Tl I SMU. t -jj. Mini PAC.r. porn TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY " with in., m,,,,,,,,,, ,.,, "iiiiiiiiiiilnii! mi ,n, "" The Evening Herald Pini8t Now Prcmicr of Polnnd, and Wife Saved ixu it (SKr.itTioN'j womi'v imr nn hh.his SHOWN IS I'llOTtl IN l I't III.K N l'im nriil h'llll Willi MUM.- lll,. ,,1,11,1, , roil HIST I'tniiishml iipniiiii.-iK i,in tin,,, I'm,,,,,,,,, , "II Women in) iiiiiI Mnlti Phone U' .' ! in mm,,. ,,,, ,"' r"" r I '" Hi! r MonioN Hert t Thumii. luiV r VslIIViiTON Mi .' lir. E. J. M l' II It A Y EDITOR From Bolshevik Assassins toned ii pholo fiom Mm Tliiunnx. are poimlttiil to pnrlli Unite in the xuliHi'tliifliiim in ,!,., ..,' ""Nlvr who l visiting her parent In Ohio nffnlr of the llopilbll.-iin pint on DOIUIIJ ('.Ml for mile in which four i-enorntlons ore liot full oiiimlltv Willi men M'liev me In f C l.iiw IIHIMII In mi ii,Im,i., , ""til a: a- ......... m, . ,;; t t.. Published dicllv except Sutuluv h The llernlil Publishing Onni'iin of Klamath Kalis. Ht 1U Fourth street Enteral at the postofflce at Khun tb Kails. Ore , for tratisml.slnn thru the mulls nt second class in alt or lWX 1,JV Mr. Tl.otnus will, her I v Kirl. In r Just the -urn, a other voter, nc w Wmn1 , ,.r , ,( flurli ...ih,mi ,,, I,,,,';. 1(""; ''"'"l' . .. ....1 .it... ..!.... .. V. .!...., f ' ! !..., Will llm i nlil. .1. ' '"iiiHntit v.s . ' 'ii, ,i ,.i.i?,:,"bi l" . MV nn liter iinii uriimiinoiiH i roriiuiK " .iuhmihi uHinu - i,,,. ,, Ihmikow ,, k on rnlliMi All .... ,,,,, , ,,, , ,, ' illlE . ' 1 1 tt x lii ii Miitoinout loilu ,it lli- ilren l M Hleeiimiii lm 1'n, or '" "" """ '" ,"" " e,,i tim,, i,. .",'. . .. - I'li.l Mini ,i iii. .,,, v.,,i '!' "in lit , i, .."."'II -I'Mur "" "i full 11 Wllm, !- r nl.n. Shephen,, 27-.. """" ' "' ""T ' r ,L -. ,V,e. ....mi JT S ' '- j-- -- ;-. pnriN orker nt Ilie U aril i .i I I rK ' . -' it riite .V ""' " ,,,, r" ttl'MMIMt 1'ASTllti: foi I Ml heuil ''I'll I .,u .i..,;.. i i rft ft&w&c a&i The wonieii are not In '. i 'I i,iulv on Mlllei lulninl ill $ihi '" ne init. t,r ,, 1( KKTHI'iT of TUP ( oMMTION OP ,,, on.liirx iotilili mtlon Mr Mm per lien.l per month full I l " I" Mot sjh K, ,,i,m , '. THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Ulr II ii per hen.l per iiionih full I l " In Mm sj k,,i,, """, ,., Hooper 27-f I'liu- l in.- i,i i.i,,,,,. '"r" 1 i:iin. II. r mill, for ..,.), !,1,KI',",I" " '",0" " i .'m,'." " ,.),.,.. . ki.....i. . ...nut Kin... ,";; ';;.":;"'; '...r i, p , rt. . PC D I mill hut that full miiililei I i rirsi oinic a savings nanK ,, ,t,r i,m,i,,i. i h .. t.K,. t..t. V.illo In ll.o Clnl.i ..' (W,. Tilt UllllllH ! llldlllUtl tl nii-ninitt'ntit-- ! ! .... .ni ic niiiinii' ii ittini i o nun hi . . .. ,t ll,. .ly. f UilJlln.u ...I loll l.t,1llll,.l.,t ... I. . ....... ... dl.ll, .1 , , lM JUKI iMIIIlI, :l Subscription term hv mall to suv ddres In the I'nlted State One year . . f 5 00 One month m Mt'tiitxT of Ilie Ao i.ikhI Pre The oclMe.l Pro. I" ev.!iiivol entitled to the use for repuliii.aMon Pi all new. dispatches credited to it or not otherwise in tin" pa per and also loui lien, lulli.hc.l herein All rlght of -epuMliMMon of spe rial dispatches heren: are a,so re .rrn, tt I sp . M JT. till I 1.NPI I IMU ( II Will i ei: ii: m;i:i spoils If k m .ill t(i i tn .i--. 