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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (May 26, 1919)
MOM' Mn '- """ THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON pAfjp, rivi: 1 IIOUSTON'CIS Mi ir. ". In. hi iiiiimiiioih,, J ;-:0-:..:.;;.:w:v..:. KLAMATH FALLS MUSIC HOUSE IN predentin", tin Old and Well Known Muoic I louse of HOUSTON'S OPERA HOUSE V, Hi ii .1 I i v 1 1 lit I; Nul.l- I Ml s( . 1 T If o ir ux V us ra lmm& 4i Ti T7 Sherman, LU lay & Go. Tone Ui X7 c ystem d i our lone STAR THEATER iiix liluin l'ii'viiil m tin i iu:mwi I'l i llll 1,1111," MIIH In I', ,d. t, ," N A IIIk imiiil). Of San Francisco Slcinwny, Wcbcr mid Other Pianos; Aeolian Pipe Organs, Pianola Pianos; Player Music. EVERYTHING IN MUSIC COME AND SEE Phone 125 .1. (J. KAMER Geo. A. Wirt. 733 Main St. li- P TEMPLETHEATER ntuw ERSONAL MENTION Ill-Ill' sllll I.MlHIo ( Hit M, IMI CI MNOh .monj mi: I'l on i: or in is nn mniiiMn, (joisok ,nu cuMiMH nc i mi , Jlr I tin I Molilrtmi lii mi I' V I mmlit) In tin- rii from tlfflnl iif'iii'l Wiirili'li iif l li' !! Ill" riiiiih In tho nod llHi-r Vlli' Ifkulm 'l' HIiiIk Aoiiitil t I I I llloll from I'ontann Kim Ulnn lnl ui'i'k wan tho wlfo uf unn l n roiont urrhiil In Klamath Cbarlnt Mohlrtim, who roMdoil In lnll Kltmntli I'iiII" 't ninny iam , Charllo M('arlli, n uoll known 1'rr.l, n "ll Kmittii r.-ltl ""'I'm''" f UI) H In Hi- 'utility1 . . .... . ...... .... ....,.... ..r i i I ,ol ol Iho Wood illvor Viilli-. Ion,""" "" """" "' for hrr limiir rlnlurdny nflornnon fol o Inc a "hurt himlnoM vlH C J Hunt tranaartod liualnoa tb tho Klnmnth Knll inorchiinta ralurtlay nltornoon (rum Orlmlnli' Churl''" Hood I" iiinoiiK llii' Klntn ith KaII lnilnm vMtnm toda) truro StruM in Modoc 'niin( X 1) i:intiarli, who oporalo a 'IiIkiiIi l'iirii II I I M III KMIIMI 1 I III" I'ltl 71 Mil. II" I ( liriiimi nf tin- llli Out HiM,rs 11m. I'nllio i IjiIom I iirrriil twill. AilinUnlon in Ifi cml Mntlnce -'Ml. KtmiiiiKo 7 'HI U. MERRILL OPERA HOUSE MOTION I'KTl'IlKh TUKHDAYH AND HATUHUAYB Mwrlll. Orocon A V t t T ? T 7 Prod A oaor w iiiiinnc llm train urrltulii limt nlicht (rum Mumi- l,K.lKS tH IMY riTV. .?. f t Nux-I-Tone i jicculiarly fitted to tone up the .system, en rich the blood, impiove the appetite, ;;id digts-tion, and promoUi new health and strength. Convalescents, weak, anemic women and girls, feeble old folks, delicate children all need a good tonic and blood builder. Nux-I-Tone A Powerful Tonic Containing Iron and Nux Vomica in Combination With Beef and Wine. If our recommendation. Nux-I-Tone diffeic from many other so called tonics in that it is pleasant to take and the Iron and Nux Vomica are in a form that is readily accepted by the system. There are other reasons, too, why Nux-I-Tone is so popular with our customers. Come in and let us show you. $1.00 THE LARGE BOTTLE Whitman Drug Co. Mm H I) Mortinum loft thin ' X. 520 MAIN ST. PHONE 143 inn: I In In HiiiiilrtK "t tin' Hull lnnrnlnK for