nun.w, may in, mill. THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON rAOK HKVEW LEGAL NOTICES III' h llrfl male. iti:soi,in ki.v. (My KiiKltii'iT. ptirntinnt Mill! 'I n, i imiiIi iMiit nf iii" Mthiii or ' . .. If I I. Ori'K'Oi ' ixiiimimi'i .,hiiihi J lllllll .IUIUIIHI'1 I IH "I III )(, I'HtllH1 II" lllllll W I.IIIH. 1111- (ru'l riiilnllff. lluri'i'HM mill riiniiln p I It'll II tl It II t H, I n I t KlM'll IIiiiI Iiv t Ii iitlim ami oritur nf mil of Mil) IiIiiimi I'tilillt'il liilieii iunii iinilnr iiiIvIkiiiiiiiiiI nml lIllllllIK Hlllll pIlllllS, Hli(irlllollH mill TIki " I"'" I" II" SIIHH III lirv 11, l.,lli, i.f .1... . I III l.l I I 111 ..i. .. ....... .... . .....ui mil iii mi' . llllllll V l.lllll II 11.11 MICItHIIV IIEHMI.VEM, 'Unit lii-iniiirori- inlopl.-d, imvlriK on the wiliI plans Ifl.iilioiiM nml ,hII- ,lii of April 1919, fll.-d plaim, mull's rur ih.. Impiii ...mi or iip..,m, ,t,e,is ami i-HlninlLH of Din j'oilloiiii of 7lli uml Piimpi-it Minn .t of linpiovnn' Mli ntii.'t from ok, mill tin. miinn me In r"liv mi. HiiHi mn.i.i ,w,n i,.,.i,. i,. n., .,...,, I mi r tlnv inniln ""' (hi rt mi I Tiliiiilln llnrn Ml" tin1 1 1 "" ..l.l IN H ll '" . ... !.!.. . ...a.. .... II... II.. I. ft llll'l III III"' ""'. "ii in.- iin nf inii r.'r.1. upon n tn i ' I I llll'll'll III I"' Hill III I lll'l , iltlnn Oil I FIO ;il! UIIV or ,.,,,i i 1 1 'i in inviir oi inn tuny i niliiul I ' I "fl '""' "KiiIiimI Hi" K'll't I, fill.' il HI") '"" I' f til ' II ill ri mo. tl"' "" "r properti ! .mli, nin-r il" riii"il. l miilNft lln- n,m . jijh tnKi'tlii'1 tilth liii'imt tlirri i l'"' r"'" r h l'"r """ l"'r tiiiiiu'" I""" ''"' ill" "' ""hi iH'i ri ',,,, , n . t it i lln'i mini of $ I"" on ni ni torn i h fi'ii mill tlm Nil n of i(;t, i until llllil iIIhIiiiin 'i ii 1 1 rt u tin m Turn l Mltiim uf nKI v , , I I m it 11 1 V Imli'il ill'-. I mli! p, , r i it mill HI "il 'It.- . 'Ill tint t'f v n ' '" '' "' '" " ' '" " in ill II'1 (rim' iloor of til" Itlmmitli tomtit ' "iirtliiiil"" I' In mil It I itllx (IriKtin " " "I I1"'1"' mxlliiH lo Hi" liirlii"1 biihl'T for winli In liiiml mill J(rt I i n ill million IIL'onllltK In nit nil llif riKlii ml" 'mil Interest of . hiIiI ill I'tullilllH mill "in h of tlinni In uml '" l'1" follottliu; iliiHcrlliutl pri'iiiii" Minnie in Kliiniiitli Connl. Orn con iinrtli liulf of norlli went inir ler Oiiil inirlliitotil iiinrier of north- r,, ,:i II of DIM (loll '.', Illlt Inillpl J, null i lilt" HI Hint of Wllllniiliil!" mirltlii'ii or ti n in li tlii'ri'tif as mil) In- nt'r emry to witlnf mild writ of mt'ui Hon ).i("tl tit 1 v I it in it t li Falls. (Ircfiin, April S6. I'"'.' i.i o i. iii'.mpiiuey 5 2 !i If' -'T Sheriff piott'il, mill in: it 1 1 ii-i iii:k unsoi.vicn, 'I lint till" Illinium ('Hlltll ll ...,y iIimIiiiih IIm Iii'i. mli, ii to ImplOV" hiiI, I portions or i Hi PtoHpiH mill .li.ff,.. min Klii'tl In in mm 'liit)ii ttltli Din Hlllll pluilH Mpi'l Kit llllllllH llllil Ht I- iiiiI'k " i 'I liuiirtiti'i'i' ii in i nnitlM o lirlllCllIC Hlllll BlllflH to tit lllllllHll- ill Kiml" 2', ful In whPh, criulliiH I-' to cim, ,i,i , irf,, ,i( until nml inlliiif niilil Hlri'i'lH tlnn liriuliMl Tli" nmli of hiiIiI hi In to I'" .". rn fllllll Hill" lllll'll to Hllll. tlltili Hulil linpioti iiii'iil to Inn i' mi i ni 1 1, i nt i il i out t of $ 7 . ' "J 1! mi, mill, in-: ir i'iit ri i Kit ki:k(ii,vi;ii, h tit" 'milium Count II lluu Hi,, pinp "lit In rlniifii i ilnttt'illii'il lii unit Ih it lit In ili'i lnr il to Ii" lit'iit fittt'tl hy i-.t nl prnpiiiiMl li iprn i on ni to ttli I.i Ih 1 I ft unit I', of ll'n, h r.T, I nl" 1-1 f. nml i, or Him k .' I, 1,','h I I uml '. or llloi k i, I. .N'li'li i I A, lillllnn to IIm ( It) or K In mnt )i I'iiIIh, Mlrml lllllllHlV", l.'llMllll tit fioin Kt ll Bin "I i'ihIiiI) to 'ltd HiriM and ,I"f ft ition Htrit'i frmii Kill nmti-rly lo 'nil Hiinl In, Iii'Uiik Inn rHi'(llo'ii, mill ill" (cnii'il liiitini; iiiki'ii Riune nn, It I ii, U, hi ni, nl nml rinillni; tniltl