93iB3K&ZiEB ttttyg- jaigntng Metulh jldAI. I'M'lUt 01 OKt'l orrm.u papeii or KMMAM' '! Nil KLAMATH FALLS Thirteenth Ycnr No. 3,630 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, MAY 24, 1919 Price, Five Cents MONSTER AUTO IP GROUNDS ! FOB 1. P. 0. J i (lu ll Hi" Alumni Ami, Mi-nil- II, ill lllillllK ' iliili-l ,i tiuiiiliKi iir fliii- in-i i Iii-k i i- ui.iili mill llll ltinn,.Mi.: xlmrl uti.frulii , KIVi-ll Tin- Alumni Ai i-Iiii.,i i-lm-ted I iirriiniH fur the -iir i. ii i,i,; i ip-t t'-ii I'K'Klili-nl, .loe Aw-r. ' I'M-nliii-m mill IIkk l.ul'iiilrli- - Ian iri-umirnr I burn were, iii-iirly eighty purl thn Iikhi kind of a tlinii ANNOUNCEMENT JIM LUKE IS BOIOT 1 With more gratification than wp e:m cvurwn in u'ntvlc ' The Herald announces that it is going to compile an Honor jHoll of those in Klamath County who took an active part in the winning of the war. We have been planning on this M T U N ITcni'lil e l. I n ; I ... ,i , i mi nil- Kiuh-riiiK .mil -v.-ryoi... r.- i ""u,. weens, aim it is oniy auer me most exnausuve Hot nd CoW Water Piped For Visitors TERMS STRONG NEAR BATH HOUSE rut for Hljtlii Hundred ramping Ptrtlr l Time of ?-' Convrn- tloa llrrr In Awut Ae ' '" i tA'arMiHloc Pnrk and Hur-' roodlBK (iniuoil In ItV 1'artl. rnn ihqtriamq i uii nuu I niniiu AHMV TO UK li:iM(i:i TO A IIAMrTL AMI XAVV lAriUC. I.V hWKIT AWAV IIV Pi.ACi; TltllATV KTIIMLAAIOVS comi'i u tioxs aiik n: iiirn TIK.l' (OVrUlKSK ACT ! IN I'Ll ISO TCLK I.AKi: VICIMTV t M' DOC NATIONAL R)Ki:ST A Utt out" rump ic round (or thn liilllnt Klkn Kill) hot ami colli water Uutrli-npi I)hu(iIi ( lly Anvof lr. Prion) -Then- l -Hi., en nnnri-i'liililii miiMM tit if... iMv..t..i.i.ii. ... it..i. irrnntni- nno nf tnn frnnl ...i.."- in" i'1'lllliliilfl HI KIIH Ll ,MV. t Wil Vl klllf ilVllh, piped for Ihi-lr use hi me linn- or. ami Versailles o fur us making peace tU8Ut Cunn-iUlon lirn- In Angii-it i Crrmiiny in cnn'creed li odd of lh unique fruturr. which I Tim wrw rutin roe- hnvi, been i... It bln nrratiio-il liy tin Klamath j tutliiK inurh ln-.i to ah inLui th Till IoJkp. tri-uty wlilrli In li l,. .n-t I'.-i I In Arnoiti-mi'iil" "' "'n mml" tlm Aiintrlun lining'.'" ridf thru thn rourtes) of ttm Kl.im- j As u result il In n ununr.- that tin- tn-ut) will I- .i )(.furi iIk Allied repri-m-nejr. -j on Tj -ni'iiiy nnil liunclcc! to tin Anuirlin repi-o-entutle tlli 'uliiiti'ltii; day Tlin inllltnry (n.-i.m of th- dmti- jib Iki-rliipmrnt Coiiipuii) for Hi" j of Ihr Moiluc I'nrUicrniinilii mil tit lirrllory nurrnunillnu ami tin yt rprinx ncur till upot will No lluod for Urn accomodation -( m iiilor Tln-rp ari to ln 260 iMrip li (U-l out In tin? park mid n ii.iul 'iKht liumln-it In ttiot virion Ti---( urn In of nufflcli-nt mIh in aKommoilatn nn null), trnt ami oth- f Ucllltli-n Tim Kruuml will li" (n-irtil nut anil r"itllnr-il in ill t rry rampi-r ran ti lornti-il iiilrk Irlii (in- hn lit uunlcfl Four miardn, Ho t nlnlit unit two ly day will tooitiqtly pjtrol 111" ic run nd to In- iirrtk nufi-ty of ttm lUltorn propi-r- V W M Miinirllun of tlir K I) torn tuny U Chairman of tin- fump Croand ('ointnltici- ami hi- u to no I'.iiA In thin lilx tak li (:i..-li- i lillir mil ti O William i The hi.uilnc of the vat .- on,: of Wlii" lilrh liuvn innoii.t-.