T T T T t T T T NOTICE The management of Van's Auto Service wishes to announce that the ad in the Evening Herald on May 22, stating that Mr. Howard had taken over the interest of the Van's Auto Service in the stage line operating between Klamath Falls and Ashland, was somewhat ahead of time, as the deal was not consummated ; so for the future ASHLAND-KLAMATH FALLS STAGE tickets will be on sale at the old stand of VAN'S AUTO SERVICE, 621 MAIN. Daily Stage Service, with large seven-passenger cars, with trailers in connection to handle the baggage. We make connection with north-bound train at Ashland. At present we are operating over the most scenic route in the state, viewing Topsy Grade and the Siskiyou mountains, via the Pacific Highway. We also operate a FOR RENT service, 'day or night. Local or long trips. We appreciate your business in the past also in the future. Excursions run to Klamath Hot Springs on Sundays. If we suit you, tell others if not, tell us and we will try and make good. -f Vans Auto Service Phone 298-W ( butter No "I i I'ederal lleserw itrlu N, i. MTOItr OP t HM'IIION t.l' mi. J First National Bank "' ' i.f Imi. At Klnniulli lull" l" "' Mat" "I "iei..n In "i en Vm I .' l'i 1 '. Id '.ill Iti l.S I 1 nans it it tl illxciiiititH, m '.in'. Iig i edlM mulls f I'll '. lii till. I it NuU' mid bills redlsi oiltlted llnill luillli hiiits mild l (see Item fl'al ti" (Hi rdlilflK, IIIIHi'Cllleil ,V I , ,s. Hi, nil- (oilier lliau l.lbeitv lenila. but Ini'liiitlliK I' S i rtllli utes of llileli'eilness I ' ii f s IIihiiIn deposited In ure rln illation (par mi hi el Ii t IIihiiIh ami letllllciites lit lliilebtedtlens pledged lo se- iiire I M ilepnBllN t.ll'lr I I' 8 HiiniU mid i ertlllcntes ul Hull liteiluens iiwlied mid illipli dgrd ft l.llnrn l.nall lliinil ii l.lbern l.d. in llniids 1 , I, (ll.ll I ' ierielll llllllleilt'.eit l..t'Ctt Loan llniids, ,t', I. allil I1, per tent, ileilreil to mi lite tuiHIul savings ilepiiHlls 7 ll.,liK. settirilles. eli.. (othir tliuli I .' I Ii Hotidn (other than I' 8. bonds I pledged to sreure pos tal alugs ilepimttn c HoihIk mid si'curllli- plodgfd as -ollliterat for Slate, or utll de'eslt I postal excluded I or bill ianble i Securltlcii ""other than I' H bonds (not Including stocks I owned unpledged Total hottita. mm urltles, etc . other t Ii i it I' S 1 Stock of Keili ral Itenerve HanW (Mi per cent of siilincrlplloii I 1 f- n Value of luillklllR limine, ovmi- ed and iilillii'iliubered I 1 Kuriilttire and future 1. Ileal istule ownrd other t tin ii hanking hoton It Lauftil renerte m llti Krdrrnl Iteserse Hank It. ('null III Miult and net aiuntiuts due from national banks If--Nit aiiiiiuiits dim from iMinkn. banker and trust companies , other than Hirliiilril in Items 13 or ! IS Cliockn on other banks In tlie name rlly or Iiihii as report lilt; bank (other than Item 1?) Total of Items 11. Id. 1 J2S0 1 'J - I llrrki. on balik located out- ld' of clt) or town of rn- portlnr bank and other r.ish Items rti- Itedeiuptlon fund with 1" H. Treiisurrr and due from l S. " Treasurer ri Illterext earned but Hot rolled ed aiproiluiati on notrn ami bills rt-relwihlii not past due II War SunIiik" Certlllcutrs uml Thrift Hta.nps actually owned i r. ii . I Ull 1)1, I(II,0UI1 I 0 lo, noil no 10,000 Oil I ,i , HO 15.000 Oil ,' n , 4 30.000 DO 10.000 00 !'