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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (May 22, 1919)
! IMGK TWO THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Tin tisnn, Mu -., Il)( Vint ectlon certainly I wot'ii Mltl MitiiiK h rorllaitd li'li.oii mtir- -. Woman Mny Be Chief Aid At the lieaters Attorney General W to N. Y IT 1 mnuD 11 .'i.xp. Mix ;? -i mi I'nlteil t.itSo ttornex r.arne't old tciu I ii returned from U i.i.t'h Kail, xx hero hi' called ii' r.i duet n hcirlng of n charge i .1' -i WHIaH I.otclit"!. Klamat i r--iri-tlon Indian, of shooting nt l!fird l.nni;. another Intllnn. '.ot'he- s iui i. tui.r nun: su.vooo. Anna I if' iti.ii.d opera prima lion M UMBOS'. N' J , Mny 21 - Klorhnm mi and inr of i'ir ion . ri ti.. UI Leader n two-mouthi old (Itienwey be wii In hr reen debti. Tr bull rnlf. xxni sold nt miction hero Hidden Tru'h at the Mr T'n in. for $T. OOP, snlil to bo n new record on i.mKht. xiH.'a 1i irrttil i -i-l i in U i- for .itix nnimal of !t breed l'i 'iin O.iks iMrm nnil Hush llnnrrnft. both Helen Merrill, a beiutlfiil of Mnsunrhiisotti. combined to tuako B'rl In a Western toxxn I thi' purchase, paying $10,500 nbovo thV previous record price. ri!U! (.OOP IN M VM'.TIl s5.s' ns.wnsro. rni Mt ;i California anglers hnx hail a d'-up- hu hot to scans Unrig xxiicu the lulfr pointing reason thus fir In the rutter threatened to att.ic' iim i th n of tliolr foxorlto sport Report from r tclifoik. l.otcne-i xt-rts In nt 0 oxer practically exery section of thi tmc nnil xxlll bo tried In fetitril ivurt aro to 'he effect that streams tl!l r here. Coldsteln ulo appeared mi llio to high for Reed fls'itnc :i" ) iV case against IVto HecK of Ch.'o.iu'n. ' f"-h are running i.mnunllx- rl xxho Is charged xxith soiling ihfLy! These condition .iro erpfc'w i to lnilf ns and also of transport intr it"prox-p a ho y'ro--iis fl! ind ' liquor Into the Mate Dock alo xins enother vek or two :!' jo-t li bound over. t'nltlteln xv as escorted over onio of the rarnilng sections of Klamath countx- He says crop conditions nre excellent. KHuuth crupt si oalil Vimno a great agricultural section ahin 'ivno of it-, land Is reclaimed, ' he ind 'VAlrvm'.v sexeral import mt irrca tion p-ojects have been t!-ic'o-n.d nt tiripati'd T'i be-t '. ' ' i' fuason thus far I'ns bom f '!) 'iio ?:iCrameiito rixer In :h.' i'if iclott and In the Klamath reslo OI.CtlTT MK1 Al'l'(ll IMC Ts-. S 1 KM Max :'l - ilo. Tiior has appointed Mrs I.oii Hi'di. n of t'ortland Mrs V 11 lUncv of nnd are productinp big crps I learn- ?alem and Mrs Char'es (n:n - t oil xxh- It Is that Ca ifornln ,iu ', n Hool It-x-er on th Adx- siirx- I., aril e scskinR to annex Klaitiani countx the State Industrial School tor Kit biai l tic ,il uds Mxri'o rnilbv nnothor dutu'lo ,ii! hoo husbnnu l a iiullx- imd n liriiiiknnl Mvrtle KIIN li r h mini ill iclf ilofrnin. hut tefo-o v'ii die ho rIxoii Helen u lelli"- In n man In Ni"x Vuk, xxlmin mis' UPpoeil to hax-e l'inrrle.1. Mo'i .i- , p"irs III Vnw Vnrlt under an ii-iimi i'd name and before lorK full" l'i b xo with ihe ti'Hii who has b' i I'do-l ' lior lie leiirns that ulio Is tr.m Hue i undrr n ansumi'd nain- imt nbe flcbts to pet bach the lox4 n hi. li t-lio H"os rlpht fullv bi'loiics t I ( Mau p'ne'. for till tiiiiivinfd n ilto 'eslilt V ttonc t'"l Is br-li'B s.i ii i ill the l.ihtrtr tunlpht In ulJiiwi iii the b'K feature ' llpiiortii-' ix lir j rlrs viola Dann. there wP lie Ivx-o excellent cotnedirs Maine N'ormi ut and Mack Sonnet! appear 'n, tinrltn celtful I.ovor" nnd lInrll- Plinn'ln Is xiltli us iiKaill III ' Mis lirli!