THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON I IIID.W, MU linn un or riiwux FIVE VESSELS REGENTLYSUNK BEND MAN WRITES Mr ,,,,,m,m tt" "" '" '" 1l SOLDIER MAKKS A ABOUT NEW LEGION v",ll", u'" u,ln "" "" "" SHOUT VISIT! ili'iimi I illi' iltll Mlilili prewillc.l Ml 10ME I tih to ipmi to tin friii .N in 1 reighbor tin 'ihci tit1 StMttiilf jrUttnlt' tot tlirir kinilne-s. nrOic t''i' illn. - uul .i i i i ii n f m ilo ir hi !' it- l irr- i'i' i iv i'i ' .! (' i in t, nit l.-lilik .1.-. l I'll. Ii 'I ' ' '' ' ' '""I""1 Win Tf KUi. il- in Itulpll , , , , M1 , iinn, ii I i . ' ' '" ' "'"' I'liMilfi I I ' Ii i' "Hi lull- ln .i i . . . . . . I 1. il It I I Ii I I, . ... ' "''Mil, m ' ' ' "'H 1 '""'" iim " l""liU, " "nn. 1 ''' fir . ,, n. t. Ii.l niiiiih.i . I ill n mm. biiiiii nun --in i.r ill. .ii i .m I, I l.i nil i. I'lilllll'l I'lllll I l mi It In I In' li " i of III" li il 'I ( llll II IN I i I. . i. m. ih sect elm I., H' ' ' I" '" Mr , Mf w , tin. nml Jn lit..l .md ed t..r nothing I'mir tiiill'.in m.'i- me ,(lll, t, ft. ui ' ii i. i .ii MiiiiiiiIi I'lilN it i'i iim. i" null.. I In till" itr ii ..i i'i , ii Uiii n. mi inn i it , . i in 1 1 ii in it I'm ..I Hi. -.i r i'i t n t i.i in niii i r i Mi R. i mi fit Kn n Muti i tm k hi in h i , , , , i I M i inn mi r. .ui. .1 I i it it' "tt .1 ' ' ml f t It - i.n 'I . inlliinli. . tu-i I m ,, p ,, , . , I'ltl I IMI K ni:i II s III 1,1 (IKMM! Kl M M II I m l' ll(, iim: i'.;i;h. i uN tu ill i.i ri;.f i or i i 1:111.1 i,n in i..mi n m m mi cm vn nit w u Mm : HI ( HI u or in sii:i i i: tun t.i. 1 I i.i - (II 11 llll n lilt II MIS. ( I VII.HH- hi i , i. i i ii- til 1 1 fit. I "i i I i 'i (. t,i i,, m , , I' ill. nml in- i JA r.tRff KIHHT I 1 IT tn 'Hllillit M nn Hk I ' " 'hi r If only you could hang your feet on the strap. Your poor tireil arches carry a load alt day that nature never meant them to carry Shoe make bridges f your archeg. They carry the whole weight of your body without lupport. In time the arches break iovrn. The first swnptom is ex treme weariness, and often pains il the legs and back. Take warn-hz- The ftiRKM Adjustable Arch Builder frovulcs. the support niturc intended ytxir arches tevharr. Bv distributing the weight of iim bdy erenlv orer the feet the tnin u aroided ind tcrtout conse a. ir averted. Vmi fan wilt, ilint f nr staaJmtiicxitbecotmLcuniuturill)-tired. Odd Fellow The Wianl Adjustable Arch Builjer ii ) p.ninit j.odi aot an-ronurf ,ikui Pe area support. U k feathcrlight, flerible, all leather icrice that can be adjusted to fit jsitr ' f:hbrjiiiplvarniigiuthc uuertiinthe focleu so that they feel comfortable. ITiey gtre inttant and permanent relief Jf you hare len weannn; ordinarr arch rjpportj ' hinge and get a pair of Wnard Arch Builders By gradual adjustments it home, you ran build up our on it arch , x normal, with ease and comfort All rood toe Jester -ll Wiunl. The l'r-t prellminarx work for the irrigation of I inr Lungel! Vullei from the w.iltTt of I'loiir I.iik.. h.n tn iti itarlfd ii...irl(HK lo tflLihlf re port ami .ilihoiiKh Ih fro i mm It IfKul pron'odurt1 t to lo K"tn' thru lioforo th' ricluu.itlon l f ii II x assured, tho I rosidonts .in- hopoful that tln uork , cm lie continued until the u.itor Is . on tne lanii Tins tract which was formed Into .in irrigation district se- ' oral month .iko In ote of the resi dents, comprisees hem con sixteen I and twenty thousaml acres K is ox pocted that the water will lie Kocurvrf by means of the V S Kectntuatlon Service which has made an offer of the Clear Lake water at a ery low flKuro. tho farmers to iIIk the main canal and tho smaller ditches It is now expected that the district Counsel of the fnlted States lleclnm atlon Serlce will be here In a short time and that a contract for water ! will be made The follow ItiK account