W$v i&xivnmg, i it iai. i.ii:it i i.IMVIII Ot'M'V OJ I K MI. IMI'I.K OP KI MTII I'AI.LH Tim tcfiith Year No. 3.G27 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 21, 1019 Price, Five Cent J&tyMp'Mr CAA'JL i futfrms REFUSED SAYS HUN CABINET Definite Statement Given to Associated Press EBERT OF SAME MIND Tlmr I Inill t.heti l.n.'in) I I 'In. MI,,rroit i:lrn. Inn Will He .k nl uf Mlli' (iei until In Make Ite. ,) in Mile hiMin t'triuler Or lando .'" I llul). LOCAL MEN SELL THEIR LAST CAR W llll ll Jl I r. Hi tilt r I t. ultl (h I I .n.l iitlltiin ill Hie Ilmli;.- ,iut ti i r..r (hi I. trlii. i) hhl lntwi-l 1.1 llitir Ui IhhIkm lliln v...,.l( win ii llll') tt.tl' M I.IJllllllll III iHHIItlKK Of l ln' I' Mu)hett nf Kiii'iipo Math, u It II iliuilei In I ur I ll mill III' IllM 'it "iiuirliif Hi.. intuitu Inr .i , )inU' mill when ln found mil ill it llii' lui nl il. miIi. ta hint mil. lift ii . trli'il In iniii ll nwii) from them Fulling in tout Inn. On. in t It r ii lli-i until". Iu i aim. In imriHiii mill nulil he iiimi in i'imii iiiiiii In. Kni Dm inr i There uim mi rimlniliiK bin portniaiili ulillllli.ii mi llii.) lui lilni In, vi. their bine nun blue iiihI ilii.ii Hindi the wire hoi fur iinulliiT mrlimil Tlml n.iinl hcri MM'H Hum i lui nm ill I hi inn Willi i'ii. niiiinifiii niri-r iin. I it-, ii n -mil thet m Imv.. mi ni h I . ir I u.l iti i f. it dm s President and Mrs. Wilson Visiting Coliseum While in Rome SKiMr3sr"Tj' 7- ; t'A TZ'iJikvsczsn.vszxfisx.'ju'XT' "iniyz"iyi'0Ft?, ti z&'''X', i&tZ77Kffi!&H0P&1PAA vST IBiififlr r riff . WA -?". m ft " a i5,v -. ' Dalcl. IMniIfll h) A. luli-il l'rri il.'fllill" statement Mini (rumm "in nui u:ii Uii' ih'.m i (rm hi their pri'eiit form It i hi-mi ii oir li ilii' '.imii.in I'll lil n i1 lliiuilrfli Ibe it" I l'ri'" siii fim nttfjril In he ntmu u ..in i i iiiillnr lltir Ii) l'r.M.l.i' M i I n inlur TliiMlpiM'tiii m ' t i ii in IiIrIi ..Mit.i.n Ii it i I ' k Ulll I I r f itr Wa til vi-twrdu t Ml .itin at t . i kit. ' i i n( i . ' in I T I T T E IN en i 1 1 i .i .i i ii sn Mh will HOW I . ilia. I mtf I I . . i. I who ralt I - . the ilar.' of iIim Hrt!. it i'i 1 1 hi don into it u Willi. t omtrww npftri t ' I'i 1 n ilili'f v f . i if CfllU 'I . , Hutlilt'.l i ni- w ju be ii;i apple, ilnu to tUt torn- f i i HOI It '! I t i Mill " hi- 1 1 1. 1 ij la wh -b t' . i i .ii . nil h ultl Hi U "l. lii li-huml forntr Tr. lu imt'i. TIM war tJtjMiiiinMH m t r.i tt I I If h i'.H lir i tr . - ' nl i r mil ' I ' I r. i t Ui . -ii, xw .T.T- fritMHAL - (.ft Jt.y T'9 k . trtn.r- sji'Nr.,ji , -7.rt alxii- ,h . M i.lf-X'f. ET& m rk 1'UM . . rfkkkkHrvST ' . i tk 'NlV5'r I . i fliiSanWU ..'W-'Jt' . H. I .'k K TV T . tiT.Kjr -- "- ' "- ' ' - J -- r .- r -&.A' SUFFRABEGDES T FRY I UHHr Resolution Now Goes Up to the Senate FORTY VOTES EXTRA WIImiu'b IlecominendaJloni for Pro hibition Anipndniont Ropoal Sm Tii It.