""'". M1V ii, . TARN SIX THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON COME ADS FINE! Oli INLJHE rffiWwARE SmFIh ' L-ft' TO' ivTist1 nSSAl I 'I I A -Sis wM If iHiir BOYS HAVING FINE TIME AT that they were doing It .not lipcauiV know ww weru coming, They ot on ' they were proud of tho nluutn or of the train at one mil mitt came thru themselves, hut because I ho 'iif( anil almost every ono hail something tlitonMl It an honor to hao im Hi-tv , to give us, fruit. candy, smokes mill That sol In im mid wo stood uu anil flowera enough to hury thi. train mivi them three cheer thai shook When wo pulled out wii looked like MERRILL SAILOR ic" BACK FROM TURKEY HOI MING (ho roof 1 Wo ithonk h ft mis all arounil anil were taken hack to tho hospital with an Invitation to call at tho cluh now or fifty year from no unit wo woulil ala receive a warm welcome I hit A prince There Wan." at I ho tleo M Cohan theatre My box sent wan markoil $16.00 MCUUM.L. My ,- a mixture nf a funornl unil Xmus , "rrlT'"i mime Hutunlav f... Thoro are. some Itetl Croaa lailloa' "janilimple '" !' Ii.n tlr,,e ,.'" who aro roIiir from Now York to1' H H Western llolln. which i ! .. ....... ....... ... o , I Portland. I,.r,i "IC0 Wt I am It hrwin Willi HP rM.im' iiuni , mil ktl. ... 1 eilrvit tt rin.. .. "'H Philadelphia who aro going to I'llla.j """ " "r urn liunxry K bur, whore. I suppo.o iiioro will 1""UI" Th" w""",rn IWI, w ,fc' come aboard ''""' ''"'"''' .,W , (hf0 Tho tower h-rtlira have hoon re-1 "'".UnolloH m.,1 mrHy f1MM " moted from these Pullmans ami reg-j ,,"": """ " "eri.iai, mini. t tht ,.' tllar hospital hoila substituted Wo "tla"e Hi" rlmiinfl Hum btonrt. H, K !.... "inin Cog. I oro. aro nn comfortable ua It U po.nll.lo to ,,i""1" " ' ''"' of .mirnr, nmko us Aro levelling via Pitts- u" '" " ",rp" " "Ml i Wore supposed to1 "n'-" " '""Turk. HEWS CLASSIFIED COLUMNS Tho following Interesting lottor from Coloman O'l.oiiRhlan Is written In illiiry form unil gle a fluo liloa of tho reception Rlvon tho hoys on I illiln't wrlto enterday Wo on- iholr rotiirn from tho hie flKht Some- lined tho Lambs' dub mi much that ihlne of tho foolliiK thoy have on oslorilay 10 of us wont to tho Alillno hurR unil ChlcaRO rom-hliiK this alilo of tho Atlantic can cluh for u illimor It provoil to l.o n slop In ChlruRO four hoilrit hut on lie l.o ImiiKlnoil from this lottor l.ll.orty l.oun m.-ollnR ami nil tho talk count of rain only stoppoil otto Ma.lo r.l.l. .. ... i.. i.n..,ir...u nf ihiiiismiils "llui" our four-hour atop at Oiuuha, ono tho illnnor was rooiI lu tho ovonliiK hour ul t-ort ayno. also intuitu mm IhixIiir ami wro.tllnR nl tho hos- llluffs. Koaruoy. Nol.raska. also I.ltal. put on h K of C. ami at 10 tlruu.l Istun.l Wish you coulil oo' i. m u hiinrli of us wont to tho Krl- this cur. ,'",t "m. srriA(nlTX It) Corp. Colonial! I". O'U.URlilan Woll. horo I nm In my own V S I havo hri.nl a lot iilxnit hoaion, hut noior i-spocloil to ronch It horo on ur clul. to soo Ciilinofm play Do t)rn for tho championship of at Ihrco cushion hllllaritn anil hail a pltistor a fooil aflorwanls Thoy ar anothor FOR SALE ranch -Jt FOR SAI.K Stuitobskor six. T-nas senger: perfect condition. If -ou ?ral housework Henley want the best car and buy then hurry Phone ISF4 1 No dealers. See Mr. Andreson at Baldwin hotel. 18-lf HOUSEKKKI'KU Mrs Uae at FOR SALB 2-passenRer roadster. 12 Seventh st electric tichts and starfpr: rooii car: or will exchange for light tour- WANTED Cook at Altamont ranch, in car. Addreas Herald office .16-3 I'hone 49. . 1S-31 this terrvitlnl sphoro of our I did thouRh. for I am thoro now Talk tours of Joy. well. 1 shed thorn when wo cumo Into sight of tho llRhta of bunch of roRiilar Riiys (loo M I'o Now York Harbor I am afraid I'll hun. Irwin llolalre fair o-ttupJo. WANTED Woman or Rlrl for Ken- wjko up and find It la a dream. It Is loiidotl with flowers Wo buvo them tied to oierythltlK and the world ,turk on tho woodkork with adhesive WAHIIIMiTliS ) (. w The Complrollrr "f Ulr c,.,rr,,rr h Issued a call (or ill, mtltloi 0( National Hank. ,t .h, ,,,,, the Niitliinnl llmiks M ih ,! t.llslneti) on Mar l;i(. HELP WANTED I Am fa wanted Crater Lunch Wo taw tho llRhta tlrst at 9 p m . At last I am on my way west dropped anchor at II. but believe me somewhere west of llarrlsburR Inqalro no ono went to bed Wo Just could I.iift Now York at 5 a. m P010' not Ret our flit of looking at those Were loaded In ambulance. takn 17'2t llRhta Were under way early this to tho pier, put on board a ferry, tak- .1: FOR SALE or Exchange 105 acres near Midland, at a bargain In quire T. J. Jackson. Fort Klamath, Oregon. 