t Mai ? liff '' ffi' Mi IP Si m 2 nx H ftUa RIGHT THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON ON.Ur, MAY , ,, LOCILWOMEN IKUmttth fleot. In a tery ciotbro 7TTH HI VISION" MAIK manner. I IHOUK.sT WAIl AHVAXCK (Jraco Arlington took a mint nor f friends on n Milllnn cruise i.'iontlv WASHINGTON, l C . May l! to 11 number of 1'ppor Luke ) Wflchil leiwtls of the wnr depart ooM'HnK a dlstanco of ltv hhIim In incut aim Unit the TTth DMalun h" than ton hours miide Krontor iiihiinie iiKittunt Mii Ciunenui rvcenlh hhIIi'I ire the enem Minn nn other dMidnn In Ilttlo .cht Iwinhoo from llio riouth I'l'l'KIl ,,f ivilran n to llro Wiind, i d'- Krnnoe iicoordliiK to mi nnnouui'e tm'ti Just nimle The Now York I'll) National Arm) wont forward sexetitj one and a half MtomcttTH KAiu.r tkaihtiom ok tance of twoho ihIIoh. In fott min utes running before u howliiiK tor- KuvM.trii i.ki: aim: iikixj llMli;i,0 Kl'l.liY IX l-UI-'.ll wester i 1S. M-HtVV A(Ts ItKM'IMIti:!) 0 PILOTS (It) lira King) I hse been told h old pitrtircli Indli'is tint the first ilut of iun' si: Titi.xi, oini:iu:i i in imckimimi si:. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY XKW VDHK. Mil) li The iippel-'KOK SAI.K Auto tralli'r anil rum late court has roiorsi-a a loir oourt plete camp outfit. liicluilliiK now flndlnc. nwurdliiK Ml I'ow C U'll "nt- l,,:.,, M.I"K alow. foldli.K table. f tirtiti tilltt nti fi i nt imt 4 7 Till flun kenlne $10x000 diinuiKes iik ilnst ... ,,, ,..,.. ,, ...i,.,,, , ,.n Indian maiden IMnfc u iw tho lake jj,hi irj hioro known to moli mj . n llt 410 nth hi or ln.iilr. In times paxt ,i to leun to paddle fame as Marx IMekford Mli.s Wllkcn- James M Wutkliis. Jr I'hone 320 It n canoe, he that as .t mil iuU of Iiir obtained a wrdlet for that ' " them can piddle i amount on the Kround that she tuul I am told that the ' I.otta C" the boosted Mar) l'lokford'a income to first steamer to nalRute Klamath $1.0x0.000 for two ears' work nnil Ijike wo,s often piloted h) a Hdx w is entitled to 10 per cent commit- l-'Olt SAI.K .M) residence on Oak That was nunjr )ears ago and the old slot, under a loutruct The appellate " between stti and 5th. one block ,,., .,.. M.in).. .,. .......' . ..-. i i..i from clt hall, three block from new IIIIIIIIIUIIl III- VVI lilllli; UCUlf llll'll lllllll llllll'l VII IIVH tilt up to here by the ladles who are do- WANTKO -Woman or Klrl for sen eral hoimeuork i'hone 136 1 1 -2 court house l (.' Low 19-2 INFORMATION WA.NTKI) Anjonu knowInK an)tliliiK about the rela- lives of Andrew O Mailer, who died at the Klauuith Oeneral hospital Krl- inonstratlnK what they can do at tlic'CH ll'TVYOl A IIKIili pilot wheel AT IITII ANI IMNI." Two jnunR ladles recently went In i a small launch from Eagle lUdRo to, The Chatitauiua which Is to start ,ia, nEi,t. will please send such In- Doak's landing on Halls Hay and i n. with a Sicred Concert here next Sun- formation to the Herald office IH-6 their return the engine went on a d.n afternoon will be held on the strike and stopped between two ind, re.b.Uerlan Church site at the