'ii-iiit- ii n .., .r . ..... . . .. Hill iMh " HI ' - i i it . nn , .,,, M,, : .11 . Million A SM A I -h. t-i -Ml.- in Mu.Ki bikI U M H' HI M Moil, rn il oi 7 ireil iinil wool in n imiuih tii"iiii .- ' "" '""I 1 1 i;i sin in i v . ,i 1 ii.Knini. f i jl 7S0 & ' raft- I'lh ll. ,.l l. Mid AC, K ""' 9' " A !" VI v. . ur. .1 ' I- .it I .i-tnn' m k. i. irllles juiln . i ' el, in 'i 7 7 C. Kiini'ture iiiul fixture. 7 ! ii '! i mil i-.ttiio onneil 2., 906 2S 1 rn.. fr, ' l.n"k. mm r. - n 1'Htik.i J OsJ. S" Pile fr iin approve.! r- .. te hunk. 21.' M7 31 i !e,k. ntiil other i".h i'. in. .' 'iM 01 !' Ihiiism for . leiirntK ;t i si. t.i.11. slum 'I I t i i !' I Ii. i h . . rfTN . W N " fti'fiiK , -i Iioiiko 1175551 i'-V.s- Fr,in.o Mn Jt Kro m rs 1 '.H'Sa. lush on hiiml 4 7l!t7 3'. Mlk p. Jama fringe.! with la. e to Aj , ' tijf -, f-'. w X ronrreo floor of Ruar . I on . mj j''e A'jS ' Total $1.4 1 91S 5J IfK the trnn.t.on of . number of '&w M r .,,., .ocK '.m"."'! r.o ....(. t)o tn'te.l State arrax onu.U. -iho ?vi, !JSWi5 Surplti. fuml 10 000 00 iWri :y?'V. r?te1 ",' j- sjmvf , Sfr J ' jfVt- . .- . f && .. r- .'omnamieereo trie peionplnc .i Fre-.h count here while the l.itltr hail " hi chateau for the from Tre wholesale appropriation of the counts heloncinp. hj the ci up' s ni.tile known to the Mili tar IVlfce by the count who hail re turned for a short furious!) The artnv ret-toreil nil the appro priated article while the men who eVo ed the lnxune of them are Ikhiico Jan l'aderewshl. Tremler of ln.'K'd n the guard ioue ' AT AI'I'OI.NTKP lMINsri: lllll!. rndhlileil profit, le ex penses mid taxes paid 10. HO iJ Pue to bunks ami hank ers 1-17 65 Individual deposit. sub ject to check S22.199 91 Cashier checks outstand ing -11 020 5 9 Certified cheeks 4 197 30 Time and Savings depoi. its 34S 81-4 50 Note, ami bill, redl counted ' 4oC JC Hills payable for mun- Poland, narrowly escaped a.s.i.s.ln.i- borrowed 4 5 000 00 Kerveil for Interest uml tnxes 1 S91 49 vv. P"".Ct IV-.OC V3k r.viE , cttv.Sv.i Report from Warsaw- state that tion at the hand, of two men sup posed to be llolshexik emissaries, on T.nnl l nv ilk SJ -n-ney H M Mannlnv ..i been his return to the Polish capital from St!U,, of Oregon pppon'1 administrator of the e- Paris, where he had been attending County of Klamath !i!t .- t c Fnirr'n ' J w Siemens. President of the " the Peace Conference Two men. how uboe named bank do il..innl eui iM.Mi-rivirrr l!rp revoler as the premier anil that the above statement I true t.. KIt.llT IN I. INI. the boat of m knciodr ami '"Mi;! Mil' A.t.littnn 1m .ire right in Madnmo Paderewski stopped from a J w MKMKNS, line with the ilevelnpiiieut uf the train, were pounced upon and ills- President Tn Yl "r"N IR,'K r!" 'M '"'"irmed by guard before they could CO"-lE"TTlA,J!p"ll...lllV on the lake front. i-uuikMioiims. anil AH KPI'Kll.sON temin..' will probablv im be e. rlrt? The Pianist-premier walked Et tu.ouMINCt AMP. .!!