- Hat Ins Little Kffert on Vuviinjli)n Ix-RfHlator Iiil tion fur Drj Knforccnient N ItcLo rianned. WASIXriTO.V. D C. Mav "l The Woman"' Suffmee fi olnt'oa as adopted b th House nf l,'-r Bpntatltes here todat with for ' r. orn (than thf nocpssarv two thfr'' win It now poes to the Spnate. Ml iv1 iiv pjiDinriUT m DMT' ass mi SENIORS ARE FETED BY THE ALUMNI --j, I WA?HINT.TO.V V C . Mi' 21 N'otwIth'tandliiR; the Wilson imoi- ' nipmlatlou for the rppal of th tctr ' t'me prohibition In so far a 't Ve- 1 itfs to wlnp and fcefr. the o inloa itfii"d to pain ground tod.i t ir ii r iipi! piau-'"' wniiU. bt it m tot i 1' W Ml IW II XM III' H tv ! . CM F) I H'tM l-l fi. -inil' I It n I vii- , me s f frr lli.s. t f 1 II ll ! I flit It HI PROJECT iidl l n ic ! niflf (o,r"""fe ,;n"1 ,('er Tui" Frst UNI 'N'M 'Ifartlme p-jhili na I 4 .. iv Ll iltuia ili tJ Ui pl.inuul to en.i' t !"Sislation 'or th MX'M'WMi: flMJ.'Gt,". ON l.l IATH I'RMjrrT VII! UKI.I. i hm ii-T ( rorui'M, tk i i : i :r jir iti cniu enforcpnient of war t!in r acr jntVih" ontituMonat nint ' , Wr "t ji ha Kino . 'nimtMi "n ' rrt nn ' r. 'n quuat'niik i lie paid ruplill a lb" eUlm- for i i .t iible that th M-ftlio K0 boni. burounc Iho dupirt ti..- I... pn-utniiw! lo'the in -in otuit liitimiluntn Hip clnlm. ?; .iil Krldav It Ik umium- fr i b mllfaei- riorl ih- clmra i.n.i .l llul orlnmlng trip IiuIIpkim iro" ' make the nrrunKeuiPiiiii for iay inr tpr!upiiifni In tin utrk nf the i Th. m'tlifnl of niipliauUon m tmii mliu-niifiii of tlio I'Iuiiip Miifkiiiiii r t,. that i-itiinil In npplylnv lor ml Ma indllnn illfili)li4 bi-fori' Ihr ill,, boi im Tlu wrlRitiul ilhh'ir. nil. .in. iri.noiilC'l"l'. Att-ir a ll. l , .. ri If I. ui or i t nlfl.'il t op in i bf f "' 1 I i ! I bis I -fc itlinuM I ( f oitiuulir Jnti . tsi nnan.tr nutrw-rtiaf lt. rliilm- p(p n t 1 10 nf mrf'U- han- f-n -.i.tini- H tor H. N Mo, the enirni."tf ,i ll. .llll! u ftDit 1 r 1 in 1 rftor hphpnl war tine oc , 1 ir ligUUtloa wi'l 'ie '- I'hiir ii.it t ift-n 6 9 'iltion nent- ' the liij Jul? p r N iirs. K v i'i RprlatuuM'm Project hind for tbj ocmNlon 111 - I'ltlshNT IKVt. t-r A. PAR,) Mn plenlpot. ii r : j . ' Hoik mi 1 1 p entpp-'o' ii f I 'l "It Si Ii. r I t'K't W I'I 'Ullll'l It fl l t The .- 1 '"Mil 1 1' ltr o pr sion in that - mi the term1. 1 1 111 1 1 1 ntnlit l 1 (I Wll I III I Oi 1i.i r llll in 1 till 1 1 III III 1 1 II re ti tin 1 It Mil 21 1 in i lien' Mi ilium for u The t 1 'ilnei .tk llltll I..T Di'tii will) 11 form u liu It iiidi be on l.ilni'il hi ant lorn) r.- i ill title t'fi . Iti'il ( roK nertlif bureau or tltullti ItmtlliUlon for the nlfl of illnrhiiiKed , Iiiiin to Kit;;; tint tnrma Initf ,i,u,ir I f .r. 11 lirrnitk.' It .',. tn rialniH will iitno be rerehel fn.iu II diHlrui tion pot 1.1I nuIiIIcih ttliohi. 1 nit el iillittMim. 'Hit unit nioriit ilecmil itlnii of , nilt ,0er tin' full illxluiiie thet to 1 .'rinati lliilliiit not mil) for .mir,.,! to to from Hit luitin ohIhk lu a haiip' in lliflt lion 1 flili l.m bu' ilnu for I 11 MM in- IE IS LIGHT MRS. UPTON GETS GUILTY YOUNG MEN Fl I it is Ml'l'l ultli Or Mat '.'I I)nlil HiiIihoi of Mli lilt ()! Illlil M llll. Jul' a triMlmi' Hair nil. ill I. oil o frniii Ihio tii'tii belli In tin Krainl Jurt under $2''H lunula lit Mi I ue Tit lot utter the) had pi" nl i-iilltt in ihaiK'H of 'iKinni liiniil'lil In Mih J II I ptmi ol I'otl land of tin' I'ailfb I tumt Itesiue Hint I'loliM lite not leU AiTiudlni: