THntMDAV, MAY .,,, ,, fagk Kiairr THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON Just Arrived New Styles In Men's and Ladies' "Duxbak" and "Kampit" Outing Wear NATIONALLY KNOWN NATIONALLY USED Outing Jackets, Riding Breeches, Outing Shirts and Mid- comes both in Khnki Wool nnd regular Khaki Cloth exclusive dies, Leggings, Puttees, Gloves, Hats Duxbak and Kampit wear styles, finely tailored, and just what you want for Out Doors wear. LEADING CLOTHIERS AND HATTERS I K. K. K. STORE HUN HIDE ," RICH HOME IS REDUCTION IN BREAD PRICES PREDICTED Big Airplanes Off on .niiiiui imimi mmr.NT Journey Over Atlantic ls ,'"'" tuimv. NEW YOKK Mar 1" Tit- in mediate reduction in the priee of wheat reaching all do t the line trom the producer to baker M l.a'iev il now to be assured aonluig to "Wheat Director Julius Harnes alter a conference with representative of the gra'ln industry. inclmlMu the grain handlers, millers. Jobbers and bakers. FLAYSHUNS u T SKATTI.K. Wash. Mn 15 It lit ti Cnrrfson. poisoner of SCIENTIFIC TRUSS SERVICE SERVICE Trusses of today must be properly made and scientifically fitted. We buy trusses that are famous for their con struction and workman ship and our experi ence in fitting them makes the finished job as nearly perfect as pos sible. If you need a truss come to us. W e guarantee both the quality and fit. Underwoods PhaiTOy '" WL, KLAMATH FALLS OREGON I BERLIN, via London. May 15, Maximilian Harden, editor of thoj llnrltn IVI 7.ilWnnft wrlHni- nn thn' peace treaty Bays "The peace conditions are not har der than 1 expected. They were un pleasant to the greater part of the people. Hut could one really have ex pected them otherwise? "The (Jermans have not given very convincing mental guarantees during the six months since the revolution that they have changed their system. ' On the contrary the present govern- I ment and the press have used the I ame methods of incitement, the ! fame tricks of bluff as under the old rule of the petty nobility, i "The government's proclamations , are only bad copies of the kaiser's i time The whole prees li agitating for , refusal to sign the treaty anil "o w oat use? All must know that the .Wei, by keeping up the blockade rnd oc cupying the coal districts, "nn f i'c fJermany to sign whatever the want "Oermany should have ten' Men Mho would hjve laid their conli on J the table and get the allies to under stand that some of the conditions were un-acceptable If Witninv showed itH good will to lo what t In its power to comply with the illlcs' requests, the allies would ie that conditions were changed in f.tu r of Oermany because they knov there mils' be a Oermany and that It l i.n- possible to destroy the (lorn in P"o- lliat Jur (race K Storrs. nnd 'i" last Kri.luv afternoon was foend not iutv of murder because of .uoiU il lrropon siblllty nt the tltiw of the crime and now, expected a verd'rt of it'iiMer In tin tlrst degree nnd desperately sought a means to ml hor life in that event, was tlio statemint today of Sheriff John Stringer, who Is holding the girl In the couity Jail until a commitment to the Insane ward In the state penitentiary is issued and a traveling guard from the prison takes her away Sheriff Stringer said ho was Infor med by the deputies who wore guard ing the prisoner thnt as the trial pro gressed she became more and more fearful of the outcome and had fin ally asked Deputy Sheriff Herbert j llcobe and one or two other officers to tell her a wny she could take her life should she be convicted TAKEN BY FIRE .SIII..Mt STAtii: ii.I'I'i:ns hv iv timi: to mii; mmk or thi: I'KILsoxai. ciiorKim. !,OS I'AHTI.V COVWIKII ft I.NM'lt-A.Vt'K HKItK I'ltOM I.OItBU.A It ay Talbot of city on business SI'BSr KIHB FOU TUB 11BRAI.D K'rP. u, ?JM2BS ,itBgnwr- -y gRsrrrr i .f'T-'-a GEKMI nn H- iw" K mi .VWJ I I BB WMM Is) I OZZ l!llllliMi V3, 0 gw J-- I iiiiii;y- r, ' i ,i. & I HARDWARE PHONE 173 422 MAIN ST. I.orvlla Is In the ilpUv :- Fire which broke out shortly after noon yesterday destroyed the home of Harry W Ilesslg. n short distance this side of the Ktumulh Hot Spring and would hnvn burned much of thu livestock and vehicles, hud It not been for the assistance of the puisou gers of the Ashland singe who hap pened by Just ul thai lime The blaze starled from an tin known cause In tlm house and there being nn water available there win little chniice to check Its spreu.l I Charles Howard. Frank Joy and Fu'-I est I'ell. who were on the stsge ir.nli- aged to get the nulmnl out of lh different buildings and n number if ehlcles away from the fire The loss Is parti) covered by Insurance (I onllinied from page 1) Itonils aviation ramp to which he reported Inter In t'Jl? He wns on n Inched Navy Department duty when he was selcclrd its mie of the trans Atlantic flyers The Imtlleithlps New York. Arkan sas, t'tnh, Florida and Texas, with Itnur Admiral Hodman's flag flying from the first named, are at sea with the destroyer patrol, which U com manded by Hear Admiral l'lunkett on the cruiser Itochostor. Interest on ill.