EH PAGE rovn THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON N.vrnuitv, MAY T, 1010, The Evening Herald K. J. M L It II A V KDITOK Published dally eicept Sund.iy h The Herald Publishing Company of thouand. JUamam halls, at lib rourtn street Entered at tbe postofflce nt Klam ath Kails, Ore . for transmission thru the malls as second-class matter by tho taxpayer. Hut that Is not all. extend this line to that point Kven these Industries are only a bo- We believe that these reasons me ginning There are other and larger sufficient to Justify every voter In i! i ones on the horlton, so clase In fact olty casting his ballot In favor of tho n to almost Justify the statement triinsfer. safeguarded in It Is by the that we are going to get them, and If tuistees And that Is why o he we do. Instead of a olty of fifteen llee the people of this city should we will hato a city of uutckh raise the balance of the ter- twenty-fle thousand people within mlnal fund fle jears m H OUSTON' MrinMilUuu Aiiiiir.uriiM sHk i s Subscription terms by mall to an address In the united States: Ono year $5 0 One month - 60 of all news dispatches credited to It they r not otherwise credited In this pa per, and also local newt published Iwraln. All rights of republication of spe cial dispatches herein are also re ferred OAKLAND OFFICER MIXED IN SCANDAL We have made these statements be fore, and often hae been met with the counter argument that the mills would not come to the elt. but would be located In the timber This is u mistake The men who contemplute OAKLAND. Ma) I T Chief of I'ot- the erection of the mills are koIiik to lc J II Needermm who Is under In- Member of lie Associate! Pros- t th(,m ,n Klllu,tt, yA for two dlotment on briber) charge, reslgn- The Associated Press Is exclusive!) ... lm i i.i iwiiiim bur.. tmln .titled to the use for republication reasons. es for three reasans Urst. oil I Is lot h, n want the benefit or two ran- ""'i "- .... - .-.-. rends, since II Is n rert.i'nl that i"' "'i arresieu on :. uuunrann the so-called Strahom line will be i me grmiii jnrv r-uirneu in ...,..,.-.-extended to llend. or some other I on with the linestlgntl.m Into -!mr-imlnt to the north Second, because Res that protection has been grant-d the mill men hae gotten away from Kmblers on payment the Idea that It Is a good thing to have a "111111 town" The Idea of a --- distinctive settlement has been aban- How many of us have stopped to dotted In -sections where prohibition think that there has been, or will be is in effect, since the purpose of most y six o'cIock this evening, paid to of them was to keep the saloons away the workers in this territory upwards from the men And a further reason of u ti.irrHr of a million do'.lnts In for locating here. Is that mill men wages? How much would vou give have found a big city offers greater if rou could make this sum half a security for a supply of labor "Mio BtiKion? How much would you have third aud last reason for mills com- said ten years ago to bo asjuied cf Ing to this territory lies In the fact a payroll of one hundred thousand that the government is carrying tho SATTKHW. MAY II It) I II. of 5l".'il monthly The char;es that resulted hi iho grand Jury Investigation were made b former Chief of Police Walter I Peterson, now captain of Inspector He asserted that 110.000 monthl) has been collected by certain policemen for the protection of gambling 'n Chinatown lie named Hpeclflc.itly Chlef of Police Noddorman anil City Commissioner K P Jackson SIX MtOWNKD YUII.V iti:;: HOUSTON'S OPERA HOUSE IMM'IMi Weiltiesdii) .V SnUticl.n IrM. .!., Ml sir. , STAR THEATER limn ( It. lie Mlllis. Presents 'I he Modern erlou Of IMnln Mlllon Itojle's liiiiioiis I'l.n Tin: sqi w miv .ls. Itiirtou Holmes Trittetogiio ,inl Urn) Cartoons. Viliiils-lon III .V 2n I enls show starts nt T :tll Av l (iMneU. s Mill A MllMMI I,. Imw reins' Weber l'nenls .IOIIV IIMHU MOUI. , -...- j "Till: MTITIl I lt. hiMlN" ' The Most Popular of Mi;e stnrs In ' The Thrilling IMrsllte lluuti.i llinl hits bliwisl Its tin) In to I'trr) corner of The fnlwrse. In Srrn Pnrts, ilnilsson III .V '.'