THI'lWmv, MAV in. ,., PACK FODB THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON iii. The Evening Herald J K. J. M U II It A V CUITOK list finished diking 2000 ncron of nml lionlorlnR tho Upper Klnmnth lake, north nml west of Klnmnth Knits. "Tho Knterprlse trnct Is n new pumping milt of seenl iliiumuuil acres recently tnuncheil Just enst of Klnmnth Kails nml which will be rnsheil to completion ns fnst ns pos sible The rnnohers will likely Ret the wuier on the Inml this yenr All these nre new projects In Klnmnth. nml tin not Include the numerous liuportnnt reclnuintlon sys tems thnt hnve chnnReil the whole nnture of Klnmnth nml brought thnt reKlou Into proinlnonce ns n cerenl. Member of the AsMK-lnlni l'rc hay it nil VROtnblo proiluctnK illstrlct The AssoclMeil Press Is exclusively So cor,a,n nr th ,,oplo of Klnmnth alftled to the use for republication ,,,., ... . of 1I news dhpalchM credited to It ' "" valuo of irrlRutlon thnt or not otherwise credited In this pa- every Inch it I Innd on which water per, and also local news published Cnn be placed will ultimately be rein. brought under tillage In time the All TlgUia Ol riuiiiiii-aiiitiu m ryv etal dispatches herein are alio re- PROTESTS MADE Published dally eicept Sunday b The Herald Publishing Company of Klamath Kails, at 115 Kourth street Entered at the postofflce at Klam ath Palls. Ore., for transmission thru the malls as second-class matter Subscription terms by mall to any address In the United States. One year 15.00 One month . - 50 INC IP. 1 H OUSTON' Metropolitan Aiiiiienienl s urrici: or si:cm:ris is 1 l,OOIi:il WITH IMIOTI .VlN (;ivr I'miitisiiiicovsjiirt thin. wori.n ri.onn i mw -iaiMi:i erred TllCKSIUY, 5LW IS. IIM'. process will convert tin nlrendv rich ilomitMi Into a producing omul'' "What tins been nccompllsheil nt Klamath nnd the Mnn of what Is yet to be done there should awaken all Oregon to the Importance of sup- WASHINGTON. M S I'roi. nre pouring in upon Seeretnr "I in terior l.nne iiKiilust the project of the Oillfornlii-Oregim Light i: Power coiupiint to build a ilniil nt the bend of the Link rlrer In the Klnmnlh Irri gation project nml thereb) rn'se the water of 1'pper Kliinnth hike A contr.ict for this purpote nppnr enll has been closed between the I'nlted States reclnmntlon service and the light nml power compnny AS OT1IKKS SKE lS. porltng every measure mm manes Th ,,,.,,,,, ,ot forlM ,hn, Meh Few of us but grow stale and fall for irrigation Kvery acre of land llnm ttoll,,, cftll, , ,, mlndnted o grasp the opportunities that at all brought under production adds to nlllliy thousands of acres of the most times surround us That is why we tho taxable wealth of the state, to . fertile land, the greater part of which o often see the stranger make a for- the prosperity of the state and to the 8 patented tune out of that which we passed by ra0ney in circulation In the state, all. .(UCh f this land. It is said. Is sus- vn-noticed. It Is well, therefore, for 0f which should be an Incentive to ceptlble of reclamation ami that the as to hearken to the voice of tho the people of non-Irrigable districts farmers already have gone to great "outsider," "new-comer." "hot air t0 be aggressively for Irrigation " i expense in diking and drainage He- Merchant,' 'or whatever you choose -to term him. and to profit by his re- WESTERN EUROPE IS marks. Also, It Is well to remember that we do not know it all and that STRIPPED OF LUMBER these individuals can give us pointers that are worth dollars to us. The fol lowing from the Portland Journal. PORTLAND. May 15 Members of tells us some time-worn truths, yet , the West Coast Lumbermen ussocl It is a story many of us are not heed- atlon from Oregon and Southwestern lag. So It would be well to study It Washington will meet In Portland carefully and look Jnto the future Saturday evening to listen to :u-j re- lth n now rlatormlnntlnn In tnln. .1 PO Of John A. Walker who Will COm- v.rf , rfn otMnf missioned Jointly by the bureau of "If ever there was a reason for any- foreign and domestic commerce nnd thing, full reason appears in Klam- 'be National Lumber Manufacturers' ath county for Oregon to use every association to investigate the lumber means for extending Irrigation. markets of England. France. Holftlum Wheat output increased five fold. and 0,her countries In Western Eu- oata ten fold, potatoes ten fold and rope Haifa grown where alfalfa was' Mr- Walker visited the war devns- Belgium never grown before are things that tated areas of France and trrmtloa bM accomplished in KUm.r"nJ "!? iiuuy 01 tne ""5&1. "Xobody doubts, nobody dla-!'ter "r lumber demands f these tnuta plans for