pIllllM, Hpl iri'iitioi h mnt i mini. if mil lufiit lot v in; iv iu:ui:in ui:hi)i,vi:i, tiuu hiiIiI pli nn, np"( iriiiiiloiiH nml imtl- llllltl'H fit rllll) IlllpIOVl'Illl'Ilt of III" Hiihl poiiloiiH of sili Lincoln nml Ii fri i mm Hlii't ih Ii" nml th" k.iiih) nru In n li iipproti il, anil. in: ri pi'uiiiiiii, llml Hi" (minium Coiiiirll lii'reliy il"- lllll'H It H till. Ill 1(111 III IlllprOt" Hlllll port tin, t nl Sid, I.liiioln mid JoffiT Hoti HlniiH In nn oiiliitirii ulth tlio hiiIiI plmiH Hpi i IfiiatlntiH nml chII mull h Mild liiipniti'iiit'titH to ioii- HlHt Of p.ivlllt,' Hlllll pOltlllllH Of Hlllll Htr""ti ttllli oil iiiiiiiiilmii patPinent nt nn "Htlinati il ot Itii'linlliiK (i ini nt itel tttilkn inrliliiK mid Iiik of $JJ nln nn, hltllllthll MM nn nl m tin. I'Mltiiuti'il unit IikIikI- iiiilillnlii'il iir liy Cluirlor nrovlrlril Itn IT IinitKIlY IlKSOIiVKI), to Kliil" or Ori'ifon, County of Klntnnth, Tlmt paid planH, pppclflcatlons and illy or Klamatli I'lillH- hh ('NtlmnHn for tho Improvumcnt of I A I. I.citltl Pollin .In-lcu oi tins mild portion or f,ilniinric Mi- illy or ICI imrtf Ii 1'alln, Ori'r';" "v'-i end I'oitlnnd Hlr""tH , ,and il-. In r liy torllfy that Mm forciioInK Padflc Terrai" ht; and the Bami' aro i ' d'll) "tiroll'-d on if i -i- tlm o-i hurt Iiv npprovnl, and, i,i'iip'--l hy Mm Common ( on m; it ri;ItTHKU HK90I.VKI), th- i Mi d.iy of M.iv, I'llO, .Ifcl.trltiB That tin- ( onimon Council h"n hy de li I' ntlotl to I " i- wc- I uolti rinri-H ltn Inl-mllrm to Itiimov n'llil PROPKSSTOMAI CARDS ii t 1 1 ii from Mli litri'ot "nn'tirly If li nml In' lnil ni! i it- 'i" Muni ih l 1 l-rlct'Mim Crnjl nml il of nn a:i'i irtcnant ininlo ii i 't'priivlm: Mi" plnnn. nir-lfl - -, -i, c,.Hii( of roit h .) mil led l.y tlio Clt) l.ticlnc'cr A I ' i-vitt 1'' i"t I'nllro l"i F" I.iiIh I !i imtl 10 and V.'j or I.ciIm Inu i mi-iit nld" w-illit, curhliiK and i:i:K(ii.ri iov. 'Hi" Cliv KiiKliH-fr, pnrBiiant to P.i-Hiilii'loii nt the- Common Council In ritnfor" ailoplccl, havInK on th" Mli dnt or Muv, lll'l. filed plan-c. Hn ITU i,t IntiH -in dpBiimnt'H or thii in-' nf liiiprnvliiK lnth Btr""t from Miili'Hln-c-t northc-rly to Prospert iitti,-!, nml IIlKh Btri'ct from Mi Hire 1 1 iiiBlcrly to 11th Btrci't, In 'ludiiu liitcrfiTtlonB. iiii-l Mi" Cotin c I hatltii! Uik'ti the- Biiint- uncli-r ad vlprnc nt and flndliirf B.i'd plaiiH, pi i 'fic.illotiH and iHtlmatm to 1)" Hiiili-raitort in: rr iii:iu:iiv ur.soi.vrn. That in mill I'.'i of I.iiih II. 10 mitt ll', of Lot ;i nml y nf iiiini i' l.iim 1 2 'i iiftl I ami H uf lihic k I -ni" I 7 'J mid h I'liuK .11, Th" IrmiKiilar lot l)liu ht-ttti'Pii Crunt 7 f It mnt Primp" t t t ( and I.uIh 1 1 ii 7 S 'I mid in of Hind; 1.'. I'llht Addition to Mm Clt) of Kliiimilh I'iiIIh (i"i:on Ami thai Hiild pinpert) ,ihn.i' il" M'rllit d In anil hi'ti'liv Ih dec tared to III- ItHHCHKi'll for Ml" "Xpl-IIH" of H.llll liiiprntc ii, -ni. and in: ii iTinm:it, 'Hint, tin- "ml da) of Jinn-, Hilli. at th" hour or S oi lock p m , at th" (niiiii II Chiiinhi r at Mi" City Hail In Khun, till I'iiIIh. On i;oii. lit! fixi d an th" Unit' ami plan- for Mm In nrlni; of ohji ctlomi ami riiuinu niraiici'H iii:,tln-l Mi" hiiIiI prcipcisi'd liiiiTnti'ini nl mid (In- Poll!" JiiiIkii Ih- and hi relit Ih illri-ctml til r.illmi nn- tiutli" of mild h"iirltiK to ho puIiIIbIi- II!i nl ait lit Clinrti r tirotlde portloriB of LMtilanad" and Pnrtland htri-i 'h and Paclflr T"rri", in dP- ccirclatif" vtilh the- Bald pinna, npi-i i- ! fl'iitloiiH and "HtlmaliB 1 im- j provc-iiic nln to rotMlut of pavltu n-ild linrlloiiH of Haul litre "ts v. Ith liltn- J llthlp pavMrni-nt nt an cBtlmati'd rost, Im liiilmc; eoripn-to riirhltiK and !,.. tt 4-T.1 'I7- Oil. .ill n'i. -nTi. nnvii. e nii-nt at a i) i t I in n ted cost, lnchullni; eonerete- turlilt'K anil Krailmi; of ' -ll viiii, or eoner'-le' pivi tne-nt at nn "b! limited eost, IncllldlliB coniri'te turhlm; and Kradlns, of $ 00 -i -I tnpiovciiiiint In fltlmr e-tont to ln"l i ile- Kradlni;, rullinr. "iirhlm; and dralnui'" Said pate mint to he- 40 n 'i Ulth hetttcen the- northprly lino of Wall n'rpe-1 and the- nortln-rly line- eif Sprint; Kireet and 1". fe'.