Sun KranclMro. whi'ro5 ,,,,,', "I"' will Join lur huHlmnd, who wont JT Mlrni Toklii Johnnon him icnni' In Uiith lant week Thrv i.m.ri t mn.IV mJJ t t- t t T T T T T t T T t y fxpuct to m. Oiikliitnl In mii-nil pun of hor huiii- tor through tho Yimomlto Nntlonnl imr tiirntliin uflor flnUliltiK nrr 'nrk imd ibcn ilrUi- thi-lr car to tiTin im ti-nchrr nt tlii" Mulln Kcliool Klunuith Falln Mr ami Mni r M Moon-, who liai lioon horo for a nhort tlino from Klt,lt .lljliuu .1 I?. .. .,lll . I"lli lu l .-.... .nn . i, in,.. .u uiiii rurun luirnuiii.ii - .i .., i.iih aiikoiok niivn rmm to .Moilloni, Main ut K K K Store 26 6 town mi iiiiliiri. for a fow ilayn wtiorn thoy oipoft to iiinko lliolr m Mr mni Mr A A l'rlrkon, W liomo llcllrldr. nml Clltmrt Mrllrlilo urn Mlim Kilna Itunh, toachor nt Mur ttiltom in Klnmnth KnlU from Fort rill for tho pant or, loft on thn v v v Jont-t. ('ttllfnrnlii Mr mni Mm A ttrr fur u nliiirt tlmo from llrnv Ther '' KUoiitii at tho Wlilto roll ran tllilrl Sam Hull ami l.'lliort Hall arr Inl torf IimI) from lllilillo. Wni II lllnrl),, a forinor ronlilotit of Klatnutli County anil now localoil t rhlco. Im hoon horo for u fow df vlnltliiK III tho Mlllor Hill illi Irlct. Ho loft for hln homo thin nornlnr Mr llotir llolvln wan n ianon rrr mi tin- train thin murium: for Alhlanil Slut opootN to ho In AnIi Unit nml Moilfonl for tho now monlli Mr II V I'attomim anil two chll Iron ttoro paM.,nKor till luornliiR fnrClur ItaplilB Iovmi. whoro lliov platyto Join Mr I'dlli'Iimn and mnko lhe homo tholr In tho futuri Mlia Anno llobort who hu 'oi n tlllBB mhnnl nt Merrill thlx rnr Wt tuila fur Han iiwo i. lifuruUi tt tKi minimor ,iiuiliin Mr ami Urn II I.hii. ol r hao "lurnoil to tholr hninu nt l.n Aii tlpiBfiir a Nl ltli ,Mr ami Mr-. Frd Miilloniu of Klamiith r.ill Mr. mul Mrs J J Ttillov aro In tom fnr a nhurl k! from Kirk l- l' I'orry U roKUioroil ut iho WMte ivliian llotol ti.,'.iv from OfatltK I'rfmi M mi, I r Charlo'i ijiw-m ami Mf.ftim Mik Ohl..H ar. in i..ti in. ii ,!'' Kl.m iih ,.ni v train toilay for hor hoino at Dnvln, H. Ilanlncor aro 'allfniln - - in rij-L-u-Lnj-M-ijTjTj- t At the Theaters the flrt performnnoe wn wl'nossed J flcult to dUDlicato . porting Nazimova Is a cast of sterl- by a largo nnd HpproclaM.- aiiiik ncc ' Deep and hcart-molng as tbej Ing players numbering such acton as This pluy, which In a ncrin aiHp-' drama Is, there are at the same time Charles Bryant, Heary Harmon, Nancy Palmer, Gearge W Davlea, T. Morse Koupal, Charles Smiley, Tom Blake Hugh Jeffrey and Dorothy tatlon of the poworful Mas lrnria,,many whimsical and delightful mom " 'Option SbiMls," from tfco p-.