Mt4 . H 4I. 'X vru S mt jEiigmng MemVta OFFICIAL PAPKH OFJ Ki.AM.vru rorvrv I OFFICIAL PAPER KLAMATH FALLS Thirteenth Year No. 3,626 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, MAY 20, 1919 Price, Five Cents Ml FILLS FIREFIGHTERS iirlili mill l,nitiik (ii,..Mi-i in- .i - Ion which wim decided by tin, voli. I ill llii' Minor During iiiin mission Cimtiiiiiiiiiifi . (iiirlih lend tlix flf'tit for tlm removal ' I ' lluiimiluT iiml Criuncllnion Col 'Mn fin In rilititlini. the former. ' niiiiciining t lut t ll ,t.n, uiitiri K.ilil- i Unit the city administration hIii.mIiI n moreen ny lopiirtmotit After tlm resumption of tint open Hi'KHlnn, Cnuucllmmi Colvlii tnni. iii.ii iiw. , ,. ttn- j L 'rW"M'" rflniitiiifii ThM motion v. is Fire Liner I Uiiminea by s.,-ondod i,y councilman i.e... vim City Council ! w,ln "l"'"1 lwo '" ,wo- M"'"- smtiii" 7 cuntinK th deciding vote Hid four firemen, wlio ctlil not go out with tin. ri-nt wurc, Truok Privor .o,r. riuy Wilson. ior;o I nun cnarles Nnwmnn Mayor FIRE CAUTION L UPPEALMADE N I, HOT MEETING IS HELD jUror Nimble CaU Deriding Vote tr',M" "Ulwl hl" rnlnK that bo ''I iwiJlvml mnnirnnce from i urn. for I)UImI of Officer for HI. Ac- I,, r of kooi) in on for their ro-tpcra- Hon In Hulking Man at Fire Han UblUhecl IWrl Cnnrtrnecl. 11.... !. .. . ... . .. iii nini! iii lire ana mat on e ! period tlm frt nunrii.m in i. r,n...t day Friendly notation Are K- ,,..,, (,y t,m;ht the Two Men' "r- further mated that hW f;.n in vounic ror the nnnl dlmltal ,if Mr. HunsakrC wan not occasioned n much hy Mr, Munrniknrs action Sunday, omiecliillv rinr n... , For his nrtlnn In striking and i, ,, .... " ... ,. ., ... incii reconciliation, nut allocking down Porcy hvans. ..t Mi.. ,..,.. ,, . ' .,. ,,lH..n,lyntrnoon.flrJ.....f J.-M ' pnr f , fr ,,.,,,', ., r " , ''" a. lnwrou. flro risk -,, they Hunnaker wnn nii.mueii late mm , . .. . ... , .. , . , win no noia responsible lor any loan. Blihl hy Hie City Council after a long . ,, ,,, . IHKTKICT WAItDII.V CALLS FOU CO-OPF.MATIO.V IN (JKTTINO SI.ASIII.NOH HUKXED AT PltOP i:i( TIMK IV COMIM.IAN'CK WITH LAWS RLLIflF CORPS PLANS PICNIC AllllANOKMF.NTS FOIt K.VTKIU TAJMXd IlKTL'lt.r:i KOI.DIKUS f).V MKMOIlfAlj flAV HF.IXO MAOK IIY I'ATItlOTIC WOSIKN The Krijatest menace to our forenti li the nliihlnR or dnbrla left from loKKlnic operations. Some of oar most dainaKlns forcut fires hare originated In nlimhlnii which have not been burned at the proper time Thin year the State Hoard of Fori ei try has made apeclal request that Bit ulunblnn be cleaned up before th hot and dry romod not In Many, many owner and operators have dlnposed of their alathlnici by, hurnlng, hut there are some win ifivo neglected to do no and th&ie are er I by reason of auch npRJect nnd r. jj Irwn out ni-imloti ami the entire flro (Ifiurliin'iit ilefeiidlnt; their chlefnj action, renlKued In u liixly. with the Mceptlim o four men The ineellliK last lilKllt wiik ilevote I almost entirely to thin one matter ami wan tliv tiioiit nxiitliiK KenHlon held nv i that doily for many mimUm Klnul i r , tlon uun tuknti after u "ten mliiuie rcccnit hmtltiK nearly luo liourit. in lllrli the Cnunrll retired to I'm Ma nr' prhnte office mill llireliet the waiter nut hy thctnxelre. I Mavnr strulile had MiMpen.loil tlio' f r.i chief Kiuulay. hliortly nfivr ihel pffn-r o.iiirred. He RtuttM to the' ('nun ll th it he linil ltnr.9i i ilu Ki- fliu f HiHtrtirt Mr I'vatu pi CORPSE REIVED FROM CEMETERY itrM.m.N r i-iti:i mi:Mi.m: TAKPN WIIIIOCT PKItMIT AMI akivi:i) to aotiii:i: piit is Asscitrio.v .maiik nv m:to.v jBRalii urged to protect themaelvei i jwell ait their nelKhhorK by rompljnK . Willi II... ...n.. I... ....!. ,. 