22-26t FOR SALB - room cottage, mod ern Improvements, for sale by own-, r; close In; furniture it desired, in cluding piano. Enquire Frank M.' Vpp. 511 Main -at. 31-tf Li UK N n morning, docked at same pier at Hoboken from which I departed !2 month ugo. Six httnrdod of us. all sick and wounded, wore Immediately placed on a small river ship and taken acroaa 'to the New York aide, plowing theldoien other small citlca Atlantic Fleet on the way, loaded thoy were not there It into ambulances and brought 1 Greenhnt hospital. on to Hoboken. N. J , and lo&daal oa a hoapiltal train on the I'enmiyvanla It It Tho whole proceeding took oul) one and one-half hour Stopped at Philadelphia and at Mac rlaburg for an hour l'as?tl ap a aa though seemed aa to i though everybody In those iwi citlca 'l IIK.Mt HANK AID ItAISI.Mi til I'MiH. ! Vim's phono number is the same n.s always 298-W. l Hi: VII, Muv I" The Klnt Nation al llnilk of llend this week began Uu rjmpulRn for n I'Ik club In Deschutes count). As a starter the bank will nd locnlo one plR on every 40 arre In Cetitml OroRi.ii Tho boys and girls of tho district will lo Interested first In this club The lunik will buy the fig" with the understanding t tm every boy and girl will strive to bring thn pig to market next fatl Qi n Traveler- accident and haalth poller aa! protert your larucae. Chll eat 4) Haallh. Ag-aU. -tf i SUNDAY EXCURSION on ' Upper KUmalh Like Tho launche "Spray" inl'Oik. land" will run ejcttrelotu tnrr Hunday. leailng the pull but landing at S a m allowlag fin hour at Itorky Point. Kara lift from landing for round trip. Ou leave Wrstrrn Tramfr otfk it 7 30 a lu Calkins & Hamilton FOR SALE 1C h. Russell Steam .. oCi4 W.UJ . Threshing engine in good running j oraer. see j. . huis aon. rnone Klamath Falls, Oregoo. S-lOt t L'SK GRANDMA'S 8 A OK TKA AND FOR SALE 5-room house, modern, on pavement; give poesesslon June 1st; good terms. A .A. Bellman It Son. 12tt PHONE PEYTON for Wood 11 2R LOST AND FOUND ESTRAY 1 grar and 1 bay gelding, wt. 1500 each, branded JR con nected; 1 sorrel gelding, wt. 1400, brand, circle three; 1 sorrel gelding, 1400 lbs., bald face, no brand. Please notify O. Peyton, Klamath Falls. 17t( LOST Auto lamp and license num ber 56,832. Finder return to Lawrence Cigar store. lT-St Nt'I.I'Hl'lt KKCIPK UODV WILL KNOW AND NO- The use ot Sage and Sulphur tor restoring faded, gray hair to Its nat ural color dates back to grandmoth er's Mme. She used it to keep her hair oeautlfully dark, glossy and at tractive. Whenever her hair took on that dull, faded or streaked appear- plied with wonderful effect. ance. this nlmple mixture was ap- I.aat night I saw "Under Cover" at the Islington. This afternoon I saw the big show at thn N. Y. Hippodrome We always have the best seats In tho house. People atop their cars and want to take us whereover we a go ing, or If we are going nowhere In particular they want to take us some where. Hut Its the Red Cross that really ' makes us feel at homo and lakes care of us. Signed up today for an enter- MISCELLANEOUS mmui.iiiw ITALIAN young man wishes to take lessons in English three times a week; evenings. A L., Box I07S, City. 16-2t But brewing at home Is mussy and talnment anil dinner witn tne i.aino out-of-date. Nowadays, by asking at i He Woman's league. r any drug store for a 50 cent bottle of 1 Met my friend Wagner at supper Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Com- time He Is tho kid I took around pound," you will get this famous old with me in Brest I'm playing nurse preparation. Improved by the addl- again. We went to aeo "Take It tlon of othr Ingredients, which can From Me." one of thn big musical , bo depended upon to restore natural succchucs of the season This poor color and beauty to the hair. kid has paralysis following nn at- A well known downtown druggist ,uck of ,,,thorlu. Can't handle his says It darkens the hair so natural fce, e ran p(ck tnom up arKnt ly and evenly that nobody can leu it has been applied. You simply damp en a sponge or soft brush with It, and draw this through your hair, tak- l.ig one strand at a time. By morn- but don't know where thoy aro going to land, and ran't walk any more than one-third speed. He goes along with ii rnnn In nnn hand unil holdlnr onto WANTED To buy 4 head ot first. I.ig one strand at a time. By morn- class work horses or mules; must Dg the gray hair disappears, and af- nt be sound and true. Phone 11F11 or, ter auother application or two, It bo-j SwLnatrauey.eTa,hn",ICh n0"o.nd , "" dark an(1 '- Wcnt ,? " T "V- ' Twentyflve of us left hero at 10 a. m. In charge of the Red Cross In a car donated by a member of the New ITS A POOR DOCTOR Who Won't Take His Own Medicine THAT'S WHY WE ARE USING THIS SPACE TO TELL YOU WHAT JOLLY LITTLE BUSINESS STIMULATORS HERALD WANT ADS ARE AND WHY THEY GET RESULTS T ONE HUNDRED HEAD work horses', and mules for hire. Sims & Er- ' KOATI.IX CAPITAL nest, Malin, Ore. 6-lrao USED PIANOS Several in stock at, prices and terms that fit. Earl' Shepherd Co. Next door poatofflce. 