IMCB TWO THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON WOMAN'S CASH AMAZES KUAMATH KALLH it m SUBSCRIPTIONS A business mnn's wife could not ew or road without sharp pains In er eyes. For years her ees werol rvd and weak. Finally she tried sim ple wltchhnxel, camphor, hydrastls, rta, as mixed In Lnuiptlk eo wash. The result produced by n sliiKle bot tie amaxed over one. We guarantee a small bottle l-nwmtlk to heln AN'V CASK weak, strained or Intlamed v" I'nmp. James K pyt. Aluminum ee cup KKKK. llrookfleld. Wllfonl S Whitman l)ruK Co. Adv j Marrow. Joseph ' Hanson .1 VoRel, I'eter I" H'e arc nln on the Job ready to taXe rare of jour tire lnuranrt Oill ote Smith, 033 Main st. 9-tf ANNOUNCEMENT Splnks' Fishing and OutlnK camp on Spring Creek. Wil liamson River will bo open to the public on and after May 20 The Reed fishing Is now on Good homo cooked meals senred. Tent quarters. Klsh and Chicken Sunday dinners a specialty. Reservations must be made in advance. Rates by week quMoil on ap plication R. C. SPIXKS. Prop. P. O., Chtloquln, Orvjron. John Lewis. It K McAndrews, John K Kngenello A. Ferguson, W J. Uulrjinple. K. K. A: Son Dlnelll. (1 Jacks. Anton Johnston. tt. Hlrd . . Chlesa. J 1' Wicks, Clarence K. . Urugnn, W Sjvers, J.imes Lewis, H K. Honshu-. Hoy tinge Norman II 1 Decker M . Johnson. A T Lund, Anton . , Hurst. Kmll Hallurd. Hal 11 Sample. Chas. Kscnluna, Manuel Ljons. Thomas John , Cramer. Albert Anderson, F O. .Marchesini, V llenetti, Antonio Nant, John -Plcnn, Antonio Schulti, Louie K. . llodell. C. W. Mclllwee F C. Cavnlerl (3 Condldo (1 Hansen, John Yates. Mrs I, K. . . Zardo S Spuwiitioxeu, Frank llrombal, Qulrtlno KiiKstrom, John . Precoma, A Mlchelon. (! i Ferrari, (I. l'uttonl, C. llelle. Attltlo Curiili'llo. I, Wilson. A C I'imfiirtl. A Spoors, J.unrs Costlrnlla, (! Androatto. A Noussltou, II Feguson, W J ( htiola. I) u'n ' Thncker. Richard T, ,,'' Rossi. 11 100 Mlchelson. A Frost. J I.. 100 lllovanlnetll. C. 50 llobbs. W W. soj Woods, Willis Wilson. A C 'i0. Ml I r.o ;.oi r.o 100, 100, r.o '.0 100 it.- 100 ion 100 i0 I Oil I VI loo i .o r.o ..o r.o :.o 100 llodoll. C Sapp.. W W 11 r.o r.o no 100 100 r.o r.o h ao r.o r.o r.o j on r.o ".0 .o VI r.o .o r.o &o "in o '. i r.o Ml '.0 o -,,i SO lllil r.n 100 r.o '.0 100 r.o i i MillTHWKNT MKTHOIHSTS ItAISIXl I.AIKii: AMCM'NT. i , f-f" PORTLAND, Ma 20 Ttin N'orth west beodiiuiirters of the $10'. 000, 000 Methodist IViilelian iiinveiuelit for tehulldlliR the world leports Unit with reports iiiIshIiik from nun third of the roMwnunltlos In Urn Norlhwest l.tio.iiiis had been subscribed l 111" diisi. of the llmt 21 hours of the drle The OIinphln WiisIiIImkIuii district which has raised UHl percent of It iiiota of 1 0.'., 000 lioiuls the entire northwest The Sult'iii tliegon illntrlrt with T.'i per Cent of Its quota or 1210 000, Is u close socnnd lll'TII i.IIIUHO (lOKM TO HTATK IIOMIMT.41. HHATTI.i:. Wash., May 20 --lluth . ...... .. ' , uarrisou was wuu mini oiner 'vi;i.a.Nii oi,. iirlHiiiiers to Walla Walla and was bo- "ally unrlnl mull ....',' " WKHIMV. MAY ,, AIH MAII, Ittil'-ri: ' n: W VMl liriniiiifin in . ii'iii . iiiiii nun wua no- ,. hitiiij liilill k,i,v lleiul to biii been taken limim liiil- """KIIiiiIimI btwii. .fn ''" kff Iv to the Statu Hospital