cor J'Tllrdn.r irurtim bfill.,8wlVl three miles from shore j ner of Sixth anil I'lne Street, accord- iH, ,i(f,.rml for sale at Klamuth Kails, While they were attempting to M Ing to a statement made todii). A Oregon, on June I, 1919 For fur the machinerj, a fierce squall rame large tent Is to be used to hold the ther Information, emiulre of t.ouls up. lashing the lake Into rod'erowd V?" """ """ taes The girls, altho pitched i '. around on the big swells continued to I DI'.MI'sKY HK.I I'OII TIIAININn FOK SAM: -Fresh milch row. $T6 work at the engine until they h i.l It j I'hone 327 H21 Maniunltn t started again The) reached honu'i TOI.KDO. May 16 Jack Denip- l9"5t thoroughly drenched but safe and . sei, challenger for the world s ln-ai v fqh SAI.K -At a sucrlface. $X0O happy , up'nlil championship, has inspect? I Concord Pln)er riano. practically Mrs Oates, daughter of Can'nin I several prospecthe training t.lle new; Clrcusslan Walnut ense, must Parker has proved herself a most ef-, here He will start to work on Mon- b "o1'1 '" l wV.t,k" ."" .nW 1"'"lnK ii. . ii , yt t . ,, j ... . . , .. ... town (Sood small selection of rec- flcient pilot Mrs John Uni.nn dav tialnlng for his tight !ih J- onl, i,,r,. - A Masteu at guides the Wasp, the newest of tho Willard on July 4th Cpp's Jewelery store 19 tf Iti SflPwi " --A.S. ??? "-09 9'Jii to 9, The Proper Procedure In Measuring the Merits of the Clothes You Buy Is to Contemplate Their Possibilities in Service-Giving. And Service in Clothes In cludes the Elements of Style, Fabric-Quality, Workmanship and Wearing Ability. If You're Sure of These Things You Can Afford SJd, Lscil i:.i,j Tonus x .' ' I ' .Neu $il().") tii l'ajments Wliy Later On? 9 k 871 yj3aA"Yi WA Gulbransen Trade Mir ir0 to $000 AJ --Qzx I "- '--1 "Vat S.3.?ZXrixr . M Auto Pianos AW Make a convenient first payment now, for you can't have a real home without music. Now is a good time to get that piano and start music lessons so that vacation time will not be en tirely wasted. We have the livest proposition and a fine stock for you to look over. Call in now today. Open Wednesday and Saturday Evenings Earl Shepherd Co. NEXT DOOR TO POSTOFFICE New Location Soon M ill (ii. t SOI -.0 jL M?JwjflBBM $ WEim: theP rice. m&a tftff M . itf VMilimFf& Hfs lrtioln .Sill) KUPPENHEIMER CLOTHES Are Such Clothes and That Is Why We Have Them for the Men and Young Men of This Town and Neighboring Territory. Their Style Is of a Type That Wins the Quick Admiration of Men in Every Walk of Life; Their Fabrics Are Individual and Alive, and the Tailoring Is Kuppenheimcr Standnrd Matchless in the Realm of Clothes Ready-to-Put-On. In all, Their Goodness, With out and Within, Is Assurance of Genuine and Lasting Satisfaction. K.K STORE Leading Clothiers and Halters StgmECTrogE 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa IW II FOR MM i , ,.l I ill mi r, . m ill i I HI- i Ml """d '' Ili'P1 tu it ill' i hi nt mil "' plan '.ill i i 1 1 I III 1 1 ii in I UK llin tipiii 'ii 'I ll I I '! Mlopul l.i -it lemtotl mid wllirll pre--iiIim! pnMinKi' of iill lilooilirn for I'iMiii; tlm suldlors luil.l All mlerl ill he Hindi' lo i;el an mil 1 i 'purl frnin Hie Iiiiiihk mid hi liulo palillr lands iiimmlttei' I pi I ill! Ill' ' ll. kill I" ' ' 'h i tillll " li Villiolii l Mil.