-l In t, Idth lie-iwrcn I In- north-rly ltn- of SprliiK Btre-t to Pacific Tprrace and Pacific Ti-rrat" fioin Hiiri.i .tre-et nortln rl to Portland stn-'t ..nil Portland Htriet from I'iipIP' T-rr-i- - e-asii-tly to the cuiitern ho tiidarv at the Clt) or Klamath K.i'lu, Inte-istc-tlonH to he- full wUPh. and. in: it rriiTiinii hk.soi.i:d IllRhpBt ennh price's paid for flno oiux.ov indian' pipcs am) oiiii:k iuxich Poitolllro Ilox 2r.B II.AMATII PALLH. OltK. I'AKISIAV UHAI'TV shop 'Ihr ll.irpiT Mi'diuil of He ilp,Tre-atme-nt and Kli.unpoo- IriK 1' Tri'.ituipnt, Manicuring .'.III .Main SI. Phono .100 II. C, S('ll!.Ki:r k VTin:itii: s(-iu,i:i:r Pli)lilnnH anil Kurfci-oiis lllfli", Uhlli- IliilK. nraillni' of !) r,Mi on . or iimini,, nild iiIiiiih mii-rlf IcatlotiB anil tstl- p.iti-nn nt at tl Btlmati'd iobI, in- inate-H In rth" imiirote-mcnt of 10th i IiiiIIiii: ini"tit i-lili- ttalkH. ii rlilritr Hin-et from Main fln-et northerly io mid KrmlliiK. nl J."i,170 00 Katd Prompt ct nln tt anil IUbIi stn-ct from ))y t)l impioti mi tit h in ,'itiitr "tciit to in-'-Inilf i;ratl.i k ioIHiik and (iirltliu; Mn Iil piiti-iiiiiil to ho 2,r, fc will,., wild Hid" ttalkB I f""t ttldi- on both hid" ho fmild portloiiH of tit li, l.ln inlii ami Jiifri-rHim Hlri'i'lH and iiark- ln Htrlp h-tidi-il iIIki. nun fir uii'ii it'Pt ul Inti-rHi ctlotiH where Bald fpt ciflcalloim and i-stlmates Said pati'iiii-n Mb to he lull width, and. Improtcnients to cotiRiHt of patini; UK IT I'l U'llli:ii ucsoia'KD iv Bald portlotiH of said stn-ct with oil Mm Common Council that thn iiiim. macadam patcnienl at u ncstimateil nr r(irnpr ,,f i.ot 8. lllo-k C of SiC' i-rty lu-t i-liniflur ili-Hcrlheil he and cost, IncluilliiR ct-men tsldo walks, on(i jiot Springs Additi-'n tu Klamath huiehy Ih duclaieil to ho liunefltt'-d, concruto curhlng and grading, of Fais, Oregen: then'.- nort'icarti'rly J l i.B'i nn, or concreie paveineiu ui bctttecn Lots 1. 2 ind S nut Iv3ts a DR. G. A. MASSEY Sniie-ssor llil UOO, I to Dr. , O, O. 1 'I max '. Hlilg Ollle I pi,., lie- MLI Iti- I'Iiiiih- K(1M fVitninnn Conil'-ll t h it thp !itli treet easte-rly to 11th Htreet, In- prope-rtv hercinarte'r ele'S'-rlhi-d he and chiillrg IntiT'ortlonH, lio anil tliej hc-rtbj Ih declared to lu ni fitted, to-v It All of tlm proper!) emhrr.iv'. In the follottlrg deucrlheil i5tti . t Improtc ment Iilstrict, to-ttlt: Ileginnlng at the Inre-i'e-Mon ot KHplanade and Wall -ir -ts In the City or Klamit.i Vallc Oregcn; thence easterly along the "titer line of Wall strett to the s- H'ltvrst inlnt .line are liereliy approven. anei HP. IT KUKTHKIt KIISOI.VKn, That th" Common Council herehy de thiru Its Intentlo nto lInproe salel throiiKhout entire poitloiiB of 10th street nml High Improtement, ex- "tn-t In accordance ttlt lisalil plans rSi-'s0 DR. CARTER l)i:.TIST i wiiitk isuii.iung pheni: :.-, ''.l.tvl DENTISTS E. G Wisecarver PHONE 354 Klnmiitn I'iiIIh ('repon April 'i'H 19 1 y Itie nnili'iiili-ni'il ttlll receltn ilill nt Ml" orrire of th" Ite'Cliiuiatloti Si-rrlre l liitnrilli l.tlln, Or, III tvt o o e-lof-k p III . .Illtll. when lit" hiiiii" will ho publicly open- cil lor th" ri'cliiliiilng ol nliniit 7 lino (trot nf Httnmii Innil in Cr)ntal Creek Maritli I "Hi' ncr"n In I lank n MnrHli i-nl H,ll litres lu Pellinu Ha) .Marnh I iier Klamath l.nk". Ori'i-nn. ttlthln ln-n li Itr Kluiniiili I'rnjeil ISO rental ttlll brimti'd for the line of the land, but lln hih romiful hlililnr "III Im re IJlretl in he'itln ttork ttlihln rU niontlm (rum the dnte ol the routrnrt, to riunpli'i" th" unrW ttlihln Mire" inm frmii mild ilntu, and to give li.inil in (lie hiiiii or ll'J.OOO mi fn- tne- ri'cliiuiatloii or Crystnl Creek gtru-t i-nsinrly to Slh Marjli hiiids a lioiid of 110,000 00 for IK Inleri."