1 5-6t WANTED Range In first class con dition. Must be cheap. 415 Klam ath ave. 17-3t LONDON. May 16. There is serl oub fighting between the Hnrhlcns ..ml I'riutlans at Agram, the Croiitla.-i capital, reported lu iVenna dispatch'' to hii exchange telegraph comptny WANTED Houses to dress Herald office. We are always on the Job ready to paint. Ad- take care of your Are Insurance. Chll-17-tt 'cote & Smith. 033 Main at. 9-tt w 2 'i8TrnT i frVyi SS?y n n n -l-HB -fMAvaoY I I li llJWr' K K3 KiiJI i mjmp AIN ROBERTS HANKS HARDWARE PHONE 173 422 MAIN ST. SCE.NK OF COX1-1.ICT york gtock Exci,unKU went through all the business district shopping dis tricts, theatres, etc., then lunch at Delmonico's. They treated us as they would have treated the president. I had the kind nf steak and French j fries I've been dreaming about for! 22 months. ' Everywhere wc stopped they loaded, with candy, smokes and wholu boxes of fruit. Wo had our pockets bulg-i Ing. That mud no difference; we had to take more. I Had the most enjoyable time I havo In my whole stay today. Were en tertained by the Lumb's Club. Began tho day at 1 p. ii). Were taken to the show. It Is classed as tho most pop ular comedy fluccess of years and Is truly wonderful, tho best acting I; havo seen or hope to seo, and tho best purt of it, tho chap with us from tho Lamb's Cluh took us back and intorduced us to tho leading charac ter nnd wo hud a party for nnhour. I feci in love with tho leading lady "fuel" think I'll go buck tomarrow again. This chap who with us writes ull tho lyrics for Zlogfrold's Follies. After thn allow wo wont to lhi) Lamb's club for u regular feed served by tho uctorH of tho Mkhv, most of them memborH of tho club. Thoy aro tho most human peoplu you could ilmaglnu. i After the food tho fun began. Ir jwln H, Cobb got off a lot of funny i stuff that brought down the Iioiiho, ltemick played mid sang his very, newest songs unil uIho played tl.o old A. K. F. favorites that ho had written i whllo every ono sung, and bollovo mo, ho Iiuh written a bunch of thorn, AugUHta Parker, a famoiiH phychol-i oglst, gave uh a wonderful talk. I i Wilton Lackayo cumo ucrnss wllh' nnnihnr and u dozon other, song wrlt-i ore, playwrights and actors, added a bit. Altogether It wub most enjoy ablo: Thoy wound up by tolling us 'HERE IS NO GUESSWORK about a Herald Want Ad. They do the business. We know they pay. Our customers have told us so time and again. We have used them ourselves and they have never failed to get results. They are the short cut to a quick turn-over the modem method of merchandising on a small scale, where the value of the article to be sold or the importance of the want to be filled will not justify a heavy outlay. If you had something to sell, trade or give away and went out on the street and told each person you met about what you wanted to do, you might get results but the people you talked to would be very likely to say: "That poor fish has bats in his belfry." If. on the other hand, you used a Want Ad, you would talk to the whole county at once, instead of only one person, and do it in a businesslike manner. The same rule applies to hiring help, renting a house, looking for a job or any one of the important little incidents of life where you must call in the assistance of someone outside your immediate family. You MIGHT get results by telling your troubles to the neighbors but the certain, quick and economical way is to use a little classified ad. find Do vou want to buv. soil or trade, want to hire help or work ; do you want to find a room, a house to rent, or to rent the same to someone else ; do you want to call attention to sonic new feature of your business, seek information on some subject, or have you any little unfilled want? USE HERALD WANT ADS THEY DELIVER THE GOODS AND ARE ALWAYS WORKING I I I I I I i m I I I I I Si ! ! I i