- 1 1 j- fi Illicit 1 fi-nil nou .el.iuil (I1I .....a in.iiil K ti fft.i lual tlt.aik n "it tl -...r.mii. (((. Ill, llini 1111 ("lltl l U I L t I ' 1VI IV i" I f V . ti t" ( V t V , be built Lot are cheap anil t.iin ( several thouauds had been wait- Pubserlbod and sworn to before m. rv. I ibertv IkiihI acceptcil .iiue , ... this 24th dav of May. 1919 i a cali. nK to Krt,et hlm Illt-HAHl- K SMITH. ' ( IIII.COTi: A sllTII ; Notary Public C-t-I .M.iin st. I'lmne till Ladies Outing wear at K K K (My commission eipire June 1-4, 27-3t Store 26-C 1920 I kkkkk:xk-k t A The a y f t v. t t T T v t T T t f v t V t t X T T t tterbury Challenge "That which is down deep in the soul of man determines his character." This holds good in the molding, and shaping of ma terials. It is the inwrought individuality that counts. The Atterbury thrives on side-by-side comparison. Nor is it the superficial comparison that the Atterbury invites. It is the ulti mate analysis of the deep hidden things the chemistry of the metal in the axles the machining of the gears. Time will tell. No machine can bluff against the wear and tear of service. Time will tell and the Atterbury will welcome the severest tests of time. "Without a Superior" Howie Garage X r r t T T t t t f ? T t T T fi T1 T T' t T' f1 T t Y1 Tl tl T T T T t ;::MMMi Rofrtshiny flavor n'i.1 fniirsinc n:nl i--.- . iisunl meliow-miklncss muke (,nii?l C.'i;-.:.- f T'vffve tni'i.iiit I v oni! r rn v i t i i 1 1 7 i n !.!m'.' .1 rt l l IVwO IUJUIII11 J ,U1U JV.I llltllltilll UUillMv . CAMELS M't it c in 'it r-Vf.;ti'.r ' 'I ' ,u t n s'Mnji- eft,. i.' Ti i- r . . i , ciari ur tjci si on t s n hns i'-vti b '. :i 1 , ) j.rjswcri'd. Your msu wil p:oc th..;' CmuK art' nn cvp-tt bluml f.t chtuci T. , imd choitf Do.JH'stic tobaccos which vei: a , Ijri'mly pioliT to fitht-r kind of tobaccn strMi(,'ht. Your ttst piovt-s thai! This expert blend brings out Ctimels' v. o'ii!t-r- (ul ci(-atettf iniiilities. It eliminates anv un pleasant cik'aretty aftertaste oi anv unpic.saiu cijjuretty odor ' It also makes possible Cann is enticing mildness while letamm' the lu.l ' Uuiy " of the tobaccos. No matter how much you like C.mie!s ur tl how hberiiilv von smoke iheni. tlw' wi'l -i,,r tire vour tnstv! rn i Jti-M-' tJlrr,l rt f - , t .1 t f.T- ft I -('- r J r tw m 4U m ppr 0vr4ittMi triif 't7ttff -h rttM iVir ft- Ar- 4M fA !(') 94 Afl J)IPI If !, m H 18 cents a package H 1 tr lc-Hl-' p6.'.qI i z V- tfrtl zs l.Mit rz. .. wM I i ll hIcamI. No matter how much you like C.mie!s ur tl c W 3..iriU. 1 SJ 5 1 A how hberiillv von smoke iheni. rjrv n-i'l -i,-,t Or i Z7 V 1 i f - - - ." i ,or "ur "u''' satisfaction compiut Cain.; ' 'f&sK with anv ci;;.irette in the world at am p ,. km! . jittrta,il. jj.itri ---3 hi3 SWigarettes V SfBlJE'NrT'S lZyJ K. J. HKYNOI.DS rOIIACCO CO. H D 1 iToViiiiiii(r Win.ic....s.irm, n c. H rjr- 411 pure gasoline I T'c'l Crown is .ii! imre gasoline through and ..: ou.f." v. it n dcpcndfdjlt; ptnvcr in every droji. It is alvsi . :e "old reliable. ' ;c ' C'-ow.i" la a cir-.ii,ht-(listillc(l. all-refinery caiolinc w.t.i t.-c ."nil rr.! co.iivi.oii- chain of boiling points ticccs- t-ii " :. Lvi. Hi,. ,i.uit unci s.mooia acceleration. stcauy, tlcfientlcl is i ..:- :m-1 loii' tiiilea;e. Crown tija Lnii- you I'.ll. "-3! K Pi. I mi ' f-r tiiv Lvi. Hi,. ,i.ick and smooth acceleration. steady, a jp Look lor the Ketl T4 ft c3M 4 Crown tija L". if you Ml. -. ii fr-af : "- c; Kr- "Hi Sua ill iili will 111 HI jfu R A. WINZLER, SPECIAL AGENT, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON nine no 3t 11-X .