In et Idem e Inlriiilnoi'il both men paid Hie nillrntd fate of 1111 IS-M'.'U old Kill It v i 11 K lu Allt.lIlN . the ""it oli In the Slrahoru rll eli'" j fm inoi fimn Kliiimitli 1'iilU to Weed fill . nml the latlei from Weed In Medford Mm I plon wiih on the train ami mult ed the trio. The ur leHtH weie made In a local hotel earh prnpneror or tne woman Mom en his rMrllt bBjrln trip In San r'r it c'v ro .Mr. Mae. althmiKli an omini'i' 1 that crave eonrern N felt 1 1 Knrmrni muntifactur k i on ' 1 -the i-Nfit I abor HtrlKei hati ' n f "tisliltriihln number of the vi in i' , aiparel liotuei. and no luimedlu v re lief neeiiia pimiilble This tonitii u affeftit tve limit bantu of the U - tu un alarmlliK extent he nut 1 "Until mutt be .intlrlpnt I aid orders placed far lu ndxutire :wii then H10 inerrluilil who hn ' ' r. i)iilrt'iiH'iilH fuirilli'il Is Indetd .ofu-, nnle Kevplui; In tlose toueh 'villi the mtirket anil lu intlkliu: fnniieiitl irlpn to illMlrlliiitliii; reni'v Mr Mih-mutes nrethe unit minus f keep. J IlKXD Mat Jl The state of Orc- Iiik onu'h ntnek nl 11 at-fart " iner-lAon has effecmel) tied up the en'i-e rhiindlfiliii; point flow of the Deschutes ritcr abot" That I hate been In feed nni,- fiend, foi tears to rome at th" ehett SIXTETESUP WATER MIS illu Mr SliH!! ! rh i,an:e $i,)o arre fot Ull ULuUJ'.U I LU 2" extra per foot $1011 U 1 1 i .-dan to 'Tures w I, , ALK. 1U IS-LAftlAlH 'uif 'en tiken .from reports Just rfu.l ..t the loeal office !u tho ' Attornet Harold 1. Memr-an or '""jmts 1st the minimum acre thp nrra of Mem man 'and Van charge Indicate the co-t for cieh)Emo"' uho U1,s bofn orsea5 " ho Ordnance vert ice for a number' oE months, has now been released from his mllltirv duties and has returned to resume hi- law practice In this J citt He states that he has traveled j oter the greater part of northera France while awat He is beim; wel comed batk lit hi uunv friends Im Klamath Falls af re listed for water, the acre foot n iniinum indicates the acre feet of water permuted for ue without ex tra iharge The epense per extra 1 re 'nt of water U aUo giteu. KUmath project, minimum acre ' rue 51 2" acre foot minimum 1 ". t'ttri per foot $ A ' ower Yellow stone minimum 1 1 ir,e $1 it) acre foot minimum 1 ." . tra per foot i linum acre minimum FIRE PROTECTION ASSURED IN CITY Sunutslile WashinKton, minimum acre clwrce $2 00 acre foot mini muni 2 0. extra per foot $ 30 Shoshone, Wtomlng. minimum acre clurwe. $t 10, The business men who assemble i at the mass meeting called 5y Mayor I 11 St ruble at the City Hall last 'night, endorsed his action n reiser! to the fire department, and iceo'ding Mniti in ui si' in tim i Mltlllllt ommii 11 1 ' ll I , CTIDN II ItMIN l. 1 t ls ( OMI(. IN MIIM'AC l(lltll ful in mt liiii biititiK trip itld Mr Mo. ' ii. etldent In the spb n ,1 in Kiiriiiints for tvonien w hi b I hue biotiKht bin k wllb me APPOINTMENTS MADE ' ON STATE BOARDS mm Was tin lli;hl e nl) toila) ti" conltnjr in reports shortl) iiflernotin Tie tiahoru I tulli oiul commlt'ee 1 nnxltitis to see 11 stluiilliited lull'-' t 'lirlnr tlm lemiiludei of tho tln .nil In lintH a iari:n toln lo show tho rail ri'l