! Ilium, anil toe rirliiiniitliin or I lie Hunk h M.irnli UntU and n hotiil of 20,000 00 for Iht- rt, liiiiiiitlon of (he Pt Iran Hit) A i, I.i: WITT, .Mamli In tl tl n . nald honilN to he ttlth 10-101 Police Judge, in iiiri-ptiilile Hurely coiup.iu) hh - lurrt) reindltloneil for a faithful fiimiillnni ttltli the terniH mid pro tltlun of Mi" reHpertltn rontrarlB Illdilorit ma) Hiihmlt propoHnln for iinjr or nil three I rutin hut lu iittard- ItiK Itie cunt nn l i"i fh tract ttlll he 2, 7 and 8. Hlock 12; 1. 5 and ll, lllnck 43, 4. n, C, 7 and S, lllork 02; 2, 7 and 8 .Block S3; 2, 3, 4, r,, C, 7 and b, Illock 1. -' hlnli' of Ore rem. Count) of Kliim-Mi. City of Klamiith KiiIIh--ih 1 I. I.i'iitltt Polite Judge ol the Clt) or Klamath I'iiIIh. Oregon, do rill) that the roregiiitig in In!) eiirolhil cop) of ll'ioliitlon ii',l nt tie Couriioti Cmiiill on Mm fiih da of Ma. Itil9, ilechi-liig lln Intention to Improte 7th Ktreel finin Wnnhinrlnu Htreet nortln rl) to Pnlhpert ntreet Primp H nlri'it Innil 7lh ntrei't northtti'Hterly to Mli ntreet and JeMi'mou Ntreet from 7th Htr"-:, inrluil- to-ttlt Lots I .tilt, I.iiIh I.i-tii I.OIH Cft, I.lltK l.lltH 1, i.lllN 1, iiiouk or, Ml" I OH II, Otegon And that mild property above den trllinl he and huieli) Is declared to Ire Hin-hscil for the exptiiHe of i.iid Im P ewemnts, and, UK IT Fl IITIIKK UI.'SOI.VKD fiat .Mondii), the 2ml daf of Juno ll II' nt the hour of S o clock M 7 and 8, Illock r.4; 3, 4, ro and C Illock C3,' .',. 4, .' Illock (, I, Lot 2 All In Nichols Addition iu nott Lit) of Klaiiiatli I'.ilU nn PHtlmuted cost Including cement t0 20. inclusive, of aid Illock 6 tt.ilkB. concreto curbing and grading, to tll0 cer.ter nne ,f Spring rtreei; of $40,300.00; or bltullthlc pave- thence easterly betitvii Lots 2 -nil ' ment at nn cstynated cost, Including 3 uioj co and Lots S and 9, Hlock eenmnt side ttalks. concrete curhlng S4i o gai dahoe oddltioi, to the and grading, of $46,407 00. Said Im- contcr Iie 0f Michi?a.i aoitue. at iiro'em"nt In either event to include jts intersection with Menlo .Vay; grading, rolling an dcurhlng. and, thencj along the northerly tiete of HE IT ri'RTHKIt RESOLVED, M(,nln Way t0 the ,0.,,,,tvst corner by tho Common Council, that the of ot i0i niock -ri3. Second Hot property hereinafter described he SprlnKS Addition to 'he City 'if Klam- und herehy Is declared benefitted by atl, j.-au8 Oregon; Mi3nee 1 orthf rly P. M. Noel I'HONK 4 0cr Unilerwooil'B Set en th and Main Streets ..w said Improtement, to-wlt: Lots 1 and 8 of Hlock 13 of orig inal town and unnumbered Hlock known ns tho "Central School tirounils" adjacent to 10th street and between "re-el in between Lots 10 and 11, taitl Hlock 53, to the northwes t'-omer )f Lot 10, said Block 53; thence tasttrlv between Lots 6 and 7, and Iits S, 9 and 10, said Block 53, to ths we-t- it the Council (. (lumbers In the City Kails, Origon; said Hlock 13 and 10th Pr sl(le of tno jj, S Irrlijnllpi original town ui 1v1.1111u1.11 Hall at Klamath Palls, Oregon be' fixed as the time and place for the hearing or olijeectlotis nnd 'union ti tt . 1 f . il 1 1 1 ir ( li ii il'l'iwiin him -.-- .....I.... tl 1 i...-. 11 PII n HpefiritallotlH mid . til PiiliM of ;'', '",. .ro.oi".i im "'" Mibmlunl by the ( Iiv Kn -Hirer "r,',V " " ",.. . , , ,. ..... , i.llkll Ml.l.h.' " l.llll II.II.-'I. IE directed to cause nollco ol f,ultl hear lug to he published as by Charter pro tided Statu nf Oregon. County of Kl.un ith City of Klamnth Kails- s- I. A LI "at lit. Police Judge ol Mm Cltv or Klamath Kails, . Oregon do herehy certify that tho foregoing Lots 3-4-5 and 6-ot Hlock 4S; Lots 3-4-5-C-7 and 8 of Block 46; Lots 1-2-3-4 nnd 5 of Hlock 47; Lots 1-2-3-4-5 and 6 of Hlock 45; Lots 1-2-3-7 and S of Hlock 44; Lots 3-4-5 and 6 of Hlock 50; iti:soi.tiTi()N. The City Engineer, pursuant to IteHoliitlon of the Common Council heri'tofore adopti'd, having on the 2Sth tlii of April, 191'J, filed plnui, him clflcaMoiis an ilestlmntes uf the right of