The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, May 21, 1919, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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    tvi:ixrNiA.MAVai, '
'"It'll HI IHIlIlT IlllvlllOIIIOUt llllll
MllllllIK itiilil plulm., HIMiririi'iitliiilH llllll
I'tllllllllll'M III III. Hill Infill till V
mi: it iickciiv, tihu
uld lilllHH Hpei Hun. iiliil null
mule, rut Hi..'iil f ,
linilliiiiN i.f 7i, ,- 'MM.M -,,.,.,
in' linn mi. mi mi. ,,,, ,
proved, mill
Hi: IT
'I'll ii I I In.
m liy up
ntl.l K 'levin. Mny 21 Tln Ti-
Oil 1 tt ! 1 1 1 n I'mterllvo uxmiclii
on)U, I i oiKntilreil In rniiiliiil lie
niltlrn tf iiri.iinillili' mill friuiilii
. , ,rk mdllliK till lompiinlei. Tin
...nrlillnl' il'iini'il "f hundred, nf illdli
I'iiiiiiiiiiii ('(iiini II In. i. .I,v
lliri-ll Illi lll.ll III lll mild
pntlioin. or Till, Pnmpeii mill ,li.ff..
kiiii mii-ei, iii iiii'iiiiIhuih uiih IM
mild plum. h,icf u nt Intin iiinl eH-
lllilli-h milil llnliriiv
I'llliKllir Kit lit Hill. , In In I Iii. i.hIiiIiIIhIi
Tim Clly Kmtlueer, piinitiuut to
lli'Milutliiii ut tin- rommon council
ln'ii'lnfiiti' mliiiiii i, having mi tli
IMh ihiy nf Apill. 1 I Ii . Med iilmm.
Nll'l'irillltlllllH llllll .KlIlDlllfM (if till!
iiii-l nf Impim lie Ktli Hlri'i'l from
High id reel northerly in 1'roi.pect
Hlri'i'l Ini'liiHlW'. I.iiimiIii hi frtim lilh
nil eel eimletly to 'lid Mn-.l nnil Jef
ri'innii Hlrcil frniii Mh .i.Hlerly to
nil hIiiti. lie hiding lun-rii'dloiiH,
mill Him ('iiiiim 1 1 having taken hiiiihi
iimli'i iiilvlm mi nt mill fltiillni' hiiIiI
plmiH, Hpi.i ifliiiiiiiiiH mill ent limited
II" it 1o riinnUI ul MMllMfiiclin v
i ilillHlii'i! fi hy Charter provided
Hi ii I ! of Oregon. County of Klmnnth,
( Ii y of Klmnnth KiiIIh hh
I. A I. 1,1'ilVlll. I'llll'e .ItPlyu of
llii' ''tv of Klmii'ith K.iIIm tin, ton
-" i wiiiiu. i:ruii Hie .,.1.1 ,,1,.,,.. ,..., ir i....- i ..-n
,. -' ', n ,,i,f,n llllll I'm 1
,;' ,'";";'" ,','. K .""" "'"''"" ini"H fo hi... ii.ipioM.i....i,t or thn
........... rollliiK hi.IiI Hlr n when , ,rM()Ih , , ,,, ,,
,ri..l... Mi.. gnu!., of hiiIiI Htreet., to ...ff,.,H()n HtteeU I... mnl lln mime urn
" - infill nine tinea in Minn I. .....I... ....
. - - . ...... 'I, II l,ll III I'll llllll.
"" II PIIUI'IIII'III III lUIYII llll Ill" I'l- 111, Mil... I
iln ln-fi'liy (nrllfy lliut Ilic
In ii inh i iiinlp.ij i imv nf i
inlop'i'il I., Hi" I'niilliiiin (nii'.'.l on
lln- fih tiny of May. I'M 'i, .Ii. hiring
It m lull, it Ion to imi'i .! i nolo
str.'.'t from !ilh Street "iiK'urly t
lltli "-'teei, Iri' fmnriif nt-'-- Hon
ii. tin. i h lrrlgntlnn '' nnil
rli'lii of iv iiptmrtt'iiiitil I Herein
lititl iipprov'tii; the plitli MiC'IM
ri iiuru "ml etlit"'t'M of otl f..l'tnlt
ti'il ii Hi.' ("lly CiikIii'it
9 A I. ' fVi'-T
I fl l(l I'dll'-l' III' Ill'
Tlmt hiiIiI plmiH. HpcrlflriitlonN nnd
1'ntlmiiK'n for thn Improvement of
tin- hiiIiI portion of Kxplmini!''