-n of cnt a change from tears to laugh H Aumln Adams, made f.iT.oui bv'ter which would tax to the utter- NazlmoTf to theatre koom 'i her most the ability and art of any othr Smoller The play was adapted for long and succennful New York run, actress but which, to this woman of I the screen by Albert Capellani and Mlaa Vorna l'raodor. MIkh Agnoa Scott, Mrn I. Kglo ami i: Kglo aro a inrt of lU(im in Klamath I'nlts glve thl litingulshed itnr two Out of tho Tr. tho laUMt s.n-en rolrs of widely dlffernt tharaoter proiluctlon in wu i h tin Interna.. In It alio Ik seen as both the innihT tlonnlly faniiil u '.'tilriumi and the daughter at dlffoioni per- from Sllvor l.ako Thoy ramo in Sat- "' '"' erD 'ne fi-'itiiM juktci4 I lods of the play charnfic.-s which urdn nftornoon and am gtioata at l,wy "l U"! Llt"ftv Tlieatri Ahoro I for range of emotion It would 'ie rtlf tho Wlilto I'ollran llotol g!,"'!MT''!gMgB V T Clllotl hoiiKht MtpplloH from tho Klamalh KnlU morrhantN for MU ranch at I'lno (Jrovo, Sattinlny nft ornoon S II ('lav. roprofinntlng tho Inter national 'nrroniol)ilotiro Scliiiiiln iiiiiio In otorda from Modfonl by unto llo nlato that tho road lio tuoon thin rlt s ami tho Klamatli Hot Sprllic la In hail Hhapo Karl I Mol'iill una a t'iint k, at ik otid laltor from (Meno It II Haw kin In In iho i;l fur a f, w .linn on IhihIiiohii from U . . I Mr and Mm A Ilo'irohff nio r. o:it urrlvabi In thla rlt from Hra ii.lfornlu Tho) ro atopiiliig at tlio llotol Hall S K Hurrla .ante In Sainriluv from lil homo at Mori III i u iuiti,ii of llllHlllOI.4 many moods, comes naturally and June Mathis and directed by Albert convincingly It is a play replete Capellani under the personal super with gripping power and xubtle J ision of Maxwell Karger, director charm bringing vividly to the Im- j general. agination tho griefs and Joys of the "Out of the Fog" will be shown ardent characters portrayed Sup- j again tonight at the Liberty. Chautauqua Days Are Coming Six Days of real enjoyment, relaxation and recreation. Six Days of splendid music, entertainment and lectures. Twenty-two big events all yours for a season ticket. Program Booklets and Chautauqua Talk to Be Distributed Soon WATCH FOR THEM UBERTY All th boil atvloa In Khaki ami wool i luth online (lariuonu at K K K -itum Jii 0 MlllCIJ Tlmri) will 1h a band rolloaraal at v 1' M Moml.i and Tiiosilav at tho 1'IUi Tomplo In inopaio fin M.'inor il iluv oxoiiIhos ll mi nil., is aro ii i i ,1 n I., on h.iii.l tw&stdl Two Concerts ucci's .Fourth Day Coi a. ecert Band THFATFR H. W. Pooie, I I I'll I. I, II! I'i I 1 I.I S" M.'li'noc Every Day 'I? .!' 1." Th G-. 1 1: - . : AZfMOv.'. in Omero Catelluci.i blinds to Chautauqua a great organization of lmwcians For M'veral years they hae"been the feature of Eastern Chautauquas. Fiit Western tour. A FEW OF THE TWENTY-TWO BIG EVENTS Sergent Gibbons The Pamells "Joy Night" . International Trio SmphQaic Quttet ! Over Sea Quartet Judge Geo. D. Alden "' Julius Caesar Nuyphe J. C. Herbsman Bess Cearhsrt Morrison Reason Tic!xt Prices: AdulU $2SQ-, Students y.BO; ChilJren $1 "Vvx T X( wliKi Kud) t T s TuiiiAY JlfN'lY P. WALTHALL in "Hlf. ROPE OF HONOR" Cominp; Next Friday "MICKEY" Tho Picluro You Will Novor Forgot. Kb ii ilii .Fall aW IWI X Via, i . gp- aXjd.-, - y .,VI m i ui .' I j LI71