way; thence in .1 northeast er)' direction to tho nonhvjU point .r corner of Lot 10, Hlock 41, Hot Springs Addition to the City of Klamath Kails, Oregjn: thance east erly along Auburn street to the City limits; thenco northe-ly along the pnntprlv bmindnrv of Klamath Fr.Ils Jho easl 26 feet of vacated portion t0 tne BOutherly line of ilanzanita of Washington street, formerly street; thence westerly Uong Man known as Canal street between 9th zanta street to the noi-the.isl corner and 10th streets; 0f Lot 10, Block 36, Hot Springs Ad- Lots 1-2-7 and 8 of Block 51; dition ;thence souther!? between LotB 3-4-5 and 6 of Block 57; L0t8 9 nn(i 10, and 19 mil 20. sahl Lots 1-2-7 and 8 of Block 56; niock 36. In the. Routho,-lv line of The easterly 26 feet of the reserro Portland street; thence westerly FRED WESTERFELD DENTIST Loomlfl Bldg., Kluni.ith Falls CITV AM) COW.NTV AIJHTHAOT COMPANY 017 Slala ARTHUR R. WILSON Manager 'onulili-r. , an u separate milt Kmli , 1H. f Impnulng Market Htreet from "'","""" ',' l"" "' " """"" portion of Jefferson street aiiuuiDB aionB tnG southerly lino of Portland blihlcr . Hta.e the Hhort.'s, p-rlod ,', r '.I'r,; o " Ml, ZttoZ n, ,",, v' , ' M y T?0 .ecH ' ? "r,h 8'JU f Ll ' ' 8,rcet " Center 'i"0,0' am e' of tin." fur tthlih ho ttlll .inept the Hoiuborl) linn of Lot 10 It ick 17 ,?BM Intention to imt rovo Ah , 1 t r , ,m, fi1 . nue; thenco southerly along tho cen- . of IIm land as conl."rtl..u for ,, , Houth.-rly III." of Lot 30. sro, fro" Hlrh Street oXrlv' ' ! 1 d JL.T'.niLiI IS- " "i".6 f E'd?frn, nvenue l,0 le ceu rrclmminr " tt 1.1,1, 'period ttlll be ,, ,s of Sec.,,,,1 Itallroa.l Addi- rro,p,.. Street and Lincoln Stn-et Tt V I K I M N O P O n' of ,er "'J6 ?f -M,e'rose ,strf,et: y toin 1 i.rt'd in iitiarillng eotilrail ii,,,, 1.. it,., fin nf Klamatli Palls In. J '!.. . . . 1 .... S. Lots 1-J-Iv-L-JI-N-O-P-Q-ll of wester y along the center line of Mel- !.... ...,,. otheis Haeri'sted ,m,)"b" ! , , ' ' ,!r i, 'uSdV ! Council T, n'stfrm h 8 ,"eo JlVr ' EX of"' IHock ToTl.VZ cent"hllne o A'a- !,f,,s'" ' Kl" r" .'Pene.l I'or ,llllllB ,). ,,, . ,, r a.ltiso- "H, h " to "ll Suee 1 Sell lln" In 1 ? rt ,h ?i and loth "'f10 strte tor avenue: th,ence futh- url..;r.,,r,.rm...l,.nan,lc,,p)orth" ,,., ,, ,,K said ,.l. .eel n T'l nn. iprotlng e Us Jrot the Nichol Addition to ?he V?i oTn "Stack l onS i'clflratliiiiH mid eoiilriirlH to be en rU-atlnii n I -ntlmii"- miiK ,'nrt si.prlf' nn.l PHtlnintps of awt l,tretb "' tno sicnois Auciinon 10 ine corner of Lot 11, Block 61. Second iw.1 Int.. aniilt to C s ii,.,.iiloii ii-i'r i.iMiPiivitrsni.VP.i). That .l.l .?x '. VI.' ?. , 7.V M.". "o.? . W!' town, now City of Klamih F-ilU. Hot Springs Addition, to the City of ...... ........... . ..... . --. "tl , nlllll IIIIVII IIJ lllll V (all Ktrtlc- Khtiiiath Palls. Oregon 2-9-1 2.1 30 nalil a plmiH Hpiulflrations mid ostl intitH lor Mm linproti'mi'iit ol s.ild portlim ol Market strcitt h, anil the H.1111" are herein approteil, nnd, HE IT IVUTIIElt 11ESOLVEI), That the Common Council hereby 1U1 1 lares lu int. ulloti to Improte said portions ol Market street. In accoril 1 tic" with the s.ild .ticcllieu Said Itnprote- ini'iit to rotiHlsl of patlng said por tions of "aid streets with bltullthlc glneor, 10-lOt hy A. L. I.EAVItt l'ollce Judge lowiwinpH ;m mid Ifi soutli. "". r " "..-'.,." or way apuurtenatu inemni, nun uic not ce of salil hear nc to be null Mi- hu,n r n, r. ntnrk r.- 1 "7 east Tho sale umbrae es ''"' '. ",'' ""' ,,"'!','!!;, ,". ... ,,'.,, Vsll ''""ncll having taken same under ad vAi , by charter pwldee! . mock 4. said last named Addltio xliiintely six million feet of tel- "r oil liinni.lHiii 11 teinenl at the estl- v, ., ,, fmng Mm 1, p;m r , ,,, ,' nf ...,..,., .....! .... 11 llillll llllltttl 11111(1 .... ........ W - ''W vD pi pine Each hid must statu I m '"'"" " . """" .'.." ""., mentions nnd esiiniai.'j si.'.itnicio') s,t0 of Oregon. County of Klaraa'h. a.i ,hnt Entd nrnnonv nh.wn ,. .. .u lull lllltlidlltll' ('lirilllll' llllil .... , tsm mwttti. ..