builili'i Hun tho city Ih beliiiul ''i'i n II htm 1 n from tho Ills' lie wiuiIh to ,. tt ti t C otl (o (iperntlon If . e ' ro tilieiid with tlm riilliiiul ilo tlniuiit.ut f KjihIuiii and t'oi'iiul flllRllll Tho HiilmrrlfiilimH which will com Willi Hut termiuiil fund 1110 eomlnr 1,1 t 11 HiitlHfui'toiy way tlm oouiinll 'o nniiniinras today uUIioiirIi Ilia u)l nml the Imlhliluiil ilnimtiinie Vcro nut mndii public, it Ih not- ov l"'ct!l Unit U111 oluctlon will lirihlu "lo HiuiBfnitorlly nml tho nncus'rirv ""iniuit will i) Hociinid no Unit Urn tonitriKiinii of tho lino to t-'pi 'i;uo of the federal sn eminent a onl'uj to an announcement made lit I'erc) A Cupper suite engineer thru Y it Fole), manager of the Hend ' alor 1 iKhl and l'ower compan) The new corporation is pretented from iustallltiK a "it ii)i)-horbi'iowei phint a few miles abote Ileml plan- SAI I'M Mat 21 fioiniuor Glqo'l '"'a fl,r ,"1-' oar anJ ""' Ireent has nnnoiiiiced appolntinents on tb1si,,) hor.sepower plant located In new Child welfare commission Mo tM" cll' mi,v '", comlemneil if the has named Mrs Millie It Tiuuib ' ''ter nece.ir to operate it is need niul Fred I.ocklet of I'oitliind. Mrs I '''' '"' irrlB.Ulon Withdrawal of wnt I'ted C Hdillke of I..i ttrande l)r n. I er liKhts on the riter abote Mend re- W mum 1 " eitra per foot $ 2 Straw berrt Valley. I'tali. Mini .mum acre charRe, $100. acre foot minimum 2 0 extra per foot S 50 I'matiHa, West, minimum acre chiirRe. $2 00. acre foot minimum j I! 0. extra per foot $ "0 I'matiHa Hast minimum acre , chnrne $2 00 acre fotjt minimum 4 0, extra per foot $ ".i I ltoi-o. Idaho, minimum acre charge 1 $12" acre toot minimum, 2.0, ex tra per foot $ 20. 1 CniUh.nl Xew telco. minimum acre foot mini- totheMator there will be no trou'da in seeming adequate fire prot'et'on NC-4T0STII TIM I to lie a prelimlnart mote by the got- lth tion, " cm go nlioiitl without I'.Miuup. wi:.tiii:u itKi'oitr. gentle northerly OrPKuuFnir at Jiliksoutllle ball. hllejob is out on Mrs 1'ptou was In Kliiniatli Falls foi 11 iiiimhei of dats lecenlly in the Interest of her wink. ai)r.i 1'lnrifii 4 1 J i n nr.i fii-t tulnltiiiitit De llUHkum. l'hstcologt expert of 1 presenting To.OOO horsepower. Is aaid ' Xorth IM.it t. XebrasUa and Wyo-' tiling minimum acre charge, acre foot minimum 2 s, extta per foot $ tiu. I Hello Fouch. South Pakot.). mini-j mum acie clituge $1 ii. acre toot mitiiiuum 1 2 extra per foot $1 20. or "si'MM m: si mc m ihk Orill It TO ftF slUIMM'O UDMh. nun Fin: lmiTisti au:mi:v 11 s ItFI (.l IMl' ll... !'..!. ..,!. ..t t.. ..,,. , ., i.ttttl..! Uli I lilt V I nil im v 1 i'hiiii un .ii'iuiii I - - ' ' 1 ml hv I'rosldetit Campbell mid Klrou-! "ruineiit to detelop the 200 000 acre. this moiulng Katldson and the ,1,011(1 Hull of l'ortinnd nanied hv the ' Deschutes Irrlgition project, ttiniii: i:lrl whose iiiunii Is withheld sintn Mmllral Assoi'liillon There worn I This Is consideied most feasible b) the authorities unable to furnish f t 0 appointments made bonds wete tal en to the lounty Jail thru the construction of .1 huge stor- Uoteinor Olcoit niimeil t W Fer- "" H'riolr at lietiliam tails. 