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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (May 19, 1919)
r.i fr THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON MOWAT, MAV l, The Evening Herald UOXT PAY FV)R THK DHSK PIIO.NK. B. J. M U It II A Y The people of the city are urged EDITOR not to pur tho twenty-five cents i. ' month thnt tho Public Service Com- Published dally except Sunday hy , mission 1ms permitted the telephone Th Herald Publishing Company of ' company to pick out of the pockets Klamath Fall, at 115 Fourth street f ,m, ,,00ple of this city You don't have to pay It. All you hnve to do Is M T 'Deposed Crown Prince of Germany Talking With Native of Uland on Which He's Exiled IN Rntered at the postofflce Rt Klum ath Falls, Ore , for transmission thru the malls as second-class mutter Subscription terms by mall to any address tn the United States: One year $5 00 One month .... 60 Member of the Awxietatnl Pro s The Associated Ires Is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited In this pa per, and also local news published herein. All rights of republication of spe cial dispatches herein are also re ferred MONDAY, MAY 10. 1019 to call up the telephone company, or. better yet. notify them In writing, that )OU do not want their desk phone and order the Installation of a wall phone That will settle the mat-' ter They will hnxe to rutle for wall phones and rustle bard The Corpora tion Serving Commission seems lo nine gotten cold feet on this proposi tion, or found out that thev could not put across such an Illegal pro position as forcing the people to p.n for something they never ordered However, don't pay the lelephoi company a cent ou can mold l'ret' soon It will be out of the bauds of that fellow Burleson and at the next election the people will Kick out the Public Service Commission tint Ims ikntii:h. Il It IMT ti.i:miiin m otiii:ii im r st.tiom:i Hern: rn ,)iti:s at .10. mm. i: ivnm.xi. oiimkin wii.i, trr MK '"wiMxii .,,,. WAHIIIVtITON Henntor Mr.Nnry i... liv a. .i.i " '"intiani ' ' I Ml .'"'" lit I me ,...,. ' " "Hit 1 " 'lli y M i.... "eeil Inf.. l"l lo In),,. II, hIiiii inn! i,r ,, llle stale mi II lit it c util c.llui liiliiltt " mi Iti. .i ''"'"'"""'"ly in.i.i,,. 1 '" JM.00O.. WASHINGTON. 1) C. Mnv f Co-lncldent with the start from I'M passey Hay. N 1 , of the Aui-tliu'i umy seaplanes In an effort lo i'u the llrst tratis-Atlanllc air ,'.i i.v:e. the navy depaitmi'til made p.ild.c nil order. Issued April I Mb, wli.i'i .;o ems the action of exerj aln-if iti.l mix ul vessel connected with the i.'tm IllKht. and proxldes against : In, ml exery possible emergence !. m in ix TKIUIINAL KIWI). One of the necessary conditions company walk turkey, and If the pvo on which the railroad extension to pie of Klamath Falls won't do It Bprague rlrer this summer depends then we don't know them, is the raising of our Terminal Fund i t $50,000. This calls for subscrip tions payable within a year, to the aaonnt of $20,000. This Is such in exceedingly small anount to pay for such a vast advan tage that the people should seize j on the opportunity to show their obllc spirit and determination to put' the city in the lead and keep it there. ' No business man, nor any other! arise during the aerial vuxiigf T'he been nothing but the servant of tb" order contains more than .-on! public utility corporations ever since and Is one of the most comprohn- It was created Then we can make .' slvo ever Issued by the dep.ittiii mm Pacific Telephone and Telegrnph 'When the plan for the trans-tlati- tlc rtlght was first conceived, the lak I of safeguarding the seaplanes end of obtaining meterorologlcal data nevs-, sury to the venture was placed in tho o uai( iar, row , ko, w,n hands of tho commander of th. id-- one ha.s been u pampered crown stroyer force Thu order, which ms ' ,,rlnce and then hus to go way off to made public today, thus was Issued , a i,,.nk Dutch Island and hibernate rw'(..JEBBfcjjtai1?- ?v" " ?",; -'' x?foLrxV HaT l Mm vrawMsv"T v v-s ',ktiau."