11... ,1. J j "ii hit- ii-iuiiruiui i in llie iftt'f') , Foreat Klre Lawn. ' ; I'ntll Juno 1 no penult 'o 'mm Jl rrqulrod Now In a good tleio'i get lumy. i h do all wo can to keen Count rv free from Hinoke this A picnic dinner nerved to the re turned soldiers, the older army vet erans and other friends of the organi sation (a one of the feature betng planned for Memorial Day this year by the members of the local chapter of the Womans' Relief Corps. - At the regular meeting of the order last night It was decided to arrange for aadeaker of the day and to work out other plans la co-operation with the Mayor and Olty Council. A com mittee consisting of Mrs. Carey ttam abrV Mrs. 8. E. Martin. Mrs. Lester Terwlllger, Mrs. Cecilia Dogardus and Mrs, George Hum wan appointed to make plans for the dinner which Is to be held In tho Court House Yard. All of tho returned soldiers and ruatlors aro Invited to march In tho parade bikI dlno with the corps. Mm. Carrlo Hlgglnson was Initiat ed Into thn order. chot, !r V. J. Splllman, editor or n farm Journal of Pennsylvania . J A. McHparran, muster of the Pennsyl vania Ktate grange; Clias. S. itarrett. national president of tho farmers' union, Mllo 1), Campbell, president of the National Federation of Milk Producers, and Morris McAullff, pre sident of the farmers' union of Kan sas. All of these men are expected to appear at each of the conventions, Mr. Klmore said. "It Is hoped, thru the regional con ferences, to federate all the agricul tural, horticultural and dairy organi zations of the sections represented," Mr. Elmore said In outlining the pur pose of the meetings. "A record pur pose la to secure the support of the farmers for the proposed plan to eref t at national temple of agriculture. In which would be housed the various national farmers' organization-!. In Washington, D. C. The third purpos Is to bind together all the farmers' or- gwisauons or tne nation into one body, which can make its Influence felt In the attain of the country." Arrangements are being mado ho-e for the accomodation of 5,000 farm ers from Washington, Oregon Mid Idaho at the northwestern conference which Is to cover perhaps the largest territory of any of the conventions so far arranged. I MI U ITM E PROHIBIT! Say Roads and Wire Lines Will Be Returned. MESSAGE 15 READ FROM AUTO ACCIDENT tiiO im - (TEACHER RECOVERING .... , ...,.. . ... ...,.,..., . . i ni"i iiini iiiiuw him iiiuiiiiuite. ii' li'.ir ll to net the benefit of our magnifi cent nrnnery and the gnindMUr of Kliiinntli Innlead of present it.K n ilr'.ir. liniel:HH, smoky vtisi C. C. CIIITWOO i District V'.-irlen :i:iTfI IXIWNTIIV COMISC. lnc!v mill t lint lie had seen Uui Mllci ' . i AltCHAN'tiHI,. May "0 . . F!1i, i m.iititt. rtf I.... I t.n...rf. ..I , "" ' iu'h tiiul -tart In C.u.r dlrnctlin Hej "" " '. " i),..nts uro under way to be stn'ul that lie ilcetuiul It 1 1 .vtlim i.f utpt'iiHiiin fullv wtiirnntei! mi I ,i .kud that tin. Council take jrilnn in thn further illnpoHiil of the tu.ttt'ir. GARBAGE SUIT Miss ICIizaljeth Koet, teacher of the Ilenlcy School, who was badly cut about the face In an :. :tc eol IMon early Saturday evenlns, Is lir. proliiR rapidly, accordiiiR to reports received today from the Klumnth 1 UP CITY lIM)Si:tTTK MAN FOIt CAltltVIXG KKFL'SK FltOM CKISTAIX KATIXCi HOL'KIS IX .iii.i:(ii:i iiKFiAxci: of omn- XAXCK Wilson Cable Me Ke t ' .r 'Mi rrom i-aria iftwiaai t;Wi Is Urged On Mate Wi Lonurles Requested Wilson Hove to Be-Hi Mr liuiinitkur was called upon to ciplnlti the Incident. He declared that Mr llwinn had been In lint way of the men on mm fiirmnr occiioMT, am! Iiih I been oril.n.i.l out of t'ic way priil tlmt he wis "t In finet m Hi'k time where lie Itn I no Imsliiens to lie AUii he niild that Mr. i:iins. on being inked to tome, had responded In an I Impudent milliner lie declared tlmt i he hud been unrkliiK ntiiler i, -trulii In flKlitlng the fire and hud iietel In linsly iiiuniier, which he afterMiril roKrclteil Tlm chief dec Inrud thai , accordlniT to the laws of tho ttiiln. hM . authority at