- thlr lJUail.m rf lit-inir prrncnt i. .i linri' j investigation and examination into every detail that we are i in a position to say to the people of Klamath County that jwe will publish a book that will contain the picture and a i brief record of the part each person played in the winning of the war. This record will include not only the Boys who went to the front and who will for all time stand out in the glorious history of our Nation, but it will also include the men and women who waged the battle at home, who kept the home fires burning, who helped raise the money that played such an important part in the victory, of the noble women identified with the Red Cross, of those who helped raise the money for the little comforts that brought so much joy, and pleasure, and contentment to the lads who bore the brunt of the hardships in the training camps and the eluding much if tpn land uncavcrc-l Wi h:vo fnlr th:ir. thpsn dppds should hp hnnnrpd and ' the recelon of Tni Like and ,. . , - .. ii,, i j , to be opened u ftcUlumcnt under that a record of them should be prepared and preserved , tne aU8plCP1, ot ,,, r,.rlnmil(on .. for future generations, and how best to do this has been the ' ice rnien thr-i fine iauu ran i.e cause of our research work. We have finally decided on!re"eve, f th'f ha'"'' they .,iii i .... , , ,i ii mi n ii e rr , i come under :'ii rcs'.rlrtli.i the the publication Of What We Will Call The Roll Of Honor Of , forestry service mid e retard the k nmath Countv. Therein wi be contained the Picture of Ueveiopiner- p' c..- ..t hio finoa everyone entitled to a place in the book. First will come, E NW Capt 0. C. Applcirate, as Secretary of the Commercial club haji ascer talned thru correspondence with for estry officials In California that an addition to the Modoc National For est, authorized by Congress, March 3, 1919 and now nwuitlne final con summation by presidential proclam ation, will add an orr-u In Modoc nnrt Siskiyou counties which wit! Include all of Tule Lake and u prt of Lower Klamath Lake and their adjacent lands, up to th? stat line thus In- Work Will Be Pushed Fait as Possible. LARGE CREW IS HERE areas In the Klamath basi.: : matter has hppn rpfprrprl tn lhr lur. f 11 I.. 4". . II ..... .... .un , v I..nna eM j- ut 9- M'llnAM I 'AnIIMI I I . ... . . IUUUWIUU 1U1I paut: im:uia'S ui rifsiutia n iisuu, ucncioi ai reclamation orricials and some Pershing and General Foch, pictures of the soldier boys, Permanent Surrey- o n Route Completed to Dairy 1 tlon From This Point StUl C talnXew Route to North Vi. Pelican City. llm work of .idj.. ,ilni: tl-.i. lonrilct ItiK tlowH union;; :n Allii'i will or rupy thi- Ti-uro i iMi'riiiK,. ( -i con nldi-rulil" tluii' VI'ltSMI.I.i:.' Von HriH-kilorf.' Iirui-r ili'Ii-Ka-i-s Tluir !r (.ir i-d tod ii Mi- 2 4 -OjuiH (laitix.nu ami clliei v. Iiu wri-i to -Spa run feu ti. P. reli.r.f HONllON. . a . troops huvo riip'tiri rifmlr rumliiK at -i -,it' wiitu tb ion In already flllnl a.i.l nn rllt f i-r The Klkn hum um line l t'i c liu) liunrh from now until Hi Hum tlin convention is iioi 'I HOUSE AT COMMENCEHIENT. MCHT HI0.M I'KltCKNTAliK CLASS LAST MAV llltlH Nil I IIV .MII.ITAIIV IMVIIHSITV. HMH.I. OK IIOVS IV A houm. Unit was parked to tint oort amieiuiiio,! last evonlnn nt "ouitons Opera lloiiho for the Co-n-Wncemrnt llmrclses of (hn 19l'i Clu of tin, Klamath County HIkIi cbool. Tim liK HtiiKn was lianki-d 'lli flnwi-rn nnil tho i-ntlro effo-t lth tlin rliiHH In tlmlr HimtH was lis W'Hy ft RlKlll as ono could wIhIi to ire Tho rniiiiiiiiirpinint adilresi which mmln ,v Coionnl Itnymon 1 C. lrd of il,,. Mtry n,mrtinimt ( f th Rtntn I'nivnrHlty was IntorrHlli--; id apprnprliiti.. Tint npi-nl(iir hvnlt 011 tho t!nn of Amnrlcii mid Wir. ' Pictured (Ik, ),IkIi Idniiln for "'ch tho nation hiul always .tattled " liroiiKin out thn furl tint nn-rl- fchoulrt nnt hn nnxlous to flht, ul flt In flKlit for hor Ideals, wliou n occnsloti ilomnntintl. r- ' I). JoliiiBoii, who kuvii nut " dlplnmu'H nt tho cloao of thb t nlnR 'nentlnnoil tho imnll piop.ir- of my nll(1 H(n(0(, (lmt m,w, mcl rnlulit huvo boon t.hnnt worn In tho wirvlro of I'nclo Sum. 1 " Helen AiIiIIhoii, oho thn '"luatc, was ohllKOi'. to Iiu n'.wont n "count of lllnosa. fu ,0WlnK tho Comuionceniont Mi'' Ul Krndu!ltl"E 'I",H W1s "rlnlnni nl n i)an.