Mre-f mnl I'orllmiil Street .and
llichral .ash price paid fur flno
tluil lln
mil ink.' iii'tlnn to fori "Minuted muni of J7.U32 no, mnl,
ji.i.lntulii friim fraudulent cnmpuiileH .. .'. ' '"" iii.nui,ii,ii, ny iIihi-h Hh liili'iiilon to Improve mild
..I..W fi.uii li.f'.t. fill ' " oii.i.ion o.,i,.. linn lln. prop porn.niH of Ml.. l.l.n und Jeffer-
,D,MlK" "' """" "',"'" ",,i.fl.,r ...H.'rll,.'il In, N(lll Hl.,.lH , ,., ,.,,,. wlttl ,
MOCI'i '""' ' i- ii"iii.r..n io iii. i.i.niTII liy Bll, plunH. HpiririiiilliitiH mnl entl-
mini iMliun.'ll llliprilt I lllelll. Ill nlll,,, fjlllll
I.II1H .1 1 Ii mill I) (If llllll'k
Tin- Clly KtiKltie'T. purmimit to
i:itK()I.VKI), Hiholiillon of the Common Cotinrll
Ciiiiiiiioii Connrll hereliy lie- heretofore inloptei). InivInK on the
((imp,iili.ii lmi. filliiU of
pjokhol.lfr Willi" mmiy otheri. ai
lillln( I" I'-" illvlil"!"!" when priiiltir
Hon In nini'l' JtinI If y oiii-Ii pay nt
Public '"'''f'"1' WI,H " Ktvut iiftor
lt illfi"f' "f ""w Ti'tni. oil flelilK
tblt tn'ArlV i'i'lHM" llMl'Hteil, nnmii'l
Hlon nffirlKl" "" HediiiHit of mi
rfftrlctf.l Klerk nelllllK, th" nil lllltlllll
bit Imtuiih' mirh thul It In nlmont Itn
poilbli. I" .llitpoit' of tnrl for the
EMt ili.veliipmetit enler
frliri, till! "Ii "I"" '
tiiM ii nii. v ih:ciii:asi:h
(tint" frniii Ihn nrmy ha3 rtncheit
itoulnf ! ini.tiJ'J officer nml nii-ti.
et hiim I 'I'l 2'"i "re III In
tiaortl Kmili-f
Uritr numlmrii nf leinp irur- nf'l
tin rr nvnllliiK tllettiM'lvi'H of I.
Cfpoflunliy In retain I'niinertliin ltp
the mllltnry I'MalilUhmetit, tl.'.uii
titlnic applleil fur riirvr rumniin
i!oni mil 2Z nr. for rommlHHlotia In
it rriulitr unit)
Totil fur. i"i In Kriutre on Mny I'
rn tltrll nfflrliilly loiln) an '.M.I
(OS Voluntary i'illl( lmn puk
in 1 OH"
Van's phone number is the
fame as always 2 OS-W. '
f.n .
i.oIh ;it r. nml 11 ur nim-k f, t,
I.iiIh .1-4 nml r. of llloek 04, Niih
nl Aililltlon to ilii. city f Klamath
In ami
10 nml
Hi ami
Lot" l-2- mnl
.1 mnl h of llliirk
l.otH l-l'.'i ami
.1 anil S of llliick
l.otn I : u anil
h, liloi'k lit;
The tninc.nliir
' or loin
i:"i or i.ut h
i-: -, or i..)i
llilproeineiitK to 1 011-
pnvliit: hi.I. I porlloiiH of Kllllt
Hlrietn Hill, oil maeailam pavement
at mi eHtltnateil .out, InclilillliK rn
mi'iit Hlite ualkK, rurliltiK mnl
lllH. of IZ2.U1UII0; hltullthlc puve
iiietit at the em limited runt. Imlud
Iiik ii'inent Hide VNiilkn, rnrliliiK mid
ciimIIiii:. of L"j.f.h! no, or roncret.)
pavement at the eHllmateil rout, In
I'llldlllK lenient nlde MilkH. (lirlilllK
and :raillliK. of 125,176 00 Kiild
illlpriivemeiilH In either event to III"
rind" KruilliiK. rolllni; and nirlilnK
Hall) pavement to lie 'it, feet wide,
with Hide wnlkH i feet wide on hoth
Hide ho fHiild iortlotiH of fith, I,ln
ioIii unit JnfferMin ntreetH und park
INK Htrlp leveled throtiKhoiil entire
of Halt Improvement, ex-
lot Ivliu: heiHeeti
tlrnnl, till mid I'roHpe'-t ntreet, and
l.ol 1-2-3 i-7-S- and In of lllork
3S. Clrnl Aitilltlnn (o Hut City or
Klamuth KiiIIh, OreKim
And tlmt nalil prnperty ahove de-
H.Tllie.l In. and herehy U declared to iIIhIiiikii
lie umnHHed for the ejpeiiHn of nald t epl ut InterHertloiiH where Huld HpeclflcatlonH und eHtlmules Salt!