- ... I. -" ' '" ..... ..,,-. . .. . 111 per tiiouHimil feet "'"" '7,", J, , " ' V 1 . '"' " ".ir"',' ''"' .""u.. "'."" City of Klamath Palls sa: scrihedandemhracedins.ini nil 1 in: scan I nit tt I in na 1 M'i'"t" ..,.".- -- ".'".". nuns, siieciiicaiuiiis nun vniiiu.ui-s 1. a. i, i.pnv tt. I'ol ce Judca of 1 ,.., ,, nioiii i,.,-i,- i ,; .,11 1 .. iu.iii. In iililinr ptent to Include i:rm. .. .1... 1 ..r 1 i....,i .. .. . ... '.. .. ""i""' "-' " v" " ."" .....; - 1.11 111 it rill imi 1.1 1 in 11 hn - -- - 1111 niti iiiii-i iMuiiiviii .- .iiivv.... .,,. ,'i vnr iviiimnrn hni a. iiipirnn. ni.....i . l.r. nf.on.on., r. i. .w, thrre dollars nnd sntenty-flte "' rolling and curhlng and drain- Slr,1(t from otl cttrent .nsterlv tt ., horebv CPrtiry that tho foregoing n 'rnid imnrnvniimnt lu nrnnm .. . L.-..I.I ...... ......... .11 mi rill iiiiii .... ....... . ,.1 .1 . .....I.... . - ....... ................... . ... ,-.-.i HI r .tl rmil rnr HI l,u llllil Ul I III." nil'H nuviimin . ..w - ill MrClH. less Slllll I .1. Ill r,.llll'll 1 n Hn v .inrn I1...1 rnnv nf 11 llpknlu.. . .l. l...nnfl. .!,.. ,,1 1. Ill" Siih-.if Tinnier Kliiniiitli Iniliiin It"-.- 1 rtull Illj- llriul ,i.KKnK Cult. Hinleil 1,1,1m marked outside "Hid, lllR llptul LoRglng Hull" and uddres l In th" Superlntendi'iit of the Klamatli 1 ml Inn Knlinnl l.'liilili.lli Aui'iir) Ori'gim. will ho rmelteil un- ""1H '""' "Miiiates in ttt.'lte o'llnck noon. Pacific time fijltllnliii Iiiini ? imn ... .t... ..... ......,,, ..,,,,, ,, .., ,i,i iii.t i-i, i- , , , .. niirii. cna or timber upon ahout tiOO acres imti'iin'iii m i iii ni -i. - ,,. p s ..!. - I . ,i. ll lilt J lllll IIIKIIIIIIIII' uniti Hang upliroxl Id mini elfcln lor linn ctnu !e rnmililiii-i il i, i, i.i .t ui i... unii. wide, nltlc.l In .limUim,, and he accompa.i- U T PIMITHEH UESOLVE1). hy '"' I')' a ."rllfl.'d che-.k on n solteut ''"' Ctiinin.m ( ouiicll that tho prop national hank It, fator or Mm .Super- '' heri'limfler diserlhed lie and Inli-nileitl ol tho Kliimatli Indian herehy Is declared to hi) hem fifed, "ilinnl In thiMimoimt of $2,000 Tho lo-wll .,,,,,. ... . . -I'POiill will be letnrne.l If the hid Is Lots 11. 12. 13. U niullu. Illock fiJccKil hut retained If the hid Is nc 17, mid Lola 22, 2.1. -4. .!.. .0 .7, fphil. and tho required iiintrnct and 2.S and 2H. Hlock IS. Seiond Uall "nrt im, not .xpouied and presented road Addition lo tint ( liy of Mam lor iiiiprotal tvllhln lliluy dats from ath Palis. Oregon, mcl, ncieptance Tho right to reject And that said prop.'r.y nhoto de "ny mid all bids Is lesemi'd. Kor srrlhid he nnd liumliv Is declmed to "Pies of the hid anil contiact forms he assesied for Mm upenso of Bald "ml for other Information, uppllcn- Imptoti'mi nt. ""'. ,,,, 111. ll I iiiiui,ii.ui That .Mondii), the ISIli day of .Muv, iiiiii ..i .1... I, i. it.- ..r K n'pliipl.' 11. Ill . at tho Council Chamber at tho City f 11100 00, or bltull lib; pivement a la I nt Klamiith Kails. Oregon, bo an estimated cos . Including cv-iicnl U. 1 as hi. tlmo and plno for tho shin w.UKs. cur i lug and gradlnu of lea Iiik objections and i-mon- $r,00.00. Said Improvomo'it in S , gainst tho Mild moposril Plllicr etent o Include gra.llug mil ? eine . and tho Police Judge H.R ''"' t onr b ng nml. .. ....... .... i .ii . ..,i ,,, ,.,,,iai in; it ui.ownt i.w, "j The. on. i no. iiiiii iiiiriuiy .- """- ". ;."""" ,i,., rnmnw.n Council that the 1'ioncr !olut,;t 'ho Com, Sn Counoll ? '" ," Z I . Tn' ", ed ' VUU"'U iy .-roinafier l,e; and the, ,,o U itcrninrnr.. ............. ii... "" "" "' " " ... u IIIIIMIIUII. IIIIVIIIK Oil HI" "in liny Piana, s tho cost WashiiK Poet i V . : ,. "'71 S. """?".'