-, aaaaVl fflff' iB. UnfffjH VIiIioIh A IV KI75 J'"M3 "s?c Jaffa's y-. tv . "--"arwi " IJff lyho l'lu)pr Word Itiill Q. It. H. MP p aaaaVlfflViV Bii HlMViitiEn'l Vlcfioltt XVI 9285 AMHIVt.TON M i l'i Ai-ri" ment has In mi roitlied liet"in mi iiiIiith of toiiKri'KH and -( r'tm if tin Interior I, .hid on n 11 1 1 for ' i liuiifitloii of uchUth (irid litiulH to mi uork mid fiiiniM to illni hurii. d iirilil ers I'lm mi'iMiro whli Ii will ho iiitro ilninl uirly t Mis uoek, U n (.ii.upD niHo hotwi'i'ii lillU iluiwn by Itnpro hi ill ill I vo Monik'll. U'jiiiiilim mid Hi nnlor Hiniiot, I'liih, It provides Hint holdlcrii ahull ho cnililoi i'il In ii i liiiiiiiilnn of urid IiuiiIh at $1 u da Tln-y urn to ho pilvlli'i;cd lo hoiuiHli.ul uuih to. (Iiilliud IiuiiIh uiidnr it Ion n lurm pay- llll'lll plllll I'll! Il HOldll'l' Ih lo lie mi- tlllnd lo an rulvaniii fioin tho r.ovnrn mint of $1200 foi I'loriliui of n Iioiihii and other IiiiIIiIIiikh; KOO for a toani ami fiirin Inipli'iiiunlu, nnil $ ,00 for otlim pnrpoKiw Tho ak'iuoini'ilt on UiU hill nimo lit a ronfoniiiro (allnl 0 l.iuo unit at-1 Winded by ItopriicnlriMvo .Moiiilell, Itopiililirnn leader of tin I10111.0, (Mmiiip fliirlt, Dninoni'tic leader; ItopniBontativtiH Kluku 1, Nubnul.t', and Hlnnott, Oregon, ond Moitutoru I BOY'S TROUBLE WITHER THOUSANDS . i si i ii mi him i' in: was tvo( CAIIS 111,1) (.AINS HI I'OI'SDS ( TAM.AC NOW W'KUi AND VIIUIMI "My ni'iiliew, .liuni'H HoKiin, who Ih fifteen jeurH of ai'ii Iiiih Kiilmil hI-I t (Mm piniiidH on Tiinlae and Ih now u tohiiHt, happy lio aflei' thllteeii nurH of awful HiiffniliiK," hiiIiI Mini Miibi'Io noldHinlih. aso Henry Ao., .MeniphlH, Tumi MIhh (loldHiolth Iiiih lieiill Killllei toil with the .Ion I.. I'lln thoriin Keiiil Co, or thai illy for Iwonly-Hox'ii jearii mul Ih a Htoclt liolilur anil illrnrtor in tho (onipiiny. "Uvor hIiko .ImiiiiH wiih two yoaiH old," continued MIbh (loldHinlth, "ho Iiiih Imidii afflliled with Htomach trou ble. Two or throo hotirn uftof uutlnK, meal be arorf f .Mcrepi'"1 ,.., .1.1 -"'conc .... , .. ,.i in imil I"' m lll(lly ...'. and Lo ud;; coiihCou. f.ir.0. !. ftn..J had heart .rm.-i.-oi,lohe .w.H-Bo Hl-.-naillM b down to al niaKlilo'B .-ll,Hm...h.r.onkl.lmt" liml , .l."riH..'-M"fllll ,, ,. Mi.i "louMnd'rt ini,,K hi flml '1 rfl1" ..ii i mi ii nil mil n " " , . ..n,(9 M...H.H -""!;; and uir I...-' "'"!.iUr . , Md.UOl .1.-1 fl T..I.I... -IW " '" H tZl' . ..... ..... ,,. lake olli" " -J III liei..h - mWw but hn a I "' "r" 't. i,il H,. ...Mim ft- " , nti IU:".!"" .!":::': e--?4 ll llll' it"" ,, .mill' wl.ho.lt It fin rl iK """ ,. Hrf '" "" i",ii,,m' ,,,r: ' .. ,.r -iifuriiK u"" ...,m uiu inn"' , nnau"" , i u.r T.inlf . .,!! iliinmi.u. ,-inmatn r'-, Tanhirl."..';! h jit i hn Jaiiioi Mef '" -- ..,.;..' " iaiSS'X - lioiiniirn WUB I' yl,..ilnyun.niBH,,W Ilaliy firantl- ?3D3 Up L ma