(iti KHuk" and nil told It sii mid nn.xo n fine eenlni;s . ntorUir.nii M A f lc tit that xlolate-l rone of Itio boliiK rt'KUlatlons of 'i Vork Stnt xvns ' pulled off nt Iho Metro studio In connection v li'i '. K.l.i ' I i 1 ' -- I Jtijf jSS ' it -9 I Is ' vt iri mux" I ft NMtit H.i. Steil liv tli' Stele P-ili-riilloii nf Womeii's (.'liilin, Mrs .liun .'iin I'nttflflil has li foii'l rlimiie of tiei om UK Nt"i Vork Prat tie-1. x .iiuniix Ite-iefal Win it ttnrne. i.eneril Ne ton rrcentli nnnoiiiH ed thui li inn ctitmlilerltiR III" nppoiiilim nt of . Moiiinu the federuiloii ".' ! I hr ns It rniiilltliite Mrs IVllMelil Is a lecturer In the department of print I a I law In the llroohlxn Inn '.lino' CAR LOAD OF OAKLAND Six Cylinder Touring Cnrn received ttitlny. Think of it a roomy, comfortable, j , ,. Ilils. st'UKi'r Tourin.n Car, laid down at Kl.un.itli Kails, for $1295 THE WHITF PEKICAN t 7MC OiTICIAL AUTO I1UUI'. HOOK AND CALII'OBNm 5TATT AUTC ASSOCIATION GARAGE Star Theatre Extra Attraction Tonight and Tomorrow Bulger's Comedy Animal Circus THE GREATEST LITTLE SHOW ON EARTH Dogs, Monkeys, Ponies, Goats and Roller Skat ing and Bucking Mule. Special Matinee for the Children at 4 p. m., Thursday. Prices: Chilren's Matinee: 10c and 25c Evening: 25c and 35c' r te&&&&&&Wrtrfrirfrtrtrfrtr$&Mrfrtrtft BUCKJiECHT ARMY Daun's photodrnma Oo'i'irtwnitx xxhlch xxlll be the attraction nt Liberty theatre tonlKht ' Opportun tty"' is a screen version of l.'dKiir Kranklns novelette of the same name, xxhlch originally nppear"d In the All-Storv Week) It has been di rected by John II Collins Not a cent was charged for nil mission, oven to the ringilde ' seals In thli contest before the itinera. I and the an'.aKonlstx were amateur- l A preliminary bout xxas fouitht In. txveon Willie Jerome and ' Kid ' Mu-- i ray, to the nuilBfactlon of the four' k . . hunurcil persons present as .iu,rs , land spectators, but the reul piece d 8 resistance wax the star bout Vtei AJie Kearney and Hill McCarry The JL kcRcit Interest In the bout xxas X shown by all present,. but It wn tru- J elly Interrupted xvhen Director Col-j J i lins called for "action" by the star, i V ' and viola Dana was obliged to com- ' V I mence the scene which put nn end to j the flKhtinp In the rinK. and centered (attention on one of the "rlni;siI(i" , boxes, where many of the most IntT estlnR scenes In th" picture lake place t t: t A. ::: W'r are nliiais nu the Juti rrnili In , ,,. tnke inre of )our llio insurant v. t till- cole A Sutitli. HXI .Mnln t. V If New City Laundry WK (ir.H.NTKi: OCIt WCIItK Shirtx anil Collars Ijitindrrnl We also wah silk, xsiwil anil nil nrril rimmIs very cnrrfull. Try u once anil be ronvlnrnt. Our rlcr are right. 1'tiunr I.M. 127 Fourth Street IUrk of Flmt National llank t WELL DRILLING Vorkalirr Itro. Jt Klabtulut Merrill, Oregon Or McDonald Tool Iloom Klamath FalU, Oregon People's Market PRODUCER TO CONSUMER 1 WS1 I11WSWWWHM,HW sAAMMAMAMM Distinction may be obtained by chance, but to maintain it requires merit. QUALITY MEATS AT PEOPLE'S MARKET Xjffjfjjjyj-y-W'ftrmifYrtiti' rvi,",i Phone S3 534 Main St The Herald telU you today's new today not tomorrow. BLACK GUNMETAL, MAHOGANY CALF OR INDIAN TAN CALF Htnrt toduy 'health at the Iloutie jSHOE fjll $6.50 to $8.50 t&' '"sIL at all dealers 3citib Frcm toe to heel X X trie BrcHErnT Armv Sihoe ii exery inch y X Xfir j.hoe! worn by men m all ol life X r at aa rjr.e , :.