INRKMO it i m. m jt, mm MKS THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON APPRECIATION The Honor Roll of Klamath County is an appreciation of the gallant men in Klamath County who .served the Nation in its hour of need. You are proud of your boy who is in the Service, and your neighbor is proud of his. WHAT THE HONOR ROLL WILL CONTAIN: It will have pictures and records of the boys of this County, who have been in the Service and who are now in the Service. They did their duty when we needed them and it is up to us to preserve their rec ords in a way that will make them proud that they are from Klamath County. It will have pictures and biographies of the women in our County, w hogave up their time and strength for the American Red Cross work. It will contain pictures and text describing the activities of the men who could not go to war, but were eager to do their part by helping Uncle Sam with all of his war activities, such as Liberty Loan Drives, War Stamps anL various relief work. We want these, pictures and biographies so that we can prepare an Honor Roll for Klamath County that wilj be preserved for many generations. It will contain handsome colored reproductions of General Pershing, President Wilson and Gen eral Foch. Each picture will be placed within an elaborate decorative frame smybolic of the activities of each of these great men. It will have four distinctive five-color divisional illustrations prepared by a well known artist, typ ifying the activities of the Army, the Navy, the Red Cross and Home Service Workers. It will be elaborately prepared with page after page of highly artistic colored designs in the fore part of the volume especially designed for our Honor Roll by one of the leading Publishing Companies in this country. We have spared no expense in making this book one that will be highly prized. We feel confident that it will be a volume that everyone will treasure and hand down from one generation to another with considerable pride. We want your picture, your boy's picture, and biographies in this book. Below we print coupons that we desire you to fill out and send in at once. If you have a photo graph, send it along. We will take just the same care of it that you do and it will be returned. If you have no photograph, come to our office and we will give you an order on a photographer, who will make the picture for us at our expense. The Headquarters of the Roll of Honor is in the Bristol Building, Sixth and Main Streets, over Sugarman's. Come and see us personally if you do not fully understand. Bear in mind, there is no charge, and that we want the picture and record of every boy who served his country; also the picture and record of the leading actors in the Red Cross work, Liberty Loans; War Ac tivities and other drives. Under Direction of A. C. LESTER r"' r 4 HERALD PUBLISHING COMPANY. COUPON FOR HOME SERVICE Name Branch of Home Service Name of Town Name of County The nlioto should lie used to ilt'ilKmito (lie tpp of Home St'iilce jou 1iiim been engaged In. Fill In care, nilly. 0 COUPON Name , Rank Born Son of (Iloth Parents) Date of promotion to rank of Date of promotion to rank of Date of promotion to rank of Date of promotion to rank of Wounded at Battle of Date Killed at Battle of Date Died : Place Date -HHHcHaMHS PAGB TURKU " ifTmipsmmmwym m m 1 ssf - i 'aw 1 m E31 !,f I VI At. n vlfi M 1 Wi tf A t -"jy mm fcJ-MFfci. vii I . si