Iliipniveiiienl. mid pavemi.n tin to he full width, and. ImprtivetiieritH to conHlHt of pavlnR t'h,.nC(. i.UHtcrly along the center line
i "iiir.ii ir.iiu ,i r.u, ii4 ii r I'll i iirn nriiii.vii nv nam ooriioiiH oi Hani nireui wiwi uu Af Yinii utPnnt in ih, i iwmii finint
Monday, the 2nd duy of Jutm, the Common Council that the prop- mucudnm pavement nt u m-Htlniated or rorner 0f ijt 8, Ulock 6 of Seo
ul the hour of X o'clock i in. erty hereinafter deHcrltied he und ront. IncludlnK cemen tiilde wuIkH, ,. .., cnrim.. i.i k'tnin-ith
at the Council Chamher ut the Cltv hereby Ih declared to lie heiieflttitil. roncrete curhlni: und KradlnK. of n.. ...,.. n,..... nn-ik,n.i.,-w
Mil day of May. 1919. filed
KpeelflrhtloiiH mi ileHtlmnleH of the
ohI of ImprovltiK I Oth Htreet from
MiilriHtreet northerly to 1'ninpect
Hlreet, arid lllt;li Htreet from 9th
Hlnei eiinterly to 11th Htreet, In
cludlnK InterHertloiiH. mid the Coun
cil huvlnt; taken the Hiiuie under ud
vlHcment and flndltiK nald plutiH,
HpeclflratloiiH and .'Htlmuteii to he
UK IT linitKHY Hi:SOI.Vi:i). That
nald plmiH. HperlflratlotiH und entl
iiiatei fo rthe Improvement of 10th
Htreet from Main Htreet northerly to
I'roHpert Htreet and HIkIi Htreet from
9th Htreet enMerly to 11th Htreet, In
cludlnK InterHccltntiH, he und the
Hume ure herehy approved, nnd,
That the Common Council herehy de
clare Km Intetitlo nto Improve Raid
portlotiH of 10th Htreet and High
Htreet In accordance wit tmald plans
rort'Koltij'. I'mific Terrme he, mid the name are
.iliii mi hereliv aiitiroved. and.
Tlmt the Common Connrll h"reliy (!-fhir.-H
If h intention lo imiiinv nalil
porlloiiH of KHplatiade and ''oriland
Hi refill and I'aelflc 'I Trun . In ac
ci.nlmne with the Hald Hpecl
flratloiiH and fHilmuteH Kul I Im
provementH to ioiihIhI of paving n.ild
porlloiiH of hiiIiI HtreelK with hltti
lllhlc pavement at an eHtltnateil roM,
In' hiding roncrele riirhlng and grad
Ing of 1 C 1. 27 n 00; oil muradam pave
ment nt a neHtlmated cohI. Including
concrete rurlilng and grading, of
i.l tliiiio, or concrete pavi inent at
an entlmuted cont, Including concrete
curbing and grading, of JMj S 57 00
-.iiil improvement In either event to
Include grading, rolling, curbing and
drainage Hald pavement to he 40
oniric m:i,K n
I'OHtolflre Mux 2f,f.
The Harper Mellnxl
of Hralp Treatment and Mliampoo-
ing KnMal Treatment,
.-.10 .Main St. I'hone .100
fl i) width liPtwfn th north'Tly r
I "li l( iJtri-j iiml Hurgriiw
Off lie Willie lil.lK.
line of Wall Htreet and the northerly
line of Hprlng Htreet and 25 feet In
width between the northerly lln" of
Spring Htreet to Pacific Terrace nnd
Pacific Terrace from Huroii utrcet
northerly to Portland Htre 't nd
Portland Htreet from Parlf Terruc
eiiHterly to the caMern bou'idary of
the City of Klamuth Fulln; Intersec
lloriH to be full wld'h, pnd.
hy the Common Coum")! thut the
property hereinafter le'.rl!i"il he and
hereby Ib (lectured to ha benefitted,
All of the property embr.'.c'e'. In the
followlpg dcHcrlbed Silni't Improve-1
inent Dlntrlct, to-wlt:
Heglnning at the lnte':ti'rllt..i of
i:plunade and Wall tr'"-t!t in tho
City of Klatnitt rails. Oregrn;
KuctrxMir to Ur. Truux
Kult 2(H). I. O. (). V. Illilg
Onire (ilione MM
Ite. I'lione HUM
I'HONK :mo
Hall In Klamuth KiiIIh, Oregon, he
filed u the time und plnre for the
henrlng of obect1oiiK und nuiioii
HlrunceH ngaltiHt the nald proponed
Improvement und thn Police Judge
be, mid herehV Ih. directed to rinim.
not lie of huIiI hearing to be pulillnli
ed n by Chnrter provide
Slril hlili. will be received hy
th llojtJ of Director-, of Hchool 1)1.
Met No, 1. Klamath KbIU. Oregon,
till! Mny 26, 1919, for thn erection
ud rompMlnn of a Public Hchool
(alldlnc, arrordlttK to plnni. and
itlflrllon prepared by (.'harlm II.