-.'jr.Mir'S minimis 1pc Mmmm ,f'AC iiv 'H xj!Tit,SA lltll'l S ,,( 'ml nm ith.,,., - "ttlsl Tn' '" '' ' -l. .' -1. '"I witmbl,. ..I h!.,K ,,. "" .K. n .i:"T werk War M.l,M,.,,,luri n pnsneiKir W N ROAD REPORT ;by Captain Harris Uinlng. chief of '0 rttlnue. no glitter llln futher's staff, destroyora force. j The order pruvldijH for the i tn or-1 Ing and subsequent moveitieiits of sixty destroyers, four battleships ind n number of auxiliary naval vessr'.s In connection with thu flight Al though Issued at New York a I prx.i to the actual start of the hlti ardour Journey, the details if IV' or- Open for wagon travel, but.dcr tave been followed wl t.cut the , familiar ' dot in It linn" tuny help oiiie, but the heir to the throne thlili iliirsn t exist, has found some relnxiitlou III talking to the native Hollander PORTLAND aLSO Iikovlew-Plush Odcii. hut In mien, can afford to refuse to do hlsfrather poor cont,,Uoni bl.lweCB Lake. 'a."811"6- JriewandPlnsh. How much Is it worth to hare mills' mad factories built here In tbo Imme-' Chl diate future, increasing by a third 'n poor condition. Autos should not , Icstt Mich throughout the pru.-n ke volnme of rery month? cash paid out here attempt between Chlco. Enterprlss and The twenty thousand dollars in sub-, T0Wwatka0p.B and In fair coo- accriptlons payable at our connl- dltlon for wagon travel between Wal- noe within a year. Is a trltlina; ,owa and Powwatka. u , ,,.,, ,hrn aaoant when weighed against the the ttmb,r wn ome mnd ho,w; permanent advantage to be gained. ' but passaDle for machines. The greatest cities of this country lUT been built by a spirit of nnnnl-' Promise Open and In fair condl- tty among their citizens. Whatever t,on between Wallowa and Promise, course. arewd business "sense and aodht! There are rou?n P'ac In the timber-! In addition to the destroyurs four trabltc Dollcr dlttated. .he ronle'ed ion of this road. , battleships, the Florida. Pt.h. Toxa The route which the soapl tnrs arc to i.ikn to the Azores Is markd 'iv a ' rlL't on cf destroyers station-1 Hb-eit f:v mi. en apait. Those vcels Invej been on their stations for days, and have kept the d'purtriert here and the naval olflclaU it Tre-pas-tey Hay constantly Informed uh to meteorological conditions uloug the PEEVED ABOUT IE E have supported. As a result, Chicago, PORTLAND. May 16 Criticism' 1 of tho recent order of the public stirv- Ice rommlulon ruining the raten of ! the Pacific Telttphonu & Telegraph , company ban n-achrd the city hall. ' and committer from organltatlons wU meet with the city attorney lu protest against the new tales A i i strong sentiment for of the' la crystallttng. anil It Is i nt.,4 U.nnilH kaw kti ..t nl l..f.M.I .n 1 MltrhAll.Dnvvlllo rtrvon r,H ln - ... ... '.. . ...". .. , decision --.. -. .... v . . u..u ,u rna nmiiini m inn rnintn 111 inrn ,n lm Angelea. Spokane and other not-Kood condltlon betwet.n MltcneI, ana m,mrolomln, ,,..., ,,.MU.h. po,,,b,0 ,hat ,he '" c""nrl1 "'" hn Dayvllle. i . (h , ht urged lo go to the courts by represen tative of Portland organliatluus. InislllrHs man Mr Cousins declares because he cannot ngr-e to the re uioral of his telephone lincnilun of the interference with Inmlni'in n. sldenllal phones ran be removeil. the attorney slated, and many such pat rons appeared before the rommls nloti at the bearing and avowed that their telephone would bn done away Willi If greater rhnrges were eiartrtl of tbem This, says Mr Cousins. wa responsible for the extra revenue be ing placed on the shoulders of (he buslneM phone Mr Cousins believes the ilntl buslneM received by the company with lower rates would morr than equal the revenue to be derlred from higher rates, taking Into account what Mr Cooslnn declare will l. a loss In bualnriu resultant from the higher charges, THE MOLINE UNIVERSAL TRACTOR JOHN M. LEWIS, Agent 6th and Main Phone 140 High Grade Ladies' & Men's Clothes able cities have grown and prospered beyond the dreams of tho citizens who Inaugurated and carried out sound, progressive policies. Klamath Falls has adopted a plan that if carried out sanely and unani- Prinevllle-Pullna Open and In good shape for travel between Prlne vllle and Paulina. cut the flight. The seaplanes are In cen'itnn: com munication with the naval vimm-Is at all times. "Cvery precuutlon lus been taken o hnfeguard the fllnrn In addition to the radio communl- I.IKIIK.VM'HT HiaYKItM NK.N'TKM'KII TO PHISOV. Flaker-CornucoDia Onen intlr moua.y wu. muKe u .ar8e auu ,ery ,ength Far condon aker f Cflr. faton Anlnym ,,. , , 1"'"l'c"'"a "" son. Passable for autos, Carson to It Is well to remember at this par- Cornucopia ticular time that no city was ever built by letting "George do It." Sparta East Kngle Open, but In Every citizen of the city, from the Poor condition. Sparta to Lily White, owner of the largest business to the Closed