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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (May 24, 1919)
THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON vn tinvi , VII - i ii i it. ' ggtyryvn-r' v'SiAaaOuu. -'"'-ntffiMii III PRESS sms minus i f! TSie Thrifty Housewife 'SKEVCU TOE COOTIES? TAKE THE DIAMOND DIP' -; .crm 5" N ' v . i ". ." t-, I!, V . Sv ".i,1 i&-v-f ' r. , i .'. VAC.K TWO ES I S l: ' kV ""sT - I Ii. FOR - ! . - S."V.T.SJ .. ... . fc! I tf r ' y i -Rk- m - . SJWggs.TgJgssag i.7wr", Ps A7cs:ay -- CTtiifc2'V SW55 "w :3Yf?J?S: it C: . - ' k ' v- -,, . , - r. V f . Ui l' " ' S i 'v t ; - v tm C 0--r a4 j Si? VW.s. MU.-v IS: & V1U.. K i i V IM: 7A- ' -$ (.. . w id, ft V v. ki ,) "" '-'r P5?Smk saralnW 8i yisBawwswj BCWWfKSUs,V-- - ' - - ? '-Tfc T? '...-' ri-nm"1"' .-- 'ithuiC l.Hy ii I fWVi AND HAVE A NICE COMFcr5TAtLC i r-.HMi ' I l. Summer xns:u. ijrxv sS 0 y'xv t v TV." v." iS- V LP-pJVCS' r-J'O 2S2i- Diamond Tire & Vulcanizing Co. 120 Sixth Street DISTRIBUTOR Klamath Falls, Ore. 2S? .JJU -WflBB I WIIMOk INjf ROBERTS & HANKS HARDWARE PHONE 173 422 MAIN ST. GERMAN ARSENAL IN BAD CONDITION HKKI.IN Th stitlii nrK.'inil at Spamlnu. which hm boon nhut down by the KOYvrnnn'nt hui shown month ly ileflclts of 35.000.00 murk for the past novcral month Kutlmnlot for April, .May ami Jum Inillrutnl a further total op-ratlnK loii of fin,. 000,000 Atti'iui't.H to utlllZf tho Kl Kantlc plant for poac proilurtlon an unsuccessful In its present condition and It will have to be dismantled and re-vijulppt-d The arsenal, which In poar tlrn employed 9,000 bands and In the past few years enxaKed 40.000 work ers, has Blnco the revolution devel oped Into a hotbed of radicalism Communist leaders openly engaged in the Intimidation of other workers, threatening them with boycott anil other forms of terrorism It is stated also that the plant has been grossly mismanaged which gradually brought on a state of passive resistance anil insubordination among the workers. i ii I i' V II ! IT ". i ikiliK mlitli pnili-' ii ' ' 'I" i , i m . limns fm win k i-f ' ! , In i it K I but the llnlliins ti' i i mil ii. tit: old NiilMileoiiie linllln.1- "f H'li Ii i K kjllelles li "fessur I'anli) d' Inenim of Milan wlin is n( the lieitd of the Italian Vil l u n lulil the cm lespimili nl nf 1 In. osiu luleil Press I lull ibe hole mutter lliul been lulil before the IV.ko ,.iit. t for ileelsloii mill thai the ltiilmiis so for are unh pirn iuk the k ef itt nmler seijlie"' inlliui n thnl lln nitt be piiileelid in ase 1 'iiilshi vik attenipl!i In .l-l.i - ul nr re-ell I beni, a bm ne.l itli h llermliugii tlaller nl Ivirocrml The llnhnlis feoieil tills llllKtlt lie the frt'- if the lliiiltiust gallery .nlaln hk mull priceless works us'll.H'l s M iiiln nn a Professor irAncoiiu stilled thnl the 1'ullan rlnlms fall under three I'lrsi iiuleiiitiitles for art works nl iled at J n 0Ol. 000 destroyed b the. Atistrlans In Italy during the wur in- luillug the air raids ut Venice. In ont. Padua. IliiM'ttna and oilier twiints. second, works which have been stolen from Italy in the post, third, works which logically belong to territory now occupied b Italy or nlniut to become her property. In eluding Poltt. I.lsia Island and h'ltime There are also protiotiul eiilitii for Italy's share which belong to her historically In case the museums of Vienna ami llmlnpest should be ill ldeil among the nations of the for mer empire, the Cjehch having . ready nubmllteil a similar claim Professor d'.lnconn said that among the works of art restitution of which Is demanded by Itllny are ! paint ings, of which only one Is not Italian, tho exception being the larger of two portraits of Ueinbrundt These is works have been valued at about $5, Ouo.iiiio Other notable ork claimed are Itaphael's Madonnu del Prato," "Jupiter and lo." by Correg glo; five other Corregglo of the 20 that are In the Austrian Imperial mu-, seumf Tlllans -.Madonna Dele CII-' eege"; .MorettTs "San Otutlnn." and two Tlntorettls. one being Susanna' and the Eldcn." Among second