Bariirif. architect. Albany, Oregon
All Mill mini he made out on blank
tropouli for the name lllank fur
Htul" of Oregon. County of Kl.wiit-tli,
City of Klmnnth Kulln - mh
I A I. I.euvltt, Police Judge of the
I'll) of Klmnnth KiiIIh. Oregon, do
hereby certify thul thu foregoing in
duly enrolled copy of
" ! led lit tl,e Common
the r,tt, day of Mny. 1919. declaring
lln Itiletillun to Improve 7lh ntreet
from WitKliliiKtoii ntreet northerly to
ProHpect Htreet, Primp.. ct ntreet trnin
7lh ntreet unrthweHterly to Mb
ntreet nml JefferHon ntreet from 7lh
Htreet euaterly to Nth trtt. Inrlud-
lug IntrrHertlotiH, und apiirnvlng the
1.01 1. 2. 7 and S, lllork 12;
I.oIh 3. 4. f. and 6, llloek 43,
m 3, 4, 6, C, 7 nnd h. llloek 52;
l.otn 1, 2. 7 und H , llloek 1.3;
lila 1, 2, 3, 4, I, C, 7 and b, llloek
I.ol 1, 2, 7 and S. llloek 64;
l.otn 1, 2, 3, 4. r and C Klock C3;
I.oIh I, 2. 4, 5 llloek M Lot 2
llloek r. All In NIcIioIh Addition to
the town, now City of Klamath K.illn
And that nald property above den
lt -dilution crlbed ho and hereby Ih declared to (A)
C inn. II on iHHeHHeil for the expelihe nt nald lm
proveuintH, and,
III: IT KtltTlli:il Ul.-SOl.tBI)
that Monda. the 2nd day of June
1919, at the hour of .. o clock ' M
ut the Council ChamherH in the City
Hall ut Klamii'h Knlln. Oregon he
filed an the time and pluC for the
hearing of obleectlotiH und '"nion
3r..429.00. or concrete puvemem ai bctw,.cn i,tM j, 2 in'l S and Ijts 9
an eHtlmnted ront Including cement ,0 :0 inclUBlve. of did Ulock 6
wulkn, concrete curbing and grading, , the Mr)t(,r nne ,f Spring Mreei;
of $40.360 00; or hltullthlc pave- ,hence easterly bctwe-n ')ts 2 and
mnt at an enllmated com. Including , ,n.w eo and , ts o ...ld , .,.ock
cement Hide
and grndlng
walkH, concrete curbing
of J46.407 00 Said Im-
51, of nal dabove addltlo'i, to the
center line of Mlchlea.i nvenue. at
provement In either event to Includo nlcrgection' with Menlo Way
grading, rolling un drurblng. und.
liy the Common Council, that the
property hereinafter described be
thence along the northerly :Ir.e of
Menlo Way to the .ou'livveit corner
of Lot 10. llloek S3. Second Hot
Springs Addition to 'h! City of Klam-
Dr. E. G. Wisecarver
P. M. Noel
Oter Undcrwood'n
Hcventh und Main Htrrrt
and hereby Ih declared benefitted hy ;un KaB 0reKon; thmce northerly
plutni. MieriricullotiH mid -itl'initi'i. of "Irancm iignlnnt the said propoieil lm
coi rubmltted by the Cltv Ktulnier
10-lot Police Judge
The City Engineer. puruant to
llrmilutlon of the Common Council
heretofore adopted, having on the
Mh day of April. 1919, (lied plans,
ilihfd upon application hy the clerk 'l-eclflcatlona an ilctlinate of the
iiini oi iniproving .viuraci iireei rrom
tr irchllrrt PlaiiH and peclflca.
tioni may be een at Klamath Kalli
tr t archltert'it offlco.
A certified check for 5 per cent of
Ibc imount of the bid muHt accum-
Unrthr bid
provement, and
Tho Police Judge be und hereby Ir
directed to cause notice of Mild henr
lng to bo published ax by Chisrter pro
State of Oregon, County of Klum.tth
City of Klamath Kails- hh
I, A. I.. I.earlB, Police Judge of
the City of Klamath Falls.. Oregon
In hereby rrrtlty that the foregoing
Is n duly enrolled copy of n Itesolu
said Improvement, to-wlt
Lots 1 and S of llloek 13 of orig
inal town and unnumbered Hlock
known as the "Central School
(rounds" adjacent to 10th street and
between said Hlock 13 und 10th
street In original town of Klamath
Kails, Oregon;
Lots .1-4-5 and C of Dlock 4S;
Lots 3-4-5-6-7 and 8 of Hlock 46;
Lots 1-2-3-4 und 5 of Hlock 47;
l.otH 1-2-3-4-S und 6 of Hlock 45;
Lots 1-2-3-7 and S of Hlock 44;
Lots 3-4-5 and 6 of Hlock 50;
The east 26 feet of vacated portion
of Washington street, formerly
known as Canal street between 9th
and 10th streets;
Lots 1-2-7 and 8 or niock 51;
Lots 3-4-5 and 6 of Hlock 57;
Lots 1-2-7 and 8 of Dlock 56;
between Lots 10 and 11, s.iid Hlock
53. to the northwes teoiner 'if Lot
10, said Hlock 63; thence e-asttrly
between Lots 6 and 7. and Iots 8,
9 and 10. said niock 51. to the welt
er! yslde of the U S li'rlr;utlm C.-ir.jl
right of way; thence in n northeast
erl? direction to tho nonhvHt point
or corner of Lot 10 Hlock 41. Hot
Springs Addition ta the City or
Klamath Kajls, Oregon; thence east
erly along Auburn street to tho City
limits; thence northerly along the
easterly boundary of Klamuth Fells
to the southerly line of Manzuntta
street; thence westerly, along Man
zanlta Btreet to the northeast rorner
of Lot 10, Dlock 36, Hot Springs Ad-
union jineoco souineny Between
Lots 9 and 10, and 19 an 1 20, said
Dlock 36, to the southerly line of
LoomU Dldg., KlunmUi Folia
017 Mala
the northerly line 'of 6th n'reel to the 'n mloptrO by the Common Council on lhe lor,h Bldo of Lot
ine easterly so leei oi mo rterTo,PortIand 8treet; thence weerly
puruun o. Ji'iiir. wwri -"'"' i0nK the southerly line of Portland
southerly line of l,ot 10 In Hlock 17
and the southerly line of Lot 30,
Hlock IK of Second Itallroad Addi
tion to thn City of Klamath Falls, In-
A lurrty bond for 50 tier cent of t-lutHi" Intersections nnd the Council
contract price will be required
hom the iirceHHful bidder A per
Moil bond will not be urcepted
Tht board reserves the right to
Jtt ny nml ull bids
Dr order of School Hoard No 1
Illdl Kill lie Illli, Mi., I Miiv 97 10111
i . ' i . .-'
cm no bids will be
!. 1919
ia ii. mo.myi:k.