between Lily White and Kast owner of the cheapest lot will benefit' Eagle. No detours. Road probably in proportion. A few public spirited ' be "Pen by May 20. business men are sacrificing their Imnaha- between Enterprise and Imnalia. time at much Inconvenience and ex pense, to call upon our people today and tomorrow, to raise the terminal fnnd to the required amount. Our fate as a city will be decideJ before the last of this week.. If any man's property is burning, everyone turns out and helps If he can. If the future prosperity of the city entire length, but In poor condition is at stake, everyone should turn out and vote and give to the terminal -fund. are provided with special illuminat ing torches, star shells and flares for use at night to mark tho course and nre In constant reudlness lo answer S O S. calls or other distress signals, should accident befall one of the big planes. Twenty-one destroyers are station- Open and in good shape ed on Tn-passey-Azores leg with four Lakevlew-Hend Open and In fair condition, Lakevlew to Hend. Pendleton I-a Grande Open, but' in poor condition, Pendleton to Lu Grande. Lakevlew-Klamath Falls Open FIGHTING Till: PIIO.VK IS.ITK Down in Glendale, California, the additional vessels' In reserve to re place any craft which may bo railed upon to answer un S O S signal or Itself became disabled. Ah tho sea planes pass above a destroyer the lat ter obtains radio communication, as certains the condition of tho planes and Indicates the true course to the neit vessel. During the night tho destroyers on station one to sixteen will keep bril liantly illuminated to provide ugalnU the seaplanes missing a ship and thus losing the way. To guard further against this contingency tho destroy ers are ordered In tho event the sea planes have not been sighted lit thu Prlneville-Mltchell-Open between PP'niote llmo they should Vrlv.i.. In the meantime. K M Cousin, city traffic expert advises thai tnle- patrons delay payment of their bills, pending action thai may be taken against the company Ho points out that l.'i days are allovsi-d for pay ment and thnt action from some source may appear hfiir Hint ilnn The city council will uie up the enso this week, and may ask for an Injunction pending an appeal lluslness men are especially In censed at the recent ruls Mr Coils Ins states They must bear the bur den, he points out. and the fee) the Injustice of tho new rates Tho burden win foisted on tho j IILRLIN. May 19 Captain Rung" 'conxlrled of complicity In the mur der of Karl l.lehkiierhf and llo.n Luxemburg. Himrtiican traders Iiiip been lenlenred to two III prls on l.leiiieniint Vogel received a sen fence of two years and n half The oilier flvn defendants were Ifuillted MAIIM TO OltDHR KINKNT MATKHIAIJt irKHT OK WOKKMA.NHIIIP I.ATKST HTY1.KH PKIIPKCT KIT GCARANTKKD Prices are vrr) rronM Your Inspection luvltrd Chas. J. Cizek Ml IIMIANT TAIMIK nix Mam M Lakevlew-Alturas Open for all classes of travel between Lakevlew and Alturas. Muddy In places. Paulina-Burns via Hear Valley Open between Paulina and Ilurns Muddy in Rear Valley. Glass of Hot Water Before Breakfast a Splendid Habit Opan ilulcta of the tyetam each morning and wash away the poisonous, stagnant matUr, LOST WHITE WORK HORSE branded A on left shoulder; black work mare, also blue Middle horse, both branded wagonbow on right shoulder, and sorrel pony branded bar-S on jaw and branded on left shoulder. Finder notify JOHN O'SHEA, MALIN, OREGON, And Receive Rewnrd. Those or us wtio are accustomed to neonle are going to the bat with Czar Prinevlllo and Mitchell tim.h ... , to make sinoRo clouilH. anow searcn- fePj , n, m.ivy whim wo arise; Burleson and are going to fight to a tw,.f.n Ochoco Ranger Station and "K"tHl ,,ro Htar 8,,ol,H u'"1 ""llfy th" HPllltlng headache, stuffy from u cold, finish the robbing rates h is trying Beaver Ranger Station; otherwise In n,'xt Bhl'' to ,h" w''HtWiiri1- T,lc nvxt foul tongue, nnsty brouth, acid atom- to ram down their throats. Nineteen far condition. i v''H,t,-', ln thp ,lri0 wl" ,"",tf, l'"' Bnm" "ch, laino back, can, liiHtead, both look hundred telephone hubscrlbers have signals for three quarters of nn hour and foul iih fresh as a daisy by wash- slirnetl an agreement to kick out their Prlnevllle-Burns via Mllllkan before the planes are duo to arrive, mg tho poisons and toxins from the nhr,n. if thr. increase is not with- uPcn "n" " 'i,lr condition. drawn and they