class works alleged to have been stolen from Italy arid Included In the llof museum roller tlon Is the famous Florentine Dia mond which Italians claim as part of the treasures of Tuscany carried off Princess Anna .Medici, contrary to agreement when nearly two centuries I'MVKIt.slTV IIO.VOIIS IIKKOKS. WASHINGTON, .May 2t - At the Commencement on lune ic, old Georgetown will plant and dedicate sixty trees in honor of her graduates aK0 "h" renoiincetl th Tuscan throne who gave their lives In the world '" on,,'r " '"Tome Kmpress of Aiis- war The trees wMI be iniirke,! by n. . ,rl" There is also a collection of Ve- American Forestry Association and n,,,lan '"""' "nil manuscripts and registered on the national inmur m.i 1,ull"n wr trophies which the llnl- beln-c eonrnilnti bv i ho socatlon '"i" claim have been stolen ut varl- As each tree is placed and tho OUH tliu-t but which Austria has al- marker with the name put around n,.- ways refused to restore tree u herns name will be culled out Regarding the 150 paintings which tv bill .'. Georgetown uvutor i'rilis the Italians took In February. It Is v'"-:--w-:M-'fr--3-..:..-: abov You Don't Need a Tool Box WHEN YOU GO TO FORT KLAMATH The Fort Klamath Garage will do your work and do it right at reasonable prices. We carry a full line of Accessories, Gas and Oils. Cart for Hire FORT KLAMATH GARAGE Propst & Porter Proprietors Phone rrl,"'fW"rr"Wf,!"f 't'f't '.'."St1r-r'frr-'e'ftJ'r'e''te'Vtrt'." LOST WHITE WORK HORSE Branded A on left shoulder; black work mare, also blue saddle horse, both branded wagonbow on right shoulder, and sorrel pony branded bar-S on jaw and branded on left shoulder. Finder notify JOHN O'SHEA, MALIN, OREGON, And Receive Reward. N Has a Place in Every Prescription That We Fill As progressive phar macists, we keep post ed on a 1 1 advances made in medicine and pharmacy. This is why our prescription department, and busi ness in general contin ues to grow. If our experience means anything to you, Jet us fill your prescriptions. It is Worth While to Feel Safe. UfVJerwood'sPrvariiwfY Ws? JOAMATHrAUS ORE00MmSJw wii mtkuuub ptoric f If tt.BTAJ kii'Wwh j"KB,;i'i stated that the Austrlans have admit ted the Justice of Italy's claims lo1 them us these, works were alleged to1 have been stolen from Austria after tho downfall of Nupoleou SHK'S MV C.IItl,, I got a letter Yesterday An' It said jThat she (She's my girl) j That Bho Just heard Thot I was In the hospital. 'An' both My arms were shot off. i An' she (Hhe'H my girl) An' she sub! She wiim prostrated An' that she'd Take earn of me When I got back, Dearest An' It was signed, Helen. An Hhe'H my girl An' 1 ain't in i The hospltul I An' both my arms Are on. jlJut Htlll Can take riire of me When I get back An' beHideH I'll show her Thut my unnB Ain't shot off When I Get home G K . ,4 ., i . U:.' lias for her motto '(),. Hun.'i,, (vnts for L'vcry Dollar I'pt'ndt.,." She believes in a full reti outlay. ii n I'm every She is not tight-fisted. She the cheapest materials aie most expensive in the end. Know s that "fti'll the WmiIv which She has an Aecoiint Hi shoils what heroines; nl' tli i iinnii'v sue spends, and a Hank Hook whirh hows what becomes of the money he SIU.S Her funds receive absolute pruUrti on First State & Savings Bank KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON A CAR LOAD OF OAKLAND Six Cylinder Touring Cars received today. Think of it a roomy, comfortable, five-passenger Touring Car, laid down at Klamath Falls, for $1295 THE WHIT -lNs. .48061 CrjtWVcr ICAN THC OPflCIAL AUTO BLUE BOOK AND CALIFORNIA 3TATE AUTO ASSOCIATION GARAGE THE SOLUTION' of battery troubles. Equip your car with an u Exibe" Battery backed by i "" Service. ktr Bs4, r. in JciTTeries Sor Automobiles JUDD LOW 23 Main St. Phone 22M BmStm' i a. c. m The star,, d stripes The Herald tellsyoutodaysn'ewstoday-not tomorrow. CHCKS AND CHICKENS CHICKEN FEED. ALL SIZES GRIT. OYSTER mi i , r l o o J CWP shell, scratch feed, cracked corn. Murphev s Feed & Seed Store EGG MASH. CHARCOAL. BONE, AND LICE 126 Sou!h Sixti St P87