. ( i-nt. Sunday & Monday May 18th and 19th pHipjjSKPu 1 1 K JjE vl TimiUNJIin:ill!HU:irnTlinTITTT7T7rnTTTTTTTnn. irVklilrJ vnn . l!Hl this Woman? i WILLIAM rOX Pr... llll THEDABARA I The LIGHT TMt 1TOKV Of WOMAN WHO H10 I ' NO MOMOU UNTIL. BUND tOLCIII lllll TAUOHT HKN TO Bit HR SOUL Dltn..l y JrVotunUlwanlt J llll MMt'S. dollars? These are questions to eon- timber Investment and not the manu Blder at this time while the people of facturer the city are being asked to settle the if a man wants to enter the lum dUrosltion of the railroad an 1 ! berlng business in this territory It is raising of the terminal fund Tie possible for him to purchase his tlm construction of the railroad to Spta- ber from tho government, and thus Kae river means a doubling of this avoid the immense Investment ne payroll by next year It means more sary to guarantee an unlimited sup than that, but this Is sufficient to Diy. je . thus able to Dut his meney jnsttfy any man stopping to consider- nt0 a larger plant and wider opora-j " T TT-. "What would such a thing be worth tloM. The ra08t available tlmb.r Jo0,?0,,;: to me?" We have gotten SO Qsed tO nlnnr tho lino nt nnr nrx.onf rill '.i.l !(- I. -fl-t.l In n. r.- tk. .In-. , , j ...... .. !... ... . I a goou sizea payroll mat wo almost ceased to think about mcki POUTS.MOPTM. X H Mny It? -Six persons includiiK tlM captain and IiIb wife and four ciilldrnr. uoro drowned yesterday .chen ''ie coal sd- en barge Nantlcoko oinnd ny the I Potter Transportntluti Cjriranv. ' off the Isles of Sholas ba accommodations has been purchased I Bklng by the plants now here. Witt 'he' it bigger, but if we are going to hue extension of the mumclptl line to a city here, we must not let such neg- Sprague river, a new and more uc- lect blind us to the future. Ing 1018 this proKTsnuire ronipany U- ned more tha sai8.0OO.0O0 of new i life bniilneM. Ask Chllcote Jt Hmlth cessfble lelt of timber will be opened up, and that is why it is necessary to THE RAILROAD QUESTION. "What are you going to do aboat tfce railroad and the terminal fmnd?" aad "What do you think of the rail-, Toad proposition?" are two questions Ikat are being asked with Increasing , frequency by the people of this city, aad well they may, for Inly by dist ention and consideration can the importance of this vital Issue be1 brought properly before the public Great as the difference of opinion may be about the wisdom of ever having embarked on the proposition, there Is dally developing the senti ment that the time has arrived when we bad better rid ourselves of what may become a greater bugbear than the courthouse question, if by any miscarriage of Judgment the city were saddled with a railroad. The closer we Investigate the mat ter the more convinced we are that the money that Klamath Falls put into this project will prove to be one of the best Investments the city ever made, and this notwithstanding the fact that if we had had any voice in the matter at tbe inception of the proposition we would have opposed It as strongly as we now support the a!e of the road to the Oregon, Cal ifronia and Eastern Railroad com pany and the raising of the $20,000 terminal fund. The natural ques tion Is: "Why this change of heart?" It is a purely selfish one In the first place the road as it now stands is of no value to the city It is a dead loss, and on top of that its value will grow less from month to month Operation by the city would be out of the question unless. It was extended to a point where It would develop traffic sufficient to pay for running It This would mean a big ger bond Issue, and nowhere Is there any sentiment In favor of that If the road Is taken over by the Oregon, California and Eastern It will Im mediately become taxable, and tho revenue produced will help, In part to meet the annual Interest on tho bonds. Hut all of this is a mere drop tn tU l i... w. uuLhei or reasons why Vnn.l .L 1 I a u D,.oul(j I)0 turned over to some one who will guarantee Its construe