at Medl. il HiIi-iiko IM ,t(j 'l'ono number Is a. I, uko Hbe will tin examined by tile Slate A 'ens tt determine ii'ii'I r they hcLotii her Insane Van' same as t"M,""fr'W"X"-v-' BEND WILL SECURE B. P. O. E. CHAPTER Consult Us It Pays IET us show you vthy j Firestone Truck Tires will fcive you greater wear, greater resiliency, greater protection for your truck, greater saving in repair and fuel bills and Most Miles per Dollar. This will not be merely a word of mouth demonstra demenstra demonstra teon: vre want to give you proof of the above state ments; we want to show yon the whys and wherefores truck tire facts that will positively mean m money saving to you. And we want to acquaint you with our facilities, with oar ability to render you truck tire service quickly and intelligently. Come in any time. We suggest today. D. A. KEVTO.V Ath and Plnm. Tfrtttone Truck Tires t i o s s Liberty Theater REND. Or . May 19 - Mends popu latlon Is unipl) sufficient to meet (he requirements of the 11 P O F li re gard to granting a charter for i Wk al lodge. It was shown this morning. census committee re- Tonight Only MARGARITA FISHEK In "FAIR ENOUGH" S i ...l...H ..... L.MI.- porteil at a special session of the city I aaaaaamav aaaaaaKv aavHam. BaaavaK BTaTaBTaTMBm BTaTaTaTaTaBTal il : aaaaaaaaaaaaaaKitStTBm aTaTaTaTaTarDHanHlBBTaTal BBTaTaTaTawRBaiBTaTaTaTl BBaVTVISBBTa BaaaaaaaKiBaaaaaaaaaa aMaf9Hffli' 'b9HBI council that 5TS2 had ben enumer- 4.ated here The census was certified. b) 30 officials, although It was ad mitted that the number turned In In, by no means complete , .Many ramllles claiming Ilend as their home, but having one or more members working in the woods for the lumber companies, were not In cluded, and In the brief space of time allowed for the completion of the census. It is known that a number of others were omitted Mayor Eastes believes that from the showing made In the Incomplete enumeration, the entire number would run close to 6500 The weather Is warm and the water Is fine at the Hot Spring bath house. Fun Should say! Oo to the Hot Spring bath honse 12-1 WARNING: Persons with brittle ribs are strongly advised not to roe this picture as the management can not be responsible If you crack your sides laughing. It's really funny. REGCLAR PRICES ,4----M-M-M-M-9- Get Travelers accident and health , policy and protect your Income. CMI- Tl rote Smith. Asrnt. 9-tf aMavasaaBaSHiaBjaMBaKaralBaaBBBBSaaaraaaaaHaaHaBaS ROBERTS & HANKS HARDWARE PHONE 173 422 MAIN ST. Get the Habit of w Drinking Hot Water Before Breakfast say ws cant lock or foil right wtth ths systsm fall a of poisons. m Millions of folks bathe Internally now Instead of loading their system with drugs. "What's an Inside bath!" you say. Well, It la a guaranteed to per form miracles it you could believe I these hot water enthusiasts. ! There are vast numbers of men and women who. Immediately upon arising In the morning, drink a glass of real ' hot water with a teaspoonful of lime 'stone phosphate in It. This Is a very i excellent health measure. It Is Intend- led to Hush the Htomnch, llur, kidneys i ,nnd the thirty feet of Intestines of the previous day's waste, hour bllo and In digestible material left over In tho body which If not eliminated istery iloy becomes food