-,(,t and tlnncn The Poles took ".u'lo priirtitrH Oreut Fl.-c-i I tie. loud expl -.! n liuvn occurred ii mill iiro-ind 1'itiio Krnil accord'ni; to repon frinn the Pally Mall -i.t i.n-oi dem on Thurs day II In lir-ll-vnl Ilia: the I'mUlie- j vikl pri-NKi-d Iv tli3 KKthmiiun nil vimce are . ' -.v'.i.i tli. -niiiulli n I EXCITING BASEBALL ' PLAYED ON COAST KAN KUA NriSCO, Cnl . May 21 - I'atroiis of thn national kiiiuo who eiijoy pliniy of hltlliiK anil like to Ioiikiii- It has been said the morn pi-rfi-rllv baseball Is played the I oh,; action there Is and the no hit and no run names are cited. The coinp.ir.Ulvo dei.iouHtratloiis nf thn coiiht crowds Indicated that they koI more enjoy ment out of the contests that bring out the hits mid riinn provided (lint eil thus far this season In wlilch from a half n dozen to a dozen runs have been scored by tint two teams and In many InslnnceH first one tm-ii iiMil then thn other would take tho lead only to lose It iikiiIii In ii suhncrfticnt Innliif- With tml) a nil. or dvo sep.ir alliiK Iho two temiiH the Issue has linim In doubt practically to tho Inst lllllltlK. T.IOAVK TO LOOK AITIIlt m-ivapa mini: ixri-:i!i-:sT. To look nftor tholr mlnliiK propor ty Interests In tho Klamath Knlls NciiiIii MIuIiik nnil MiilliiK Com pany, J. V. MiiKUlro, .1. J. Iw.lor and Onrry Cozud will lonvo for Virginia Oily, Ntivudn, tomorrow luornliih'. They will muko thu trip by nuto. inents It Is iinilortl.ioil w i proililu ,i . , ,, jn i i... a. r-.i t n. .hat the army of a ,....., -ll b- inC ,aaS ,n C ,laV-V' IO"nw V 1L' luf "e n-dured to 16.000 men. The navai Liberty Loan leaders, thp War Camp drives. Opposite the stipulation win i, 3v ti..- ,)aKe on which the pictures appear will be a brief record, whole Austrian Nm v I ' . , , - ,. i i.i.pntches fro.-, ...r'i imiimte I giving the name, rank, names of the parents, date of pro thut foiiowini? me :iiKiiin. ..f th i motion, if any, date of battle where the subject may have tr..-utli-s. with tin- Central powers. , i.ml, .,.nlln(a A nr Ullorl unri Hntp nf Hpath. where such IS UI.I.II HVMI1VVV Vft "" . wi,.. . - , - necessarily a part of the record. On each page will be 20 pictures. These will be printed on the finest paper, from half tone cuts of the finest work man ship and all will be bound in a leather binding, embos sed and finished in a manner that will command the high est praise and make it worthy of a place in any library. There will be absolutely no charge for the publication of these pictures nor records. There will be no obligation of niiv L-inrJ utUnfn.tor- inenn-nI acirla fi-nm fViof tttViinVi aitarir I .'tie follih, V : ... ... , """.' """ """' .' . """" "-Vl (i . i.it...itn 'goou citizen wui De giaa 10 assume mat 01 co-operaung n-Bii-m winch fares Km iiv.ii t.n.ikii , town of hunk uurtiiw.Mt or i emiien: with the Herald to make this record complete to the small- from the I'krainuii. mcriitin to u est detail. We will feel that we have failed if there is a rent ml news illtn.urli from llerl'n loinrrln .nfin-n nf i-nnnrA lnff nnf nnil va triiicf f Yiarafnra ""()tl. ...V... .. . .V. .W. VV.., .. ..w ...uw., .....U.U, call upon eveiy citizen to do his or her part in seeing that none is missing. All of the pictures sent in will be careful ly kept in fireproof vaults and we guarantee their return in just the sanvr condition they were when placed in our possession. Where there is anyone who has no picture, we will have one made for you without charge to you. You will, therefore, see that monetary consideration should not deter anyone from taking his or her proper place in what we hope will be the most complete record it is possible for a human agency