""""" si. i.fl v.w.r porn THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON ECONOMY REFRIGERATORS It" uoniltrful .uiit.ir Mipert'h linitiK i-oiitriii-tloii luv ounit.l fur t (ho slcpan l.lko n Clean Mh ' Krom tho ounlilo all refrlR TMiurs appear mure or lo- alike, bill open nil Kconor mill iiiiiurt pol !. gIMeiiitiK tntenor nI h tin1 nrtllnnry klml ami ou will il once limit rM.uul xh the KCON'OMY l in a ol.i. b ltolf Price to I'll Ml lH-kctlxHk. Johnstone Furniture Co. Phone 16 917 Main St. 23 THes . . ZECEBEEEEE HZHsEB The Brunswick requires no exclusive artists Plays all makes of records at their best H. J. WINTERS JEWELER AND OPTICIAN The Evening Herald j. m r u it KlUTOIt V I'll Mlntioil ilnllr on opt Sniulm In Tho llcrnlil I'll I'l Islilm: I'oinpiins of 1hiiihIIi r'll. nl 11( l-'oiirlli sin'cl Entered nt tho postottleo m Klmii ith Knits, Ore for t rmiilwloii thru tho mail m Hocomt-cUim mutter Subscription term h mnll to rii ddren Id tho Vnlteil State Ono onr . $f 00 Juo month .... (in Member of the Ao Intel Pre tho collar ami Mini- lift II (IrllllMl 111! II I"" ' ' win iiilioiniiit. 'if '"'i v turn' io ih" -toil1 -i I I ii i liinwr llorton" Mrtiim. i 'IK u tor hu-'v ilt i,iri hi in niiiiil tin- milliner' In 'I i tirim I lm I.I lit 1 I! '.l '- I I " 'l 'i i lal'i i ih two "In k iriiiiisi'i" M i1 "' .III ' NplMlllltlOII fur I"'' i ismll In lene ririit uln.li llortene i "i lltln of tho olili vl in ami mint plot in o. ! tunim l.lotli'eMer 1 I li Nuiliiiotn mikI VI i' In r ttlroi'tnr n th" pline ,.r mum of tin ione k- :::::::::;: a ealth Is Wealth .!. ,1 I ) I II I ,li 'I 111! t . fltlCil llill ..f 111 ilio I'm: tho lnlet Smimi.a i pii. Tho Amux-I.Mo.l I'rem. Ik oiclimiM'l il'X'tion in "Inch thti nolo.t .'r iil intrtloil to tho ii M' tor topiiullinlloii li n at I ho llbeit Hi' ' ' )f nil now itlnputcht'n rroilltoil to It s,nuiax ami Monilio ir not otherwise cro.lit.il In thin pa- T ol( ,,,. , ,t. ,. , ,o r. anil nlvo local tuut iillnlnul oi ill' union iioi" i 'ir ' " Why So Many Prefer the Brunswick The Brunswick Method of Reproduction is the vonder of the phonographic art. And it wins ae e'lim from two orincipal ideas: The Ultona and The Brunswick Tone Amplifier. The Ultona is an exclusive invention, an all-record player to be had only on the Brunswick. It plays all makes of records as they should be played with the proper needle and the precise weight and with the proper diaphragm. The Brunswick Tone Amplifier is built entirely of wood, according to a new process. In this "Throat" of the phonograph all metal is discarded. This brings purity and volume of tone. There is an absence of the usual metallic sounds. You've never heard any record at its best until it is played on The Brunswick. A tone test at a Brunswick shop is conclusive evidence. Your ear is a quick judge. Your admiration for this superior phonograph will compel you to award The Brunswick first place. Come in today. Your judgment is final. teroln All right of ropiilillCHtlon of pe ll illnpatchon boren: aro Mli-o to orrod su itn.w, m ji. mm priilo ami Klory of Yntikoo r.iptain h ln-oti tiinr m oiik and tnr niul Ik tho plmo hori' Kiplnu: wroio l '. Kro.tiont Hilvomur" "( ilio ion I apliilni I'miraKooii ami ltro 'io inmlo III honi" "hi1, ho llxoil m nionra It i n 'on filloil nh tho ronmnro alii trmln oo of Ilio i u anil rotainn tho uhinrn anil i n.nor in oor . loinut "i farmi: piiilo Thoo inalin. r an! ruiloni" hiio crept lino ilio pictiir" takon horo ami ninKo (lilt of t'10 Kok " vlvlil pltvo of roalliin a rval lorv of roal flhrr-folk V ! f t t T luiui'inbtT. that t'tir our health and ,w i,,, ,M. M'l(pmrnt thi'if is nolhing hittr than U f pint' ami insii nir. i oil can oiuain imtl ini; a nict' little ride in the lialniv HAKLHY-DAVIDSON on a i'. tiik- suminei ei.K .MOTOKCYtlK and SIDIOCAR or one of our MK'VCl.KS Wo naiKiie me nesi in me line, two and tlnvc w lu-fl- T ers that will satisfy your wants; also 1 nnsa. A nia Tires and Tubes, which belong in tin class. t V v T aiuo Y Always Ready and Willing to Serve You. y Harley-Davidson Cyclery & Service Station 115 South Ninth St. (Opp. Ford Gnrrtgr) KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON t 6 Hi 1500 and 1600 Coo I lin ranch, Morrll roulo Sul- M-3 FOR SAMS 4-hlock cholc ro proporty on S'conil hot I'lno anil Hlfch l'rlcon rlxht anil torniH to null W A lllmoH, Klamath KallH 24-1 COMl'KTKNT girl wont ork hop. InK In family Inqulro Sl! Soc onil Ht 24-3 ! At the Theaters Daul . riff It Ii n.iihtor prmltif or sioroil anothir nrtiitu triiiiuiih whon hi-, latost Artcruft photoplay of loo anil war Tho 'Jroatoit TIiIiik In I Ifo ttai