li-U-17 21 24 Clerk
Imv lug taken mime under advise
nienl und fr.dlng snld pl.trh, n?ecl
flcatloti and eHtlmiites HiUlsrue'iirv
Hiiid pliiun. Hpeclflcntlons nnd estl
mates for the Improvement of suld
portion of Market street be, nnd the
received ufter ham'' nri' hereby approved, and.
That the Common Council hereby de
t'lurcH It n tut fill (tin to Improve mild
porlloiiH of Market Htreet, In accord-
nn ine iui ony ill .tiny. iiin. (icciur gj.
ing us intention to improve a in
Street from High Street northerly tc
Prospect Street nnd Lincoln Street
from Sth Street easterly to i'th Street
and Jeffornon Street from Mh Street
ensterlv to 9th Street. Including In
tersecllons. and approving the plans
stieclflcntlotiH and estimates of cosl
ti.orenf. submitted by the City Kn
glneer. a, j. LKAVIT
10-1 (It Police Judge
Tin City Knglneer pii'siiupi to a
resolution of tho Comiiou I'juncll
heretofore adopted, having inder ut U1(, lur (,f o'clock
Ixits 4 nnd 5 of Dlock 61;
Lots 1-2-7 and 8 of Dlock 62;
Lots I-J-K-L-M-N-O-P-Q-R of
Hlock A, same being tho easterly por
tion or half of Hlock hounded hy
Profipcct. 9th. Grant and 10th
streets of the Nichols Addition to the
town, now City of Klama'h Kills,
And that suld property above de
scribed Is herehy declnn'd to be the
property to bo assessed for the ex
pense of said Improvement ;
And bo It further reiolved, that
Monday, tho 2nd day of Jun-t, 1!U9.
p 'it , at the
Hiiulty No 1055.
Suit for lllvnr.e.
'lhe Circuit Court of thn State of
Drrimn fur the County of Klumuth.
II Price plaintiff,
ton K Prim defendant
jo Horn II Price, the above named
"rrmliuit In tin. name or the Suite
Oregon ),!, am hereby required
oippour and answer the c plaint
'"M nniltiHi v.n. i ii.. i ,, i. ...... .... i . i...i
"It On llr liefnre tin. .'Iril ilnv .if tin...
i?'- """ 'iiik the lust duy of the
PHllI Mtlim ,.t I. u ..... ...
I... , '' "" niiiiiiuiiiiH aim in..
""t ilny uithin uiiii,i.
-, . -..n.l ;i, II I IT I .'"
"I'M In niiHWer uu riv.,,l i... n,..
'"JT (if linlillrnll,,., f ,1,1.
f... .." "M1 f"" '"' "I'l'i'iir mnl (lit
""Hi" Plaliillff will apply to the
fZ , r ""' r"l,"f l"iimii'l"(l In Hlll.l
m,r "!' S'"'1 M"1 I" I'K'iiKlit l
'"Tc I Iiiki, lull r il... ..
!-.., " "I ii. i' in
i, 1!'"" "'"""K lielwcmi yourself
w "' lilamiiff and Is hnsit, upon
"i I f ( laiuiirr h
' ,nr Period of morn I Inn. nne
'" Iniiiiedlalely prlnr to thn rnm
"H' ,.r ii,.. ...... n.i. i
Hi,,,. . " "uu. inn. hiiiii-
"n.i i 1"",l"'l""l I" Hi" Kvet.eli.g
"'"III (i i ni, ,.. ..
iiln.l.i, ' ""I" i'e i "I I.e.. I'll. I
'uintioTi in i.i i. . .....
"in. in,,,, i ,..";" . """" '"""
1.... - i iHiinimiei nnil e ri'll-
""i (ii. ., i. i ..... . .
'mult. ., , . " ''". r....i m,.,l.