have petitioned thu Bend-Fort Rock via La city council to Immediately begin the 0,)en ,JUt n poor' condition'.' construction of a municipal system That Is the real American spirit, the La I'lno-Cresccnt Open spirit that planted the stars and fair condition. stripes on the banks of the Rhine. That samo spirit is showing lts;;: throughout Oregon, and will eventu ally crystullze Into a winning fight against the thieving policy that has been indorsed by that thing called a Public Service Commission. Pine and l ' La Orando-Joseph-falr condition. Open and In I'pnn being notified tliul It has body with phiiHphaled hot water each been sighted by plains or xvhmi a Mil- morning, tlon ship sights the flyers, the vfHsel Wo should drink, before breakfast, a I will Immediately stop smoking or glass of leal lint water with u tea firing star shells, will take the exact upoonful of llmestono phosphate In it course to the next station mid win to Hush from tho stomach, llvor, kid steam slowly on that course tn Indl- neyH and ten yards of bowels the pie cute tho proper route, and will keep vlous day's Indigestible waste, hoiii ,Iii radio communication with tbo fly- Idlo and poisonous toxins; thus cleuiis- Paullna-Burns via Fife-Open and ' ''" "Kl W,"'"K fm ' , In fair condition. Paulina to Burns' ''"" ",r""' "' '"" '"" w"",r "r l"inl,,rJrf ,tnl ,'"for" "ultl,l ... ... . .... . ., mnrft fornl Itilfi Hie ulntrineli except a muddv stretch on linck ouring oarKness win inmcaio wniir - Mountain due to melting snow. De- VUun and condition hy radio, roclc- f l. l..,..l.,,.uu ,n,.n ,.f til,, oltv li:ivn If.llr lu ....uoll.W. l .. I. ...!. m OtS llllll flUriil W til till) fOllOWIIIg "u """""" ",v- ' ' " """ u fi .iu,i iiumli i. mure 1,i.fii i,l..l,n,ti n i,.. on record as favoring a muni- are a few bad mud boles in i..iiim meanings' oreen star -( an get off "'"'"-' "' """ " ." -""" Thu action of llmeslonn phosphate nnd hot wnter on nn empty stomach Is gone clpal telephone system, and while we cannot take up such a proposal with the same enthusiasm thut we would such a policy In other lines, wo hope that there will be no backing down In case the Pacific Telephone and Tele graph company persists in the col lection of the tribute It lias been li censed to gather In by Its borvants. Klumnth Fulls should never consent to be robbed Rather should we spend all the Hour rcrmemaiions, gases, wnsto nnd acidity anil gives one, u splundlld appetite for breakfast and It Is mild (o bo but a little whllo until tho roses, begin to appear In tho cheeks. A quarter pound of llmestono I ., .phoHptmio will cost very llttlo at Ilia diug store, hut Is Hulllclunt to make iinynno who Is bothered Willi hllous. nesH, cnnHtlpatllon, stomach trouble or I iheumatlsni n real enthusiast on tho MIsh Mario Rambo has taken a ' Mrs. II. A. Kminltt loft yeMonmy subject of Internal sanitation. Trv n. every dollar we can raise und teach position lit the I'ndonvuod "hurmucy morning for Rulmii whoro she went us and you nro assured that you will look that concern it never can carry thru formirly held by .Mm, Alvro Penis, u delegate to tho state lodge of Ro- bettor and feel bettor In every way Hollow. Baker-Pralrlo City Road Is open between Baker and Prairie City. In fair condition, Baker to Whitney; poor condition, Whitney to Prairie City. the water again, no assistance requir ed; red star or flare assistance ro quired. In the event that one plane Is forced to land the others will remain In the vicinity until u report of her condition Is received or assistance ar rives, m:w ri.i.iuc at rxnivitwooos. JOi:S TO HALKM. such a crookc-d scheme. She aBsumel bar now duties today, . beckalm. I shortly. Adv. S-E-C-U-R-I-T-Y WHAT IS IT WORTH TO YOU? Security is worth a great deal to any drug buyer, yet it costs nothing at our store. Of course it costs us something extra to employ the most efficient pharmacists, and our high grade drugs cost more than the or dinary kinds, but you are charged no more here for drugs and prescriptions than you pay elsewhere. The increased business which conies to y through our reputation of giving best quality and service more than offsets the reasonable margin of profit which we receive. Secure the best results from your physic ian's prescriptions by having them com pounded here. "THE CUSTOMER'S SECURITY" Is Our Slogan nitierwoott phan W'v KLAMATH FALLS OREGON -r I HURITVl WHERE PARTICULAR PEOPLE BUY THEIR DRUGS MCf fAcSi2i-"