10 gusou of Portland s a member of the "tHc n1l', "''"'I "'" t iUtermltie Sinl.t1litnr.lnrApeiiiiiil.tnet r.tnl.irlnp He ailVlsallllUt 0 constructing MICIl J Aithur Iletrldge. who reslgnotl He will npinlnt i: M Wilson o( Medfonl oti June "id when another Mieancy occuis NEW PRODUCE HOUSE READY FOR BUSINESS Henry nml lluttlilxon, Is tlm nut ie of tho newest wliolesuln nml 1 l ill esliibllHhmunt to ho lutim hid In thli city. This now business wjt be roiu'iie (od nt 1010 Main Sticet mid oteit tlilug lu tlio luoduco lino will bo hmulled. Tlio proprietors linvti li ul extended experience In thl'i buslnesH i.iul bellevo tliut Klnntiil'.i Ftlla at (mils mi oxeelleiit fluid ..t lliln itni ioit(-i: siir i'ii. 1 1. Alleging that she was subjected ti the most humiliating tieatnient, tlu.t tho deftmdeut had iniule attempts tn toko her life b.t stubbing hei, Hint sho had tomorurilv lost the sight of 0110 0)0 after being struck in I tha, further oxlstnuco as tho wife of tllji dufeiulmit was unbearable, n suit for divorce has been Instituted hv M(n 11I0 Hough against Hugh Houh. Th.e custody of the minor child, ltober;,Ji usked In the pra.ter of the complaiuV a resertolr. a representatite of tho reclamation sertiio will unite hero within tho next mouth to make .. thoro geological surtey of the lam' The withdrawal of water ilghn it is said, Is to protein tho necessity of numerous condemnation proceolngs in case the got eminent should decide on an iuclusito iriig.itloii progi it uue riom the power standpoint, urth or ilutulopiuent on the Deschutes la halted except for that part of th Mi emu lIug holow tho point whero It connects with Crooked rlvjr An other stream which may furnish , solution to tho problom con ti outing tho local power company, Is Tuninlo creek, and rights on thU hato already been offered to the corporation. M:W Di:i'l"lY VssFssOU. Miss Jo Oriscoll. who has been principal of the School at Fort Kluui ath during the past ear has now finished her term and has taken a position aN deputv In the office of Assessor J P. I.ee for the Miiuiner months r.utiw i:iiii ff.i:i). A farewell feed for tlio hos of tho CioOetters Class of the Preshjtorlan Sunday School was giteu last night at the home of J. C. Johnston at Canby and East Street. ThU group of bojs will be largely split up uow for the suramsr mouths WASI11NC.TOX, n C May 21. Kesiimptlon of the transit' mtl? flight ht the Seiplane XC--1 li 11 again been delated A luesat te the naty department trom Adm.ril Jackson said that one enh.ue had de. eloped trouble and that iho st.:t 'or Lisbon would not be mmli 'o 1: rr condition of the weaMier was not mentioned. Dispatches later In t no div indi cated that the XC-4 intended to get awav for tho final lap of the oter beas totage at da-breet; toinotiow Commander Towers has recom mended that tho XC-1 which sank at sea. be stricken fiom tho Xav.t list and that the XC-3 be placed out of commission for rebuilding when sh nrrltes at Xew York This plane ii now being taken apart to be shipped home. ST. JOHN'S. May 21. All hope for Aviator Hawker and Lieutenant Commander Grleie has been xlrt'i ally abandoned now l i'i f 6 fl ti 'I ' i 4l $.