,., "" " tuner oi inn
-"hiiiii ii
of Block lgtreet to ccnter (no 0f Eldorado ave
nue; thence southerly along tho cen
er line of Kldnrado avenue to the cen
ter line of Melrose street; thence
westerly along the center line of Mel
rose street to the center line of Ala
meda stree tor avenue; thence south
erly to the most northerly point or
corner of Lot 11, Hlock 61, Second
Hot Springs Addition, to the City of
Klamath Falls, Oregon; west
erly between Lots 10 and 11 of said
Hlock 61, to the center line of Spr'ng
street; t hence southerly along Spriiig
street to the southerly line of Park
Place; thence westerl yalong south
erly line of Park Place to thu north
west corner of Lot 5, I)loc 5, said
t . m i........ i. i n i i. ii...i ..I ..... I Ji ivu nti via uul v J ivj". - u ca'ii with the said pl.n, apei'1,.,,1 - r , t ... . . ... ... ,..... ,,. chmubor. of the city hall, be Secom, Hot SprnK8 A(ldlt,Pn, thcnce
ttotiH and pstlmiiti'M Said Improve- speilfUiitloiiH anil estlm m o. ine f(x,.,i Ils ,h t,m. mi ,,liri. (or tile jjj vaonB th0 w3torlv line of
ment to coiihIhI of piivlng mild por- r0l,t of Improving Lincoln ""t'',l heuriug of objections and remon- ots 5 jl jj jq 9 s" 7 uml 6 said
tlonn of Hiil.l slree.H with hltullthle ''''' '" '.""' r:il) " ', rn' against tho h.1.1 proposed i;,ock "5, -" ' ue of Vail
puveiiient nt thn etlmiited cost, with- "f'"',' '"' . f0' :""ls' "H Iniprovemenl ; und the Pollev Jmlgo trect. .hence easterly alone tho
out cement Hide walks, but Including " , ' ,' .j' he and hereby Is directed ,0 inuse 'r Iln eof Wa stree" ami be-
c.irblng und grading, of J4.5S3.00; r' " , hXSn i.rI J notice of sad hearing to he publish- ween 10t 6, 1Jlock 5. hn,, Iot :6. V
or oil uiaciidiiiii piivenienl at tho estl- (, ''""l" '"lU "l,"1,':."' ?l.n ' .". r.."i ed, as by Charter provided . iocJ. . ..., .., named Addltio..
l-IMI IIll'Il I IITIII I HIIIII L' I 11.1 I. .Ill 1. 1 ' " -"- ' " " "
OateopaJhJc Pfaalclaa A Shi
Holt ail. I. 0. O, V. Tnapta
(over K. K. K. Stora)
Pboae 821 . . -m
(The only Osteopathic Phyrt-
clan and Burgeon In
Designer, and builders of mod
ern Saw Mill, Planing Mills, Box
I'lanOt. Complete plants contract
ed. AppraUuls and reports ma4e.
DredRiiiR. We contract to build
any clans of a building and install
machinery' of any kind.
Drafting of any kind done. Dine
PrintN mude. PHONE 148J
Ofilce in K. I), lluildlug
mated cost, without cement side
walks, but Including curbing and
grading, of )3.052 00 Suld liuprovn
ment In ell her event in Include grad
ing, rolling mid curbing and drain
age Said puvemelil to lie 30 feut
wide nnd.
111: it rumiKit ki:solvi:i, i.y
(he Commoii Council that tho prop
erty h. t'.'lniiflei ilei-KTlhfd bo nml
heteliv Ih declined to be benefitted,
Lois II. 12, 13, II nnd I.'. Hlock
17. and l.ols 22. 23. 21. 25. 2il. 27.
2S ami 29. llloek IS. Second Itull
1 (in il Addition to thu Clly of Klam
ath I'ulU. Oiegon.
And thai hiiIiI prop,'i:y nhovo do
HCI'llied be and heie'iv U de.'laied to
be iihsehHed for thn nvpeiiHO of nald
linpiovemi'lit, und,
Thul Mnndiiy, Ihn IStli day of May,
1 9 19. at 1 lie hour of S o'clock p. m.,
ut the ( 011111-II Chamber at thu City
Hull ut Klumuth I'iiIIh, Oregon, bo
fixed us the timo nnd plncj I'm' tho
of objection.-! mid remon-
' lh
mi rut 11. 1. m tienl.iul llin until nionnieit
IvIlvKendllll, Judge I,,,,,, ,,1 .,,,,,, I im,l lln P,ill,.,, .Illill-n
(U llllll llall'll April I .,,1 ,,!, U ,lli,.,.,,,l lo emiKii
nollce of mild hearing In bo puhll'ilt
ed iih by Chmler piovldnd.
'nJ ii .
",!. II n T r I ....1.1... .. . . .
Ijn , IIIHII-llllllll III III! lUlllIU
' .1 .1 ' ',1, ,. - 1.
ami 11,. 1 ""t "' Jipiii.
""" I'"' lllst l,e..l. 1 . t...
u nn 1 "
- mi ini iiii iir.ittmt 1 n 1 u
u"iorrico nml hnuin..u.. a.i.i
, . Min'-in Jiutiiunn.