Is Klien In the (iti'cntii.iii i.i tne miiKilii; ot the I S destroM-is In u siorin n'l tin l oimt of rrniiit' Is of unusual Inter est Voiiiik ,M( Cart In Is well known i hetv where he spent much of his hoi -i hood Thill st'lors of the Anu'iit an nm 'are sltll meetitiK datiKers of the sea as trtlli as when the C.ermau submar ines prowled the deep Is eiident from tli account of the death of two offi cers and IT men with the lns of fiie t'nlted States destroers, April S7, as related in a letter from Kenton J .McCarthy to his mother. Mrs V S Worden, 25tl Kast Thlrt) third street. North. McCarthy was a member of the crew of the DoUfttas, one of the ves- .sels lost In the storm between Hrest. France and the Axores islands lie Is 19 year old anil et.llsted hern Murch 1?. 1917 After trained at tloat Island he was assigned to the San I. O. O. F. MEET AT Weico. on whlcn boat he mude the BAKER NEXT YEAR,,r,' ,hru ,h, '''"" i'i i nw lork He was later sent to France SAt.KM. May 23 llaker It: l.'ast- ern Orvson has been chosen by the IxuIkp for the next ite esson The liotteht ' rnnlfMl nt th. AiUirtlfin f.f f.fffr.r took place oier the (Jrand Warden. It required Three Ballots before M, R niRjrs of Prlneillle was elected. ig&it (SWOi- AK HirCOVKHY OK MOM'.V. B K. I'rlem Is plaintiff In a suit Just filed in the circuit court aKainst C, T InKersoll In which he alliKes that the defendent wronRfullv took, from his place farm machinery i allied at J40S 7." and he asks for the recov ery of this amount Kutenic and Yad en represent the plaintiff r For the Hair to Be Beautiful It Must Be Healthy Falling hair does not necessarily mean the presence of germs, for i tis something caused by lack of vitality in the hair bulbs. But, whatever the cause, UNDERWOOD'S QUININE and SAGE HAIR TONIC will prove an effective remedy for restoring health and lustre to the hair. It will invigor ate the hair bulbs and cure any disease of the scalp. You should begin to use it just as soon as you notice a few hairs coming out. It is an excellent remedy for ridding your scalp of dandruff. Guaranteed. PRICE 75c ndcrwooft PhariMY TT7rr7l KLAMATH FALLS OREGON lACCUQACvt WHERE PARTICULAR PEOPLE BUY THEIR DRUGS and was assigned to a mine sweeping fleet out of llrest The fleet had sturted for the Cnlted States when ' overtaken by the storm between llrest and the Azores , McCarthi s letter lo his mother, written on the C S S llrlilceport'. at' llrest Is As follows . We left llrest April 27 for the Azores Islands ut rt In the morning. At 2 o'clock I1 M we had sprung a, leuk and were in a bad storm Kiery wue washed the deck and all hand were wet to the arms You could not i stund on the deck at all I "At 3 n'ctork the K S S Itambler lost a man oierboard and the other ships stopped to help look for hi in "Tho l' S S Douglas, our ship, had hurtlly stopped when our tipe ropes, came off and we were power leiii The waies had us and In the hour we had to fix the ropes bark on th wheel we were slowly sinking "At 4 30 V M the I' S S Court ney, sinking fast, sent an S. O. S. to the V S. S Seresa and that boat took Its crew off. "The T. S. S. James, also In a help less, condition, was helns towed li the U. P. S. Marietta "The Douglas was helpless tit ". o'clock and sent nut an S O S or the Seresa, which came up an I took ui off. ' The Courtney sank as we butrded Seresa and then the Douglas sjn': At 8 o'clock the X' S S Janat crew was saved by the I' S S. Murlftt'i and soon after the James anl nlro, The C.lysy Queen, which came n our as sistance, hit up m tho -neks ant' blew up, losing 16 men an1 two orrtrrrs. The Seresa with the r.