!MJj M !." n IS . ; no 'ii mm on I" (!, l ( 1 100 oo 7 I 2ui i, .'30 n7C 74 i i o i 1 : S.'i il 4: ; i : ::-. c. j- jc.cso ii i'J Total I.IAIIII.I'IIUiJ 4 -f'npltnl ntork pulil III f. Surplus fund .T, - a tinillvlded profllii f Si'.. 1 50 i' b current cipcutcs, Inter el and lines paid .'7 Interest and dlrrnunl collected or credited. In advance of ma- turlty and not earned (up- " approdiuniei 1 it Amount renerved for tuxrs lirrriled " j 30 ClrrulutlnK notes outstnnilliiK l" Net uinoiint dun to National bunks 3 3 Net urmiti n I due to banks, bankern and trimt companies (other than Included In Item 14 Certified checks OutntunillnK .fi ( ushler'ti checks on own bank outHtiindliiK Total of Itims 32, 33. 34 and J.'. Driiuinil ileiHislls (other limn bank iliHi-.) Mitijcc! lo llesrrir (deposits pa)ublu within 30 iluyn) 3C Individual (luponlts subject to check :t7 Cortlllrutes of deiosll dun In lens Ilia n ,10 days (other thiin for money borrowed I .ifc- State, (nuiily or other municipal deposits secured b) pleitKO of uHMeth of thin bunk 4(1- IMldeuiN unpaid 'I'n t n 1 of deinand deposllH (oilier than liuilk deposits) hiibject to renorve, Itiiins 1C. 37. 3h. 39, 40 und 41 f S:i.!i3& 93 Time deposit subject to lterre (payable after 30 days, or subject lo 30 days or more, notice, mid postal havlnns) ; 4 2 Certificates of deposit (other than for money borrowed) 4 4 Postal NitviiiKH deposits 4 5 Other time (lnportltH Total of time deposits Hiib ject to Unserve, Items 4 2 44 and 4f. 1 170,275 30 4tl Cnltcil Htato. ili'lMislts (other Ihnn postal navlnKH) c Other United Ktates ileposllH, Including' deposits of II. H. illHliurHliiK offlcorH 48 u Other bonds borrowed with out furnlHliliiK collateral ne curlly for Miitim . o3 Letters of Credit nnd Travelers' Cherkti Mold for ciihIi und out- HtlllllllllK , 5C LliibllllleK other thun Ihohii iibovo Hinted: llond puymentH Victory Loun I ceo 00 It (74 19 J1.51I on J7 J 100 000 00 :: coo oo ! (Co IS' ! C7s 39 : ii: 9 100 000 00 li ii o" :i,37o :o 1 233 04 C !' IS hS,3l6 71 74.C20 22 10 000 00 iif.b 00 H2.C29 93 1S.31G k 15.J2S 57 9,418 1 " 40,000.00 1,73125 35,210 00 Tolul 57 ii LIubllltliH for rodlMcounlH, IncludlnR Hiiibii with Federal Itenervu bank (hi.-o Item Id).. $1,031,013.87 C7.10G.43 Tolul rontltiKent llal.llltleH , . (57u) $ 07,105 42 Htuto if Oregon, County or Klamath, m: . I, I.iimIIh HoKers, iiiMhler of tlio ubovo-namcil Innk, do " onmly Bweur Hint tlio iibovo uUitomont Ih trui to the boot of mj knowloilKu mid belief. I.ICHI.Ili IIOOISHS, Canl'ler. COHIIICCT -AtliiHt: K. (. ItKAMKH, JOHN M MOOHK, A. M. COM, I lilt, Directors, , ..... KtiliRcrllmil und hwoiii lo lioforo inn HiIh 22ih1 ilny ' ""' l'Jld IimiT K WITIIItOW, Notary l'lim"" (My commlHHion expltoB Dtcoinbor 7, 1U-U K Jh