to make. During the preparation of this data and the collection of the pictures which shall be a part of the Roll, we will take orders for copies of the complete book from those who care .... rum. srored are beK nccnmodi.t-, j h gut d j thjg Qn, wh the desjre ed by the tenuis of tho Pacific ( oiict i ii ti. i i l j' comes irom inu uuyut. i urciiase ui a uuuk is mul a cuuui tion for the appearance of your record. The sale is only an incident, since we recognize the fact that everyone in terested in this work will desire to purchase a copy. The price will be just about the actual cost of production, as nearly as the same can be ngured, ana no orders will De taken for books after all the data is collected. There will . . . . . . .e 11. ...... ..!. J ti til l both teams score ami tho tally is not .not -be a single extra copy oi tnese pniuen. It Will De one si.ie.i ! strictly a subscription proposition only enough books will There hnvn been immy Rnmes piny-, Kf nuhlishod to SUPPlv a COPV to each Pei'SOll SUbscribilKT . ;, ,i l "., "i . uii. n 'ii tor one up to tne time tne nata is coueciea, togetner wnn one for the City Library, one for the County Library, one for The State Library and one for The Herald. The preparation of this Roll of Honor will require such special care that we have decided to carry on the work in an office separated from our regular office, and for that purpose we have rented offices in the Bristol Building, at Sixth and Main streets, over the K .Sugarman clothing store. These offices will be in charge of Mr. A. C. Lester. Everything connected with the publication of this Roll of Honor will be conducted there, for the reason that it will be necessary for us to exercise the greatest care in the handling and safety of all pictures and records. All letters connected with this work should be plainly marked "Roll of Honor" on the envelope and all business relating to this work should be conducted through our Main street office. Please do not come to our Fourth street office, for we will only liave to send you to Mr. Lester. Full particulars about this stupendous work will" be given in future issues of Th Herald, and if after these are pub lished you do not fully understand what we are trying to do, Mr. Lester will explain it to you. action will no doubt be taken .it ontt to relieve ll.i 'lule LoU- Isniis as The surrey of the section o' !-. proposed Klamath-Daltes .'-utera Oregon Highway, from K'amath Falls southeast to the Cnunlv :in below Malin. has now been stoned. dj- Engineer Stuart MeXisMcli of-f-ort'and. with a crew of five men. and the work will be pushed for ward as rapidly as possible, accord- The I lng to a statement made this morn ing by Engineer Earl Wlthycombw. who has charge of a large force ot State Highway engineers now -it work In this district. As soon as th i nlets they can be so relieved set tlement on them would amount to tr.vpass The Commercial crib will jlo i.-ko Immediate action t: the main r ' HUGE FISH IN IN m E PCIH.IC WILL XOT ItKMKVi: THIS -:TORV IWTl . THK1 HWK TAKKV A IiOOK AT BIO SPECI VKV IV SIIOU WINDOW It Is nniinuticed today thai every available! aero la tho Hiieii.i Vista addition has been planted in pot'i'-.n-s aguln this year. This section h wide ly noted for Its spud prod a :'.ii A .nti',or rainbow tro-it. wmtii .n? twelve and jr. i h.nf pon:s c-t'&ht by Game Warlen Henry i "I In that -..irve'ous flsh!ni; ground of Diamond I.