-eiv from (ho Douglas and Courtney aboard, start ed for llrest, '.') m'!on nwav At mid night she sent out nn :J O H . her boilers wero leaking and fhe had a hole In her The I' S. S Favorite a sea-going lu. came out tint! towed us In "We arrived at 10 30 o'clock In the. morning of the 28th and the T' S S. Courtney, DoiikIiik and James were sunk, the flypey Queen blown ur. nn.l tho Seresa, now sinking at her moor ings. Kelp Is going out this utter, noon Seventeen rien and two officers lost I am O K but lost everything I had " The Woman's Store SAFETY SAVING SATISFACTION For Saturday and a Big Day's Business Not a disposal of shop-worn or undesirable gnnnents.but an offering of fresh, new and de sirable wearables that will appeal to particular women ami help us in establishing a name for ourselves as a store for true values. Dresses at $12.50 Of beautiful Silk Poplin in Taupe, Navy, Black and Purple. Wonderfully effective in style and trimming. Belted and Plain models with pockets or tabs. Collars in harmonious contrasting shades or self material. Covered buttons. Dresses that would ordinarily sell and which are really worth $5 more than this special price. Suits at $45 An eluhorate description of these beautiful Suits Is not possible In this small spue, suf fice It to say that they are the er smartest of the new season's st)les Of Trlioflne, Serge and I'oplln I'lalll Tailored and llelleil Mod els Many are llrald Trimmed with Silk Col lars and Vest effects All sites and a good range of popular shades ut this spxctul price tTT, -n rft. -tf.A ' !V. W , m t V , ' k i 3EMfc NEW BLOUSES AT $5.95 We do a wonderful Waist business and giving real values Is the principal reason why this should be so These pretty Blouses are of Heorgeltu and Crepe do Chine In White. Flesh. I'liik. Maize. Nav and Black. In a score of fetching styles Materials of a qual ity usually found In much higher priced models OTHER MONEY SAVING SPECIAL ITEMS The woman who takes a trip through our store occasionally has the advantage of many money saving opportunities Below we tell of a few specials worthy of mention WOMEN'S UNION SUITS 50c Fine knit Union Suits, perfect fitting, low neck, sleeveless styles, knee length, alt sizes A splendid value WOMEN'S LISLE HOSE 40c A very good grade, with high spliced heel and double soles and top In black, white and tan CHILDREN'S UNION SUITS 45c In the popular II V I) Porosknlt and Pearl Waist styles All sixes A special mothers will appreciate OUR BARGAIN TABLE OFFERS MANY SAVING SPECIALS at 98c THREE COMPELLING SPECIALS From Our Dry Goodi Department In the face of the fact that alt Cotton floods are advancing on the wholesale market, wr make these offers as trade builders 25c BLEACHED MUSLIN 18c A good substantial grade of Muslin (hit will serve for many purposes The sale prlrc offers you a noticeable saving 40c FRENCH NAINSOOK 25c A very fine iuallty that ma readily b adapted to the making of Unilergariiu tits or Children's Dresses Full 30 Inches wide 40c 36-IN. LONG CLOTH 25c A suvlng of IRc per yurd from our ordi narily fair price 38 Inches wide, and a really fine grude of malorlal Above we ment'on but a few of our Specials for Saturday. An inspection of our daily arriving new goods is worthy of a special trio down town. You 11 note by price comparison that the Woman's Store is really the one safe place to do your buying. H. N. MOE Star Theatre Tonight and Tomorrow D. W. GRIFFITH PRESENTS "The Greatest Thing in Life" 'i r AN ARTCRAFT PICTURE Personally Directed by D. W. Griffith IIIMI) WHAT KLAMATH I'AIXS CITI.H-NH WHO havi: hi:i:x it hav audit it: "I wltncMMuil (Jrlfflth'H '(Iri'iilcHt Thing ,n ''''', while In I.oh AiikoIun u few wuekB HK. '"I(1 sldiir Muinu u most wonderful picture. " I" "By imrchiiHltiK tlckulH flvo dayii In advuM. " ordur lo gel u nout, In San Francisco, recently, had tho pleiiHiin. ut kudIiib . W. (Irlfflth's 'arcaf1 Thing In Life,' und will Huy that It cetlulnlr bat t 8 right tltlo 1 ,1. I'ounlulii.