The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, May 21, 1919, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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The people of Oregon will have an opportunity to make
an investment on June third that will pay a bigger return
than any reasonable person could hope for or expect. They
are asked to authorize the issuance of 2,500,000 in bonds,
the proceeds of which will be used in the construction of
what will be known as the Roosevelt Highway along the
Coast line of this state from Astoria to the California
line. The proceeds from the bonds will be used only if the
United States government will appropriate a like amount
for this same highway. This will be a return of 100 per
cent to the state on its investment.
The voters of Klamath county will be asked to vote fav
orably on this question, and The Herald hopes that there
will not be a single vote cast against it. For we of Eastern
Oregon can fully sympathize with our fellow citizens in
the extreme western part of this state. Like ourselves, they
have been one of the lost tribes of Oregon. Separated
from the central and more populous part of the state by
natural barriers as we have been, they were almost forgot
ten by their more fortunate neighbors, until now, when the
great changes that are taking place have forced attention
in their direction, and they have hopes of becoming an ac
tive part of what is going to be the greatest state on the
Coast. Like a sleeping giant, Oregon is at last awakening,
and we believe the beginning of the great era of develop
ment is at hand. In this program of upbuilding Klamath
County must be found leading the procession. To do so,
one of its first acts must be united support of the Roosevelt
Build the Roosevelt Highwway and open to the world
God's Paradise. Make accessible to the homeseeker and
homebuilder real homestead possibilities. Make it possi
ble for Oregon to say to the soldier, the sailor, the honest
working man who is planning for the future, to the young
man who wants to return to the soil, to the renting farmer
who yearns to have a place of his own : "Come to Oregon !
Come to our Coast counties, where you will find that for
which you are looking, where forty acres will give to you
the home, the living the life you seek ! Come where God in
his omnipotent power has created a paradise that daily, by
its beauty and splendor, glorifies Him, that welcomes you
and will satisfy the yearning that has lead you on and on
in a f mi itl ess quest!"
The Roosevelt Highway will make it possible for you to
view scenic wonders that you have never dreamed of. It
will make that section of the state the Mecca of tourists
from all parts of the globe. It will open up the most pro
ductive agricultural part of Oregon. It will place on
the tax rolls increased values sufficient to retire these
bonds many times over, so that property owners from other
parts of the state will never have to pay one cent towards
the interest and retirement of these bonds. Further, this
increase in values will be sufficient to not only retire these
bonds but will materially contribute towards the retire
ment of other bonds that have been or may be issued.
Looking at it from a purely cold-blooded, selfish, business
point of view, the construction of this highway will help
us as much as it will the counties thru which it passes and
will be as great a benefit to the state as a whole as a thru
trunk railroad.
Another reason for the construction of this highway is
its answer to the demand for farms for the soldiers. Either
we are ingrates or patriotic citizens who want to show our
appreciation and gratitude for that which the soldiers have
done for us. Here we have a chance, at absolutely no cost
to us, of opening up an empire filled with farming lands,
where forty acres will enable a man to live in luxury and
where thousands of the men who have lost their health for
us will have an opportunity to regain it. God never created
a man or a woman who would vote against such a proposi
tion, for no evil thing ever came from His hands.
Another reason why we of Klamath County should vote
for the Roosevelt Highway is the fact that the people of
the Coast counties will vote to authorize the State to guar
antee irrigation bonds. This authorization entails no cost
to the taxpayer. It only creates confidence in the security
offered, which is always greater than the liability. It will
enable Eastern Oregon to go to the bond buyers and say:
"Our Stafe has investigated our proposition ; it knows it is
a feasible one ; it guarantees our bonds."
Back of those bonds will be the millions of acres of land
that will be made productive through irrigation, and just
as the lands of the state pay off the Reclamation Service
costs, so will the lands reclaimed under these bonds pay
them off, and be free from the curse of governmental sup
ervision, wastefulness, incompetency and mistakes.
When you support the Roosevelt Highway you are help
ing yourself ; and a man must possess a peculiar twist of
mind if he refuses to help himself, especially when it costs
him nothing.
These are some of the reasons why The Herald believes
every voter in Klatnath County should
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