Streut, Kliinmlli I'iiIIh.
"' Main
Stale of Oregon, County of Klamath,
CUV of Klumuth KiiIIh .m
I, A L l.nuvllt, Pollen Jlldgo of
thn City of Kluiuiilh KiiIIh, Oregon,
do hereby certify tlmt tho foroiiollig
Ih 11 duly ninollud copy of ltn.-mlullou
iidopted hy tho Common Council on
ill., I ut .lot. ,. An... I 1 II I 'I .1..I.IMI-.
n. ... VII .MII71 II II .11,1 4... Ill . ' I.', 1. ...'
Volutin '''"Bltiour, iiiirHiinut to lnT IIb liiliiittlou lo linpiovo Miirknt
hfrctofn?" (lt "'" c"ii)iinii Omnull Htreet front tho nnrthnrly lino of Gth
llh dn!' . ,lml' ''"Villi! on Ihn Mtrnet to thu Bouthofly lino of Loi 10,
plana '"' ""'V. A. 1). i'l in, filed III Hlock 17, nml tho Houthorly lino
.L. HP0rf(.nt Ifltiu n...l Anll 1 - .. I ... Tli 111,....- IV .. L...n 1 I... II-
ft. . : "" iiiui UDllllluiOU Ul ill leu iu. nun 1. o 1.11 ui.7.ii...i tiim-
Ifli'iitiiuiH and cHtltnut.ut t.iiiiil',U'tn,y
plmiH. HperlflciitlntiH und estlm, iie.s
for lhe liuprovemeiit nf '.Ittcoln
Stieet from lith SI rent e isierly t
1 Ith Street, less Mild 1 ... Irr g.itlon
Cauiil unit right of vvnv. lio anil thn
Fiime ate hereby uptirivid "'id
UK IT I'M'liTlll It IM f.OI.VI'.H
That Ihn Ciiiiiiiioii Cii't'ii"! neieii.v .'e
clnriH its liileutlnu to ,:nifi.e said
I . -. i.iuh of I incolti -i'lve. .11 .11 .'I'm
lltl't villi! 'lilld pl.UH. 1 pe 'Cl'Ml oil
i' .' I'mtitei. -mild iii'1 'v. uu'ii
e 1 1 t pnvltig Hiili! ;iit
ii-ils v I, oil miirn 1' n
ut uu eitlnmled cost. I.ii'lii.lin i."n
ut Hide vull(B, curbing and gracilis
of $123 100 or pluelui: iipnM -- i.l
nil net S Inches of clndnrs vithont
side vviill.s nt un'il eoi't of
$22(1(1011; or concretn pavomont at
uu Inclil ling (
side vviilliH, curbing und 1 r.i.llunr nf
$lf.00.00 or hltullthle p.ivi'iucut il
un ei.tlntiited cost. Iitcludmi: te'iictit
nlde wiiIKh, cuiblng nnd ri.ti'liii? "'
(f.sno Oil, Suld lmpr(vimi"it In
ollher event lo liielitdii era ling mil
liH and rurlilng nnd.
IIK PI' Kl'HTUI'lt IirjUll.VKll. b.v
lhe enmuion Coiiiii'll ilic p'.tp.r
ty herelimftor he. nnd fin unite Ii
hnreby declared benefitted by suld
prnpoHd liuprnvnmiit, (n-vlt .
l.otn 1. 2. :i, und 1 nioi'U hj.
I.iiIh 5, c, 7, mid s llloek't
l.ols 1 and 4. Ulock OI; nnd I
I.oIh 5 mid il. llloek 57, nil In Melt
Slain nf Oregon, County of Klama'h,
City of Klamath Kails ss.
1, A L L.'iivitt. Police Judge of
thu fit yof Klumuth Kails. Oiegon.
do hereby ceitlfy thut the forogo'ng
Ih a duly enrolled copy of a ll'.snlu
tlo uudopted hy the Comm 111 Cnuiuil
on thu fith day of Ma) , 1919. de
claring Its Intention to improve lflth
htreet from Main htreet to Prospect
street und High htteet from 9th
street to 11th street .including inter
sections, und approving the plans.
di stimuli's of the
the City Knglneer.
10-10t Police Judge
.'..I biieelflciitloiis an
tini.-itn'iit f0l,t submitted hv
AppnivlitK tlio Plans mnl Specified
tlnns I'l .pare. I hy the City En
gineer fo 1 tlic linprovemi'iit of IN
plmiaile Stieet rrinn the Xortheilj
Side of Wall Street to lntersec
cllle Ten.ien Pneifie Terraco finin
Huron St. uuitliei'l) to Poitlnnil St. "trances
to tho plnco of beginning.
And that said property above de
scribed an dembraced In said Street
Improvement District hereby is de
Inreil to be assessed for the expense
o fsuid improvements in proportion
to the benefits received by cuid
property. PHOVIDKP.
Thut should property owners on
other streeth than h "ehy di
rected to be lmnr.iv.t-1 delr. at any
time, to form another Street lin
provement District, partiall.. r
wholly within this I'.npro etnent Ii.s
trlct .the property :u' in this
Improvement Dlhtr'.et .-lrt'.l not be
exempt fro :nassest"tents for such
other Improvements to 1)10 client of
beiii'fith received tlij.-f.nni. and.