?. V"": tho City of Klamath Falls. Oregon. : , B .,,, . Mock r.7. nil In Nlrh Oregon; Klamath Falls, Oregon; thnce tteit- And that said property aoove ue- criy between Lots 10 and 11 of baid scribed Is herehy declnr-d to ha the niock 61. to the center line of SDr'nir property to ho assessed foi the ex- street; thenco southerly along Spring ItlvSOI.rTJOV penso of said Improvomoui ; street to tho southerly line of Paik 'lln City Engineer jiiir-gupf lo a And he it further resulted, that place; thence westerl yalon? 3omh- resolution of tho Comuon Cjuncll Monday, the 2nd day of June, 1919, ery ne of Park Place to the north- heretofore adoptee!, having 'indcr nt the hour ol S o'clock, p m , nt the vxegt corner ot Lot 5, Block 5, sa'd el.ito ol Jatiuar) 4th, 1U19, filed plans council chambeis of tho cliy hall, ho second Hot Springs Addition; thence specifications and ostlmites o! tho fixed as the time and place for the poutherl valong the westerly lino of cost of Improtlng Lincoln tftieet bearing or objections and remon- i,0ts 5, 12, 11, 10, 9, S, 7 .mil 6, said Iroin tth Street ensteilf to lllh strances against tho said proposed mock 3. to the center lino of Wnll street, Including Intersections, less improtement; und the Police Sudge gtreet: thence easterly nlong the Irrigation C innil tint! tigil be nnd hereby Is directed to muso center lln eof Wnll street and be- 1. on, DR. F. R. GODDARD Osteopathic Physician Sargeoa bultf itll, I. O. O. F. Tempi (over K. K. K. Store) Phone 321 . . (The only Osteopathic Physi cian Ld Surgeon In KlamHh Falls ) SAW MILL ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION CO. neslgnern and huildem of mod ern Satt Mills, Planing Mills, Box Plant.-.. Complete plants tontract eel. Appraivals and reports made. Dredging. We contract to build any class of n bullellng nud Install iiiachincrj of an) kind. Drafting of an) kind done. Bine Prints ni.ule. I'HONK 149J Ofhcc In K. I). UuildiiiB miido to thu Indian Klaiiiiith Agency, "on should, ho fcui'erliiteiiiUuit Ort'goii Wimliliigton, 1). C, Apill 29, 1919 CATO SEI.LH. loiiiiniHsloiier of Iniliiin AffnliH IIEHOI.UTION. City Enginour, Canal mid right of, lu nnd same are herohy apprized nnd. HE IT Kl'UTHI.Il IJL'IOI VI 0 That tlm Comnion Council lioiobt i'e ilues lis intention to -nil low s.ilil ic, ions or Lincoln S'reo. n .mini nn ! with -ulil plans, i jn'-rl '.i' ous ni ,' I'm ues said "Hit 't n.eir t ul ( ( p.itlng sab! re ill Jii- of " imiis tt li oil mnra 1' ii piittui-ni ,il nn estimated cost, I tclud ux "Ml ent shin walks, curbing and gi.nling or flSII-inil or placing upon -.ild st i net S Inches of clnd'irs vtlhcut side ttallts at an estimated rust ot $22011 00; or concrete piiwinont at in, estimated cost, Including rutin nt, side walks, curbing and grading of de- Street e- oxpense Mon raid Mo nudopted by tho Common Council propoift, PROVIDED. on the 6th day of May, 1919, ile- Tiu,t should property owners on clnrlng Its Intention to Impriite 10th other btreets than thoto hvehy dl street from Main street to Pinspoct rected to be Imorote'l ileir. nt any street und High street from 9th time to form another Stioot lin streol to 11th street .Including Inter- motement District, pmiall or M-gtlons. and approving tho plans, wholly within this Impro.enient H.s speclflctitlons an ilestlmntes of the trict the property mjracil tn ihls cost buhmlttcd ltf tho City Engineer. Impiovemeirt District t-luil not be A L. LEAVITT, eempt fro inassesimitiits for mch 10-10t Police Judge other Improtements to tho ouent of benefit!, received, and. HE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, Tlmt Mondny, tho 2nd day oi Juno, 1919, a ttho hour of S oVloek j ni , at tho Council Chamber nt Mio City Hall at Klamath Falls, Oregon, be fixed ns tho tlmo nnd place for the ot objections uud remon strances ngalns ttho mm proposed , improtement nnd thft Pol;co Judge VMAAMMMAVWWWVWVWVVMWWWWW LIEUT. HERBERT A. POAGE Architect anil Structural Engineer Klamath Falls, Ore. 207 Odd Fellows lluilillng RESOLUTION. Appimlng the Plans and Specif lea tioiis I'repaied by the City l'n giueer ft' itlio Iniproteiiient of IN pin nail" Stieet From tho N'ni tberly Itelil.. ,.f Wnll til.,..., ti. I.i,.. k... cifle Teii.ue; Paclfie Terrace from 1e"rl"B Huron St. noitlierly to Portland St lot luslte, nml Portliiuil ht East KLAMATH FALLS ASHLAND STAGE Leaves Van's Auto Ser vice Daily. Passes t h r u Klamath Hot Springs. FARE $6.0 0 iiwWW bo, nn dhoroby Is directed to cause i hereby declared benoflttcil ny of May. A. 1). 