-ike, in north ern Klamath County is toiU-y on ex hibltlon In a local windov In thl3 city. Not only this but it la rellibly reported that fish of this variety nt least a foot longer than this speci men, which Is about thirty inches. and larger In every way In propor tion, have been seen in the lake, C. F, Stone, member of the State Fish and Game Commission stared In an Interview today that tho im mense numbers of fish which now filled the waters of the be.iiitiful lake have sprung from tho llrst planting five years ago, Fish bred here seem to be ctrvri tlonal egg producers, and iho repre sentatives ot the CorumlMlon. hid they been ab'e (o g" in to the lake a little earlier in t'ir season. ,iro sat isfied that the,' coo'd hve taken out ten mtlll-iu ogi:1' whirl, is more than has evr ioji takiH in an en tire season !r. te flute before Ono big flsn nlMut tho xho of tho one now on illnni- yielded seven thousand efrgs a-i-l Mr. Jtono Indi cates that Mio average uro'tn-Mon 's about threo thousand eg'-is Ilo st.ito-l that tho eggs en wirth f'J 'i-i per thousand nn-l tlmt the fish mention ed was thors.'oi-? wotMi X,'l 00 Superintendent Rnmsdoll with an assistant Is now engaged In secur ing eggs nt the lake, having con structor tacks for this purpose. Onino Warden Henry Stout reports that tho fish are now run,nliu into Short and Silent Creeks from the Lnko lit Immcuso numbers am I that tho eagles are destroying mapv ot tUem. r.'omond I.dko, which is about ono hundred miles north ot Kir.muth Falls, cannot bo reached at aito yet on account of road conc'.PIons but 'ator In the season can 1 e easily fuelled In six uoura driving from ttiN point. survey is finished it will be turnea over to the government for approv al and it is probable that the con struction will go ahead and that thij part of the road, which Is to be ma cadamized, can be completed by tha end of the working season. On the road north from Klamath. Falls, the surrey has now been c. :u. pleted north as far H3 I.rrclb Sp-'ngs beyond Algoma. This routa wi' follow the Shlpplngton Illshwar- 'or a short distance, tako a cit thru via 1-M-an City crossing the r.iln:d neat the rrhool house, go t?r: i thru Terminal ,-, where an r.verh id crossing is arranged and on to con nect with the old road to .irvim.1. Thirteen men are at work oti.t1-' diriston. The permanent location of th east and west road to Lakevter h now been made as far east as Dulry which follows the genmt muif now used, with very few Jevl't'-ins. A preliminary survey has ocen made from Dairy to the top of tun divid between Dairy and Beai.y l-rgin.-r Wlti vcombe stated thai n investl g.uii-n. of the route thru this w.-.n and Iho one proposed out '.Ut'j iiu Kd' Valley, had not been -:onipt-d nr.d that no decision in ihii inaiwr roulc1 bt indicated as yet. Toie a.-u t be ti overhead and 'wo nndtr be.ul -i 'road crossings or- the rod to Pair'-. Engineer 'V: nyeombe h wl.mi' with a view to cut out all gmle 'ri--flngs. A new crew of six ?ien.. i:s ,iae been put to work in Lake foi.nty on the rout from Lakevij- via "nti Creek tovard Alturas. Th- Cior.ib! working weather of tho las f..r weeks has enabled the engineer to proceed at full speed vih rhetr work. corvTV TitrcK hauls TIIA1XS OC KKD CI.VPKRS. Hauling a train of trailers with sl combined weight of thirty five tons the County Caterpiller tractor passed thru this morning with cinders for the County road near the poor farm. These cinders are now being brought In by boat from the west side of tha I'pper Klamath l.tsa Thj tour trait ors carry a combined load of fourt"u yards, each yard weighing 2,300 pounds. KAII.IVG WILL I'PirKLP. PORTLAN'D, May 2L Tho will of tho late Searita Jane Falling baa been upheld by a decision of Judgd Tazwell of tho Circuit Court. The Lato W. Tyler Smith of Sheri dan contested tho will, as the cousin of tho testator, alleging undue in fluence by C. Lewis Mead N. Strong, tho chief beneficiaries under the will. Tho estate was valued at $800,000. All but $27,000 goes to Mead and Strong. r !! - i :S" , m (A 'M m ,-'i i m. 4