reclamation out countries and England. Owing to tho tbwe. AH know by demonstration ' fa,,ure of tb "' lumber itidus- athat water placed on arid land will the burden ot PPr"K approxl- xwt only yield crops, but Immense ma,el'r Ten blllIon fMt of lumh"T eg. Pt year for the next fire years; to -This year, livestock will feed In We9tern Euro must '" uP,m ,he , muis 01 ine unuea suuea ana ran- Klamath pastures In a 40,000 acre tasln below Klamath Falls that was formerly covered by water. Twenty thousand acres are in Oregon and the remainder in California. Next year the area will be tilled and big crops of agricultural products there after will annualy reach world mar kets from a basin that was only waste before. "In the whole project there are 54,000 acres. Engineers say it is a sufficient area to maintain an entire city the sire of Klamath Falls. Rec- ada. Mr. Walker will tell local mill men how they may most profitably share in this business. $500,000 GOLD COIN GOES TO SOUTH AMERICA. NEW YORK. May 15. Goll coin to the amount of 1500.000 h?s bcn engaged at the New York aub-trecn-ury for export to South America, and bankers look for additional ship ments in the near future. Advices from thf Transvaal rnlrl mlnlncr r- tarnation In this project was finally gon f, to ghow ,ndcaUon:) of sidea the large urea which would be flooded It is declared that the drain age of other extensive ureas would be Impaired by holding back the flow of water of Williamson river. Wood river. Seven Mile, Four Mile and Cry stal creeks The settlers say that the desired result can be obtained Just as satis factorily without impairing the pres ent Irrigation system by deepening the channel at the outlet of the lake from eight to ten feet and placing a dam, so as to maintain the present water level at the Intake ot the canal I'ltOPKRTY I.N'SKfTKK AT IIKRLIN HOUSTON'S OPERA HOUSE HiM'IMi eillit-iln) A' Nitmilm Night-. J.. .mi Mir. STAR THEATER rnii Nelei l I'll lures 'rerul MWtlOS UW II m In i hi: hi hii: or niimi " ii.i Mux mmhIii In " iiiIimw Clip nf Woe" I Hiillih Two Ites'l ('otni'ih. TEMPLETH EATER roii.Y Triangle l'reenl JU'h ItiritAltlNOV In "MKsi:itT l.W" A Thrilling WeMeni Hniiim lls.l I'ntlie News liii-st Curi-rul I tents, AdnilMloa 10 13 rents .Mntlnre ; '-'.HO. Kvrnlngu T:.IO X U. MERRILL OPERA HOUSE MOTION l'ICTUIlri TVKtWAYB ANI HATUHDAYH Merrill. OrrtTim RERUN. May 15. The general In security prevailing In Berlin finds one Illustration In the scores of ad vertisement of rewards for tha re turn ot stolen property. A traveler and explorer, recently published an New City Laundry WK GUAIIANTKK OUll WORK Nhlrta and Collar ljinndrrrsl We alao wanth silk, wimiI and rol ored gotxU very carefully. Try na ore and be roavlaml. Our price are right. I'hoae 134. 127 Fourth Street Hack of First Natloaal lUak, MOVING DAY -- . . .. i normi umj roiori prrxij inirn.M theMi tlmjr. How many tlnini have 9 you moved darinc the t yrr? HIGHWAY BIDS OPENED SOON appeal to the thieves who stole his .... 1.1 i. . k. i . v.... ... k..ii.i I valuable surveying Instruments and m borne aad stop moving? The toU other articles of his traveling equip lowing are low priced aad tnoat of ment. and offered to buy tbe article th can be had o cy trrttu. . , ...... Three room house near High chool back at their full value. t U0. Only 9IOO raah; balance Uke rent. Four room houe and big lot on Johnooa ave., at 91HO on very rsy termx. Four rtMim house, two big lot,' barn and rhlrkra houar, good loa tlon. Price tlSOO. Terms. Five room house, big lot, lawn, trees, good location on pavement, I Only 9IHOO Terms HI room house near High school at 9IHOO on very easy trrms. It's a s Si effected, after many years, thru the efforts of the Klamath drainage dis trict. "At Bonanza, the people will ha'-e 6000 acres under water thlR year. Alter striving in one way and an other, they have at last adopted the plan of pumping water from Lost Hirer, which flows thru the clUtri.n. "If irrigation Is worth pumped by machinery and lifted up on the higher lands, what is it not worth in scores of districts all over Eastern Oregon where It can be h.'l by dams and gravity flow? "Another new project Is 16,000 to 20,000 acres In Langell valley, south east of Bonanza. The people there recently voted to accept the offer Dy the government of water from Clear lake, which lies south of the Cali fornia line, and which Ih to be brought Into Langell valley by a gravity system. It is also planned jo water a big body of fertile land In Yonna valley, north of Uonana. from the namo system "Tule laku His 30 miles south and east of Klamath Falls but west of Langell valley, and is separated from It by u