the time of fir- m almvc that of the pollc depiirliiieni or the city administration. Mr KvatiH was culled on In fttt 111' side of the note, and hiu ', (fluid not illlilermiiiu! whv (lie Pre1 CI' cf hud plrkeil m f,)r the tr, at-ini-nt Kiien hen he hud i..'i't..' l.i foniply Wih ,N order, lie mI lit . Hint In wiih In a pit-i tvlmiii perhi'i's " should lint liuvo been, hut '..ild I hi' Pre wns veil under eon I in! a Inn Hi" incident Declined nn. I tlm' thirty wero iiiiuiy othetii near hlui 11.. i-.ild Hint it wiik fttrthcHt from bin Inlim "'"is to Inipeilo the voik of the do 1'arliiiunt in ny way and lie Imllciit "1 hla surprlHii ut thu rosttlt. As for nlklng Imok, he sulci ho lud Mild no inure Hum any mini with Hphlt W"UM liuvo hiiIiI and that he was Keltlni; out of tlm Wl(y ns fast iih ikw- firiiii.i lit lint I .t til t.ul.u,,, .. i.r. ii.. .. i i ..t- 1 1'"1'1'"1"1' " Knglnnd of :j39th Amerl city who died in III., worn removed cn, ,., wlln ,pn ,, . from the Melhuso family plot In the l.lnlallle ccmetar) nnd placed In -i grate In tlm Odd Fellows cenietnry, Arr.inKOjr ticneral !ospItal. whiyij sho tak-. J Kin trans-U for treatment ' istr I smimtliim between Sunday afternoon and Monday morning, according lo a rtateiuent luiido today by P:uil Uroltetmteln. sexton at the fomn r ccineinr.v. i ne t'Uiinge was m nip, n -.its witltoiil lux kuowli'ilKe or con nent i i Mr llrcltetihtelu Ktnles that he I ixill'STItlAI Knew I ii.n tins cuange Intel In en con leuiplated by relatives of the deceas ed, but that hit would not sanction the art until a penult had been ro eelved and an order from tho Court aiithorlzinr the move This older oi penult was never presented. The City Attorney ha? been !n- ructed to Institute action ut-'ciist MhuKeyes was riding in a carJFrwl U. Grennon for al!eft-ed ,iefi jwlth Rowland Kellcy of the Henley I Hnce of tne new clt. Garbas" r-.I- llbtrlct when a car driven by a trnv- nancei accor(HnB to a a,atemLnt : t'uii iiijiu wiiuau iiar.iu lint i.. tla-nr I j icurneii, unci who was orr-Mug on i I the wrong side of the road ran into , LEADER C01ES It. Struble this mori'm? Ed Hunter, the city scavenger hau Instituted an action for an them. A high wind was blowing and ,.. nnnn , ,,,.. .,,,.. i nun urjunici uiciiuuu hi tuu tiun.'. did not i,e0 tho other machine,.. thfi -,..,, .. ,,, ,hB mn,. account of the dust until too lato . WM overruIed. The cl. w, pnse. gel out of his way. ci, tit ii:i;tim.s wiii, in; iip.i.d tp.k ui:i:ii in nirri:iti:.T towns of cocv ty. nit; attkmi.wci: iiw.i:i TIIKKK DIVISION'S (XIMIXfl. . ( RinuriiniT nn I nn LAium m I II ill II 1 I ill I III I lllil HBCHBRCH I ! Miss Helen Cow-gill, as.tlMiiit Slit" Club leader of tho Hoys' and dirls' J Clubs of this Mate will arrive In. Klumnth County, Wednesday even-1 lug of this week and In .'oiijuncion j with County Superintendent lMnai Wells and Coiinuty Club I.'-nl,T. . Kmnk 'e.ton will hold iiioouiiks u follews: Henley school house, Wednud.iv etenlni: at ."SiOo'elock. llnnnnzu School Thtirbday 2.. 10 P. M. cute the matter as a violation of t!.o city ordinance. This case has aroused considerable Interest in Mm rltv flrdtinrtn tine WASHINGTON, D. C. May 20. : ,. , . . , .V , ' ' ' . f continued to take tho garbag nwav The War Department has announced , . , ... . .. .,..',, , ., 'from certain eating houses in the that the Fourth, Sixth and Seventh t ,... ,, . .. . ... ,-.,,,, ,,. , , , I elty, according to tho terms of his icgulur divisions will bo released fori , . . ... ,, . , .. . . ..,,., c.. . . 