1919, filed . f n-,,M. !'"i .. ''"' "'" '." ' ".. .. I'oclflcatlona nnd ostlmatei of al,,lu '" urlK""' u"'"' " Lots 1, 3, a. nnu i niouit .-. of ImSroWnir 7ih Srool City of Klamath 1' alb, -.m. Eots 5. fi. 7, and S Hlock r.C-; ...1"VLr"V".K...TH'B.'r".." I. A. L. Leavltt, Pollco Judgo of T. . ., . ulo(.k ,u. nml biilil ...i.. ... ,i... mi.. i i., i, a ,.f il... r1!,.. ...... ... ,. ..J .....l..r. ... ...v -,, ..,, . ,,, . . l ,...l,lln.. of Kliiniiitli FnlN, Oitroii; Deter- """"' ' .iuiiub ." " i.uu.,ou- mluiiiK the lloumlarles Within 0l1 l,b hy Charter proMJod. Which tho Property Lies Tlmt Is to Ro Renefltled and to llo As. Stnto of Oregon. County of Klamath, 1 4 SHANGHAI RESTAURANT Mtssed for Such Improvement, nnd City of Klamnth Falls pa: OrderliiR the Publication of This I, A. L. Loavltt, Police Judge of the ' . Ri'noIiiMiiii nml Hie Posting of Xo. city of Klamath Falls, Oregon, do J llces by tlio City Knsliieer: heioby corttfy that tho foregoing ts S Tho City Englnoor, imrsunnt to u duly enrolled copy of Resolution ' CHOP SUKY AND NOODLE HOUSE Short Order Me.tls Hcrtcl. 72 Main Street KLAMATH FALLS, ORE. X i 1JI tl v. . ,, f tlm "'rlmirtrt 11. n n All n.tnntmt 1m U . nnn.m.n C. inill txwt V l" "7, "Viioihihi stioot from 7th atroot '"."': ", ,;v m,,, rninnion Council on ,., . i,Un .in.ihoii i,n iinrt is h.rohv -st" "W ot Apr"' 1J1J- Ill0(1 pm"s' lts intention to improru L'spianauo f?orly to 8th street .InclmlliiK In- Vlo,). V ' hL. !".?. ." ' ', "i, ,ir" '. v '.,,,0.v? '!.c.v'., i' .0'. ""... ,. ' 1 1,isiiDclflcotlons and estimates of thu streot from tho northerly sldo of Wall WWOCtlons 1 ll... II ..,lni. 1"0 .ll liny ui nui "'" IIPCinrtMl to lu lll I'l !" ' '," .' M( nf ,nnrnvlnir Panlnn.mlil from Htrpnt to InlnraoMInn nf Rnlnnniln ... i..u I.UMIIVH ...o ,.., ,.u i,.,,ii,M in Imnrnvo ItllirKOL .l 9m lltn nTiinnaii nr Bnlel 1 .-- ....... w , ...n ..-, --. .- ..w.vv,.v.. . r. .-..- street to street with Pacific Terrace; Pacific root with Torraco from Huron street northorly aco from i to Portland street, Inclusive, nml Portland Portland street easterly to tho City 111 IIUIII '. " . .'... . . , ,.A 1I...I. ..... nn.. . T.-..l. nl1 road Addition to tho City ot Khun- nt tho council chnmbor nt tlm tity sueoi. inci isivo, nun ron.iuiu ' "''' ' r '"ul"lu """ S Xr'Xr The i I izri'tit viii.,i.IiimU, ..r ii, .. 'Ppni nl. Iy f.... I I'....... -. ...' . i-T , w "'Sl Hliiirimtwil llfo I'l'l "5" ' J" ri'llwlctl In Mio fact Unit dtir Mii "''s liKriwsni ronipaiiy Is ,,, u noro Hiiiii maiil.tMMI.OKl) of ' '"0 1iiisU.nh. AhIc nillioto & Hmltll uut tho NEW 1W10 policies. 9-tf EUllSCItlin: roil THU HUUAI.D Meet from tho northerly lino of CM. provoment nnd. Zsec tmn of l'snli ,a.lo Jl .1... 0.,iii.,riv n,.ri of Lot 10. 1 1 i.i it pniiTTmn IITHOLVRD intersection of Lspl.viado bt "i !''cl : . X'rsSiiM "ffi T'-i "Aihr i?2 MJZ iT'K'fflair' nr i ah iiu. muutt. 10 wi ouvuhh . 1:11.1, ui 11 nth FllH, ":'Hn"'1',n'rmllV "Vin hearing of objo " on m. o ICIty 1 m ts of the City of Klamnth specifications an destlmatea of cost '"'"?, r!!:,A;'S Z ?a Sew hhM1?S,'m," mZ !?. PreKon. and the Council hav- thereo fsuhmltted hy tho City En- ... .i.v .... iniiirnvnninnt nnd tho Police lng tnkon samo under auvisemont eineor. lOnglneer. LKAVITT, J . dgi ' le. and 1 oreb" Is. .Irecte.l tc and finding said plans, specitlca-l A. L. LEAVITT, A. Ij, uiwvvii i, Jinihu ',i'"' " . ,.', , ,, ,nnn nml nst mnlon Rntlsfnctorv. , 10-10t Pollco Judirn rolico juugo. cause noiico oi biuu uuuwub i - - . RECKARD'S RENT SERVICE K. F., Bend Stage Phone 276-W 10-10t Wo re nlw)s on the Job ready to tnko cure of jour tiro lusunuico. CliU. coto H Bmltb, 033 Main st. 9-tf i tt