range of mountains. It was previously the outlet of Lost River and Is being drained by diverting its water into the Klamath river by the Lost river darn and diversion canal. The lake Is very shallow arid a mrip of about 5000 acres along its north fihore is reclaimed and put under cul tivation each year, There will prob ably be a land opening at Klamath Falls this autum by which the last strip of land reclaimed will be open ed to homestead entry by the rec lamation service. This has been done formerly by land drawings. A num ber of new private Irrigation enter-1 prises are also going ahead to rapid : completion. "Tho Kern brothers have a large tract near Keno, 12 miles south of' Klamath Falls, and J. Frank Adams, j a prominent pioneer stockman, has any satisfactory Increase in tho out put ot the metal, due to labor unrest. The March production was 712,379 fine ounces, ugjlnst C96.281 fine ounces In 1918 nnd 787,379 fine ounces In 1917. Van's phone number is the same as always 298-W. 2-tf YOU GET THE BENEFIT Of our two years' experience test ing aeroplano motors. It means that we can find tbe trouble and correct It. Try us orj your car troubles. We guaranto our work. Charges reasonable. Hoagland & McCollum ir-M Main Ht. Phone 282-W. MAMAMAMMVWrVWs)WsarWsWVV SALEM. May 13. Tho Highway Commission at Portland en luue )C, will receive bids for the n.ile of one million dollars worth of fr.i.r .ier cent Oregon Highway bonds. Tha ol Is wl'l hargaln, mi hurry be received for road construi Hon in cluding the following. In Douglas County, Pacific Highway griding, macadamizing the road fruii l.-tona to Drain, Yoncall section sncn miles; Oakland to Wilbur, Ito-iudur- 10 Wil bur, Roseburg to Wilbur, Hcn'burg to Dlllard, Jacques place t .lohn's place; In I'olk County, west "Id.) highway paving to Hon ton Couiiiy Hevrn room modern plastered house three block from Main Ht., at sUWM). It' In good repair and will please the careful buyer. Term. Five room modern house near llth Ht. pavement; two lot, screened porches, lawn, tree. . I'rlrr 92MOO. The house alone would rtmt more. Keteral of the best homes In the rlty ranging from g.VMN) to 9H.100. We shall be glad to show them Koine fine residence lots In Hot Hnrlnirs, First Addition and Nichols line; In Umatilla County, old Ore- Addition. Will trade wveral clear lots gon trail grading from C.iblmg-j Hill Pr letil on houses. to Kamc,a CHILCOTE & SMITH TAKKH ADI.KIl-l-KA 633 Main St Phone 66 STUDY THK TfUK QUKSTION for .vmiiwlf : act in the purchase nf tiros you would in the purchase of matei'ViVj for your business. Buy of reliable con .1.1 Ml. . V Vll. ccius iiuu iiavf minimis 01 dollars, years of experience anil a reputation more' valiinlti,, capital back of tliuir invested than their product. Not only is the unknown tire with which the market is flooded extravagant financi ally, but it spoils the pleasure of autoniohiU If you buy the rijjht tires of the liht con cern and start out with four food shoes on your wureiM, you can o mere and back without worrying. mine THE WHIT sJh"ss. K.ff.ISjL JTA. . I ' k f LakiWir- ICAN the ornciAL AUTO IlLUf. HOOK AND CALIHOHNIA 31TU AUTO ASSOCIATION GARAGE WICKER CHAIRS WICKER ROCKERS Perkins Furniture House "The Furnither of Happy Hornet" ! 120-126 N. Sixth St ' A new line mattresses from $4 to $40 Second Hand from $1 to $10 WICKER ROCKERS WICKER CHAIRS it NATIONAL METAL WEATHER STRIP Keeps Out Cold Keep. Out Duit Keeps in Heat 25 Per Cent to 40 Per Cent Fuel T. L. COLLIER Authorized Sales Agent for Oregon COMING SOON ? I "I hail HorliiUH bowel and live trouble. Lout 50 pountU anil could tut only liquid food. IIckuii tnkliiK Adlf.T-l-ka and now weigh nmro than ,.u. L,. nn.l ul...,. ur.t..n,ll,llv " (SlKncd) CeoRe LaFnnd, Mttlix iKuIIh, Minn. Ono iIoho Adler-l-kii n- J 'llovi'H sour Htomnch, kuh and conntl- Ipntlon Instuntly. RcmovcH all foul muttiir which jioIhomh HyHtuin Often furi;H tonHtlputlon. I'rovuntH appen dicitis Wo have Hold Aillnr-l-ka 'muny ycum. It Ih a mlxturn of bnek tliorn, cuHcura, clycerlno nnd nlno othor Hlinplo druR. Wliltmun Urui; Company. Adv. , iixiixtiw People's Market PRODUCER TO CONSUMER This market requires no artificial stimulant. The Meats sold here are marked at the outset at the lowest possible price for which such qualities can be obtained. Phone 83 534 Main St. T f t t t ? T T t t t t t ? T A Good Appearance IS ONE OF YOUR BIG ASSETS. YOUR CLOTHES WILL BE CLEANER AND YOUR POCKETBOOK HEAVIER IF YOU SEND THEM TO D. & M. Cleaning Co. MAIN STREET, CORNER OF SIXTH It Takes Out of Town Orders Promptly Returned. Only Ten Cents Postage. FREE DELIVERY ' PHONE 30 I I B 8 S f T T T T t T ! I Y T T T T T t