for tho millions of bac teria which Infests tho bowels, the (illck result Is polponH find toxins which iiro then absorbed Into the blood j causing headache, bilious nttarkH, foul , bienth, li, id taste, iuMh, stomach trou ble, kidney rnlsciy, sleeplessness, 1m Iiuie blood and all sorts of uilmdits. Pioplo who fiel good ono tiny nnd b.iill) tho ni'xt, but who Hlmply cm! not ;tt feeling right uru urged to oIj- tain u quiii ter pound of llmestonii phos.. plmtc at tho drug store. This will cost veiy little, but Is unfile lent to mitko ' innyono tt nnl crank on lliu uubjict of inteinal sunltutlon. i Just ns so.ip and hot water art on tho skin, cleansing, sweetening nnd freshening, so llmestono phosphate ,nd hot water act on tho stomach, I liver, kidneys nnr bowels. It Is vastly morn important to batho on tho Insldo i than on tho optslde, becauso tho skin pores do not absorb Impurities Into tho blood, while the bowol pores do. Adv. BLOCK WOOD Is the ideal fuel for the summer season because it makes a quick, hot fire, just when you want it. Order Peyton' Blocks and you are sure to get dry ones. 0. PEYTON "Wood to llurn" 501 Main Phone 112-R BaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaMBaBiOBai FAKE" ASPIRIN WAS iffl i lb Counter Mte? Tl.r Nrw Vk t.r.lit. .n..,i,, ,. a uiiiul.rturrr ..nirnrrj t.. r,ini,rv (f ,.' "t"1 . Unltr.1 mn. f -T.lrun, ww.,r, ' UMri. .. tll . TU iixA llu Do't :isk for Aspirin Tablets Alwnjs s.iy "Bayer Don't buy Aspirin in a pill box' U-l UCT package! Always sav. "dii m. .....!.. Ax - - - finiuine n.u T.I.U. ..r . ttSFlrC?A 7 i mpirai-- insist PBifc you wan t nly the H.ivcr pichge y with the "Bayer Crou" on the package ami on the tablets. The Keuuiue "Daycr Tablets of Aspirin" have bn 'am. proved safe by millions for Toothache, Karnchc, Rheumatism, culachc, Neuralgia, iimbatro, Colds, Grippe, Influenzal Colds, Joint Pains, Neuritis. Proper dose in every "Bayer" package. American owned! lloira of 13 UMtU Mottlr of 24 Potttr of 100 Alto Ctpmti. Afltim U Ik tni wik ! Iirif MuilHiwf ( HuHoiiuiUHUi ! -"ril j s'flmz BBBB BbV BBBLBT .BBBBBBBV BBBr P I wm II We put away millions of pounds of fine Kentucky Burley tobacco every year, stored in wooden hogsheads. It ripens two years. When we take it out it's different Nature has improved it, good as it was made it friendlier, more fragrant, cool-smoking, long-burning. Nature has given it a delicious quality of mildness and fragrance that no artificial means can ever equal. u m l tal !h i w : si ra ha; ra J q I You would 5 J difference. 3 E3 i ilES i TUB FRIENDLY TOBACCO X HHHERE may be some things that can be done well in a hurry, but pichin a wife an' agein a tobacco ain't amongst 'em. w&t It's just that extra touch of friendly good ness that is building up VELVET Tobacco into the favor and good will of thousands of pipe smokers who pre fer to smoke tobacco cured in Nature's way. notice the Roll a VELVET Cigarette VELVET'S nuturm'iiged nulJnni ami Mmuolhnft makt it juit tight for ciuutLttt: & m ra b iB n m m m e a eb m &r$- S:t, M ill I M ffW M la S&LKJijy vjcjszst""v;'r7r2C2u2z OR CHICKS AND CHICKENS CHICKEN FEED. ALL SIZES GRIT. OYSTER SHELL. SCRATCH FEED. CRACKED CORN. EGG MASH. CHARCOAL. BONE, AND LICE KILLER. Murphey's Feed & Seed SWJ 126 South Sixth St