prosontoil ti.foro an onthuslaitlc ailillonco at tin Star thoatro otorila Tho photo pla introilucos ilalnt 1. Milan (iliti, ono of tho nio-l churmlnK icroon playorn In tho country. Hohort Hnr ron anil othor not.ihlo plaor all of whom npprnr to oxcollont ailvan Iiiko In till" romarkahlo production What l "tho Kroatot thlnr In llfo Tho tltlo. which muy appeal a unusually comprohonto. In iuk Kostod h tho tbomo of tho play Tho Kroatoat thlnr Ik somowhat dlfforont to nonrly oor- ponon. hut Mr C.rlf flth ha i-oloctoil what ho hollrvo to ho tho Kro.itoMt thlnr for tho maj orlty of perioq". as tho foundation for a drama of faiclnatlnr vanoty and nrrotlnR Mronsth -IVcki nail Olrl." Mafiol Nor niamr.i nmut fioldwyn I'lcturo. Clvpi tho vhaclous artlnto u rolo cor taln to dollKht her tromondous loc al following whon the iplrltod com-ory-drama Ib pronontoil at tho Star Theatro boKlnnlnK Sunday A iwoothoart and a Job hrlnK a markod chan;p In th- llfo of Mahol Ponolopo 1'ock (playod by Mahol1 Normand) llofor tho arrival of Filchanl HayoN In Yaptank tho vll laicors have been roused to ilonporato deeds by tho dally prank of Mahol Hut whon itlchard boplni to ' hlno up" to her Mabel decide he want to bo more like other Klrln So mIio Rets a Job as u.islHlant to a milliner In the village Ilefore loni; Mabel makes a dis covery thnt the cellar under the .......... store is beinr uneil for orne stranno tiiiii4fipfff9ff?r t t purpone KuHpirlous hhe ro.-h ,nu Nh:r itmi mi:tiui- IHIITK1) IN l.ltl I t I CKKTK. MAY It American scltntlflc arrlcultuiit are iif coniploiInK a iirir) of the oll pun ilhllltlei of Croto In tho nie thoro fashion In hlch they tirveed tho linok mutnluiiil American farmlnr machinery and up-to-date nitluxJ i aro nooilod and arranK"iiioiits h.no hoon madn to educate the farmer of tireeoe and Croto no that thov can Increase their yield of crops Major V l! Hopkins of Iho Illinois Agri cultural Department, and 1 loiii.-n ant Ii J llouyouncos. u native Creek fducatol In America and a former Instructor at MU-hlKan Agricultural CoIIoro. are In charno of tho Ameri can itod Cross agricultural survey of Greece and Croto TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY ron SAI.K Furnished or unfurn Ishor residence 23S Cedar street 24-tf KOIt SAMS Span of Marcs, weight Smith. Are You Still DrinkingCoftee? Well, then, why haven't you placed an order with us for at least 10 or 20 lbs. before it goes higher? You should take warning now. This is not the first time we have called your attention to this big advance that is coining (of which some has already gone on) but there is from four to possibly ten cents more due in a very short time. We can yet take care of your wants for a short time only, and we feel it our duty to save you every cent we can when it is within our power. Hills, Folgers, and M. J. B. is worth if bought today, GOc a pound we are still selling at oik'. Welfman's, selling at -15c, which is a mighty good value at today's prices. Morning dloiy will remain at -10c for only a few days. This is by far our biggest seller, and cups just to your taste. Why not order a 10 Ib. lot today? We still have some extra good values in bulks at -10c ami llk Give these a trial. Yours For More Business The SUNSET GROCERY PHONE 200 HOUSTON'C Metropolitan Amusements J Oxceto Welding Works Carl Schubert, Jr. BRA2ING, CUTTING AND DECARBONIZING Mechanical Repair Work of All Kinds Two Doors East of P. 0. KLAMATH FALLS -:- .:. OREGON HOUSTON'S OPERA HOUSE n.i.vriNf; U'ednisil.i) & Nit unlay Msctit. JAZZ Ml'SIC. STAR THEATER TOI1AV Ailolpli Zukor I'rt-M-ntJ. "TIIK oi.ii homi:sti:.I)" , Itural Comedy llrnma uftli an All Star fiil I1S4, The I lib Kpisode of "The I. lire of 'Hie Onus" SIVD.W fiolilv)n I'roscnm MAUI)!, NOI'MAM) In "I'KCKS HAD C.IHI." A wuel to "Peeks Had Ito)" AImi A IIlK V. Coined). TEMPLE THEATER KIT.MIAV Triangle Presents WII.I.IAM DKSMO.VI) I.N "TIIK I'ltKTKNDKH" A (7reat WesU-rn Ilriunn of the IIIk Out IloorH Also I'nlhr Xeufc iMvM Current Intents. AdmUalon 10 & IS cent Matinee 2.30. KvcningM 7:U0 St 0. MERRILL OPERA HOUSE MOTION I'lOTUItKb TUESDAYS AND SATURDAYS MmrwOl, Oregoa A. T T T ? f t J t if T T r I? T T Y If T T T T T T T T J T f T T T T J A IF 1 you can save as regularly as you pay rent, in a short time you will save paying, rent Meral: Start an account today with us. We will pay you 4 per cent interest on time deposits Klamath State Bank "THE DAYLIGHT BANK" Cor. Sixth and Main ? I T Y Y Y Y Y Y Y T T T Y T Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y t Y T t Y '.w. .. A . J. J. A. . A .. . .. .ft .. ., Jf. Ju Jf- J Jtu A. A Jt A. A. - -. A- AAA trt&W