- siTuml l.ltrir l,ui pur bunds ntnl nn thr boiditt tlltn Isaui. runvnrtrd lulu il,, (.hl'k Is paid ml aiiminll) l (umlle lo day It l eotiumli'd that lipruluiiM ly '.tin. HDD in int.Tint paymrnttsii be made by the goveriimrnt lo It. dlvlduula nnd corHirulluu In 0(oi TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WsiSWjji 0WW XKW l.i:JIITKIl AIIIIIVIUS. An night and a half pound baby daughter arrlre.l early last evening nt the home of the Ituvernnd lllinp.i n ' Hnmrlck of the Methodist t'hurch Mother and child am reported do'ng ' nicely Dr. (ieorgu I Wright wf.s In attendance. ! FOU HAI.K Will sacririre iu. trailer and complrlo camp outfit. Including new mmlu to order test costing l:fi, led spring! cottlax 1 1 1 60. folding table, etc Moit com plntn and compact outfit to b lit and cost 1750 now; will uko 1U U taken at once, Call and It it 411 Ninth st , or Inquire James M Wit kins, Jr l'hone 330-lt I SI mH st.w imiim;i:. John Hiilchlusoii of Viilnux .. r day piirehased u new Dodge tour rg inr of the firm of Wakefield an I .St. I livuu WHKD I'lANOS Several In ilcxx it prices nnd terms that lit Krl Shepherd Co Neit diMir oilo((l ' ..n i i , , . . :C.OOD WOMAN COOK wanlrd; wott not hnrd Appli J II U'l.r. Ft Klamath Hotel Pi Klamath. (Irs. IS-Ct thi: in:it.i.i) (iivi:s todays NBWS TODAY Anythiii"; of such impor tance to the charm and pleasure of the home as I a piano should be chosen for its lasting qualities as well as for its beauty of appearance. In recommending the Lyon &? Hcaly Made vv as no urn Piano The Bail Sheplieril Co. pre M'lits tint iissiiriini'i; Unit mi In stiuiiient lieariiiK till) inline "I.jon & llcali" will iiiniiitiiiii mi evielleme of lono anil tic linn iiiuilti-rnblo Willi ji-nrs. Earl Shepherd Co. J'lANOS, fJIONOKItAI'llS, ItBCOIIDS cvt Door lo I'ost Offlio New I.oinlioii Soon, PIONEER TAKEN GRIM Klamnlh Count) mourns the loss of Stephen II (iardlliT. one of the pioneers of the Wood Itlver Valley, who has resided there for tweul five years Mr (Jurdner died following a lingering Illness He was sevent.v seveii jears of age and hud crossed plains In the early duvs Ho mid his brothers wore III the Indian wars in 1ST..', In which one of his brothers wiih killed The veteran passed away nt Fori Kliimath at S :i(i esterday He hud been engaged III the stork business near there for many enrs mid had Inter been In the mercnntlle liiinlnnHH Ho was n member of the Masonic Lodge. The deceased leaves six children, Mrs. Nnlllu llalley mid Mrs Viola l.leberl of San Francisco, I II tinnier of Seatlln, II. B (liinier of Fort Klamath I). W of North llend ami (i A. County Judge o larkHon County ut Jacksonville, Oro goii. Tim funurel norvlcos will be held uiidnr tlio iiiiuiikeH of tlm .Masonic l.odgo nt - I' M, toinoriow The Best is the Cheapest in the End Mr! tm JOB MIKA.MH ACQl'ITTBD. SUNDAY EXCURSION on Upper Klamath Lake The IuuikIh h "Spray" and "Oak land" will iuii oxciirHloiiH oveiy Kuniluy, k.iviiiK the mall bout landlm; nt x a m., allowing flvo Iiouib ut Jlocky J'nlnt. Furo 1M) from luiidiiiB for round trip. Hus leaves Wi'Htern Tiiinnfor offlco nt 7 30 a in. Calkins & Hamilton Joo .Mlnuull, who ban been on trial In Judgu Chapinaii'H inurt on u putty lurcony churgu, was acquitted by h Jury yostuulay nftoniooii,wlicn u vuiilld of not guilty was let tuned. Twenty Bli'lu, led bj ",t u li i i .n ley mill i'l-gg) i'revost im urn i ln li, liiful i-xhll)ltion nt nam- Hum -In; In "Bend Mo Your .Nimn ' nail ing Hal old l.di kwociil, whl. li vi bo tlio ntlinctlou ut t ho Mix nv Hi im tonight only. 'I'Iiuho charming h'itIh, who aro pupllH of n iidiool of fnio rulu i danLO liarnfootnd on ibe ipii'loiisl Iiiwiih of a California emui and their Ih n most idn.uiug font li ro of llilu udUHiiiil screen play H For poor Shoes there isn't any argument in their favor. They lose their shape don't wear waste money. The better Shoes are made the longer they last. The longer they last, the longer they keep you o sat isfied customer of ours. That's why we believe in giv ing you the best the market affords. Our Men's Shoes are Moderately Priced $4.75 to $9.75 Boys' Shoe $1.50 to $6.00 fcilef's Stoe Store 727 MAIN ST. We Sow All Rips and Put on Buttons on hho We Sell Free of Charge.