-. all ciimes. A ihoebui.t for nnuiiul f comfort and ex:ra rr ite. Get a pair today ! X For Sale at i S K. K. K. Store, lirailiej Shoe Store N. y 'BufllCturel BUCKINGHAM & HECHI San FrancUco I 11)11 (IP li (I nrfmMMrmzmimti m m M &mm DI if m imi - m mB; m m wo ii mm m lisD 7Smmsmm'i IF, vh j)"vm&mmgg: &ia& WX.tfiiA?:&rs.'35? ?mmmmMmJ-m &S8mtti&&&e&sss m . SKW ST.tlL CO.MI.Vti TO tiik miikiitv thkathi:. - &. i yrn jjV v'Svj-VtW, s vS5irCTTiIiTnON" Mndlalne Traver-c. the new Fox JtiSiJhh-, - flUtTfli C?7!.!' Hl star will he M-en at the U,,y WJkffiX ' Tvftpt Theatre Friday In a story called The j SEWWfeffiT XT AP U t ILF Ml rfe 1 Inni!r Zone " MIm Truvenn. ho SlifVvX VJJuff Mztimfl&tti P. H W IWr r5 - I l i came under the Fox banner xx :,h her WmPHWM , ltwSW4r?W i M t I ' k &('- S"1 recent blK succens. The '-.-.IIUix fciliJ'isilVffl ft&7SP' P i it B -.5L W t x Case." won a fine reputation on the -fofrWJ 4!? lH' ll. ' '"vS lelllmato hUko For yearn he I mr- , SAlJE&wJSfesa T A IwYV 4 'i J & " t P , V ed the country with her father, m-d I vRWjS Y JH-dl' ' A PI " '' f b ' u f !' X. ,Hh had a conHplcluos pa.t In -The OTftfc ' A"' " hlfMULS "'Cl. i X 91 K rhoruii l-idy" which playc.i ... Ion,-i ftSMER "J---jSWW v 1 ' X ?' ' 1 k !ln New Vork an I then toured the1 V3" L-ssJpMi ft l-fc tV' 'i -.00 i j, m ii -k.' a ii - - . M'skfa nmri jv" Nwrrj?T,kiiu-'ik-n ii t es , r -x j nLT:MMrim-z - lt ..' t- x u wvig- "'--2 if j.wAtwvV , , country from coant 'o nnii The Htory of "The IMnsnr Zone" In that of n xxoman who nw.r'iiiiiPi uh utaclfH xihlch have horr:ii her for Home yearn She Into fame xilih her voice, nnd Is about marry ,i wealthy man when In" former iee heart, thinking to profit hv hi r fmi'e. turns up Hn Ih cut cnbl. but ho i plnrcH himnelf In a poxltlnn that Ih ilanK'irotiH for the woman He threat ens to tell her hunband-tn bf .vim jrn! what Bhe wan Tho cllmux id i pow erful one it and Hot Improve Sprinc your lliith 12-1 uafWr va?, j PP1 '-zm?? ffi, .,-V ---v. -. T T" ' " r -LfF 1 J 'a?a;v, -slv v adM-.s- taSSJJfJiw-6 Nice Large Eastern Oysters, in Sealed Cans, 30 Oysters to Can, $1.25 Fine Fresh Halibut Steaks 30c ALACE MARKET Klamath Packing Co. PHONE 68 524 Main Street -3 mrymmmm i i n rsr Vv ,'J-. y oAdds years to the life of your car Correct lubrication with ro!rnr tnr.irt' ! ct- '.'itW'i'i'r '.'fi .. ''"''Ki . tcr pttfortuancc and lont-cr l.ic :or ...Jr i"!' . Vf:; ??'. . , Standard tO,l Company Ho,rl ... I.-.! . j . KC'i', r'fyji":' ' lM-.fjinerrs luo determined t'.:. co;rtcl .u ' r ' '. ',?' .! ;ViVV ' ',. cy of ierolcne for your n-.uke of j !" 'Vi'faXffi jha'' ' Tlieir recommend.ttions are available '.'it ' I ' a " w l WI .cu.i.iic vuii i;ui jiii;ii..iiiw.i wiim -. v :v , k , , . , r , 13 a chart for each make of car. 1 4 ' 1 1 223B8335J3,. Jn. Zerolene in correctly refined from r.elcr tt.! C - ifornia crude oil. It keeps itn n;. 'l v rt cylinder heat, holdb comprfsnlon, uivc" r"r" feet protection to the moving parts snd AfX' "' leant carbon. It h the product of the cun' ''1' resources, experience and equipment of the Standard Oil Company. Get a Correct Lubrication Chart for your car. At your dealer's or our nearest station. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (CtQoraU) qA grade for each type of engine FOR CHICKS AND CHICKENS CHICKEN FEED. ALL SIZES GRIT. OYSTER M i , r, , o a A SlOttl shell scratch feed, cracked cern: Murphey s Feed & Seed oil2 EGG MASH. CHARCOAL RONP ahh i irr fJ m j- KILLER. 126 South Slh St .'