That Monday, tho 2nd da.' uj June,
1919. 11 ttho hour of S o'clock p in .
at the Council Chamber at 'ha City
Hall ut Klamuth Kails, Oregon, be
fiNod a. tho time and place (or the
hearing of objections ii'id reninu-
ngnlns ttho said proposed
207 I. O. O. F. IU.DG.
In.ltislve. anil i'oillauil St Cast. Improvement anil tin l'oi..-e Jiuigo
eil,v to the Citj Limits of the Cltv '"' ul ""'"rehy is drectel to cause
or Klamath Fulls, Oregon; Deter- i"':li' "f said honrlng t bo publMi
iiilnlng the Houuthirlos Within 0l1 Il! ll' t'lmrtor provide 1.
WI1I1-I1 tho Property Lies Tlmt Is
to Ho lleiiefitted mid to lie As.
sesseil for Such liuprovemeiit, anil
Ordering the I'lilillcatlou (tf This
Ite.soltitlon und the I'ostiin; of No
llces hy the City Engineer:
Tho City Englneor, pursuant to
State of Oregon, County of Klamath,
City of Klamath Kalis sn:
I, A. L. Lenvltt, Police Jmlgo of tho
City of Klumuth Falls, Oregon, do
hereby certify that tha for-jgolui; Is
n duly enrolled copy of uesoiuLlou
Leaves Van's Auto Ser
vice Daily.
Passes t h r u Klamath
Hot Springs.
FARE $6.0 0
mocoai ni 1 "" "uu uuiimuica 01 111 im iu. uiuiu n in uvuiiii 1.
MIiltiL'i ""l,r"'K 7th utiuut from road Addition to tho City of Kl
Poet 8r!; '.",' "Irei-I iinrthorly to Pron- nth Falls, Oregon, mid itpprnva
'"iitri'oi '""' '"''""I't'Ct Htreot from plniifi, npucUleutloiis nnil estliut
I.OIH t. IUKI (., MIOCK In, nil in IM.II , ., ' "-- ...-...... . 11 inn.. I'uiuueu (.ujij ul iv.-mj.i..ilij
ols addition to tho Clly of Klamath "esolutlon 'f thu Common Council ni'opted by tho Common Co.uicil on
Fulls, Oregen: mid thut mid pioiter ".-'"'iii'i uuopieu, ii.iviiii; on 1110 mo 2ist (lay or April. 1U1U, declaring
Iv nhovo (lescrlbnd be. mid in h-'reby -St'1 '''' of April, 1919. tiled plans, its Intontlon to improve Ksplunndo
declared to bo tho property lo he as spielflrutlons nnd eM'mnleii of the street from tho northerly sldo of Willi
sesseil for thn oxponso of said lm l'0bt ot Improving Kaplan.-ido from street to intersection of Ksplanmlo
piovement and. ""' '"'I'lherly sldo of Wall street to street with Pacific Terraco; Pacific
III! IT Kl'IlTHKH IflNOi-VCH intersection of Kspla-udo ntreet with Teirneo from Huron utreot northerly
That Mondnv. tho 2nd ilnv c' "ntno I'ni'lfle Terrace; Paeif.c Tnrraoo from to Portland street, IncliiBlvo, nnil
l'.UO. tit tho hour of S o'clock P. M Huron street nnrthnrly lo Portland. Pott laud streot easterly to tho City
nt tho council chamber nt tho ity streot. Inclttslvo, nnd Portland street limits of thu City of Klamath Falls,
bo fl.o(l as the time ttml place irom memo Torraco easterly to tho Ore-Ron,
Short Order Meals Served.
72 Main Street
hull, lm fixed hh thn time und nlncc Irom Pacific Torrnco easterly to tho Orison, an ilaimrovelnir Min
'Hniriwi..'.. "'!'1 ''"MPuct Htretit from plmwi, ppuclflciitlons and estlmntoH for tho hearing of ohJectiniiH und 10 City limits of tho City of Kmmiitli specifications an destlmniea i.f cost
""Ucff.i-L, lll"ylostIlHtroct! r cost iiioreoi Miinmiitmi uy tnu uuy ,notiHtrnttres against tho i.ilil inpot Faiia, Oregon, and tho Council Imv- thoreo fsubmltteil by tho City Kn
l8tcrlv in on ul l," 'O' Btroui liUKiuvur.
"iieriv in 0.1 vm in. unuut
trii!(.ii ' Sl1'. troot .IncliiilliiK In-
--.ivliu nil.) .1... . .. . . . n ..
-u iiiu euuiicu iiaviut; iv-iui
1'ollco Judge.
ed Improvomnnt nnd tho Police lng tnlton suino under advisement glneer.
Judge ho, and hereby Id, directed tc and finding said plans, spocltlcu-
ciuiso notlcu ut said heuriug to be tlous and estltuntcs satisfactory,
Police Judgo
K. F., Bend Stage
Phone 276-W