fimaTI PIU fimall Dos SaB Frice CARLS WITTLC llVCR V limits ji w xm Constipation bare stood rhe text of time. Purely Ttsjretable. Wonderfully quirk to baniuti blllioiincM, heasUchc, indlgetiUoii mid to clear up a bad complexion. Star Drug Co. about tbe NEW 1010 policial. -tf ALUMNI MEETING MONDAY. The Alumni Association f the Klamath County High School are' planning a big meeting at tho Ilbrnry of tbe high school next Monday even ing at 8 o'clock, where they will make plana to entertain the graduating : class this year. Every member of the association 's urged to be present at this meeting. NOTICE. Members of the Relief Corps, old soldiers and returned soldiers nre asked to meet at I. O. O. V. Hall at 10-30 on Sunday morning. May 18th to go In a body to the Presbyterian Church where a special sermon will be preached on Peace and Arbitration. TEMPLE THEATER TOD IV Pnrntnount l'rrriili P.W'LINK KltKDi:itl lv In "THE ETEHVtl, IT" AIm The l.'lth Eplxiilr of "The Lure of the Clrru." HIWDAY MONDAY Triangle Prmrnt t'LAIKE ANDEItSOV In "THE UltAY PARASOL" Alw Puthe N'rwii l.lmt furrrtit Event. Admia-ioa 10 A 18 ceuU MUae 2.30. Evraian 7:SO M D. MERRILL OPERA HOUSE MOTION PICTURE TUESDAYS AND SATURDAYS MfluTTfll Oiffon t Irving Miller Is a recent arrival In I Klamath Kails from Portland Liberty Theatre THE NOTICE Tht Keller Corps will hold Its regu lar meeting at the Odd Fellows Hall on Monday evening. .WM0 .m ...mi YOU GET THE BENEFIT Of our two yearn' experience test- Ing aeroplane motors It means that wu can find the troublo and correct it. Try us on your cr troubles We guarantu our work Charges reanonablu. HoagUnd &. McCollum 221 Main Ht. Phono 282-W. JEWEL CAFE FOR THE BEST IN EATS Everything cooked to uit your Utte Our Paitry can't be beat JESSE BAILEY, Prop. Phone 185 610 Main St. MMrWVVIWVWWVWV tho Hon to Sprague river We feel now that If ,he line Is built to Sprague river and the city has to Pay off the entire three hundred thousand dollars. It will still prove to have been a good Investment, for tho reason that construction to this point will mean the Immediate erection of three sawmills in Klamath Palls, and at least one, and most probably two, box factories. What will these four or five industries mean to the city? They will mean tho practical doub-ling- of the population of tho city, if this happens, tho Increaso in property I valuo will he so Breat that tho pay ment of Interest on tho railroad bonds, and oven thu paying off of the bonds themselves, will never be felt So Much Down So Much a Month. We are not an installment house. We do not advertise instalment terms but no honest man or woman who loves music need go without it. Mr. Edison has said to us: "Do not deny music to the music lover. To those of slender incomes, make terms that will not harass them." The NEW EDISON "The Phonograph With a Soul" is the world's greatest musical instrument. It gives you eveiy kind of music, exactly as performed upon the stage. It gives you all that the ear can give of the art of the world's greatest artists. DO NOT LET MONEY STAND IN THE WAY If you are paying for Liberty Bonds or for some other reason are not particularly flush at the present time, do not let that fact pre vent you from owing a New Edison. Don't hesitate. Come to us and tell us confiden tially what terms will be convenient for you. KLAMATH FALLS MUSIC HOUSE Geo. A. Wirtz PHONE 125 733 MAIN ST. .mH 1 f t r ? r t A Bank News WE OPENED OUR DOORS FOR BUSINESS JULY 16TH, 1918, WITH RESOURCES AS FOLLOWS: July 16th, 1918 Capital Stock and Surplus $65,000.00 November lit, 1918 Our total resources were $199,871.72 January 1st ,1919 Our total resources were $236,296.10 March 4th, 1919 Out total resources were $248,548.90 May 12th, 1919 Our total resources were $289,053.37 We want to thank our depositors for making it possible for us to make this nice showing in so short a time, and to extend a cordial invitation to others to es tablish a connection with this growing institution. Klamath State Bank 4 ? t T t T 9 T r r T T T t T T T T T i :aW