TUKHOAT. MA If 'JO, 1010. jtf (WM -. THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Voters! Attention OFFICIAL BALLOT Special Election, Wednesday, May 21, 1919 MARK A CROSS (X) BETWEEN THE NUMBER AND ANSWER VOTED FOR . . The following question is submitted to the qualified electors of the City of Klamath Fnlls, Oregon, by its Common Council, pursuant to Ordinance No. 446, adopted 'April 28, 1919, and duly approved by the Mayer: "sluill Ihr ( (million I iitim II f (In ('In of Klamath Pall-, in offitlul lap.uit), lie mithoiicd mill illicetcd, for and on Ik luil r of Milil II), to cci iilc mill ilelher (o Oregon, ('iilifuitiia .mil Tustcin I Oil In i) t unip.iu), a corMiiation, a deed nl tiuic'iin mid Mile coinciliiK to Mild Compam all tight, title and inteiest of said ( it) in and to all leal and personal piupem, lights mid piitileges mined, miuirt d usiilli said (it) fin iniinli ipal steain-inilroad purposes, dcliery of miiIi oiit()ame lit said ( it) to lie niadi' to said l onipan iioii the following (onditlens: (1) t oiiipli'llon of ioii-ii in linn lit said ronip.ui) of stainlmd guage railmad (equal in rj unlit - to the Klamath lulls Miinlilpiil Itilhwn) Irom the uoitheastril) tti minus of the Klamath Tails Mtiniiip.il ICnlluu) to Sprugue Itiier, Ulamnth loiiiin, (Megou, mid (-) ti'iulei li) said Compuii) to the ("it) of Klamath Tails of income bonds to the amount of SilllO.iMMi, of and ilul) issued h) said Oregon, California mid Tustcin Kaihwi) Coinpnm, obligating said Com pun to pa) to the holder of wild bunds, miuuull) Midi tio lata of the net earnings of said Ilailwa) Company, and after nil Inteiesf i lunges bine been paid, ns the sunt of SHOO.MM) beats in earli jour to the sum foittul by adding the iiinouul of Mild bunds to the total Issued mill outstanding capital Moik of said ltallun) Coiupan) for the con esjtoiiding jeat, on lleiembei :ils." Vote YES or NO 300 YES 301 NO BE SURE TO VOTE 300 (X) YES Voting Places: First Ward Bank Exchange Second Ward City Hall V1 T ? Third Ward Johnston Furniture Co., Main St. Fourth Ward Howie Garage, opposite White Pelican Hotel Fifth Ward Garlarneaux Building Corner Upham and Prospect Streets 9 ? " PACT r. i . I KSr H .t 3hg 4 till -i Mi i hit m XI- MS rt 3 t H I