'contract with the proprietors after their return to tho United States dur- ,, ,, , , , , ... inu in uiuuiiitj Mii; nu::t;ut tvniuii ine Ing thu month of June, 1 city official maintains gave him the exclusive right to this refuse. c I I (CITY SAILOR BOY BACK TO KLAMATH WASHINGTON, -DrC. Mar 0. President Wilson in a special mes sage to Congress today recommendee" the repeal of the war time prohibi tion law so far as it applies to wine and beer. He announced definitely th3t tha railroad systems, telegraph an 1 tele phone lines would be returned to private ownership and urged tho re vision of war taxes. He also uUi'i'-l a general program with respect to labor Jeglslation. His message was cabled fro"i Par Is. Mr. Wilson expressed a hopj that he would soon be at his post again to talk upon the measures, which not made his presence at the peace table Imperative. Among the special taxex whih the President suggested be 'Unlimit ed are the on soda water affd ibe social luxuries such as expensive clothing, personal equipment, patent medicines, toilet prepar8tlo!is7lp!a'n, os, spotting goods, candy, cameras, electric fans, thermos bottles, motor boats, automobiles, trucks and ac cessories. These "taxes were mostly effective on May First and their collection has caused much complaint. WASHINGTON, D. C. May 20. Representatvies Mondel of Wyoming announced In. the House that a reso lution proposing submission of the equal suffrage constitutional a mcudment will be called up tomor row for passage. A similar resolu tion was offered "inv In the Senate. f I HKI.FNA, Mont., May 20 -Wint Is regarded 'is in experiment in iho practical effectiveness of ohii'cb fed eration, looking toward a more even distribution i llitef Machinist's Mate Glenn rett, t,on of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Gir rett of this city has returned after nineteen months in the naval ser Ico Mr. (inrrett, who has been fifteen months on tho submarine chaser 134, Merrill Hull. Friday oven I up at! SPOKANH, Wash. May 20 -With t.ui ociociv, , (the announced purpose or niMr.g ailji,as i,een stationed in tho Seventh Foil Klumnth, Saturday evening at economic, agricultural, horticultural, Naval distVict off the Const o ''tor- 8:00 o'clock. nnd dairying organizations of thoiim. n0 has had many Interesting All members of tho Sewing and Pulted . Suites into ono federation, experiences white away but is if chinch facilities and ' Cookery clubs should moot Miesi which hull be able to represent thu;,iKatv glad to get back to Klamath slide A discussion followed In .vlurh n ni'inlier of moii who had witnessed affair gave their veislm of ,t. incinln rs f iho flro body defending Hilimaker Hiring (ho Rtnr rltumbnr Re.cslo'i ''li'h followeil, Mr. lIuiiHiikor offor 0,l l'l hand to Mr. Kvnns ndnillteil I'd was wrong mid showed n dnslro j" establish fi loudly rotations. Mr. I'vntiR met ,im half way In tho miit ll'f Miitiiut thm ho hail boon In u mciisiiro lo hlnnio. lien th council lotiiritPil lo Iho ,u,,l'' a muiion wiih llrst passed In dorsing tho uctlon of tho Mayor In '"lioiiuinif tho Chief. Councl'ii mi tohiu then m.itli, ,t,..t i,. I,,. ... .,,...,t, i. it, i.iitfii hi ,,,, . the elelilllliltlon of duplication, is to In' undertaken in Montana during tho coming summer by tho National Home Missions council with tho as sistance of nine Protectant denomina tions of Um state, A icdlgloiis Httrvoy will he conduct id thiunut the stale us a preliminary lo measures lo Insure Hint ovory community hhalt bo provided with a church and Unit none ahull bo asked to support nioio chinches than Its population rciiiilics. In order to test I lie prnotlenl opera tion of Its plans for chinch federa tion, tho National Home Mlsslnnu council extended to four western Btntos Montnnn. Idaho, A1I701111, and Wyoming Cow gill nnd hear hoc tnllv on club work nt these meetings. A cordial Invitation to attend Is extended to pat cuts and fi lends of tdns will bo hold tilts spring In seven club members. interests of tho farmer In tho affairs or the nation uud especially at Wash ( IIIKIUIII tfl tifl IU3 ill luiiui'lf. ruini'li stntcsAinnlnly In tho west. Plans fori .. . .w.. . . ...,...i. , .1 inn morning, ni which promiiioiii vol w; I'! Falls, whore ho is being welcomed by his many friends. He has received his discharge nnd expects to remain here. Hi:.CIIi:S YIP.Gi.MA. at Holoiui July 20 to SO, tho results on offer to conduct! of tho sttrvoy will bo laid before rop- sueh a survey nn condition that tho ' rosontntlvos of tho denominations iiioi nintn iii wiiieh 111 least five large ' um tlclpatluir, nnd tho work of estnli- Hi" eiuof rnlnslatod. ! denomlniitlons officially accepted tlmi llshlnc eliue In communities lack- dlst South and lliipllst churches in speakers are to appear, are being for Montnnit, and tho smvpy Is to bo con-j muIulMtby A. A. Klmnro of this cltv. ducted uoxt July. Following an Initial 'inesidyfvtl of tho Washington State j a telegram has just been recor.o J conferonco to bo held nt Miles CUv.1 Farmers' union nnd chairman of hOfrom ji, jj. Oglo, announcing ills July S, 0, and 10, three touma will h"J nrgiiulviHton coiiimitteo of tho Nn- safo ,,rrjvai (rom Franco last ntght organized and each will bo asMguod tionallionrd of F.irm Organizations, to 11 section of the st'ito, wluvo for! Thn meetings already arranged for ten days n porsoii'il sHidy ef tho j nvo to' ba followed by similar couvon c'.'iirch sltiifitloii bo mafic 'y thoitlons in 'the mlddlo west and otlur livmbPrH. parts of thn notion, which will bo hotel 1 At nnntlior conforouco to be held Mater luUio year, after tho harvost . season ,1( ended. Mr. Klmore sal.i. Starting nt Lexington, Ky., May 3l.j tho tuinfoiuncos will Include, Salt nt a Virginia port. Mr. Oglo 1ms been ovorseas with tho 20th Engineers. o ... ondeil this ninllon, , ' ''!' that us tho trouhlo hud been -id-to,i hotweon tho two men, ho '""'l not see why tho foniK- ui'i.'l "0I1 could bo resumed. In tho vote which was thin taken proposition should be nmdo tho sub Joel of tho Investigation. Tho offer has boon accopted by the Mothnillst Fplscopal. Presbyterian. Episcopal, Congregational, Christian. Lutheran, Unltod llrothien, Mctho- ng thorn will lio apportioned among tlium. At this sumo conforenco it is oxpoctod that slops will bo taken for tho (domination of part of tho ohur ches In communities having wlint Is considered nn oxcosslvo number. Lake C,lly, June 3 and 1: .Modesto, Cnllt...itW ": San Joso, Calif., Juno 7; SpoHuno, Wash., Juno 11, 12 nnd 13; Hhfeeninn, Mont., Juno 11; Itls morckl'Js. D. Juno lfi; Fargo, N. !., Juno l.,nnd Mitchell. S. 1).. Juno IS. Speakers will include I'nltod Htn'ea Senntoi)riioinas P. Goro, Gltford Flu- mass .mi:i:ti(! lllM.D TONIGHT. O O Mayor I. R. Struble has called 11 mass meeting of tho business s mon and citizens nt S o'clock in WASHINGTON. D. C, May 20.. Some Senators have predicted that the repeal of the prohibition legisla tion asked hv the President will not be enacted. The prohibition lead ers of both parties are against tha repeal. SEAPLANE GOES ONE IRE LAP XC-t FLIES TO POXTA DEL GADA TODAY XC-3 OUT OF COMMIS SION mUTlSH AIKME.V NOT YET LOCATED. WASHINGTON. May 20 The NC-4 successfully flew from the island of. Horta to Del Gada today. Tho NC-3 will not bo able to resume the transatlantic flight. A message from Hortn said that the damage re sulting from tho buffotting received after sho was forced to alight lu the water near tho Azores had definitely put her out of action. LONDON, May 20 Tho weather Is so bad off the Coast of Ireland that the airplanes ordered by tho air min istry to search for Aviator Harry Hawkins' machine woro unable to fly. tho City Hall this evening owing to tho strong southeast wind. whore ho will tako up matters Itnln and fog were experienced at in- relating to tho recent difficulty , tervals during the night. All com- with tho firo department. All munlcatlon centers In London wero cltlzons are urged to bo on hand Bllont as to news from Hawker nnd. at this mootlug. . Lioutanant Giiyves. Even the rum- ors of yesterday have died out. HV